The ordering of files (eliding `*Proofs.v` files) is: ``` Arithmetic.v ↑ Language.v ←──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ↗ ↖ │ ↗ ↖ │ UnderLets.v GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v MiscCompilerPasses.v ↑ ↖ ↗ ↑ AbstractInterpretation.v Rewriter.v │ ↑ ↑ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ CStringification.v │ │ ↑ ┌───────────────────┴─┘ Toplevel1.v ←── Toplevel2.v ←───────────┐ ↑ │ CLI.v SlowPrimeSynthesisExamples.v ↑ ↑ │ └────────────────────────────┐ StandaloneHaskellMain.v StandaloneOCamlMain.v ↑ ↑ ExtractionHaskell.v ExtractionOCaml.v ``` The files contain: - Arithmetic.v: All of the high-level field arithmetic stuff - Language.v: + PHOAS + reification + denotation/intepretation + utilities for inverting PHOAS exprs + default/dummy values of PHOAS exprs + default instantiation of generic PHOAS types + gallina reification of ground terms + Flat/indexed syntax trees, and conversions to and from PHOAS Defines the passes: + ToFlat + FromFlat + GeneralizeVar - UnderLets.v: the UnderLets monad, a pass that does substitution of var-like things, a pass that inserts let-binders in the next-to-last line of code, substituting away var-like things (this is used to ensure that when we output C code, aliasing the input and the output arrays doesn't cause issues). Defines the passes: + SubstVarFstSndPairOppCast - AbstractInterpretation.v: type-code-based ZRange definitions, abstract interpretation of identifiers (which does let-lifting, for historical reasons, and the dependency on UnderLets should probably be removed), defines the passes: + PartialEvaluateWithBounds + PartialEvaluateWithListInfoFromBounds + CheckPartialEvaluateWithBounds - GENERATEDIdentifiersWithoutTypes.v: generated by a python script which is included in a comment in the file, this is an untyped version of identifiers for the rewriter - Rewriter.v: rewrite rules, rewriting. Defines the passes: + Rewrite + RewriteToFancy + PartialEvaluate (which is just a synonym for Rewrite) - MiscCompilerPasses.v: Defines the passes: + EliminateDead (dead code elimination) + Subst01 (substitute let-binders used 0 or 1 times) - CStringification.v: conversion to C code as strings. (Depends on AbstractInterpretation.v for ZRange utilities.) Defines the passes: + ToString.ToFunctionLines + ToString.ToFunctionString + ToString.LinesToString - CompilersTestCases.v: Various test cases to ensure everything is working - Toplevel1.v: Ring Goal (which SHOULD NOT depend on compilers) + pipeline + a couple of examples pipeline + most of the stuff that uses compilers + arithmetic. This is the file that CLI.v depends on. - Toplevel2.v: Some not-quite-finished-but-kind-of-slow pipeline stuff + all the stuff that uses compilers + arithmetic, together with more examples. Also has semi-broken fancy-machine stuff. This should probably be merged into Toplevel1.v when working on the pipeline. - SlowPrimeSynthesisExamples.v: Additional uses of the pipeline for primes that are kind-of slow, which I don't want extraction blocking on. - CLI.v: Setting up all of the language-independent parts of extraction; relies on having a list of strings-or-error-messages for each pipeline, and on the arguments to that pipeline, and builds a parser for command line arguments for that. - StandaloneHaskellMain.v, StandaloneOCamlMain.v, ExtractionHaskell.v, ExtractionOCaml.v: Extraction of pipeline to various languages