Require Import Require Import Bedrock.Word. Require Import Crypto.Spec.EdDSA. Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics. Require Import BinNat BinInt NArith Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic. Require Import ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems. Require Import ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems. Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve. Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding. Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates. Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems. Require Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp Crypto.Util.WordUtil. Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Equivalence. Require Import Zdiv. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple. Local Open Scope equiv_scope. Generalizable All Variables. Local Ltac set_evars := repeat match goal with | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E) end. Local Ltac subst_evars := repeat match goal with | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e end. Definition path_sig {A P} {RA:relation A} {Rsig:relation (@sig A P)} {HP:Proper (RA==>Basics.impl) P} (H:forall (x y:A) (px:P x) (py:P y), RA x y -> Rsig (exist _ x px) (exist _ y py)) (x : @sig A P) (y0:A) (pf : RA (proj1_sig x) y0) : Rsig x (exist _ y0 (HP _ _ pf (proj2_sig x))). Proof. destruct x. eapply H. assumption. Defined. Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, P a) : P x := let y := x in f y. Global Instance Let_In_Proper_changebody {A P R} {Reflexive_R:@Reflexive P R} : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P)). Proof. lazy; intros; try congruence. subst; auto. Qed. Lemma Let_In_Proper_changevalue {A B} RA {RB} (f:A->B) {Proper_f:Proper (RA==>RB) f} : Proper (RA ==> RB) (fun x => Let_In x f). Proof. intuition. Qed. Ltac fold_identity_lambdas := repeat match goal with | [ H: appcontext [fun x => ?f x] |- _ ] => change (fun x => f x) with f in * | |- appcontext [fun x => ?f x] => change (fun x => f x) with f in * end. Local Ltac replace_let_in_with_Let_In := match goal with | [ |- context G[let x := ?y in @?z x] ] => let G' := context G[Let_In y z] in change G' end. Local Ltac Let_In_app fn := match goal with | [ |- appcontext G[Let_In (fn ?x) ?f] ] => change (Let_In (fn x) f) with (Let_In x (fun y => f (fn y))); cbv beta end. Lemma if_map : forall {T U} (f:T->U) (b:bool) (x y:T), (if b then f x else f y) = f (if b then x else y). Proof. destruct b; trivial. Qed. Lemma pull_Let_In {B C} (f : B -> C) A (v : A) (b : A -> B) : Let_In v (fun v' => f (b v')) = f (Let_In v b). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Let_app_In {A B T} (g:A->B) (f:B->T) (x:A) : @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g x) f = @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) x (fun p => f (g x)). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma Let_app_In' : forall {A B T} {R} {R_equiv:@Equivalence T R} (g : A -> B) (f : B -> T) (x : A) f' (f'_ok: forall z, f' z === f (g z)), Let_In (g x) f === Let_In x f'. Proof. intros; cbv [Let_In]; rewrite f'_ok; reflexivity. Qed. Definition unfold_Let_In {A B} x (f:A->B) : Let_In x f = let y := x in f y := eq_refl. Lemma Let_app2_In {A B C D T} (g1:A->C) (g2:B->D) (f:C*D->T) (x:A) (y:B) : @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g1 x, g2 y) f = @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (x, y) (fun p => f ((g1 (fst p), g2 (snd p)))). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma funexp_proj {T T'} `{@Equivalence T' RT'} (proj : T -> T') (f : T -> T) (f' : T' -> T') {Proper_f':Proper (RT'==>RT') f'} (f_proj : forall a, proj (f a) === f' (proj a)) x n : proj (funexp f x n) === funexp f' (proj x) n. Proof. revert x; induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl; intros. - reflexivity. - rewrite f_proj. rewrite IHn. reflexivity. Qed. Global Instance pair_Equivalence {A B} `{@Equivalence A RA} `{@Equivalence B RB} : @Equivalence (A*B) (fun x y => fst x = fst y /\ snd x === snd y). Proof. constructor; repeat intro; intuition; try congruence. match goal with [H : _ |- _ ] => solve [rewrite H; auto] end. Qed. Global Instance Proper_test_and_op {T scalar} `{Requiv:@Equivalence T RT} {op:T->T->T} {Proper_op:Proper (RT==>RT==>RT) op} {testbit:scalar->nat->bool} {s:scalar} {zero:T} : let R := fun x y => fst x = fst y /\ snd x === snd y in Proper (R==>R) (test_and_op op testbit s zero). Proof. unfold test_and_op; simpl; repeat intro; intuition; repeat match goal with | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:?; simpl in *; subst; try discriminate; auto | [ H: _ |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite H; reflexivity end. Qed. Lemma iter_op_proj {T T' S} `{T'Equiv:@Equivalence T' RT'} (proj : T -> T') (op : T -> T -> T) (op' : T' -> T' -> T') {Proper_op':Proper (RT' ==> RT' ==> RT') op'} x y z (testbit : S -> nat -> bool) (bound : nat) (op_proj : forall a b, proj (op a b) === op' (proj a) (proj b)) : proj (iter_op op x testbit y z bound) === iter_op op' (proj x) testbit y (proj z) bound. Proof. unfold iter_op. lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?proj (snd (funexp ?f ?x ?n)) === snd (funexp ?f' _ ?n) ] => pose proof (fun pf x0 x1 => @funexp_proj _ _ _ _ (fun x' => (fst x', proj (snd x'))) f f' (Proper_test_and_op (Requiv:=T'Equiv)) pf (x0, x1)) as H'; lazymatch type of H' with | ?H'' -> _ => assert (H'') as pf; [clear H'|edestruct (H' pf); simpl in *; solve [eauto]] end end. intros [??]; simpl. repeat match goal with | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:? | _ => progress (unfold equiv; simpl) | _ => progress (subst; intuition) | _ => reflexivity | _ => rewrite op_proj end. Qed. Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd {A T} : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)). Proof. intros ?? H ??? [|]??; subst; simpl; congruence. Qed. Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd' {A T} : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> forall_relation (fun _ => eq)) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)). Proof. intros ?? H ??? [|]; subst; simpl; congruence. Qed. Hint Extern 1 (Proper _ (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?T))) => exact (@option_rect_Proper_nd' A T) : typeclass_instances. Lemma option_rect_option_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) some none v, option_rect (fun _ => C) (fun x => some (f x)) none v = option_rect (fun _ => C) some none (option_map f v). Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma option_rect_function {A B C S' N' v} f : f (option_rect (fun _ : option A => option B) S' N' v) = option_rect (fun _ : option A => C) (fun x => f (S' x)) (f N') v. Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed. Local Ltac commute_option_rect_Let_In := (* pull let binders out side of option_rect pattern matching *) idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Let_In ?x ?f) ] => (* we want to just do a [change] here, but unification is stupid, so we have to tell it what to unfold in what order *) cut (LHS = Let_In x (fun y => option_rect P S N (f y))); cbv beta; [ set_evars; let H := fresh in intro H; rewrite H; clear; abstract (cbv [Let_In]; reflexivity) | ] end. (** TODO: possibly move me, remove local *) Local Ltac replace_option_match_with_option_rect := idtac; lazymatch goal with | [ |- _ = ?RHS :> ?T ] => lazymatch RHS with | match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end => replace RHS with (option_rect (fun _ => T) S N a) by (destruct a; reflexivity) end end. Local Ltac simpl_option_rect := (* deal with [option_rect _ _ _ None] and [option_rect _ _ _ (Some _)] *) repeat match goal with | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N None] ] => change (option_rect P S N None) with N | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Some ?x) ] ] => change (option_rect P S N (Some x)) with (S x); cbv beta end. Definition COMPILETIME {T} (x:T) : T := x. Lemma N_to_nat_le_mono : forall a b, (a <= b)%N -> (N.to_nat a <= N.to_nat b)%nat. Proof. intros. pose proof (Nomega.Nlt_out a (N.succ b)). rewrite N2Nat.inj_succ, N.lt_succ_r, <-NPeano.Nat.lt_succ_r in *; auto. Qed. Lemma N_size_nat_le_mono : forall a b, (a <= b)%N -> (N.size_nat a <= N.size_nat b)%nat. Proof. intros. destruct (N.eq_dec a 0), (N.eq_dec b 0); try abstract (subst;rewrite ?N.le_0_r in *;subst;simpl;omega). rewrite !Nsize_nat_equiv, !N.size_log2 by assumption. edestruct N.succ_le_mono; eauto using N_to_nat_le_mono, N.log2_le_mono. Qed. Lemma Z_to_N_Z_of_nat : forall n, Z.to_N (Z.of_nat n) = N.of_nat n. Proof. induction n; auto. Qed. Lemma Z_of_nat_nonzero : forall m, m <> 0 -> (0 < Z.of_nat m)%Z. Proof. intros. destruct m; [congruence|reflexivity]. Qed. Section with_unqualified_modulo. Import NPeano Nat. Local Infix "mod" := modulo : nat_scope. Lemma N_of_nat_modulo : forall n m, m <> 0 -> N.of_nat (n mod m)%nat = (N.of_nat n mod N.of_nat m)%N. Proof. intros. apply Znat.N2Z.inj_iff. rewrite !Znat.nat_N_Z. rewrite Zdiv.mod_Zmod by auto. apply Znat.Z2N.inj_iff. { apply Z.mod_pos_bound. apply Z_of_nat_nonzero. assumption. } { apply Znat.N2Z.is_nonneg. } rewrite Znat.Z2N.inj_mod by (auto using Znat.Nat2Z.is_nonneg, Z_of_nat_nonzero). rewrite !Z_to_N_Z_of_nat, !; reflexivity. Qed. End with_unqualified_modulo. Lemma encoding_canonical' {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B} : forall a b, enc a = enc b -> a = b. Proof. intros. pose proof (f_equal dec H). pose proof encoding_valid. pose proof encoding_canonical. congruence. Qed. Lemma compare_encodings {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B} (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff : forall a b:B, (B_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b) : forall a b : T, (a = b) <-> (B_eqb (enc a) (enc b) = true). Proof. intros. split; intro H. { rewrite B_eqb_iff; congruence. } { apply B_eqb_iff in H; eauto using encoding_canonical'. } Qed. Lemma eqb_eq_dec' {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) : forall a b, if eqb a b then a = b else a <> b. Proof. intros. case_eq (eqb a b); intros. { eapply eqb_iff; trivial. } { specialize (eqb_iff a b). rewrite H in eqb_iff. intuition. } Qed. Definition eqb_eq_dec {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) : forall a b : T, {a=b}+{a<>b}. Proof. intros. pose proof (eqb_eq_dec' eqb eqb_iff a b). destruct (eqb a b); eauto. Qed. Definition eqb_eq_dec_and_output {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) : forall a b : T, {a = b /\ eqb a b = true}+{a<>b /\ eqb a b = false}. Proof. intros. pose proof (eqb_eq_dec' eqb eqb_iff a b). destruct (eqb a b); eauto. Qed. Lemma eqb_compare_encodings {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B} (T_eqb:T->T->bool) (T_eqb_iff : forall a b:T, (T_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b) (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff : forall a b:B, (B_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b) : forall a b : T, T_eqb a b = B_eqb (enc a) (enc b). Proof. intros; destruct (eqb_eq_dec_and_output T_eqb T_eqb_iff a b); destruct (eqb_eq_dec_and_output B_eqb B_eqb_iff (enc a) (enc b)); intuition; try find_copy_apply_lem_hyp B_eqb_iff; try find_copy_apply_lem_hyp T_eqb_iff; try congruence. apply (compare_encodings B_eqb B_eqb_iff) in H2; congruence. Qed. Lemma decode_failed_neq_encoding {T B} (encoding_T_B:canonical encoding of T as B) (X:B) (dec_failed:dec X = None) (a:T) : X <> enc a. Proof. pose proof encoding_valid. congruence. Qed. Lemma compare_without_decoding {T B} (encoding_T_B:canonical encoding of T as B) (T_eqb:T->T->bool) (T_eqb_iff:forall a b, T_eqb a b = true <-> a = b) (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff:forall a b, B_eqb a b = true <-> a = b) (P_:B) (Q:T) : option_rect (fun _ : option T => bool) (fun P : T => T_eqb P Q) false (dec P_) = B_eqb P_ (enc Q). Proof. destruct (dec P_) eqn:Hdec; simpl option_rect. { apply encoding_canonical in Hdec; subst; auto using eqb_compare_encodings. } { pose proof encoding_canonical. pose proof encoding_valid. pose proof eqb_compare_encodings. eapply decode_failed_neq_encoding in Hdec. destruct (B_eqb P_ (enc Q)) eqn:Heq; [rewrite B_eqb_iff in Heq; eauto | trivial]. } Qed. Lemma unfoldDiv : forall {m} (x y:F m), (x/y = x * inv y)%F. Proof. unfold div. congruence. Qed. Definition FieldToN {m} (x:F m) := Z.to_N (FieldToZ x). Lemma FieldToN_correct {m} (x:F m) : FieldToN (m:=m) x = Z.to_N (FieldToZ x). reflexivity. Qed. Definition natToField {m} x : F m := ZToField (Z.of_nat x). Definition FieldToNat {m} (x:F m) : nat := Z.to_nat (FieldToZ x). Section with_unqualified_modulo2. Import NPeano Nat. Local Infix "mod" := modulo : nat_scope. Lemma FieldToNat_natToField {m} : m <> 0 -> forall x, x mod m = FieldToNat (natToField (m:=Z.of_nat m) x). unfold natToField, FieldToNat; intros. rewrite (FieldToZ_ZToField), <-mod_Zmod,; trivial. Qed. End with_unqualified_modulo2. Lemma F_eqb_iff {q} : forall x y : F q, F_eqb x y = true <-> x = y. Proof. split; eauto using F_eqb_eq, F_eqb_complete. Qed.