Require Import Crypto.Galois.Galois Crypto.Galois.GaloisTheory Crypto.Galois.ComputationalGaloisField. Require Import Tactics.VerdiTactics. Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec. Require Import BinNums NArith. Module GaloisDefs (M : Modulus). Module Export GT := GaloisTheory M. End GaloisDefs. Module Type TwistedEdwardsParams (M : Modulus). Module Export GFDefs := GaloisDefs M. Local Open Scope GF_scope. Parameter a : GF. Axiom a_nonzero : a <> 0. Axiom a_square : exists x, x * x = a. Parameter d : GF. Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x * x <> d. End TwistedEdwardsParams. Definition testbit_rev p i b := Pos.testbit_nat p (b - i). (* TODO: decide if this should go here or somewhere else (util?) *) (* implements Pos.iter_op only using testbit, not destructing the positive *) Definition iter_op {A} (op : A -> A -> A) (zero : A) (bound : nat) := fix iter (p : positive) (i : nat) (a : A) : A := match i with | O => zero | S i' => if testbit_rev p i bound then op a (iter p i' (op a a)) else iter p i' (op a a) end. Lemma testbit_rev_xI : forall p i b, (i < S b) -> testbit_rev p~1 i (S b) = testbit_rev p i b. Proof. unfold testbit_rev; intros. replace (S b - i) with (S (b - i)) by omega. case_eq (b - S i); intros; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma testbit_rev_xO : forall p i b, (i < S b) -> testbit_rev p~0 i (S b) = testbit_rev p i b. Proof. unfold testbit_rev; intros. replace (S b - i) with (S (b - i)) by omega. case_eq (b - S i); intros; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma testbit_rev_1 : forall i b, (i < S b) -> testbit_rev 1%positive i (S b) = false. Proof. unfold testbit_rev; intros. replace (S b - i) with (S (b - i)) by omega. case_eq (b - S i); intros; simpl; auto. Qed. Lemma iter_op_step_xI : forall {A} p i op z b (a : A), (i < S b) -> iter_op op z (S b) p~1 i a = iter_op op z b p i a. Proof. induction i; intros; [pose proof (Gt.gt_irrefl 0); intuition | ]. simpl; rewrite testbit_rev_xI by omega. case_eq i; intros; auto. rewrite <- H0; simpl. rewrite IHi by omega; auto. Qed. Lemma iter_op_step_xO : forall {A} p i op z b (a : A), (i < S b) -> iter_op op z (S b) p~0 i a = iter_op op z b p i a. Proof. induction i; intros; [pose proof (Gt.gt_irrefl 0); intuition | ]. simpl; rewrite testbit_rev_xO by omega. case_eq i; intros; auto. rewrite <- H0; simpl. rewrite IHi by omega; auto. Qed. Lemma iter_op_step_1 : forall {A} i op z b (a : A), (i < S b) -> iter_op op z (S b) 1%positive i a = z. Proof. induction i; intros; [pose proof (Gt.gt_irrefl 0); intuition | ]. simpl; rewrite testbit_rev_1 by omega. case_eq i; intros; auto. rewrite <- H0; simpl. rewrite IHi by omega; auto. Qed. Lemma pos_size_gt0 : forall p, 0 < Pos.size_nat p. Proof. intros; case_eq p; intros; simpl; auto; try apply Lt.lt_0_Sn. Qed. Hint Resolve pos_size_gt0. Ltac iter_op_step := match goal with | [ |- context[iter_op ?op ?z ?b ?p~1 ?i ?a] ] => rewrite iter_op_step_xI | [ |- context[iter_op ?op ?z ?b ?p~0 ?i ?a] ] => rewrite iter_op_step_xO | [ |- context[iter_op ?op ?z ?b 1%positive ?i ?a] ] => rewrite iter_op_step_1 end; auto. Lemma iter_op_spec : forall b p {A} op z (a : A) (zero_id : forall x : A, op x z = x), (Pos.size_nat p <= b) -> iter_op op z b p b a = Pos.iter_op op p a. Proof. induction b; intros; [pose proof (pos_size_gt0 p); omega |]. simpl; unfold testbit_rev; rewrite Minus.minus_diag. case_eq p; intros; simpl; iter_op_step; simpl; rewrite IHb; rewrite H0 in *; simpl in H; apply Le.le_S_n in H; auto. Qed. Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParams M). Local Open Scope GF_scope. (** Twisted Ewdwards curves with complete addition laws. References: * * * *) Definition onCurve P := let '(x,y) := P in a*x^2 + y^2 = 1 + d*x^2*y^2. Definition point := { P | onCurve P}. Definition mkPoint := exist onCurve. Definition projX (P:point) := fst (proj1_sig P). Definition projY (P:point) := snd (proj1_sig P). Definition checkOnCurve x y : if Zbool.Zeq_bool (a*x^2 + y^2) (1 + d*x^2*y^2) then point else True. break_if. exists (x, y). exact (GFdecidable _ _ Heqb). trivial. Defined. Hint Unfold onCurve mkPoint. Definition zero : point. exists (0, 1). abstract (unfold onCurve; ring). Defined. Definition unifiedAdd' (P1' P2' : (GF*GF)) := let '(x1, y1) := P1' in let '(x2, y2) := P2' in (((x1*y2 + y1*x2)/(1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2)) , ((y1*y2 - a*x1*x2)/(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2))). Definition unifiedAdd (P1 P2 : point) : point. refine ( let 'exist P1' pf1 := P1 in let 'exist P2' pf2 := P2 in mkPoint (unifiedAdd' P1' P2') _). Proof. destruct P1' as [x1 y1], P2' as [x2 y2]; unfold unifiedAdd', onCurve. admit. (* field will likely work here, but I have not done this by hand *) Defined. Local Infix "+" := unifiedAdd. Fixpoint scalarMult (n:nat) (P : point) : point := match n with | O => zero | S n' => P + scalarMult n' P end . Definition doubleAndAdd (b n : nat) (P : point) : point := match N.of_nat n with | 0%N => zero | N.pos p => iter_op unifiedAdd zero b p b P end. End CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve. Module Type CompleteTwistedEdwardsPointFormat (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParams M). Local Open Scope GF_scope. Module Curve := CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve M P. Parameter point : Type. Parameter encode : (GF*GF) -> point. Parameter decode : point -> (GF*GF). Parameter unifiedAdd : point -> point -> point. Parameter rep : point -> (GF*GF) -> Prop. Local Notation "P '~=' rP" := (rep P rP) (at level 70). Axiom encode_rep: forall P, encode P ~= P. Axiom decode_rep : forall P rP, P ~= rP -> decode P = rP. Axiom unifiedAdd_rep: forall P Q rP rQ, Curve.onCurve rP -> Curve.onCurve rQ -> P ~= rP -> Q ~= rQ -> (unifiedAdd P Q) ~= (Curve.unifiedAdd' rP rQ). End CompleteTwistedEdwardsPointFormat. Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParams M). Local Open Scope GF_scope. Module Import Curve := CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve M P. Lemma twistedAddCompletePlus : forall (P1 P2:point), let '(x1, y1) := proj1_sig P1 in let '(x2, y2) := proj1_sig P2 in (1 + d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0. (* "Twisted Edwards Curves" section 6 *) Admitted. Lemma twistedAddCompleteMinus : forall (P1 P2:point), let '(x1, y1) := proj1_sig P1 in let '(x2, y2) := proj1_sig P2 in (1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0. (* "Twisted Edwards Curves" section 6 *) Admitted. Lemma point_eq : forall x1 x2 y1 y2, x1 = x2 -> y1 = y2 -> forall p1 p2, mkPoint (x1, y1) p1 = mkPoint (x2, y2) p2. Proof. intros; subst; f_equal. apply (UIP_dec). (* this is a hack. We actually don't care about the equality of the proofs. However, we *can* prove it, and knowing it lets us use the universal equality instead of a type-specific equivalence, which makes many things nicer. *) admit. (* GF_eq_dec *) Qed. Hint Resolve point_eq. Hint Unfold unifiedAdd onCurve. Ltac twisted := autounfold; intros; repeat (match goal with | [ x : point |- _ ] => destruct x; unfold onCurve in * | [ x : (GF*GF)%type |- _ ] => destruct x | [ |- exist _ _ _ = exist _ _ _ ] => eapply point_eq end; simpl; repeat (ring || f_equal)). Local Infix "+" := unifiedAdd. Lemma twistedAddComm : forall A B, (A+B = B+A). Proof. twisted. Qed. Lemma twistedAddAssoc : forall A B C, A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C. Proof. (* *) Admitted. Lemma zeroIsIdentity : forall P, P + zero = P. Admitted. Hint Resolve zeroIsIdentity. Lemma scalarMult_double : forall n P, scalarMult (n + n) P = scalarMult n (P + P). Proof. intros. replace (n + n)%nat with (n * 2)%nat by omega. induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite twistedAddAssoc. f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma iter_op_double : forall p P, Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd (p + p) P = Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd p (P + P). Proof. intros. rewrite Pos.add_diag. unfold Pos.iter_op; simpl. auto. Qed. Lemma xO_neq1 : forall p, (1 < p~0)%positive. Proof. induction p; simpl; auto. replace 2%positive with (Pos.succ 1) by auto. apply Pos.lt_succ_diag_r. Qed. Lemma xI_neq1 : forall p, (1 < p~1)%positive. Proof. induction p; simpl; auto. replace 3%positive with (Pos.succ (Pos.succ 1)) by auto. pose proof (Pos.lt_succ_diag_r (Pos.succ 1)). pose proof (Pos.lt_succ_diag_r 1). apply (Pos.lt_trans _ _ _ H0 H). Qed. Lemma xI_is_succ : forall n p (H : Pos.of_succ_nat n = p~1%positive), (Pos.to_nat (2 * p))%nat = n. Proof. induction n; intros; simpl in *; auto. { pose proof (xI_neq1 p). rewrite H in H0. pose proof (Pos.lt_irrefl p~1). intuition. } { rewrite Pos.xI_succ_xO in H. pose proof (Pos.succ_inj _ _ H); clear H. rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ in H0. rewrite <- Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_iff in H0. rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_xO in H0. rewrite in H0 by apply NPeano.Nat.neq_succ_0. rewrite H0. apply Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_xO. } Qed. Lemma xO_is_succ : forall n p (H : Pos.of_succ_nat n = p~0%positive), Pos.to_nat (Pos.pred_double p) = n. Proof. induction n; intros; simpl; auto. { pose proof (xO_neq1 p). simpl in H; rewrite H in H0. pose proof (Pos.lt_irrefl p~0). intuition. } { rewrite Pos.pred_double_spec. rewrite <- Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_iff in H. rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_xO in H. rewrite Pnat.SuccNat2Pos.id_succ in H. rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_pred by apply xO_neq1. rewrite <- NPeano.Nat.succ_inj_wd. rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_xO. rewrite <- H. auto. } Qed. Lemma size_of_succ : forall n, Pos.size_nat (Pos.of_nat n) <= Pos.size_nat (Pos.of_nat (S n)). Proof. intros; induction n; [simpl; auto|]. apply Pos.size_nat_monotone. apply Pos.lt_succ_diag_r. Qed. Lemma doubleAndAdd_spec : forall n b P, (Pos.size_nat (Pos.of_nat n) <= b) -> scalarMult n P = doubleAndAdd b n P. Proof. induction n; auto; intros. unfold doubleAndAdd; simpl. rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ. rewrite iter_op_spec by auto. case_eq (Pos.of_nat (S n)); intros. { simpl; f_equal. rewrite (IHn b) by (pose proof (size_of_succ n); omega). unfold doubleAndAdd. rewrite H0 in H. rewrite <- Pos.of_nat_succ in H0. rewrite <- (xI_is_succ n p) by apply H0. rewrite Znat.positive_nat_N; simpl. rewrite iter_op_spec; auto. } { simpl; f_equal. rewrite (IHn b) by (pose proof (size_of_succ n); omega). unfold doubleAndAdd. rewrite <- (xO_is_succ n p) by (rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ; auto). rewrite Znat.positive_nat_N; simpl. rewrite <- Pos.succ_pred_double in H0. rewrite H0 in H. rewrite iter_op_spec by (try (pose proof (Pos.lt_succ_diag_r (Pos.pred_double p)); apply Pos.size_nat_monotone in H1; omega); auto). rewrite <- iter_op_double. rewrite Pos.add_diag. rewrite <- Pos.succ_pred_double. rewrite Pos.iter_op_succ by apply twistedAddAssoc; auto. } { rewrite <- Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_iff in H0. rewrite in H0 by auto. rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_1 in H0. assert (n = 0)%nat by omega; subst. auto. } Qed. End CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts. Module Type Minus1Params (Import M : Modulus) <: TwistedEdwardsParams M. Module Export GFDefs := GaloisDefs M. Local Open Scope GF_scope. Definition a := inject (- 1). Axiom a_nonzero : a <> 0. Axiom a_square : exists x, x * x = a. Parameter d : GF. Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x * x <> d. End Minus1Params. Module Minus1Format (M : Modulus) (Import P : Minus1Params M) <: CompleteTwistedEdwardsPointFormat M P. Local Open Scope GF_scope. Module Import Facts := CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts M P. Module Import Curve := Facts.Curve. (** [projective] represents a point on an elliptic curve using projective * Edwards coordinates for twisted edwards curves with a=-1 (see * * ) *) Record projective := mkProjective {projectiveX : GF; projectiveY : GF; projectiveZ : GF}. Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ')'" := (mkProjective X Y Z). Definition twistedToProjective (P : (GF*GF)) : projective := let '(x, y) := P in (x, y, 1). Definition projectiveToTwisted (P : projective) : GF * GF := let 'mkProjective X Y Z := P in pair (X/Z) (Y/Z). Hint Unfold projectiveToTwisted twistedToProjective. Lemma GFdiv_1 : forall x, x/1 = x. Admitted. Hint Resolve GFdiv_1. Lemma twistedProjectiveInv P : projectiveToTwisted (twistedToProjective P) = P. Proof. twisted; eapply GFdiv_1. Qed. (** [extended] represents a point on an elliptic curve using extended projective * Edwards coordinates with twist a=-1 (see ). *) Record extended := mkExtended {extendedToProjective : projective; extendedT : GF}. Definition point := extended. Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ',' T ')'" := (mkExtended (X, Y, Z) T). Definition extendedValid (P : point) : Prop := let pP := extendedToProjective P in let X := projectiveX pP in let Y := projectiveY pP in let Z := projectiveZ pP in let T := extendedT P in T = X*Y/Z. Definition twistedToExtended (P : (GF*GF)) : point := let '(x, y) := P in (x, y, 1, x*y). Definition encode P := let '(x, y) := P in twistedToExtended (x, y). Definition decode (P : point) := projectiveToTwisted (extendedToProjective P). Local Hint Unfold extendedValid twistedToExtended decode projectiveToTwisted Curve.unifiedAdd'. Lemma twistedExtendedInv : forall P, decode (twistedToExtended P) = P. Proof. twisted; eapply GFdiv_1. Qed. Lemma twistedToExtendedValid : forall P, extendedValid (twistedToExtended P). Proof. autounfold. destruct P. simpl. rewrite GFdiv_1; reflexivity. Qed. Definition rep (P:point) (rP:(GF*GF)) : Prop := decode P = rP /\ extendedValid P. Local Notation "P '~=' rP" := (rep P rP) (at level 70). Ltac rep := repeat progress (intros; autounfold; subst; auto; match goal with | [ x : rep ?a ?b |- _ ] => destruct x end). Lemma encode_rep : forall P, encode P ~= P. Proof. split. apply twistedExtendedInv. apply twistedToExtendedValid. Qed. Lemma decode_rep : forall P rP, P ~= rP -> decode P = rP. Proof. rep. Qed. Local Notation "2" := (1+1). (** Second equation from section 3.1, also and *) Definition unifiedAdd (P1 P2 : point) : point := let k := 2 * d in let pP1 := extendedToProjective P1 in let X1 := projectiveX pP1 in let Y1 := projectiveY pP1 in let Z1 := projectiveZ pP1 in let T1 := extendedT P1 in let pP2 := extendedToProjective P2 in let X2 := projectiveX pP2 in let Y2 := projectiveY pP2 in let Z2 := projectiveZ pP2 in let T2 := extendedT P2 in let A := (Y1-X1)*(Y2-X2) in let B := (Y1+X1)*(Y2+X2) in let C := T1*k*T2 in let D := Z1*2*Z2 in let E := B-A in let F := D-C in let G := D+C in let H := B+A in let X3 := E*F in let Y3 := G*H in let T3 := E*H in let Z3 := F*G in mkExtended (mkProjective X3 Y3 Z3) T3. Delimit Scope extendedM1_scope with extendedM1. Infix "+" := unifiedAdd : extendedM1_scope. Lemma unifiedAddCon : forall (P1 P2:point) (hv1:extendedValid P1) (hv2:extendedValid P2), extendedValid (P1 + P2)%extendedM1. Proof. intros. remember ((P1+P2)%extendedM1) as P3. destruct P1 as [[X1 Y1 Z1] T1]. destruct P2 as [[X2 Y2 Z2] T2]. destruct P3 as [[X3 Y3 Z3] T3]. unfold extendedValid, extendedToProjective, projectiveToTwisted in *. invcs HeqP3. subst. (* field. -- fails. but it works in sage: sage -c 'var("d X1 X2 Y1 Y2 Z1 Z2"); print(bool((((Y1 + X1) * (Y2 + X2) - (Y1 - X1) * (Y2 - X2)) * ((Y1 + X1) * (Y2 + X2) - (Y1 - X1) * (Y2 - X2)) == ((Y1 + X1) * (Y2 + X2) - (Y1 - X1) * (Y2 - X2)) * (2 * Z1 * Z2 - 2 * ((0 - d) / a) * (X1 * Y1 / Z1) * (X2 * Y2 / Z2)) * ((2 * Z1 * Z2 + 2 * ((0 - d) / a) * (X1 * Y1 / Z1) * (X2 * Y2 / Z2)) * ((Y1 + X1) * (Y2 + X2) - (Y1 - X1) * (Y2 - X2))) / ((2 * Z1 * Z2 - 2 * ((0 - d) / a) * (X1 * Y1 / Z1) * (X2 * Y2 / Z2)) * (2 * Z1 * Z2 + 2 * ((0 - d) / a) * (X1 * Y1 / Z1) * (X2 * Y2 / Z2))))))' Outputs: True *) Admitted. Ltac extended0 := repeat progress (autounfold; simpl); intros; repeat match goal with | [ x : Curve.point |- _ ] => destruct x | [ x : point |- _ ] => destruct x | [ x : projective |- _ ] => destruct x end; simpl in *; subst. Ltac extended := extended0; repeat (ring || f_equal)(*; field*). Lemma unifiedAddToTwisted : forall (P1 P2 : point) tP1 tP2 (P1con : extendedValid P1) (P1on : Curve.onCurve tP1) (P1rep : decode P1 = tP1) (P2con : extendedValid P2) (P2on : Curve.onCurve tP2) (P2rep : decode P2 = tP2), decode (P1 + P2)%extendedM1 = Curve.unifiedAdd' tP1 tP2. Proof. extended0. apply f_equal2. (* case 1 verified by hand: follows from field and completeness of edwards addition *) Admitted. Lemma unifiedAdd_rep: forall P Q rP rQ, Curve.onCurve rP -> Curve.onCurve rQ -> P ~= rP -> Q ~= rQ -> (unifiedAdd P Q) ~= (Curve.unifiedAdd' rP rQ). Proof. split; rep. apply unifiedAddToTwisted; auto. apply unifiedAddCon; auto. Qed. End Minus1Format. (* (** [precomputed] represents a point on an elliptic curve using "precomputed" * Edwards coordinates, as used for fixed-base scalar multiplication * (see section 4: addition). *) Record precomputed := mkPrecomputed {precomputedSum : GF; precomputedDifference : GF; precomputed2dxy : GF}. Definition twistedToPrecomputed (d:GF) (P : twisted) : precomputed := let x := twistedX P in let y := twistedY P in mkPrecomputed (y+x) (y-x) (2*d*x*y). *) Module WeirstrassMontgomery (Import M : Modulus). Module Import GT := GaloisTheory M. Local Open Scope GF_scope. Local Notation "2" := (1+1). Local Notation "3" := (1+1+1). Local Notation "4" := (1+1+1+1). Local Notation "27" := (3*3*3). (** [weierstrass] represents a point on an elliptic curve using Weierstrass * coordinates () definition 13.1*) Record weierstrass := mkWeierstrass {weierstrassX : GF; weierstrassY : GF}. Definition weierstrassOnCurve (a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6:GF) (P : weierstrass) : Prop := let x := weierstrassX P in let y := weierstrassY P in y^2 + a1*x*y + a3*y = x^3 + a2*x^2 + a4*x + a6. (** [montgomery] represents a point on an elliptic curve using Montgomery * coordinates (see ) *) Record montgomery := mkMontgomery {montgomeryX : GF; montgomeryY : GF}. Definition montgomeryOnCurve (B A:GF) (P : montgomery) : Prop := let x := montgomeryX P in let y := montgomeryY P in B*y^2 = x^3 + A*x^2 + x. (** see section 13.2.3.c and *) Definition montgomeryToWeierstrass (B A:GF) (P : montgomery) : weierstrass := let x := montgomeryX P in let y := montgomeryY P in mkWeierstrass (x/B + A/(3*B)) (y/B). Lemma montgomeryToWeierstrassOnCurve : forall (B A:GF) (P:montgomery), let a4 := 1/B^2 - A^2/(3*B^2) in let a6 := 0- A^3/(27*B^3) - a4*A/(3*B) in let P' := montgomeryToWeierstrass B A P in montgomeryOnCurve B A P -> weierstrassOnCurve 0 0 0 a4 0 a6 P'. Proof. intros. unfold montgomeryToWeierstrass, montgomeryOnCurve, weierstrassOnCurve in *. remember (weierstrassY P') as y in *. remember (weierstrassX P') as x in *. remember (montgomeryX P) as u in *. remember (montgomeryY P) as v in *. clear Hequ Heqv Heqy Heqx P'. (* This is not currently important and makes field run out of memory. Maybe * because I transcribed it incorrectly... *) Abort. (* from *) Definition montgomeryAddDistinct (B A:GF) (P1 P2:montgomery) : montgomery := let x1 := montgomeryX P1 in let y1 := montgomeryY P1 in let x2 := montgomeryX P2 in let y2 := montgomeryY P2 in mkMontgomery (B*(y2-y1)^2/(x2-x1)^2-A-x1-x2) ((2*x1+x2+A)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)-B*(y2-y1)^3/(x2-x1)^3-y1). Definition montgomeryDouble (B A:GF) (P1:montgomery) : montgomery := let x1 := montgomeryX P1 in let y1 := montgomeryY P1 in mkMontgomery (B*(3*x1^2+2*A*x1+1)^2/(2*B*y1)^2-A-x1-x1) ((2*x1+x1+A)*(3*x1^2+2*A*x1+1)/(2*B*y1)-B*(3*x1^2+2*A*x1+1)^3/(2*B*y1)^3-y1). Definition montgomeryNegate P := mkMontgomery (montgomeryX P) (0-montgomeryY P). (** [montgomeryXFrac] represents a point on an elliptic curve using Montgomery x * coordinate stored as fraction as in * appendix B. *) Record montgomeryXFrac := mkMontgomeryXFrac {montgomeryXFracX : GF; montgomeryXFracZ : GF}. Definition montgomeryToMontgomeryXFrac P := mkMontgomeryXFrac (montgomeryX P) 1. Definition montgomeryXFracToMontgomeryX P : GF := (montgomeryXFracX P) / (montgomeryXFracZ P). (* from , * also appears in *) Definition montgomeryDifferentialDoubleAndAdd (a : GF) (X1 : GF) (P2 P3 : montgomeryXFrac) : (montgomeryXFrac * montgomeryXFrac) := let X2 := montgomeryXFracX P2 in let Z2 := montgomeryXFracZ P2 in let X3 := montgomeryXFracX P3 in let Z3 := montgomeryXFracZ P3 in let A := X2 + Z2 in let AA := A^2 in let B := X2 - Z2 in let BB := B^2 in let E := AA - BB in let C := X3 + Z3 in let D := X3 - Z3 in let DA := D * A in let CB := C * B in let X5 := (DA + CB)^2 in let Z5 := X1 * (DA - CB)^2 in let X4 := AA * BB in let Z4 := E * (BB + (a-2)/4 * E) in (mkMontgomeryXFrac X4 Z4, mkMontgomeryXFrac X5 Z5). (* (* Theorem 3.2. *) (* TODO: exceptional points *) Definition twistedToMontfomery (a d:GF) (P : twisted) : montgomery := let x := twistedX P in let y := twistedY P in mkMontgomery ((1+y)/(1-y)) ((1+y)/((1-y)*x)). Definition montgomeryToTwisted (B A:GF) (P : montgomery) : twisted := let X := montgomeryX P in let Y := montgomeryY P in mkTwisted (X/Y) ((X-1)/(X+1)). *) End WeirstrassMontgomery.