Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics. Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp. Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems. Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums Coq.NArith.NArith Coq.NArith.Nnat Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Section EdwardsDoubleAndAdd. Context {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams}. Definition doubleAndAdd (bound n : nat) (P : E.point) : E.point := iter_op E.add N.testbit_nat (N.of_nat n) P bound. Lemma scalarMult_double : forall n P, E.mul (n + n) P = E.mul n (P + P)%E. Proof. intros. replace (n + n)%nat with (n * 2)%nat by omega. induction n; simpl; auto. rewrite E.add_assoc. f_equal; auto. Qed. Lemma doubleAndAdd_spec : forall bound n P, N.size_nat (N.of_nat n) <= bound -> E.mul n P = doubleAndAdd bound n P. Proof. induction n; auto; intros; unfold doubleAndAdd; rewrite iter_op_spec with (scToN := fun x => x); ( unfold Morphisms.Proper, Morphisms.respectful, Equivalence.equiv; intros; subst; try rewrite; reflexivity || assumption || apply E.add_assoc || rewrite E.add_comm; apply E.add_0_r). Qed. End EdwardsDoubleAndAdd.