Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.InputSyntax. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.Equality. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Z.Syntax.Util. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.WfReflective. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Reify. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Eta. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.EtaInterp. Ltac base_reify_op op op_head extra ::= lazymatch op_head with | @Z.add => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Add TZ TZ TZ)) | @Z.mul => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Mul TZ TZ TZ)) | @Z.sub => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Sub TZ TZ TZ)) | @Z.shiftl => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Shl TZ TZ TZ)) | @Z.shiftr => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Shr TZ TZ TZ)) | => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Land TZ TZ TZ)) | @Z.lor => constr:(reify_op op op_head 2 (Lor TZ TZ TZ)) | @Z.opp => constr:(reify_op op op_head 1 (Opp TZ TZ)) end. Ltac base_reify_type T ::= lazymatch T with | Z => TZ end. Ltac Reify' e := Compilers.Reify.Reify' base_type interp_base_type op e. Ltac Reify e := let v := Compilers.Reify.Reify base_type interp_base_type op make_const e in constr:(ExprEta v). Ltac prove_ExprEta_Compile_correct := fun _ => intros; rewrite ?InterpExprEta; prove_compile_correct_using ltac:(fun _ => apply make_const_correct) (). Ltac Reify_rhs := Compilers.Reify.Reify_rhs_gen Reify prove_ExprEta_Compile_correct interp_op ltac:(fun tac => tac ()). Ltac prereify_context_variables := Compilers.Reify.prereify_context_variables interp_base_type. Ltac reify_context_variable := Compilers.Reify.reify_context_variable base_type interp_base_type op. Ltac lazy_reify_context_variable := Compilers.Reify.lazy_reify_context_variable base_type interp_base_type op. Ltac reify_context_variables := Compilers.Reify.reify_context_variables base_type interp_base_type op.