Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax. Local Open Scope ctype_scope. Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type}. Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code). Section interp. Section flat_type. Context {interp_base_type : base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation interp_flat_type := (interp_flat_type interp_base_type). Fixpoint flat_interp_tuple' {T n} : interp_flat_type (tuple' T n) -> Tuple.tuple' (interp_flat_type T) n := match n return interp_flat_type (tuple' T n) -> Tuple.tuple' (interp_flat_type T) n with | O => fun x => x | S n' => fun '((x, y) : interp_flat_type (tuple' T n' * T)) => (@flat_interp_tuple' _ n' x, y) end. Definition flat_interp_tuple {T n} : interp_flat_type (tuple T n) -> Tuple.tuple (interp_flat_type T) n := match n return interp_flat_type (tuple T n) -> Tuple.tuple (interp_flat_type T) n with | O => fun x => x | S n' => @flat_interp_tuple' T n' end. Fixpoint flat_interp_untuple' {T n} : Tuple.tuple' (interp_flat_type T) n -> interp_flat_type (tuple' T n) := match n return Tuple.tuple' (interp_flat_type T) n -> interp_flat_type (tuple' T n) with | O => fun x => x | S n' => fun '((x, y) : Tuple.tuple' _ n' * _) => (@flat_interp_untuple' _ n' x, y) end. Definition flat_interp_untuple {T n} : Tuple.tuple (interp_flat_type T) n -> interp_flat_type (tuple T n) := match n return Tuple.tuple (interp_flat_type T) n -> interp_flat_type (tuple T n) with | O => fun x => x | S n' => @flat_interp_untuple' T n' end. Lemma flat_interp_untuple'_tuple' {T n v} : @flat_interp_untuple' T n (flat_interp_tuple' v) = v. Proof using Type. induction n; [ reflexivity | simpl; destruct v; rewrite IHn; reflexivity ]. Qed. Lemma flat_interp_untuple_tuple {T n v} : flat_interp_untuple (@flat_interp_tuple T n v) = v. Proof using Type. destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply flat_interp_untuple'_tuple' ]. Qed. Lemma flat_interp_tuple'_untuple' {T n v} : @flat_interp_tuple' T n (flat_interp_untuple' v) = v. Proof using Type. induction n; [ reflexivity | simpl; destruct v; rewrite IHn; reflexivity ]. Qed. Lemma flat_interp_tuple_untuple {T n v} : @flat_interp_tuple T n (flat_interp_untuple v) = v. Proof using Type. destruct n; [ reflexivity | apply flat_interp_tuple'_untuple' ]. Qed. End flat_type. End interp. Section interp2. Section flat_type. Context {interp_base_type1 interp_base_type2 : base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation interp_flat_type1 := (interp_flat_type interp_base_type1). Local Notation interp_flat_type2 := (interp_flat_type interp_base_type2). Definition tuple_map {A B n} (f : interp_flat_type1 A -> interp_flat_type2 B) (v : interp_flat_type1 (tuple A n)) : interp_flat_type2 (tuple B n) := flat_interp_untuple ( f (flat_interp_tuple v)). End flat_type. End interp2. End language. Global Arguments flat_interp_tuple' {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments flat_interp_tuple {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments flat_interp_untuple' {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments flat_interp_untuple {_ _ _ _} _. Global Arguments tuple_map {_ _ _ _ _ n} _ _. Ltac unfold_flat_interp_tuple _ := let handle n := ltac:(let n' := (eval cbv in n) in progress change n with n') in repeat match goal with | [ |- context[@flat_interp_tuple _ _ _ ?n] ] => handle n | [ |- context[@flat_interp_tuple' _ _ _ ?n] ] => handle n | [ |- context[@flat_interp_untuple _ _ _ ?n] ] => handle n | [ |- context[@flat_interp_untuple' _ _ _ ?n] ] => handle n end; cbv [flat_interp_tuple flat_interp_tuple' flat_interp_untuple flat_interp_untuple'].