Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Wf. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.InterpWfRel. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Relations. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartMap. (*Require Import Crypto.Compilers.TypeUtil. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.BoundByCast.*) Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartBound. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.ExprInversion. (*Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartBoundWf. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.InlineCastInterp. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.InlineInterp. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.LinearizeInterp. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.LinearizeWf. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.MapCastInterp. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.MapCastWf. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.EtaInterp.*) Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.DestructHead. Local Open Scope expr_scope. Local Open Scope ctype_scope. Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type} {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type} (interp_base_type interp_base_type_bounds : base_type_code -> Type) (interp_op : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst) (interp_op_bounds : forall src dst, op src dst -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds dst) (bound_base_type : forall t, interp_base_type_bounds t -> base_type_code) (base_type_beq : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool) (base_type_bl_transparent : forall x y, base_type_beq x y = true -> x = y) (base_type_leb : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool) (Cast : forall var A A', exprf base_type_code op (var:=var) (Tbase A) -> exprf base_type_code op (var:=var) (Tbase A')) (cast_val : forall A A', interp_base_type A -> interp_base_type A') (genericize_op : forall src dst (opc : op src dst) (new_bounded_type_in new_bounded_type_out : base_type_code), option { src'dst' : _ & op (fst src'dst') (snd src'dst') }) (failf : forall var t, @exprf base_type_code op var (Tbase t)) (is_bounded_by_base : forall t, interp_base_type t -> interp_base_type_bounds t -> Prop) (interpf_cast : forall A A' e, interpf interp_op (Cast _ A A' e) = cast_val A A' (interpf interp_op e)) (strip_cast_val : forall t x y, is_bounded_by_base t y x -> cast_val (bound_base_type t x) t (cast_val t (bound_base_type t x) y) = y). (* (wff_Cast : forall var1 var2 G A A' e1 e2, wff G e1 e2 -> wff G (Cast var1 A A' e1) (Cast var2 A A' e2)).*) Local Notation is_bounded_by (*{T} : interp_flat_type interp_base_type T -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds T -> Prop*) := (interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise is_bounded_by_base). Context (is_bounded_by_interp_op : forall src dst opc sv1 sv2, is_bounded_by sv1 sv2 -> is_bounded_by (interp_op src dst opc sv1) (interp_op_bounds src dst opc sv2)). Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op). Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op). Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op). Local Notation SmartBound := (@SmartBound _ _ _ interp_op_bounds bound_base_type Cast). Local Notation smart_bound := (@smart_bound _ _ interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type Cast). Local Notation interpf_smart_bound := (@interpf_smart_bound _ interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type interp_base_type cast_val). Local Notation interpf_smart_unbound := (@interpf_smart_unbound _ interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type interp_base_type cast_val). Local Notation interpf_smart_bound_exprf := (@interpf_smart_bound_exprf _ op interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type Cast). Local Notation interpf_smart_unbound_exprf := (@interpf_smart_unbound_exprf _ op interp_base_type_bounds bound_base_type Cast). Local Notation bound_op := (@bound_op _ _ _ interp_op_bounds bound_base_type _ base_type_bl_transparent base_type_leb Cast genericize_op). Local Ltac t := unfold SmartPairf, SmartBound.interpf_smart_bound, SmartBound.interpf_smart_bound_exprf; repeat first [ reflexivity | progress destruct_head' unit | progress simpl in * | rewrite !interpf_cast | match goal with H : _ |- _ => setoid_rewrite H end ]. Lemma interpf_SmartPairf_interpf_smart_bound_exprf {t} e bounds : interpf interp_op (SmartPairf (interpf_smart_bound_exprf (t:=t) e bounds)) = interpf_smart_bound e bounds. Proof using interpf_cast. clear -interpf_cast; induction t; t. Qed. Lemma interpf_SmartPairf_interpf_smart_unbound_exprf {t} bounds e : interpf interp_op (SmartPairf (interpf_smart_unbound_exprf (t:=t) bounds e)) = interpf_smart_unbound bounds (SmartVarfMap (fun _ e => interpf interp_op e) e). Proof using interpf_cast. clear -interpf_cast; induction t; t. Qed. Lemma interp_smart_bound_and_rel {t} (e : expr t) (ebounds : expr t) (Hwf : wf e ebounds) (input_bounds : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds (domain t)) (output_bounds := interp interp_op_bounds ebounds input_bounds) (e' := smart_bound e (interp interp_op_bounds ebounds) input_bounds) : forall x, is_bounded_by (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x) input_bounds -> is_bounded_by (interp interp_op e (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x)) output_bounds /\ interpf_smart_unbound _ (interp interp_op e' x) = interp interp_op e (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x). Proof using interpf_cast is_bounded_by_interp_op strip_cast_val. intros; subst e' output_bounds. match goal with |- ?A /\ ?B => cut (A /\ (A -> B)); [ tauto | ] end. split. { apply interp_wf; auto. } { intro Hbounded_out. unfold smart_bound; simpl. cbv [LetIn.Let_In]. rewrite interpf_invert_Abs, interpf_SmartPairf_interpf_smart_bound_exprf, interpf_SmartPairf_interpf_smart_unbound_exprf, SmartVarfMap_compose; simpl. rewrite SmartVarfMap_id. setoid_rewrite SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp2_SmartFlatTypeMap2Interp2. etransitivity; [ | eapply SmartVarfMap2_snd_arg ]. apply lift_interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise_f_eq2. eauto using interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise_impl', interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise_always. } Qed. Lemma InterpSmartBoundAndRel {t} (e : Expr t) (Hwf : Wf e) (input_bounds : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds (domain t)) (output_bounds := Interp interp_op_bounds e input_bounds) (e' := SmartBound e input_bounds) (*(Hgood : bounds_are_recursively_good (@interp_op_bounds) bound_is_good (invert_Abs (e _) input_bounds))*) : forall x, is_bounded_by (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x) input_bounds -> is_bounded_by (Interp interp_op e (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x)) output_bounds /\ interpf_smart_unbound _ (Interp interp_op e' x) = Interp interp_op e (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x). Proof using interpf_cast is_bounded_by_interp_op strip_cast_val. apply interp_smart_bound_and_rel; auto. Qed. Lemma InterpSmartBound {t} (e : Expr t) (Hwf : Wf e) (input_bounds : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds (domain t)) (output_bounds := Interp interp_op_bounds e input_bounds) (e' := SmartBound e input_bounds) (*(Hgood : bounds_are_recursively_good (@interp_op_bounds) bound_is_good (invert_Abs (e _) input_bounds))*) : forall x, is_bounded_by (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x) input_bounds -> interpf_smart_unbound _ (Interp interp_op e' x) = Interp interp_op e (interpf_smart_unbound input_bounds x). Proof using interpf_cast is_bounded_by_interp_op strip_cast_val. intros; eapply InterpSmartBoundAndRel; auto. Qed. End language.