Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax. Local Open Scope core_scope. Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x). Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type} {Name : Type}. Section monad. Context (MName : Type) (force : MName -> option Name). Fixpoint split_mnames (t : flat_type base_type_code) (ls : list MName) : option (interp_flat_type (fun _ => Name) t) * list MName := match t return option (@interp_flat_type base_type_code (fun _ => Name) t) * _ with | Tbase _ => match ls with | cons n ls' => match force n with | Some n => (Some n, ls') | None => (None, ls') end | nil => (None, nil) end | Unit => (Some tt, ls) | Prod A B => let '(a, ls) := eta (@split_mnames A ls) in let '(b, ls) := eta (@split_mnames B ls) in (match a, b with | Some a', Some b' => Some (a', b') | _, _ => None end, ls) end. Definition mname_list_unique (ls : list MName) : Prop := forall k n, List.In (Some n) (firstn k ( force ls)) -> List.In (Some n) (skipn k ( force ls)) -> False. End monad. Definition split_onames := @split_mnames (option Name) (fun x => x). Definition split_names := @split_mnames Name (@Some _). Definition oname_list_unique (ls : list (option Name)) : Prop := mname_list_unique (option Name) (fun x => x) ls. Definition name_list_unique (ls : list Name) : Prop := oname_list_unique ( (@Some Name) ls). End language. Global Arguments split_mnames {_ _ MName} force _ _, {_ _} MName force _ _. Global Arguments split_onames {_ _} _ _. Global Arguments split_names {_ _} _ _. Global Arguments mname_list_unique {_ MName} force ls, {_} MName force ls. Global Arguments oname_list_unique {_} ls. Global Arguments name_list_unique {_} ls.