Require Import Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.TypeUtil. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.BoundByCast. (** * Preliminaries: bounded and unbounded number types *) Definition bound8 := 256. Definition word8 := {n | n < bound8}. Definition bound9 := 512. Definition word9 := {n | n < bound9}. (** * Expressions over unbounded words *) Inductive base_type := Nat | Word8 | Word9. Scheme Equality for base_type. Definition interp_base_type (t : base_type) := match t with | Nat => nat | Word8 => word8 | Word9 => word9 end. Definition interp_base_type_bounds (t : base_type) := nat. Definition base_type_leb (x y : base_type) : bool := match x, y with | Word8, _ => true | _, Word8 => false | Word9, _ => true | _, Word9 => false | Nat, Nat => true end. Local Notation TNat := (Tbase Nat). Local Notation TWord8 := (Tbase Word8). Local Notation TWord9 := (Tbase Word9). Inductive op : flat_type base_type -> flat_type base_type -> Set := | Const {t} (v : interp_base_type t) : op Unit (Tbase t) | Plus (t : base_type) : op (Tbase t * Tbase t) (Tbase t) | Cast (t1 t2 : base_type) : op (Tbase t1) (Tbase t2). Definition is_cast src dst (opc : op src dst) : bool := match opc with Cast _ _ => true | _ => false end. Definition is_const src dst (opc : op src dst) : bool := match opc with Const _ _ => true | _ => false end. Definition genericize_op src dst (opc : op src dst) (new_t_in new_t_out : base_type) : option { src'dst' : _ & op (fst src'dst') (snd src'dst') } := match opc with | Plus _ => Some (existT _ (_, _) (Plus (base_type_max base_type_leb new_t_in new_t_out))) | Const _ _ | Cast _ _ => None end. Definition Constf {var} {t} (v : interp_base_type t) : exprf base_type op (var:=var) (Tbase t) := Op (Const v) TT. Theorem O_lt_S : forall n, O < S n. Proof. intros; omega. Qed. Definition plus8 (a b : word8) : word8 := let n := proj1_sig a + proj1_sig b in match le_lt_dec bound8 n with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ n pf end. Definition plus9 (a b : word9) : word9 := let n := proj1_sig a + proj1_sig b in match le_lt_dec bound9 n with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ n pf end. Infix "+8" := plus8 (at level 50). Infix "+9" := plus9 (at level 50). Definition unbound {t} : interp_base_type t -> nat := match t with | Nat => fun x => x | Word8 => fun x => proj1_sig x | Word9 => fun x => proj1_sig x end. Definition bound {t} : nat -> interp_base_type t := match t return nat -> interp_base_type t with | Nat => fun x => x | Word8 => fun x => match le_lt_dec bound8 x with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ x pf end | Word9 => fun x => match le_lt_dec bound9 x with | left _ => exist _ O (O_lt_S _) | right pf => exist _ x pf end end. Definition interp_op {src dst} (opc : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst := match opc in op src dst return interp_flat_type _ src -> interp_flat_type _ dst with | Const _ v => fun _ => v | Plus Nat => fun xy => fst xy + snd xy | Plus Word8 => fun xy => fst xy +8 snd xy | Plus Word9 => fun xy => fst xy +9 snd xy | Cast t1 t2 => fun x => bound (unbound x) end. Definition interp_op_bounds {src dst} (opc : op src dst) : interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds dst := match opc in op src dst return interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type_bounds dst with | Const _ v => fun _ => unbound v | Plus _ => fun xy => fst xy + snd xy | Cast t1 t2 => fun x => x end. Definition bound_type t (v : interp_base_type_bounds t) : base_type := if lt_dec v bound8 then Word8 else if lt_dec v bound9 then Word9 else Nat. Definition failv t : interp_base_type t := match t with | Nat => 0 | Word8 => exist _ 0 (O_lt_S _) | Word9 => exist _ 0 (O_lt_S _) end. Definition failf var t : @exprf base_type op var (Tbase t) := Op (Const (failv t)) TT. Definition Boundify {t1} (e1 : Expr base_type op t1) args2 : Expr _ _ _ := @Boundify base_type op interp_base_type_bounds (@interp_op_bounds) bound_type base_type_beq internal_base_type_dec_bl base_type_leb (fun var A A' => Op (Cast A A')) is_cast is_const genericize_op (@failf) t1 e1 args2. (** * Examples *) Example ex1 : Expr base_type op (Arrow Unit TNat) := fun var => Abs (fun _ => LetIn (Constf (t:=Nat) 127) (fun a : var Nat => LetIn (Constf (t:=Nat) 63) (fun b : var Nat => LetIn (Op (tR:=TNat) (Plus Nat) (Pair (Var a) (Var b))) (fun c : var Nat => Op (Plus Nat) (Pair (Var c) (Var c)))))). (* Example ex1f : Expr base_type op (Arrow (TNat * TNat) TNat) := fun var => Abs (fun a0b0 : interp_flat_type _ (TNat * TNat) => let a0 := fst a0b0 in let b0 := snd a0b0 in LetIn (Var a0) (fun a : var Nat => LetIn (Var b0) (fun b : var Nat => LetIn (Op (tR:=TNat) (Plus Nat) (Pair (Var a) (Var b))) (fun c : var Nat => Op (Plus Nat) (Pair (Var c) (Var c)))))). Eval compute in (Interp (@interp_op) ex1). Eval cbv -[plus] in (Interp (@interp_op) ex1f). Notation e x := (exist _ x _). Definition ex1b := Boundify ex1 tt. Eval compute in ex1b. Definition ex1fb := Boundify ex1f (63, 63)%core. Eval compute in ex1fb. Definition ex1fb' := Boundify ex1f (64, 64)%core. Eval compute in ex1fb'. *)