(** * Linearize: Place all and only operations in let binders *) Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Wf. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.WfProofs. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Linearize. Require Import (*Crypto.Util.Tactics*) Crypto.Util.Sigma. Local Open Scope ctype_scope. Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type} {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type}. Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code). Local Notation type := (type base_type_code). Local Notation Tbase := (@Tbase base_type_code). Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op). Local Notation expr := (@expr base_type_code op). Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op). Local Notation wff := (@wff base_type_code op). Local Notation wf := (@wf base_type_code op). Section with_var. Context {var1 var2 : base_type_code -> Type}. Local Ltac t_fin_step tac := match goal with | _ => assumption | _ => progress simpl in * | _ => progress subst | _ => progress inversion_sigma | _ => setoid_rewrite List.in_app_iff | [ H : context[List.In _ (_ ++ _)] |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite List.in_app_iff in H | _ => progress intros | _ => solve [ eauto ] | _ => solve [ intuition (subst; eauto) ] | [ H : forall (x : prod _ _) (y : prod _ _), _ |- _ ] => specialize (fun x x' y y' => H (x, x') (y, y')) | _ => rewrite !List.app_assoc | [ H : _ \/ _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : _ |- _ ] => apply H | _ => eapply wff_in_impl_Proper; [ solve [ eauto ] | ] | _ => progress tac | [ |- wff _ _ _ ] => constructor | [ |- wf _ _ _ ] => constructor end. Local Ltac t_fin tac := repeat t_fin_step tac. Local Hint Constructors Wf.wff. Local Hint Resolve List.in_app_or List.in_or_app. Local Ltac small_inversion_helper wf G0 e2 := let t0 := match type of wf with wff (t:=?t0) _ _ _ => t0 end in let e1 := match goal with | |- context[wff G0 (under_letsf ?e1 _) (under_letsf e2 _)] => e1 end in pattern G0, t0, e1, e2; lazymatch goal with | [ |- ?retP _ _ _ _ ] => first [ refine (match wf in @Wf.wff _ _ _ _ G t v1 v2 return match v1 return Prop with | TT => retP G t v1 v2 | _ => forall P : Prop, P -> P end with | WfTT _ => _ | _ => fun _ p => p end) | refine (match wf in @Wf.wff _ _ _ _ G t v1 v2 return match v1 return Prop with | Var _ _ => retP G t v1 v2 | _ => forall P : Prop, P -> P end with | WfVar _ _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => fun _ p => p end) | refine (match wf in @Wf.wff _ _ _ _ G t v1 v2 return match v1 return Prop with | Op _ _ _ _ => retP G t v1 v2 | _ => forall P : Prop, P -> P end with | WfOp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => fun _ p => p end) | refine (match wf in @Wf.wff _ _ _ _ G t v1 v2 return match v1 return Prop with | LetIn _ _ _ _ => retP G t v1 v2 | _ => forall P : Prop, P -> P end with | WfLetIn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => fun _ p => p end) | refine (match wf in @Wf.wff _ _ _ _ G t v1 v2 return match v1 return Prop with | Pair _ _ _ _ => retP G t v1 v2 | _ => forall P : Prop, P -> P end with | WfPair _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => fun _ p => p end) ] end. Fixpoint wff_under_letsf G {t} e1 e2 {tC} eC1 eC2 (wf : @wff var1 var2 G t e1 e2) (H : forall (x1 : interp_flat_type var1 t) (x2 : interp_flat_type var2 t), wff (flatten_binding_list x1 x2 ++ G) (eC1 x1) (eC2 x2)) {struct e1} : @wff var1 var2 G tC (under_letsf e1 eC1) (under_letsf e2 eC2). Proof using Type. revert H. set (e1v := e1) in *. destruct e1 as [ | | ? ? ? args | tx ex tC0 eC0 | ? ex ? ey ]; [ clear wff_under_letsf | clear wff_under_letsf | clear wff_under_letsf | generalize (fun G => match e1v return match e1v with LetIn _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with | LetIn _ ex _ eC => wff_under_letsf G _ ex | _ => I end); generalize (fun G => match e1v return match e1v with | LetIn tx0 _ tC1 e0 => (* 8.4's type inferencer is broken, so we copy/paste the term from 8.5. This entire clause could just be [_], if Coq 8.4 worked *) forall (x : @interp_flat_type base_type_code var1 tx0) (e3 : exprf tC1) (tC2 : flat_type) (eC3 : @interp_flat_type base_type_code var1 tC1 -> exprf tC2) (eC4 : @interp_flat_type base_type_code var2 tC1 -> exprf tC2), wff G (e0 x) e3 -> (forall (x1 : @interp_flat_type base_type_code var1 tC1) (x2 : @interp_flat_type base_type_code var2 tC1), wff (@flatten_binding_list base_type_code var1 var2 tC1 x1 x2 ++ G) (eC3 x1) (eC4 x2)) -> wff G (@under_letsf base_type_code op var1 tC1 (e0 x) tC2 eC3) (@under_letsf base_type_code op var2 tC1 e3 tC2 eC4) | _ => _ end with | LetIn _ ex tC' eC => fun x => wff_under_letsf G tC' (eC x) | _ => I end); clear wff_under_letsf | generalize (fun G => match e1v return match e1v with Pair _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with | Pair _ ex _ ey => wff_under_letsf G _ ex | _ => I end); generalize (fun G => match e1v return match e1v with Pair _ _ _ _ => _ | _ => _ end with | Pair _ ex _ ey => wff_under_letsf G _ ey | _ => I end); clear wff_under_letsf ]; revert eC1 eC2; (* alas, Coq's refiner isn't smart enough to figure out these small inversions for us *) small_inversion_helper wf G e2; t_fin idtac. Qed. Local Hint Resolve wff_under_letsf. Local Hint Constructors or. Local Hint Extern 1 => progress unfold List.In in *. Local Hint Resolve wff_in_impl_Proper. Local Hint Resolve wff_SmartVarf. Lemma wff_linearizef G {t} e1 e2 : @wff var1 var2 G t e1 e2 -> @wff var1 var2 G t (linearizef e1) (linearizef e2). Proof using Type. induction 1; t_fin ltac:(apply wff_under_letsf). Qed. Local Hint Resolve wff_linearizef. Lemma wf_linearize {t} e1 e2 : @wf var1 var2 t e1 e2 -> @wf var1 var2 t (linearize e1) (linearize e2). Proof using Type. destruct 1; constructor; auto. Qed. End with_var. Lemma Wf_Linearize {t} (e : Expr t) : Wf e -> Wf (Linearize e). Proof using Type. intros wf var1 var2; apply wf_linearize, wf. Qed. End language. Hint Resolve Wf_Linearize : wf.