Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Syntax. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.SmartCast. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.TypeUtil. Require Import Crypto.Compilers.Inline. Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations. Local Open Scope expr_scope. Local Open Scope ctype_scope. Section language. Context {base_type_code : Type} {op : flat_type base_type_code -> flat_type base_type_code -> Type} (base_type_beq : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool) (base_type_bl_transparent : forall x y, base_type_beq x y = true -> x = y) (base_type_leb : base_type_code -> base_type_code -> bool) (Cast : forall var A A', exprf base_type_code op (var:=var) (Tbase A) -> exprf base_type_code op (var:=var) (Tbase A')) (is_cast : forall src dst, op src dst -> bool) (is_const : forall src dst, op src dst -> bool). Local Infix "<=?" := base_type_leb : expr_scope. Local Infix "=?" := base_type_beq : expr_scope. Local Notation base_type_min := (base_type_min base_type_leb). Local Notation SmartCast_base := (@SmartCast_base _ op _ base_type_bl_transparent Cast). Local Notation flat_type := (flat_type base_type_code). Local Notation exprf := (@exprf base_type_code op). Local Notation Expr := (@Expr base_type_code op). (** We can squash [a -> b -> c] into [a -> c] if [min a b c = min a c], i.e., if the narrowest type we pass through in the original case is the same as the narrowest type we pass through in the new case. *) Definition squash_cast {var} (a b c : base_type_code) : @exprf var (Tbase a) -> @exprf var (Tbase c) := if base_type_beq (base_type_min b (base_type_min a c)) (base_type_min a c) then SmartCast_base else fun x => Cast _ b c (Cast _ a b x). Fixpoint maybe_push_cast {var t} (v : @exprf var t) : option (@exprf var t) := match v in Syntax.exprf _ _ t return option (exprf t) with | Var _ _ as v' => Some v' | Op t1 tR opc args => match t1, tR return op t1 tR -> exprf t1 -> option (exprf tR) with | Tbase b, Tbase c => fun opc args => if is_cast _ _ opc then match @maybe_push_cast _ _ args with | Some (Op t1 tR opc' args') => match t1, tR return op t1 tR -> exprf t1 -> option (exprf (Tbase c)) with | Tbase a, Tbase b => fun opc' args' => if is_cast _ _ opc' then Some (squash_cast a b c args') else None | Unit, Tbase _ => fun opc' args' => if is_const _ _ opc' then Some (SmartCast_base (Op opc' TT)) else None | _, _ => fun _ _ => None end opc' args' | Some (Var _ v as v') => Some (SmartCast_base v') | Some _ => None | None => None end else None | Unit, _ => fun opc args => if is_const _ _ opc then Some (Op opc TT) else None | _, _ => fun _ _ => None end opc args | Pair _ _ _ _ | LetIn _ _ _ _ | TT => None end. Definition push_cast {var t} : @exprf var t -> @inline_directive _ op var t := match t with | Tbase _ => fun v => match maybe_push_cast v with | Some e => inline e | None => default_inline v end | _ => default_inline end. Definition InlineCast {t} (e : Expr t) : Expr t := InlineConstGen (@push_cast) e. End language.