Require Import Coq.QArith.QArith. Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith. Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii. Require Import Coq.Lists.List. Require Import Coq.Strings.String. Require Crypto.Util.Strings.String. Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Decimal. Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.HexString. Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.ParseArithmetic. Require Import Crypto.Util.Option. Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Show. Require Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.SaturatedSolinas. Require Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.UnsaturatedSolinas. Require Crypto.PushButtonSynthesis.WordByWordMontgomery. Require Import Crypto.CStringification. Require Import Crypto.BoundsPipeline. Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Local Open Scope string_scope. Import CStringification.Compilers. Module ForExtraction. Definition parse_neg (s : string) : string * Z := match s with | String a b => if Ascii.ascii_dec a "-" then (b, -1) else if Ascii.ascii_dec a "+" then (b, 1) else (s, 1) | _ => (s, 1) end. Definition parse_Z (s : string) : option Z := z <- ParseArithmetic.parse_Z s; match snd z with | EmptyString => Some (fst z) | _ => None end. Definition parse_N (s : string) : option N := match parse_Z s with | Some Z0 => Some N0 | Some (Zpos p) => Some (Npos p) | _ => None end. Definition parse_nat (s : string) : option nat := option_map N.to_nat (parse_N s). Definition parse_Q (s : string) : option Q := match parse_Z (String.split "/" s) with | [Some num;Some (Zpos den)] => Some (Qmake num den) | [Some num] => Some (Qmake num 1) | _ => None end. Definition parse_bool (s : string) : option bool := if string_dec s "true" then Some true else if string_dec s "false" then Some false else None. Definition parse_n (n : string) : option nat := parse_nat n. Definition parse_pow (s : string) : option Z := let '(s, sgn) := parse_neg s in match String.split "^" s with | v::nil => v <- parse_Z v; Some (sgn * v) | b::e::nil => b <- parse_Z b; e <- parse_Z e; Some (sgn * b ^ e) | _ => None end. Definition parse_mul (s : string) : option Z := List.fold_right (fun a b => (a <- a; b <- b; Some (Z.mul a b))%option) (Some 1) ( parse_pow (String.split "*" s)). (** We take in [c] in the format [a,b;c,d;e,f;...] becoming the list [[(a,b), (c,d), (e, f), ...]] *) Definition parse_s (s : string) : option Z := parse_mul s. Definition parse_c (s : string) : option (list (Z * Z)) := List.fold_right (fun ls rest => (rest <- rest; match ls with | a::b::nil => (a <- parse_mul a; b <- parse_mul b; Some ((a, b)::rest)) | _ => None end)%option) (Some nil) ( (String.split ",") (String.split ";" s)). Definition parse_machine_wordsize (s : string) : option Z := parse_Z s. Definition parse_m (s : string) : option Z := parseZ_arith s. Local Open Scope string_scope. Local Notation NewLine := (String "010" "") (only parsing). Definition CollectErrors (res : list (string * Pipeline.ErrorT (list string)) + list string) : list (list string) + list (list string) := match res with | inl res => let header := hd "" ( (@fst _ _) res) in let res := List.fold_right (fun '(name, res) rest => match res, rest with | ErrorT.Error err, rest => let in_name := ("In " ++ name ++ ":") in let cur := match show_lines false err with | [serr] => [in_name ++ " " ++ serr] | serr => in_name::serr end in let rest := match rest with inl _ => nil | inr rest => rest end in inr (cur :: rest) | ErrorT.Success v, inr ls => inr ls | ErrorT.Success v, inl ls => inl (v :: ls) end) (inl nil) res in match res with | inl ls => inl ls | inr err => inr ([header]::err) end | inr res => inr [res] end. Definition curve_description_help := " curve_description A string which will be prefixed to every function name generated". Definition n_help := " n The number of limbs". Definition s_help := " s The largest component of the prime (e.g., '2^255' in '2^255-19')". Definition c_help := " c The semi-colon separated list of taps, each of which is specified as weight,value (no parentheses) (e.g., '2^96,1;1,-1' in '2^224 - 2^96 + 1')". Definition m_help := " m The prime (e.g., '2^434 - (2^216*3^137 - 1)')". Definition machine_wordsize_help := " machine_wordsize The machine bitwidth (e.g., 32 or 64)". Definition function_to_synthesize_help (valid_names : string) := " function_to_synthesize A space-separated list of functions that should be synthesized. If no functions are given, all functions are synthesized." ++ String.NewLine ++ " Valid options are " ++ valid_names. Record > Dyn := dyn { dyn_ty : Type ; dyn_val :> option dyn_ty }. Arguments dyn {_} _. Fixpoint parse_resultL' (acc : Type) (ls : list (string (* name *) * string (* string value *) * Dyn)) : Type := match ls with | nil => acc | cons (_, _, {| dyn_ty := T |}) ls' => parse_resultL' (acc * T) ls' end. Definition parse_resultL (ls : list (string (* name *) * string (* string value *) * Dyn)) := match ls return Type with | nil => unit | cons (_, _, {| dyn_ty := T |}) ls' => parse_resultL' T ls' + list string end%type. Fixpoint parse_many' {accT : Type} (acc : accT) (ls : list (string (* name *) * string (* string value *) * Dyn)) : parse_resultL' accT ls + list string := match ls return parse_resultL' accT ls + list string with | nil => inl acc | cons (_, _, {| dyn_val := Some v |}) ls' => @parse_many' _ (acc, v) ls' | cons (name, str_val, {| dyn_val := None |}) ls' => let err_ls := match @parse_many' _ tt ls' with | inl _ => nil | inr err_ls => err_ls end in inr ((name ++ " (" ++ str_val ++ ")")%string :: err_ls) end. Definition parse_many (ls : list (string (* name *) * string (* string value *) * Dyn)) : parse_resultL ls := let transform_err T (v : T + list string) := match v with | inl v => inl v | inr nil => inr ["Internal Error: Parse failure without an error message"] | inr ls => inr ["Could not parse " ++ String.concat " nor " ls] end%string in match ls with | nil => tt | cons (_, _, {| dyn_val := Some v |}) ls' => transform_err _ (@parse_many' _ v ls') | cons (name, str_val, {| dyn_val := None |}) ls' => let err_ls := match @parse_many' _ tt ls' with | inl _ => nil | inr err_ls => err_ls end in transform_err _ (inr ((name ++ " (" ++ str_val ++ ")")%string :: err_ls)) end. Module UnsaturatedSolinas. Definition PipelineLines (curve_description : string) (n : string) (s : string) (c : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) : list (string * Pipeline.ErrorT (list string)) + list string := let prefix := ("fiat_" ++ curve_description ++ "_")%string in let str_n := n in let str_machine_wordsize := machine_wordsize in let str_c := c in let str_s := s in let show_requests := match requests with nil => "(all)" | _ => String.concat ", " requests end in match parse_many [("n", n, parse_n n:Dyn) ; ("machine_wordsize", machine_wordsize, parse_machine_wordsize machine_wordsize:Dyn) ; ("s", s, parse_s s:Dyn) ; ("c", c, parse_c c:Dyn)] with | inr errs => inr errs | inl (n, machine_wordsize, s, c) => let '(res, types_used) := UnsaturatedSolinas.Synthesize n s c machine_wordsize prefix requests in let header := ((["/* Autogenerated */"; "/* curve description: " ++ curve_description ++ " */"; "/* requested operations: " ++ show_requests ++ " */"; "/* n = " ++ show false n ++ " (from """ ++ str_n ++ """) */"; "/* s = " ++ Hex.show_Z false s ++ " (from """ ++ str_s ++ """) */"; "/* c = " ++ show false c ++ " (from """ ++ str_c ++ """) */"; "/* machine_wordsize = " ++ show false machine_wordsize ++ " (from """ ++ str_machine_wordsize ++ """) */"; ""]%string) ++ ToString.C.String.typedef_header prefix types_used ++ [""])%list in inl ([("check_args" ++ NewLine ++ String.concat NewLine header, UnsaturatedSolinas.check_args n s c machine_wordsize (ErrorT.Success header))%string] ++ res)%list end. Definition ProcessedLines (curve_description : string) (n : string) (s : string) (c : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) : list string + list string := match CollectErrors (PipelineLines curve_description n s c machine_wordsize requests) with | inl ls => inl ( (fun s => String.concat NewLine s ++ NewLine ++ NewLine) ls) | inr nil => inr nil | inr (l :: ls) => inr (l ++ (List.flat_map (fun e => NewLine :: e) ls))%list end. Definition Pipeline {A} (curve_description : string) (n : string) (s : string) (c : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) (success : list string -> A) (error : list string -> A) : A := match ProcessedLines curve_description n s c machine_wordsize requests with | inl s => success s | inr s => error s end. Definition PipelineMain {A} (argv : list string) (success : list string -> A) (error : list string -> A) : A := match argv with | _::curve_description::n::s::c::machine_wordsize::requests => Pipeline curve_description n s c machine_wordsize requests success error | nil => error ["empty argv"] | prog::args => error ["USAGE: " ++ prog ++ " curve_description n s c machine_wordsize [function_to_synthesize*]"; "Got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments."; ""; curve_description_help; n_help; s_help; c_help; machine_wordsize_help; function_to_synthesize_help UnsaturatedSolinas.valid_names; ""] end. End UnsaturatedSolinas. Module WordByWordMontgomery. Definition PipelineLines (curve_description : string) (m : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) : list (string * Pipeline.ErrorT (list string)) + list string := let prefix := ("fiat_" ++ curve_description ++ "_")%string in let str_machine_wordsize := machine_wordsize in let str_m := m in let show_requests := match requests with nil => "(all)" | _ => String.concat ", " requests end in match parse_many [("machine_wordsize", machine_wordsize, parse_machine_wordsize machine_wordsize:Dyn); ("m", m, parse_m m:Dyn)] with | inr errs => inr errs | inl (machine_wordsize, m) => let '(res, types_used) := WordByWordMontgomery.Synthesize m machine_wordsize prefix requests in let header := ((["/* Autogenerated */"; "/* curve description: " ++ curve_description ++ " */"; "/* requested operations: " ++ show_requests ++ " */"; "/* m = " ++ Hex.show_Z false m ++ " (from """ ++ str_m ++ """) */"; "/* machine_wordsize = " ++ show false machine_wordsize ++ " (from """ ++ str_machine_wordsize ++ """) */"; "/* */"; "/* NOTE: In addition to the bounds specified above each function, all */"; "/* functions synthesized for this Montgomery arithmetic require the */"; "/* input to be strictly less than the prime modulus (m), and also */"; "/* require the input to be in the unique saturated representation. */"; "/* All functions also ensure that these two properties are true of */"; "/* return values. */"; ""]%string) ++ ToString.C.String.typedef_header prefix types_used ++ [""])%list in inl ([("check_args" ++ NewLine ++ String.concat NewLine header, WordByWordMontgomery.check_args m machine_wordsize (ErrorT.Success header))%string] ++ res)%list end. Definition ProcessedLines (curve_description : string) (m : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) : list string + list string := match CollectErrors (PipelineLines curve_description m machine_wordsize requests) with | inl ls => inl ( (fun s => String.concat NewLine s ++ NewLine ++ NewLine) ls) | inr nil => inr nil | inr (l :: ls) => inr (l ++ (List.flat_map (fun e => NewLine :: e) ls))%list end. Definition Pipeline {A} (curve_description : string) (m : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) (success : list string -> A) (error : list string -> A) : A := match ProcessedLines curve_description m machine_wordsize requests with | inl s => success s | inr s => error s end. Definition PipelineMain {A} (argv : list string) (success : list string -> A) (error : list string -> A) : A := match argv with | _::curve_description::m::machine_wordsize::requests => Pipeline curve_description m machine_wordsize requests success error | nil => error ["empty argv"] | prog::args => error ["USAGE: " ++ prog ++ " curve_description m machine_wordsize [function_to_synthesize*]"; "Got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments"; ""; curve_description_help; m_help; machine_wordsize_help; function_to_synthesize_help WordByWordMontgomery.valid_names; ""] end. End WordByWordMontgomery. Module SaturatedSolinas. Definition PipelineLines (curve_description : string) (s : string) (c : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) : list (string * Pipeline.ErrorT (list string)) + list string := let prefix := ("fiat_" ++ curve_description ++ "_")%string in let str_machine_wordsize := machine_wordsize in let str_c := c in let str_s := s in let show_requests := match requests with nil => "(all)" | _ => String.concat ", " requests end in match parse_many [("machine_wordsize", machine_wordsize, parse_machine_wordsize machine_wordsize:Dyn) ; ("s", s, parse_s s:Dyn) ; ("c", c, parse_c c:Dyn)] with | inr errs => inr errs | inl (machine_wordsize, s, c) => let '(res, types_used) := SaturatedSolinas.Synthesize s c machine_wordsize prefix requests in let header := ((["/* Autogenerated */"; "/* curve description: " ++ curve_description ++ " */"; "/* requested operations: " ++ show_requests ++ " */"; "/* s = " ++ Hex.show_Z false s ++ " (from """ ++ str_s ++ """) */"; "/* c = " ++ show false c ++ " (from """ ++ str_c ++ """) */"; "/* machine_wordsize = " ++ show false machine_wordsize ++ " (from """ ++ str_machine_wordsize ++ """) */"; ""]%string) ++ ToString.C.String.typedef_header prefix types_used ++ [""])%list in inl ([("check_args" ++ NewLine ++ String.concat NewLine header, SaturatedSolinas.check_args s c machine_wordsize (ErrorT.Success header))%string] ++ res)%list end. Definition ProcessedLines (curve_description : string) (s : string) (c : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) : list string + list string := match CollectErrors (PipelineLines curve_description s c machine_wordsize requests) with | inl ls => inl ( (fun s => String.concat NewLine s ++ NewLine ++ NewLine) ls) | inr nil => inr nil | inr (l :: ls) => inr (l ++ (List.flat_map (fun e => NewLine :: e) ls))%list end. Definition Pipeline {A} (curve_description : string) (s : string) (c : string) (machine_wordsize : string) (requests : list string) (success : list string -> A) (error : list string -> A) : A := match ProcessedLines curve_description s c machine_wordsize requests with | inl s => success s | inr s => error s end. Definition PipelineMain {A} (argv : list string) (success : list string -> A) (error : list string -> A) : A := match argv with | _::curve_description::s::c::machine_wordsize::requests => Pipeline curve_description s c machine_wordsize requests success error | nil => error ["empty argv"] | prog::args => error ["USAGE: " ++ prog ++ " curve_description s c machine_wordsize [function_to_synthesize*]"; "Got " ++ show false (List.length args) ++ " arguments"; ""; curve_description_help; s_help; c_help; machine_wordsize_help; function_to_synthesize_help SaturatedSolinas.valid_names; ""] end. End SaturatedSolinas. End ForExtraction.