Require Export Bedrock.Word Bedrock.Nomega. Require Import NArith PArith Ndigits Nnat NPow NPeano Ndec. Require Import Compare_dec Omega. Require Import FunctionalExtensionality ProofIrrelevance. Require Import QhasmUtil QhasmEvalCommon. Hint Rewrite wordToN_nat Nat2N.inj_add N2Nat.inj_add Nat2N.inj_mul N2Nat.inj_mul Npow2_nat : N. Open Scope nword_scope. Section WordizeUtil. Lemma break_spec: forall (m n: nat) (x: word n) low high, (low, high) = break m x -> &x = (&high * Npow2 m + &low)%N. Proof. intros; unfold break in *; destruct (le_dec m n); inversion H; subst; clear H; simpl. Admitted. Lemma mask_wand : forall (n: nat) (x: word n) m b, (& (mask (N.to_nat m) x) < b)%N -> (& (x ^& (@NToWord n (N.ones m))) < b)%N. Proof. Admitted. Lemma convS_id: forall A x p, x = (@convS A A x p). Proof. intros; unfold convS; vm_compute. replace p with (eq_refl A); intuition. apply proof_irrelevance. Qed. Lemma word_param_eq: forall n m, word n = word m -> n = m. Proof. (* TODO: How do we prove this *) Admitted. Lemma word_conv_eq: forall {n m} (y: word m) p, &y = &(@convS (word m) (word n) y p). Proof. intros. revert p. destruct (Nat.eq_dec n m). - rewrite e; intros; apply f_equal; apply convS_id. - intros; contradict n0. apply word_param_eq; rewrite p; intuition. Qed. Lemma to_nat_lt: forall x b, (x < b)%N <-> (N.to_nat x < N.to_nat b)%nat. Proof. (* via Nat2N.inj_compare *) Admitted. Lemma of_nat_lt: forall x b, (x < b)%nat <-> (N.of_nat x < N.of_nat b)%N. Proof. (* via N2Nat.inj_compare *) Admitted. Lemma Npow2_spec : forall n, Npow2 n = N.pow 2 (N.of_nat n). Proof. (* by induction and omega *) Admitted. Lemma NToWord_wordToN: forall sz x, NToWord sz (wordToN x) = x. Proof. intros. rewrite NToWord_nat. rewrite wordToN_nat. rewrite rewrite natToWord_wordToNat. intuition. Qed. Lemma wordToN_NToWord: forall sz x, (x < Npow2 sz)%N -> wordToN (NToWord sz x) = x. Proof. intros. rewrite NToWord_nat. rewrite wordToN_nat. rewrite <- ( x). apply Nat2N.inj_iff. rewrite apply natToWord_inj with (sz:=sz); try rewrite natToWord_wordToNat; intuition. - apply wordToNat_bound. - rewrite <- Npow2_nat; apply to_nat_lt; assumption. Qed. Lemma word_size_bound : forall {n} (w: word n), (&w < Npow2 n)%N. Proof. intros; pose proof (wordToNat_bound w) as B; rewrite of_nat_lt in B; rewrite <- Npow2_nat in B; rewrite in B; rewrite <- wordToN_nat in B; assumption. Qed. Lemma Npow2_gt0 : forall x, (0 < Npow2 x)%N. Proof. intros; induction x. - simpl; apply N.lt_1_r; intuition. - replace (Npow2 (S x)) with (2 * (Npow2 x))%N by intuition. apply (N.lt_0_mul 2 (Npow2 x)); left; split; apply N.neq_0_lt_0. + intuition; inversion H. + apply N.neq_0_lt_0 in IHx; intuition. Qed. Lemma natToWord_convS: forall {n m} (x: word n) p, & x = & @convS (word n) (word m) x p. Proof. Admitted. Lemma natToWord_combine: forall {n} (x: word n) k, & x = & combine x (wzero k). Proof. Admitted. Lemma natToWord_split1: forall {n} (x: word n) p, & x = & split1 n 0 (convS x p). Proof. Admitted. Lemma extend_bound: forall k n (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word k), (& (extend p w) < Npow2 k)%N. Proof. intros. assert (n = k + (n - k)) by abstract omega. replace (& (extend p w)) with (& w); try apply word_size_bound. unfold extend. rewrite <- word_conv_eq. unfold zext. clear; revert w; induction (n - k). - intros. assert (word k = word (k + 0)) as Z by intuition. replace w with (split1 k 0 (convS w Z)). replace (wzero 0) with (split2 k 0 (convS w Z)). rewrite <- natToWord_split1 with (p := Z). rewrite combine_split. apply natToWord_convS. + admit. + admit. - intros; rewrite <- natToWord_combine; intuition. Admitted. Lemma Npow2_split: forall a b, (Npow2 (a + b) = (Npow2 a) * (Npow2 b))%N. Proof. intros; revert a. induction b. - intros; simpl; replace (a + 0) with a; nomega. - intros. replace (a + S b) with (S a + b) by intuition. rewrite (IHb (S a)); simpl; clear IHb. induction (Npow2 a), (Npow2 b); simpl; intuition. rewrite Pos.mul_xO_r; intuition. Qed. Lemma Npow2_ignore: forall {n} (x: word n), x = NToWord _ (& x + Npow2 n). Proof. Admitted. End WordizeUtil. (** Wordization Lemmas **) Section Wordization. Lemma wordize_plus': forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N), (b <= Npow2 n)%N -> (&x < b)%N -> (&y < (Npow2 n - b))%N -> (&x + &y)%N = & (x ^+ y). Proof. intros. unfold wplus, wordBin. rewrite wordToN_NToWord; intuition. apply (N.lt_le_trans _ (b + &y)%N _). - apply N.add_lt_le_mono; try assumption; intuition. - replace (Npow2 n) with (b + Npow2 n - b)%N by nomega. replace (b + Npow2 n - b)%N with (b + (Npow2 n - b))%N by ( replace (b + (Npow2 n - b))%N with ((Npow2 n - b) + b)%N by nomega; rewrite (N.sub_add b (Npow2 n)) by assumption; nomega). apply N.add_le_mono_l; try nomega. apply N.lt_le_incl; assumption. Qed. Lemma wordize_plus: forall {n} (x y: word n), if (overflows n (&x + &y)%N) then (&x + &y)%N = (& (x ^+ y) + Npow2 n)%N else (&x + &y)%N = & (x ^+ y). Proof. Admitted. Lemma wordize_awc: forall {n} (x y: word n) (c: bool), if (overflows n (&x + &y + (if c then 1 else 0))%N) then (&x + &y + (if c then 1 else 0))%N = (&(addWithCarry x y c) + Npow2 n)%N else (&x + &y + (if c then 1 else 0))%N = &(addWithCarry x y c). Proof. Admitted. Lemma wordize_mult': forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N), (1 < n)%nat -> (0 < b)%N -> (&x < b)%N -> (&y < (Npow2 n) / b)%N -> (&x * &y)%N = & (x ^* y). Proof. intros; unfold wmult, wordBin. rewrite wordToN_NToWord; intuition. apply (N.lt_le_trans _ (b * ((Npow2 n) / b))%N _). - apply N.mul_lt_mono; assumption. - apply N.mul_div_le; nomega. Qed. Lemma wordize_mult: forall {n} (x y: word n) (b: N), (&x * &y)%N = (&(x ^* y) + &((EvalUtil.highBits (n/2) x) ^* (EvalUtil.highBits (n/2) y)) * Npow2 n)%N. Proof. intros. Admitted. Lemma wordize_and: forall {n} (x y: word n), (&x) (&y) = & (x ^& y). Proof. intros; pose proof (Npow2_gt0 n). pose proof (word_size_bound x). pose proof (word_size_bound y). induction n. - rewrite (shatter_word_0 x) in *. rewrite (shatter_word_0 y) in *. simpl; intuition. - rewrite (shatter_word x) in *. rewrite (shatter_word y) in *. induction (whd x), (whd y). + admit. + admit. + admit. + admit. Admitted. Lemma wordize_shiftr: forall {n} (x: word n) (k: nat), (N.shiftr_nat (&x) k) = & (shiftr x k). Proof. Admitted. End Wordization. Section Bounds. Theorem constant_bound_N : forall {n} (k: word n), (& k < & k + 1)%N. Proof. intros; nomega. Qed. Theorem constant_bound_nat : forall (n k: nat), (N.of_nat k < Npow2 n)%N -> (& (@natToWord n k) < (N.of_nat k) + 1)%N. Proof. intros. rewrite wordToN_nat. rewrite wordToNat_natToWord_idempotent; try assumption; nomega. Qed. Lemma let_bound : forall {n} (x: word n) (f: word n -> word n) xb fb, (& x < xb)%N -> (forall x', & x' < xb -> & (f x') < fb)%N -> ((let k := x in &(f k)) < fb)%N. Proof. intros; eauto. Qed. Definition Nlt_dec (x y: N): {(x < y)%N} + {(x >= y)%N}. refine ( let c := x y in match c as c' return c = c' -> _ with | Lt => fun _ => left _ | _ => fun _ => right _ end eq_refl); abstract ( unfold c,, in *; intuition; subst; match goal with | [H0: ?x = _, H1: ?x = _ |- _] => rewrite H0 in H1; inversion H1 end). Defined. Theorem wplus_bound : forall {n} (w1 w2 : word n) b1 b2, (&w1 < b1)%N -> (&w2 < b2)%N -> (&(w1 ^+ w2) < b1 + b2)%N. Proof. intros. destruct (Nlt_dec (b1 + b2)%N (Npow2 n)); rewrite <- wordize_plus' with (b := b1); try apply N.add_lt_mono; try assumption. (* A couple inequality subgoals *) Admitted. Theorem wmult_bound : forall {n} (w1 w2 : word n) b1 b2, (1 < n)%nat -> (&w1 < b1)%N -> (&w2 < b2)%N -> (&(w1 ^* w2) < b1 * b2)%N. Proof. intros. destruct (Nlt_dec (b1 * b2)%N (Npow2 n)); rewrite <- wordize_mult' with (b := b1); try apply N.mul_lt_mono; try assumption; try nomega. (* A couple inequality subgoals *) Admitted. Theorem shiftr_bound : forall {n} (w : word n) b bits, (&w < b)%N -> (&(shiftr w bits) < N.succ (N.shiftr_nat b bits))%N. Proof. intros. assert (& shiftr w bits <= N.shiftr_nat b bits)%N. { rewrite <- wordize_shiftr. induction bits; unfold N.shiftr_nat in *; simpl; intuition. - unfold N.le, in *; rewrite H; intuition; inversion H0. - revert IHbits; admit. (* Monotonicity of N.div2 *) } apply N.le_lteq in H0; destruct H0; nomega. Admitted. Theorem mask_bound : forall {n} (w : word n) m, (n > 1)%nat -> (&(mask m w) < Npow2 m)%N. Proof. intros. unfold mask in *; destruct (le_dec m n); simpl; try apply extend_bound. pose proof (word_size_bound w). apply (N.le_lt_trans _ (Npow2 n) _). - unfold N.le, in *; rewrite H0; intuition; inversion H1. - clear H H0. replace m with ((m - n) + n) by nomega. replace (Npow2 n) with (1 * (Npow2 n))%N by (rewrite N.mul_comm; nomega). rewrite Npow2_split. apply N.mul_lt_mono_pos_r. + apply Npow2_gt0. + assert (0 < m - n)%nat by omega. induction (m - n); try inversion H; try abstract ( simpl; replace 2 with (S 1) by omega; apply N.lt_1_2). assert (0 < n1)%nat as Z by omega; apply IHn1 in Z. apply (N.le_lt_trans _ (Npow2 n1) _). * admit. * admit. Admitted. Theorem mask_update_bound : forall {n} (w : word n) b m, (n > 1)%nat -> (&w < b)%N -> (&(mask m w) < (N.min b (Npow2 m)))%N. Proof. intros; unfold mask, N.min; destruct (le_dec m n), ( b (Npow2 m)); simpl; try assumption. Admitted. End Bounds. (** Wordization Tactics **) Ltac wordize_ast := repeat match goal with | [ H: (& ?x < ?b)%N |- context[((& ?x) + (& ?y))%N] ] => rewrite (wordize_plus' x y b) | [ H: (& ?x < ?b)%N |- context[((& ?x) * (& ?y))%N] ] => rewrite (wordize_mult' x y b) | [ |- context[ (& ?x) (& ?y)] ] => rewrite (wordize_and x y) | [ |- context[N.shiftr (& ?x) ?k] ] => rewrite (wordize_shiftr x k) | [ |- (_ < _ / _)%N ] => unfold N.div; simpl | [ |- context[Npow2 _] ] => simpl | [ |- (?x < ?c)%N ] => assumption | [ |- _ = _ ] => reflexivity end. Ltac lt_crush := try abstract (clear; vm_compute; intuition). (** Bounding Tactics **) Ltac multi_apply0 A L := pose proof (L A). Ltac multi_apply1 A L := match goal with | [ H: A < ?b |- _] => pose proof (L A b H) end. Ltac multi_apply2 A B L := match goal with | [ H1: A < ?b1, H2: B < ?b2 |- _] => pose proof (L A B b1 b2 H1 H2) end. Ltac multi_recurse n T := match goal with | [ H: (T < _)%N |- _] => idtac | _ => is_var T; let T' := (eval cbv delta [T] in T) in multi_recurse n T'; match goal with | [ H : T' < ?x |- _ ] => pose proof (H : T < x) end | _ => match T with | ?W1 ^+ ?W2 => multi_recurse n W1; multi_recurse n W2; multi_apply2 W1 W2 (@wplus_bound n) | ?W1 ^* ?W2 => multi_recurse n W1; multi_recurse n W2; multi_apply2 W1 W2 (@wmult_bound n) | mask ?m ?w => multi_recurse n w; multi_apply1 w (fun b => @mask_update_bound n w b) | mask ?m ?w => multi_recurse n w; pose proof (@mask_bound n w m) | ?x ^& (@NToWord _ (N.ones ?m)) => multi_recurse n (mask (N.to_nat m) x); match goal with | [ H: (& (mask (N.to_nat m) x) < ?b)%N |- _] => pose proof (@mask_wand n x m b H) end | shiftr ?w ?bits => multi_recurse n w; match goal with | [ H: (w < ?b)%N |- _] => pose proof (@shiftr_bound n w b bits H) end | NToWord _ ?k => pose proof (@constant_bound_N n k) | natToWord _ ?k => pose proof (@constant_bound_nat n k) | _ => pose proof (@word_size_bound n T) end end. Lemma unwrap_let: forall {n} (y: word n) (f: word n -> word n) (b: N), (&(let x := y in f x) < b)%N <-> let x := y in (&(f x) < b)%N. Proof. intuition. Qed. Ltac multi_bound n := match goal with | [|- let A := ?B in _] => multi_recurse n B; intro; multi_bound n | [|- ((let A := _ in _) < _)%N] => apply unwrap_let; multi_bound n | [|- (?W < _)%N ] => multi_recurse n W end. (** Examples **) Module WordizationExamples. Lemma wordize_example0: forall (x y z: word 16), (wordToN x < 10)%N -> (wordToN y < 10)%N -> (wordToN z < 10)%N -> & (x ^* y) = (&x * &y)%N. Proof. intros. wordize_ast; lt_crush. transitivity 10%N; try assumption; lt_crush. Qed. End WordizationExamples. Close Scope nword_scope.