Require Export Language Conversion. Require Export String Ascii Basics. Require Import QhasmCommon QhasmEvalCommon QhasmUtil Qhasm. Require Import NArith NPeano. Require Export Bedrock.Word. Module QhasmString <: Language. Definition Program := string. Definition State := unit. Definition evaluatesTo (p: Program) (i o: State): Prop := True. End QhasmString. Module StringConversion <: Conversion Qhasm QhasmString. Import Qhasm ListNotations. (* The easy one *) Definition convertState (st: QhasmString.State): option Qhasm.State := None. (* Hexadecimal Primitives *) Section Hex. Local Open Scope string_scope. Definition natToDigit (n : nat) : string := match n with | 0 => "0" | 1 => "1" | 2 => "2" | 3 => "3" | 4 => "4" | 5 => "5" | 6 => "6" | 7 => "7" | 8 => "8" | 9 => "9" | 10 => "A" | 11 => "B" | 12 => "C" | 13 => "D" | 14 => "E" | _ => "F" end. Fixpoint nToHex' (n: N) (digitsLeft: nat): string := match digitsLeft with | O => "" | S nextLeft => match n with | N0 => "0" | _ => (nToHex' (N.shiftr_nat n 4) nextLeft) ++ (natToDigit (N.to_nat ( n 15%N))) end end. Definition nToHex (n: N): string := let size := (N.size n) in let div4 := fun x => (N.shiftr x 2%N) in let size' := (size + 4 - ( size 3))%N in nToHex' n (N.to_nat (div4 size')). End Hex. (* Conversion of elements *) Section Elements. Local Open Scope string_scope. Import Util. Definition nameSuffix (n: nat): string := (nToHex (N.of_nat n)). Coercion wordToString {n} (w: word n): string := "0x" ++ (nToHex (wordToN w)). Coercion constToString {n} (c: Const n): string := match c with | const _ _ w => wordToString w end. Coercion regToString {n} (r: Reg n): string := match r with | reg _ W32 n => "w" ++ (nameSuffix n) | reg _ W64 n => "d" ++ (nameSuffix n) end. Coercion natToString (n: nat): string := "0x" ++ (nToHex (N.of_nat n)). Coercion stackToString {n} (s: Stack n): string := match s with | stack _ W32 n => "ws" ++ (nameSuffix n) | stack _ W64 n => "ds" ++ (nameSuffix n) end. Coercion memToString {n m} (s: Mem n m): string := match s with | mem _ _ W32 v => "wm" ++ (nameSuffix v) | mem _ _ W64 v => "dm" ++ (nameSuffix v) end. Coercion stringToSome (x: string): option string := Some x. Definition stackLocation {n} (s: Stack n): word 32 := combine (natToWord 8 n) (natToWord 24 n). Definition assignmentToString (a: Assignment): option string := let f := fun x => if (Nat.eq_dec x 32) then "32" else "64" in match a with | ARegStack n r s => r ++ " = *(int" ++ f n ++ " *)" ++ s | AStackReg n s r => "*(int" ++ f n ++ " *) " ++ s ++ " = " ++ r | ARegMem n m r v i => r ++ " = " ++ "*(int" ++ f n ++ " *) (" ++ v ++ " + " ++ i ++ ")" | AMemReg n m v i r => "*(int" ++ f n ++ " *) (" ++ v ++ " + " ++ i ++ ") = " ++ r | ARegReg n a b => a ++ " = " ++ b | AConstInt n r c => r ++ " = " ++ c end. Coercion intOpToString (b: IntOp): string := match b with | Add => "+" | Sub => "-" | Xor => "^" | And => "&" | Or => "|" end. Coercion dualOpToString (b: DualOp): string := match b with | Mult => "*" end. Coercion carryOpToString (b: CarryOp): string := match b with | AddWithCarry => "+" end. Coercion rotOpToString (r: RotOp): string := match r with | Shl => "<<" | Shr => ">>" end. Definition operationToString (op: Operation): option string := let f := fun x => if (Nat.eq_dec x 32) then "32" else "64" in match op with | IOpConst n o r c => r ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ c | IOpReg n o a b => a ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ b | IOpMem n _ o a b i => a ++ " " ++ o ++ "= *(int" ++ (f n) ++ "* " ++ b ++ " + " ++ i ++ ")" | IOpStack n o a b => a ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ b | DOp n o a b x => match x with | Some r => "inline " ++ r ++ " " ++ a ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ b | None => a ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ b end | COp n o a b => a ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ b | ROp n o r i => r ++ " " ++ o ++ "= " ++ i end. Definition testOpToString (t: TestOp): bool * string := match t with | TEq => (true, "=") | TLt => (true, "<") | TGt => (true, ">") | TLe => (false, ">") | TGe => (false, "<") end. Definition conditionalToString (c: Conditional): string * string := match c with | CTrue => ("=? 0", "=") | CZero n r => ("=? " ++ r, "=") | CReg n t a b => match (testOpToString t) with | (true, s) => (s ++ "? " ++ a ++ " - " ++ b, s) | (false, s) => (s ++ "? " ++ a ++ " - " ++ b, "!" ++ s) end | CConst n t a b => match (testOpToString t) with | (true, s) => (s ++ "? " ++ a ++ " - " ++ b, s) | (false, s) => (s ++ "? " ++ a ++ " - " ++ b, "!" ++ s) end end. End Elements. Section Parsing. Definition convM {n m} (x: list (Mapping n)): list (Mapping m). destruct (Nat.eq_dec n m); subst. exact x. exact []. Defined. Arguments regM [n] r. Arguments stackM [n] s. Arguments memM [n m] x. Arguments constM [n] x. Fixpoint entries (width: nat) (prog: Program): list (Mapping width) := match prog with | cons s next => match s with | QAssign a => match a with | ARegStack n r s => convM [regM r; stackM s] | AStackReg n s r => convM [regM r; stackM s] | ARegMem n m a b i => convM [regM a; memM b] | AMemReg n m a i b => convM [memM a; regM b] | ARegReg n a b => convM [regM a; regM b] | AConstInt n r c => convM [regM r; constM c] end | QOp o => match o with | IOpConst _ o a c => convM [regM a; constM c] | IOpReg _ o a b => convM [regM a; regM b] | IOpStack _ o a b => convM [regM a; stackM b] | IOpMem _ _ o a b i => convM [regM a; memM b] | DOp _ o a b (Some x) => convM [regM a; regM b; regM x] | DOp _ o a b None => convM [regM a; regM b] | ROp _ o a i => convM [regM a] | COp _ o a b => convM [regM a; regM b] end | QCond c _ => match c with | CTrue => [] | CZero n r => convM [regM r] | CReg n o a b => convM [regM a; regM b] | CConst n o a c => convM [regM a; constM c] end | _ => [] end ++ (entries width next) | nil => nil end. Definition flatMapOpt {A B} (lst: list A) (f: A -> option B): list B := fold_left (fun lst a => match (f a) with | Some x => cons x lst | _ => lst end) lst []. Definition flatMapList {A B} (lst: list A) (f: A -> list B): list B := fold_left (fun lst a => lst ++ (f a)) lst []. Fixpoint dedup {n} (l : list (Mapping n)) : list (Mapping n) := match l with | [] => [] | x::xs => if in_dec EvalUtil.mapping_dec x xs then dedup xs else x::(dedup xs) end. Definition getRegNames (n: nat) (lst: list (Mapping n)): list nat := flatMapOpt (dedup lst) (fun e => match e with | regM (reg _ _ x) => Some x | _ => None end). Definition getStackNames (n: nat) (lst: list (Mapping n)): list nat := flatMapOpt (dedup lst) (fun e => match e with | stackM (stack _ _ x) => Some x | _ => None end). Definition getMemNames (n: nat) (lst: list (Mapping n)): list nat := flatMapOpt (dedup lst) (fun e => match e with | memM _ (mem _ _ _ x) => Some x | _ => None end). Fixpoint getInputs' (n: nat) (prog: list QhasmStatement) (init: list (Mapping n)): list (Mapping n) := let f := fun rs => filter (fun x => negb (proj1_sig (bool_of_sumbool (in_dec EvalUtil.mapping_dec x init)))) rs in let g := fun {w} p => (@convM w n (fst p), @convM w n (snd p)) in match prog with | [] => [] | cons p ps => let requiredCommaUsed := match p with | QAssign a => match a with | ARegStack n r s => g ([stackM s], [regM r; stackM s]) | AStackReg n s r => g ([regM r], [regM r; stackM s]) | ARegMem n m r x i => g ([memM x], [regM r; memM x]) | AMemReg n m x i r => g ([regM r], [regM r; memM x]) | ARegReg n a b => g ([regM b], [regM a; regM b]) | AConstInt n r c => g ([], [regM r]) end | QOp o => match o with | IOpConst _ o a c => g ([regM a], [regM a]) | IOpReg _ o a b => g ([regM a], [regM a; regM b]) | IOpStack _ o a b => g ([regM a], [regM a; stackM b]) | IOpMem _ _ o a b i => g ([regM a], [regM a; memM b]) | DOp _ o a b (Some x) => g ([regM a; regM b], [regM a; regM b; regM x]) | DOp _ o a b None => g ([regM a; regM b], [regM a; regM b]) | ROp _ o a i => g ([regM a], [regM a]) | COp _ o a b => g ([regM a], [regM a; regM b]) end | QCond c _ => match c with | CTrue => ([], []) | CZero n r => g ([], [regM r]) | CReg n o a b => g ([], [regM a; regM b]) | CConst n o a c => g ([], [regM a]) end | _ => ([], []) end in match requiredCommaUsed with | (r, u) => ((f r) ++ (getInputs' n ps ((f u) ++ init))) end end. Definition getInputs (n: nat) (prog: list QhasmStatement) := getInputs' n prog []. Definition mappingDeclaration {n} (x: Mapping n): option string := match x with | regM (reg _ w x) => match w with | W32 => Some ("int32 " ++ (reg w x))%string | W64 => Some ("int64 " ++ (reg w x))%string end | stackM (stack _ w x) => match w with | W32 => Some ("stack32 " ++ (stack w x))%string | W64 => Some ("stack64 " ++ (stack w x))%string end | memM _ (mem _ m w x) => match w with | W32 => Some ("stack32 " ++ (@mem _ m w x))%string | W64 => Some ("stack64 " ++ (@mem _ m w x))%string end | _ => None end. Definition inputDeclaration {n} (x: Mapping n): option string := match x with | regM r => Some ("input " ++ r)%string | stackM s => Some ("input " ++ s)%string | memM _ m => Some ("input " ++ m)%string | _ => None end. End Parsing. (* Macroscopic Conversion Methods *) Definition optionToList {A} (o: option A): list A := match o with | Some a => [a] | None => [] end. Definition convertStatement (statement: QhasmStatement): list string := match statement with | QAssign a => optionToList (assignmentToString a) | QOp o => optionToList (operationToString o) | QCond c l => match (conditionalToString c) with | (s1, s2) => let s' := ("goto lbl" ++ l ++ " if " ++ s2)%string in [s1; s'] end | QLabel l => [("lbl" ++ l ++ ": ")%string] | QCall l => [("push %eip+2")%string; ("goto" ++ l)%string] | QRet => [("pop %eip")%string] end. Definition convertProgram (prog: Qhasm.Program): option string := let decls := fun x => flatMapList (dedup (entries x prog)) (compose optionToList mappingDeclaration) in let inputs := fun x => flatMapList (getInputs x prog) (compose optionToList inputDeclaration) in let stmts := (flatMapList prog convertStatement) in let enter := [("enter prog")%string] in let leave := [("leave")%string] in let blank := [EmptyString] in let newline := String (ascii_of_nat 10) EmptyString in Some (fold_left (fun x y => (x ++ newline ++ y)%string) (decls 32 ++ inputs 32 ++ decls 64 ++ inputs 64 ++ blank ++ enter ++ blank ++ stmts ++ blank ++ leave ++ blank) EmptyString). Lemma convert_spec: forall a a' b b' prog prog', convertProgram prog = Some prog' -> convertState a = Some a' -> convertState b = Some b' -> QhasmString.evaluatesTo prog' a b <-> Qhasm.evaluatesTo prog a' b'. Admitted. End StringConversion.