Require Export String List Logic. Require Export Bedrock.Word. Require Import ZArith NArith NPeano Ndec. Require Import Compare_dec Omega. Require Import OrderedType Coq.Structures.OrderedTypeEx. Require Import FMapPositive FMapFullAVL JMeq. Require Import QhasmUtil QhasmCommon. (* We want to use pairs and triples as map keys: *) Module Pair_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType. Definition t := (nat * nat)%type. Definition eq := @eq t. Definition eq_refl := @eq_refl t. Definition eq_sym := @eq_sym t. Definition eq_trans := @eq_trans t. Definition lt (a b: t) := if (Nat.eq_dec (fst a) (fst b)) then lt (snd a) (snd b) else lt (fst a) (fst b). Lemma conv: forall {x0 x1 y0 y1: nat}, (x0 = y0 /\ x1 = y1) <-> (x0, x1) = (y0, y1). Proof. intros; split; intros. - destruct H; destruct H0; subst; intuition. - inversion_clear H; intuition. Qed. Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z. intros; destruct x as [x0 x1], y as [y0 y1], z as [z0 z1]; unfold lt in *; simpl in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec x0 y0), (Nat.eq_dec y0 z0), (Nat.eq_dec x0 z0); omega. Qed. Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y. intros; destruct x as [x0 x1], y as [y0 y1]; unfold lt, eq in *; simpl in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec x0 y0); subst; intuition; inversion H0; subst; omega. Qed. Definition compare x y : Compare lt eq x y. destruct x as [x0 x1], y as [y0 y1]; destruct ( x0 y0); unfold, Nat_as_OT.eq in *. - apply LT; abstract (unfold lt; simpl; destruct (Nat.eq_dec x0 y0); intuition). - destruct ( x1 y1); unfold, Nat_as_OT.eq in *. + apply LT; abstract (unfold lt; simpl; destruct (Nat.eq_dec x0 y0); intuition). + apply EQ; abstract (unfold lt; simpl; subst; intuition). + apply GT; abstract (unfold lt; simpl; destruct (Nat.eq_dec y0 x0); intuition). - apply GT; abstract (unfold lt; simpl; destruct (Nat.eq_dec y0 x0); intuition). Defined. Definition eq_dec (a b: t): {a = b} + {a <> b}. destruct (compare a b); destruct a as [a0 a1], b as [b0 b1]. - right; abstract ( unfold lt in *; simpl in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec a0 b0); intuition; inversion H; intuition). - left; abstract (inversion e; intuition). - right; abstract ( unfold lt in *; simpl in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec b0 a0); intuition; inversion H; intuition). Defined. End Pair_as_OT. Module Triple_as_OT <: UsualOrderedType. Definition t := (nat * nat * nat)%type. Definition get0 (x: t) := fst (fst x). Definition get1 (x: t) := snd (fst x). Definition get2 (x: t) := snd x. Definition eq := @eq t. Definition eq_refl := @eq_refl t. Definition eq_sym := @eq_sym t. Definition eq_trans := @eq_trans t. Definition lt (a b: t) := if (Nat.eq_dec (get0 a) (get0 b)) then if (Nat.eq_dec (get1 a) (get1 b)) then lt (get2 a) (get2 b) else lt (get1 a) (get1 b) else lt (get0 a) (get0 b). Lemma conv: forall {x0 x1 x2 y0 y1 y2: nat}, (x0 = y0 /\ x1 = y1 /\ x2 = y2) <-> (x0, x1, x2) = (y0, y1, y2). Proof. intros; split; intros. - destruct H; destruct H0; subst; intuition. - inversion_clear H; intuition. Qed. Lemma lt_trans : forall x y z : t, lt x y -> lt y z -> lt x z. intros; unfold lt in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec (get0 x) (get0 y)), (Nat.eq_dec (get1 x) (get1 y)), (Nat.eq_dec (get0 y) (get0 z)), (Nat.eq_dec (get1 y) (get1 z)), (Nat.eq_dec (get0 x) (get0 z)), (Nat.eq_dec (get1 x) (get1 z)); omega. Qed. Lemma lt_not_eq : forall x y : t, lt x y -> ~ eq x y. intros; unfold lt, eq in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec (get0 x) (get0 y)), (Nat.eq_dec (get1 x) (get1 y)); subst; intuition; inversion H0; subst; omega. Qed. Ltac compare_tmp x y := abstract ( unfold, Nat_as_OT.eq, lt, eq in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec (get0 x) (get0 y)); destruct (Nat.eq_dec (get1 x) (get1 y)); simpl; intuition). Ltac compare_eq x y := abstract ( unfold, Nat_as_OT.eq, lt, eq, get0, get1 in *; destruct x as [x x2], y as [y y2]; destruct x as [x0 x1], y as [y0 y1]; simpl in *; subst; intuition). Definition compare x y : Compare lt eq x y. destruct ( (get0 x) (get0 y)). - apply LT; compare_tmp x y. - destruct ( (get1 x) (get1 y)). + apply LT; compare_tmp x y. + destruct ( (get2 x) (get2 y)). * apply LT; compare_tmp x y. * apply EQ; compare_eq x y. * apply GT; compare_tmp y x. + apply GT; compare_tmp y x. - apply GT; compare_tmp y x. Defined. Definition eq_dec (a b: t): {a = b} + {a <> b}. destruct (compare a b); destruct a as [a a2], b as [b b2]; destruct a as [a0 a1], b as [b0 b1]. - right; abstract ( unfold lt, get0, get1, get2 in *; simpl in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec a0 b0), (Nat.eq_dec a1 b1); intuition; inversion H; intuition). - left; abstract (inversion e; intuition). - right; abstract ( unfold lt, get0, get1, get2 in *; simpl in *; destruct (Nat.eq_dec b0 a0), (Nat.eq_dec b1 a1); intuition; inversion H; intuition). Defined. End Triple_as_OT. Module StateCommon. Export ListNotations. Module NatM := FMapFullAVL.Make(Nat_as_OT). Module PairM := FMapFullAVL.Make(Pair_as_OT). Module TripleM := FMapFullAVL.Make(Triple_as_OT). Definition NatNMap: Type := NatM.t N. Definition PairNMap: Type := PairM.t N. Definition TripleNMap: Type := TripleM.t N. Definition LabelMap: Type := NatM.t nat. End StateCommon. Module ListState. Export StateCommon. Definition ListState (n: nat) := ((list (word n)) * TripleNMap * (option bool))%type. Definition emptyState {n}: ListState n := ([], TripleM.empty N, None). Definition getVar {n: nat} (name: nat) (st: ListState n): option (word n) := nth_error (fst (fst st)) name. Definition getList {n: nat} (st: ListState n): list (word n) := fst (fst st). Definition setList {n: nat} (lst: list (word n)) (st: ListState n): ListState n := (lst, snd (fst st), snd st). Definition getMem {n: nat} (name index: nat) (st: ListState n): option (word n) := omap (TripleM.find (n, name, index) (snd (fst st))) (fun v => Some (NToWord n v)). Definition setMem {n: nat} (name index: nat) (v: word n) (st: ListState n): ListState n := (fst (fst st), TripleM.add (n, name, index) (wordToN v) (snd (fst st)), snd st). Definition getCarry {n: nat} (st: ListState n): option bool := (snd st). Definition setCarry {n: nat} (v: bool) (st: ListState n): ListState n := (fst st, Some v). Definition setCarryOpt {n: nat} (v: option bool) (st: ListState n): ListState n := match v with | Some v' => (fst st, v) | None => st end. End ListState. Module FullState. Export StateCommon. (* The Big Definition *) Inductive State := | fullState (regState: PairNMap) (stackState: PairNMap) (memState: TripleNMap) (retState: list nat) (carry: Carry): State. Definition emptyState: State := fullState (PairM.empty N) (PairM.empty N) (TripleM.empty N) [] None. (* Register *) Definition getReg {n} (r: Reg n) (state: State): option (word n) := match state with | fullState regS _ _ _ _ => match (PairM.find (n, regName r) regS) with | Some v => Some (NToWord n v) | None => None end end. Definition setReg {n} (r: Reg n) (value: word n) (state: State): State := match state with | fullState regS stackS memS retS carry => fullState (PairM.add (n, regName r) (wordToN value) regS) stackS memS retS carry end. (* Stack *) Definition getStack {n} (s: Stack n) (state: State): option (word n) := match state with | fullState _ stackS _ _ _ => match (PairM.find (n, stackName s) stackS) with | Some v => Some (NToWord n v) | None => None end end. Definition setStack {n} (s: Stack n) (value: word n) (state: State): State := match state with | fullState regS stackS memS retS carry => fullState regS (PairM.add (n, stackName s) (wordToN value) stackS) memS retS carry end. (* Memory *) Definition getMem {n m} (x: Mem n m) (i: Index m) (state: State): option (word n) := match state with | fullState _ _ memS _ _ => match (TripleM.find (n, memName x, proj1_sig i) memS) with | Some v => Some (NToWord n v) | None => None end end. Definition setMem {n m} (x: Mem n m) (i: Index m) (value: word n) (state: State): State := match state with | fullState regS stackS memS retS carry => fullState regS stackS (TripleM.add (n, memName x, proj1_sig i) (wordToN value) memS) retS carry end. (* Return Pointers *) Definition pushRet (x: nat) (state: State): State := match state with | fullState regS stackS memS retS carry => fullState regS stackS memS (cons x retS) carry end. Definition popRet (state: State): option (State * nat) := match state with | fullState regS stackS memS [] carry => None | fullState regS stackS memS (r :: rs) carry => Some (fullState regS stackS memS rs carry, r) end. (* Carry State Manipulations *) Definition getCarry (state: State): Carry := match state with | fullState _ _ _ _ b => b end. Definition setCarry (value: bool) (state: State): State := match state with | fullState regS stackS memS retS carry => fullState regS stackS memS retS (Some value) end. Definition setCarryOpt (value: option bool) (state: State): State := match value with | Some c' => setCarry c' state | _ => state end. End FullState.