Require Import ZArith NArith NPeano. Require Import QhasmCommon. Require Export Bedrock.Word. Delimit Scope nword_scope with w. Local Open Scope nword_scope. Notation "& x" := (wordToN x) (at level 30) : nword_scope. Notation "** x" := (NToWord _ x) (at level 30) : nword_scope. Section Util. Definition convS {A B: Set} (x: A) (H: A = B): B := eq_rect A (fun B0 : Set => B0) x B H. Definition high {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word n): word k. refine (split1 k (n - k) (convS w _)). abstract (replace n with (k + (n - k)) by omega; intuition). Defined. Definition low {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word n): word k. refine (split2 (n - k) k (convS w _)). abstract (replace n with (k + (n - k)) by omega; intuition). Defined. Definition extend {k n: nat} (p: (k <= n)%nat) (w: word k): word n. refine (convS (zext w (n - k)) _). abstract (replace (k + (n - k)) with n by omega; intuition). Defined. Definition shiftr {n} (w: word n) (k: nat): word n := match (le_dec k n) with | left p => extend p (high p w) | right _ => wzero n end. Definition mask {n} (k: nat) (w: word n): word n := match (le_dec k n) with | left p => extend p (low p w) | right _ => w end. Definition overflows (n: nat) (x: N) : {(x >= Npow2 n)%N} + {(x < Npow2 n)%N}. refine ( let c := (x ?= Npow2 n)%N in match c as c' return c = c' -> _ with | Lt => fun _ => right _ | _ => fun _ => left _ end eq_refl); abstract ( unfold c in *; unfold,; rewrite e in *; intuition; try inversion H). Defined. Definition break {n} (m: nat) (x: word n): word m * word (n - m). refine match (le_dec m n) with | left p => (extend _ (low p x), extend _ (@high (n - m) n _ x)) | right p => (extend _ x, _) end; try abstract intuition. replace (n - m) with O by abstract omega; exact WO. Defined. Definition addWithCarry {n} (x y: word n) (c: bool): word n := x ^+ y ^+ (natToWord _ (if c then 1 else 0)). Definition omap {A B} (x: option A) (f: A -> option B) := match x with | Some y => f y | _ => None end. Notation "A <- X ; B" := (omap X (fun A => B)) (at level 70, right associativity). End Util. Close Scope nword_scope.