Require Import QhasmCommon QhasmUtil State. Require Import ZArith Sumbool. Require Import Bedrock.Word. Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec ProofIrrelevance. Module EvalUtil. Definition evalTest {n} (o: TestOp) (a b: word n): bool := let c := ( (wordToN a) (wordToN b)) in let eqBit := match c with | Eq => true | _ => false end in let ltBit := match c with | Lt => true | _ => false end in let gtBit := match c with | Gt => true | _ => false end in match o with | TEq => eqBit | TLt => ltBit | TLe => orb (eqBit) (ltBit) | TGt => gtBit | TGe => orb (eqBit) (gtBit) end. Definition evalIntOp {b} (io: IntOp) (x y: word b) := match io return (word b) * option bool with | ISub => (wminus x y, None) | IXor => (wxor x y, None) | IAnd => (wand x y, None) | IOr => (wor x y, None) | IAdd => let v := (wordToN x + wordToN y)%N in let c := (overflows b (&x + &y)%N)%w in match c as c' return c' = c -> _ with | right _ => fun _ => (NToWord b v, Some false) | left _ => fun _ => (NToWord b v, Some true) end eq_refl end. Definition evalCarryOp {b} (io: CarryOp) (x y: word b) (c: bool): (word b) * bool := match io with | AddWidthCarry => let c' := (overflows b (&x + &y + (if c then 1 else 0))%N)%w in let v := addWithCarry x y c in match c' as c'' return c' = c'' -> _ with | right _ => fun _ => (v, false) | left _ => fun _ => (v, true) end eq_refl end. Definition highBits {n} (m: nat) (x: word n) := snd (break m x). Definition multHigh {n} (x y: word n): word n. refine (@extend _ n _ ((highBits (n/2) x) ^* (highBits (n/2) y))); abstract omega. Defined. Definition evalDualOp {n} (duo: DualOp) (x y: word n) := match duo with | Mult => (x ^* y, multHigh x y) end. Definition evalRotOp {b} (ro: RotOp) (x: word b) (n: nat) := match ro with | Shl => NToWord b (N.shiftl_nat (wordToN x) n) | Shr => NToWord b (N.shiftr_nat (wordToN x) n) end. (* Width decideability *) Definition getWidth (n: nat): option (Width n) := match n with | 32 => Some W32 | 64 => Some W64 | _ => None end. Lemma getWidth_eq {n} (a: Width n): Some a = getWidth n. Proof. induction a; unfold getWidth; simpl; intuition. Qed. Lemma width_eq {n} (a b: Width n): a = b. Proof. assert (Some a = Some b) as H by ( replace (Some a) with (getWidth n) by (rewrite getWidth_eq; intuition); replace (Some b) with (getWidth n) by (rewrite getWidth_eq; intuition); intuition). inversion H; intuition. Qed. (* Mapping Conversions *) Definition wordToM {n: nat} {spec: Width n} (w: word n): Mapping n := constM _ (constant spec w). Definition regToM {n: nat} {spec: Width n} (r: Reg n): Mapping n := regM _ r. Definition stackToM {n: nat} {spec: Width n} (s: Stack n): Mapping n := stackM _ s. Definition constToM {n: nat} {spec: Width n} (c: Const n): Mapping n := constM _ c. Definition mapping_dec {n} (a b: Mapping n): {a = b} + {a <> b}. refine (match (a, b) as p' return (a, b) = p' -> _ with | (regM v, regM v') => fun _ => if (Nat.eq_dec (regName v) (regName v')) then left _ else right _ | (stackM v, stackM v') => fun _ => if (Nat.eq_dec (stackName v) (stackName v')) then left _ else right _ | (constM v, constM v') => fun _ => if (Nat.eq_dec (constValueN v) (constValueN v')) then left _ else right _ | (memM _ v i, memM _ v' i') => fun _ => if (Nat.eq_dec (memName v) (memName v')) then if (Nat.eq_dec (memLength v) (memLength v')) then if (Nat.eq_dec (proj1_sig i) (proj1_sig i')) then left _ else right _ else right _ else right _ | _ => fun _ => right _ end (eq_refl (a, b))); try destruct v, v'; subst; unfold regName, stackName, constValueN, memName, memLength in *; repeat progress (try apply f_equal; subst; match goal with (* Makeshift intuition *) | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity | [ H: ?x <> ?x |- _ ] => destruct H | [ |- ?x = ?y ] => apply proof_irrelevance (* Destruct the widths *) | [ w0: Width ?x, w1: Width ?x |- _ ] => let H := fresh in assert (w0 = w1) as H by (apply width_eq); rewrite H in *; clear w0 H (* Invert <> *) | [ |- regM _ _ <> _ ] => let H := fresh in (intro H; inversion H) | [ |- memM _ _ _ <> _ ] => let H := fresh in (intro H; inversion H) | [ |- stackM _ _ <> _ ] => let H := fresh in (intro H; inversion H) | [ |- constM _ _ <> _ ] => let H := fresh in (intro H; inversion H) (* Invert common structures *) | [ H: regName _ = regName _ |- _ ] => inversion_clear H | [ H: (_, _) = _ |- _ ] => inversion_clear H | [ H: ?x = _ |- _ ] => is_var x; rewrite H in *; clear H (* Destruct sigmas, exist, existT *) | [ H: proj1_sig ?a = proj1_sig ?b |- _ ] => let l0 := fresh in let l1 := fresh in destruct a, b; simpl in H; subst | [ H: proj1_sig ?a <> proj1_sig ?b |- _ ] => let l0 := fresh in let l1 := fresh in destruct a, b; simpl in H; subst | [ H: existT ?a ?b _ = existT ?a ?b _ |- _ ] => apply (inj_pair2_eq_dec _ Nat.eq_dec) in H; subst; intuition | [ H: exist _ _ _ = exist _ _ _ |- _ ] => inversion H; subst; intuition (* Single specialized wordToNat proof *) | [ H: wordToNat ?a = wordToNat ?b |- ?a = ?b] => rewrite <- (natToWord_wordToNat a); rewrite <- (natToWord_wordToNat b); rewrite H; reflexivity | _ => idtac end). Defined. Definition dec_lt (a b: nat): {(a < b)%nat} + {(a >= b)%nat}. assert ({(a true}) by abstract (destruct (a nil | cons c cs => match c with | stackM v => cons (stackName v) (stackNames cs) | _ => stackNames cs end end. Fixpoint regNames {n} (lst: list (Mapping n)): list nat := match lst with | nil => nil | cons c cs => match c with | regM v => cons (regName v) (regNames cs) | _ => regNames cs end end. End EvalUtil. Module QhasmEval. Export EvalUtil FullState. Definition evalCond (c: Conditional) (state: State): option bool := match c with | CTrue => Some true | CZero n r => omap (getReg r state) (fun v => if (Nat.eq_dec O (wordToNat v)) then Some true else Some false) | CReg n o a b => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => omap (getReg b state) (fun vb => Some (evalTest o va vb))) | CConst n o a c => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => Some (evalTest o va (constValueW c))) end. Definition evalOperation (o: Operation) (state: State): option State := match o with | IOpConst _ o r c => omap (getReg r state) (fun v => let (v', co) := (evalIntOp o v (constValueW c)) in Some (setCarryOpt co (setReg r v' state))) | IOpReg _ o a b => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => omap (getReg b state) (fun vb => let (v', co) := (evalIntOp o va vb) in Some (setCarryOpt co (setReg a v' state)))) | IOpStack _ o a b => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => omap (getStack b state) (fun vb => let (v', co) := (evalIntOp o va vb) in Some (setCarryOpt co (setReg a v' state)))) | IOpMem _ _ o r m i => omap (getReg r state) (fun va => omap (getMem m i state) (fun vb => let (v', co) := (evalIntOp o va vb) in Some (setCarryOpt co (setReg r v' state)))) | DOp _ o a b (Some x) => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => omap (getReg b state) (fun vb => let (low, high) := (evalDualOp o va vb) in Some (setReg x high (setReg a low state)))) | DOp _ o a b None => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => omap (getReg b state) (fun vb => let (low, high) := (evalDualOp o va vb) in Some (setReg a low state))) | ROp _ o r i => omap (getReg r state) (fun v => let v' := (evalRotOp o v i) in Some (setReg r v' state)) | COp _ o a b => omap (getReg a state) (fun va => omap (getReg b state) (fun vb => match (getCarry state) with | None => None | Some c0 => let (v', c') := (evalCarryOp o va vb c0) in Some (setCarry c' (setReg a v' state)) end)) end. Definition evalAssignment (a: Assignment) (state: State): option State := match a with | ARegMem _ _ r m i => omap (getMem m i state) (fun v => Some (setReg r v state)) | AMemReg _ _ m i r => omap (getReg r state) (fun v => Some (setMem m i v state)) | AStackReg _ a b => omap (getReg b state) (fun v => Some (setStack a v state)) | ARegStack _ a b => omap (getStack b state) (fun v => Some (setReg a v state)) | ARegReg _ a b => omap (getReg b state) (fun v => Some (setReg a v state)) | AConstInt _ r c => Some (setReg r (constValueW c) state) end. End QhasmEval.