Require Export String List NPeano NArith. Require Export Bedrock.Word. (* Utilities *) Definition Label := nat. Definition Index (limit: nat) := {x: nat | (x < limit)%nat}. Coercion indexToNat {lim: nat} (i: Index lim): nat := proj1_sig i. Inductive Either A B := | xleft: A -> Either A B | xright: B -> Either A B. Definition convert {A B: Type} (x: A) (H: A = B): B := eq_rect A (fun B0 : Type => B0) x B H. (* Asm Types *) Inductive Width: nat -> Type := | W32: Width 32 | W64: Width 64. (* A constant value *) Inductive Const: nat -> Type := | const: forall {n}, Width n -> word n -> Const n. (* A variable in any register *) Inductive Reg: nat -> Type := | reg: forall {n}, Width n -> nat -> Reg n. (* A variable on the stack. We should use this sparingly. *) Inductive Stack: nat -> Type := | stack: forall {n}, Width n -> nat -> Stack n. (* A pointer to a memory block. Called as: mem width index length where length is in words of size width. All Mem pointers will be declared as Stack arguments in the resulting qhasm output *) Inductive Mem: nat -> nat -> Type := | mem: forall {n m}, Width n -> nat -> Mem n m. (* The state of the carry flag: 1 = Some true 0 = Some false unknown = None *) Definition Carry := option bool. (* Assignments *) Inductive Assignment : Type := | ARegMem: forall {n m}, Reg n -> Mem n m -> Index m -> Assignment | AMemReg: forall {n m}, Mem n m -> Index m -> Reg n -> Assignment | AStackReg: forall {n}, Stack n -> Reg n -> Assignment | ARegStack: forall {n}, Reg n -> Stack n -> Assignment | ARegReg: forall {n}, Reg n -> Reg n -> Assignment | AConstInt: forall {n}, Reg n -> Const n -> Assignment. (* Operations *) Inductive IntOp := | Add: IntOp | Sub: IntOp | Xor: IntOp | And: IntOp | Or: IntOp. Inductive CarryOp := | AddWithCarry: CarryOp. Inductive DualOp := | Mult: DualOp. Inductive RotOp := | Shl: RotOp | Shr: RotOp. Inductive Operation := | IOpConst: forall {n}, IntOp -> Reg n -> Const n -> Operation | IOpReg: forall {n}, IntOp -> Reg n -> Reg n -> Operation | IOpMem: forall {n m}, IntOp -> Reg n -> Mem n m -> Index m -> Operation | IOpStack: forall {n}, IntOp -> Reg n -> Stack n -> Operation | DOp: forall {n}, DualOp -> Reg n -> Reg n -> option (Reg n) -> Operation | ROp: forall {n}, RotOp -> Reg n -> Index n -> Operation | COp: forall {n}, CarryOp -> Reg n -> Reg n -> Operation. (* Control Flow *) Inductive TestOp := | TEq: TestOp | TLt: TestOp | TLe: TestOp | TGt: TestOp | TGe: TestOp. Inductive Conditional := | CTrue: Conditional | CZero: forall n, Reg n -> Conditional | CReg: forall n, TestOp -> Reg n -> Reg n -> Conditional | CConst: forall n, TestOp -> Reg n -> Const n -> Conditional. (* Generalized Variable Entry *) Inductive Mapping (n: nat) := | regM: forall (r: Reg n), Mapping n | stackM: forall (s: Stack n), Mapping n | memM: forall {m} (x: Mem n m), Mapping n | constM: forall (x: Const n), Mapping n. (* Parameter Accessors *) Definition constWidth {n} (x: Const n): nat := n. Definition regWidth {n} (x: Reg n): nat := n. Definition stackWidth {n} (x: Stack n): nat := n. Definition memWidth {n m} (x: Mem n m): nat := n. Definition memLength {n m} (x: Mem n m): nat := m. Definition constValueW {n} (x: Const n): word n := match x with | @const n _ v => v end. Definition constValueN {n} (x: Const n): nat := match x with | @const n _ v => wordToNat v end. Definition regName {n} (x: Reg n): nat := match x with | @reg n _ v => v end. Definition stackName {n} (x: Stack n): nat := match x with | @stack n _ v => v end. Definition memName {n m} (x: Mem n m): nat := match x with | @mem n m _ v => v end. (* Hints *) Hint Constructors Reg Stack Const Mem Mapping Assignment Operation Conditional.