Require Import QhasmEvalCommon. Require Import Language. Require Import List NPeano. Module Qhasm <: Language. Import ListNotations. Import QhasmEval. (* A constant upper-bound on the number of operations we run *) Definition State := State. (* Program Types *) Inductive QhasmStatement := | QAssign: Assignment -> QhasmStatement | QOp: Operation -> QhasmStatement | QCond: Conditional -> Label -> QhasmStatement | QLabel: Label -> QhasmStatement | QCall: Label -> QhasmStatement | QRet: QhasmStatement. Hint Constructors QhasmStatement. Definition Program := list QhasmStatement. (* Only execute while loops a fixed number of times. TODO (rsloan): can we do any better? *) Fixpoint getLabelMap' (prog: Program) (cur: LabelMap) (index: nat): LabelMap := match prog with | p :: ps => match p with | QLabel label => getLabelMap' ps (NatM.add label index cur) (S index) | _ => getLabelMap' ps cur (S index) end | [] => cur end. Definition getLabelMap (prog: Program): LabelMap := getLabelMap' prog (NatM.empty nat) O. Inductive QhasmEval: nat -> Program -> LabelMap -> State -> State -> Prop := | QEOver: forall p n m s, (n > (length p))%nat -> QhasmEval n p m s s | QEZero: forall p s m, QhasmEval O p m s s | QEAssign: forall n p m a s s' s'', (nth_error p n) = Some (QAssign a) -> evalAssignment a s = Some s' -> QhasmEval (S n) p m s' s'' -> QhasmEval n p m s s'' | QEOp: forall n p m a s s' s'', (nth_error p n) = Some (QOp a) -> evalOperation a s = Some s' -> QhasmEval (S n) p m s' s'' -> QhasmEval n p m s s'' | QECondTrue: forall (n loc next: nat) p m c l s s', (nth_error p n) = Some (QCond c l) -> evalCond c s = Some true -> NatM.find l m = Some loc -> QhasmEval loc p m s s' -> QhasmEval n p m s s' | QECondFalse: forall (n loc next: nat) p m c l s s', (nth_error p n) = Some (QCond c l) -> evalCond c s = Some false -> QhasmEval (S n) p m s s' -> QhasmEval n p m s s' | QERet: forall (n n': nat) s s' s'' p m, (nth_error p n) = Some QRet -> popRet s = Some (s', n') -> QhasmEval n' p m s' s'' -> QhasmEval n p m s s'' | QECall: forall (w n n' lbl: nat) s s' s'' p m, (nth_error p n) = Some (QCall lbl) -> NatM.find lbl m = Some n' -> QhasmEval n' p m (pushRet (S n) s') s'' -> QhasmEval n p m s s'' | QELabel: forall n p m l s s', (nth_error p n) = Some (QLabel l) -> QhasmEval (S n) p m s s' -> QhasmEval n p m s s'. Definition evaluatesTo := fun p => QhasmEval O p (getLabelMap p). (* world peace *) End Qhasm.