Require Import QhasmEvalCommon QhasmUtil State. Require Import Language. Require Import List. Module Pseudo <: Language. Import EvalUtil ListState Util. Inductive Pseudo {w: nat} {s: Width w}: nat -> nat -> Type := | PVar: forall n, option bool -> Index n -> Pseudo n 1 | PMem: forall n m , Index n -> Index m -> Pseudo n 1 | PConst: forall n, word w -> Pseudo n 1 | PBin: forall n, IntOp -> Pseudo n 2 -> Pseudo n 1 | PDual: forall n, DualOp -> Pseudo n 2 -> Pseudo n 2 | PCarry: forall n, CarryOp -> Pseudo n 2 -> Pseudo n 1 | PShift: forall n, RotOp -> Index w -> Pseudo n 1 -> Pseudo n 1 | PFunExp: forall n, Pseudo n n -> nat -> Pseudo n n | PLet: forall n k m, Pseudo n k -> Pseudo (n + k) m -> Pseudo n m | PComb: forall n a b, Pseudo n a -> Pseudo n b -> Pseudo n (a + b) | PCall: forall n m, Label -> Pseudo n m -> Pseudo n m | PIf: forall n m, TestOp -> Index n -> Index n -> Pseudo n m -> Pseudo n m -> Pseudo n m. Hint Constructors Pseudo. Record Params': Type := mkParams { width: nat; spec: Width width; inputs: nat; outputs: nat }. Definition Params := Params'. Definition State (p: Params): Type := ListState (width p). Definition Program (p: Params): Type := @Pseudo (width p) (spec p) (inputs p) (outputs p). Definition Unary32: Params := mkParams 32 W32 1 1. Definition Unary64: Params := mkParams 64 W64 1 1. (* Evaluation *) Fixpoint pseudoEval {n m w s} (prog: @Pseudo w s n m) (st: ListState w): option (ListState w) := match prog with | PVar n _ i => omap (getVar i st) (fun x => Some (setList [x] st)) | PMem n m v i => omap (getMem v i st) (fun x => Some (setList [x] st)) | PConst n c => Some (setList [c] st) | PBin n o p => omap (pseudoEval p st) (fun sp => match (getList sp) with | [wa; wb] => let (v, c) := evalIntOp o wa wb in Some (setList [v] (setCarryOpt c sp)) | _ => None end) | PCarry n o p => omap (pseudoEval p st) (fun sp => match (getList sp, getCarry sp) with | ([wa; wb], Some c) => let (v, c') := evalCarryOp o wa wb c in Some (setList [v] (setCarry c' sp)) | _ => None end) | PDual n o p => omap (pseudoEval p st) (fun sp => match (getList sp) with | [wa; wb] => let (low, high) := evalDualOp o wa wb in Some (setList [low; high] sp) | _ => None end) | PShift n o a x => omap (pseudoEval x st) (fun sx => match (getList sx) with | [wx] => Some (setList [evalRotOp o wx a] sx) | _ => None end) | PLet n k m f g => omap (pseudoEval f st) (fun sf => omap (pseudoEval g (setList ((getList st) ++ (getList sf)) sf)) (fun sg => Some sg)) | PComb n a b f g => omap (pseudoEval f st) (fun sf => omap (pseudoEval g st) (fun sg => Some (setList ((getList sf) ++ (getList sg)) sg))) | PIf n m t i0 i1 l r => omap (getVar i0 st) (fun v0 => omap (getVar i1 st) (fun v1 => if (evalTest t v0 v1) then pseudoEval l st else pseudoEval r st )) | PFunExp n p e => (fix funexpseudo (e': nat) (st': ListState w) := match e' with | O => Some st' | S e'' => omap (pseudoEval p st') (fun st'' => funexpseudo e'' st'') end) e st | PCall n m _ p => pseudoEval p st end. Definition evaluatesTo (p: Params) (prog: Program p) (st st': State p) := pseudoEval prog st = Some st'. Delimit Scope pseudo_notations with p. Definition indexize (n: nat) (p: (n > 0)%nat) (x: nat): Index n. intros; exists (x mod n); abstract (pose proof (mod_bound_pos x n); omega). Defined. Notation "% A" := (PVar _ (Some false) (indexize _ _ A)) (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "$ A" := (PVar _ (Some true) (indexize _ _ A)) (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :[ B ]:" := (PMem _ _ (indexize _ _ A) (indexize _ _ B)) (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "# A" := (PConst _ (natToWord _ A)) (at level 20, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :+: B" := (PBin _ Add (PComb _ _ _ A B)) (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :+c: B" := (PCarry _ AddWithCarry (PComb _ _ _ A B)) (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :-: B" := (PBin _ Sub (PComb _ _ _ A B)) (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :&: B" := (PBin _ And (PComb _ _ _ A B)) (at level 45, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :^: B" := (PBin _ Xor (PComb _ _ _ A B)) (at level 45, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :>>: B" := (PShift _ Shr (indexize _ _ B) A) (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :<<: B" := (PShift _ Shl (indexize _ _ B) A) (at level 60, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :*: B" := (PDual _ Mult (PComb _ _ _ A B)) (at level 55, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "O :( A , B ): :?: L ::: R" := (PIf _ _ O (indexize _ _ A) (indexize _ _ B) L R) (at level 70, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "F :**: e" := (PFunExp _ F e) (at level 70, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "E :->: F" := (PLet _ _ _ E F) (at level 70, right associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "A :|: B" := (PComb _ _ _ A B) (at level 65, left associativity) : pseudo_notations. Notation "n ::: A :():" := (PCall _ _ n A) (at level 65, left associativity) : pseudo_notations. End Pseudo.