Require Import Coq.Logic.Eqdep. Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec Coq.Bool.Sumbool. Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Require Import Crypto.Assembly.PhoasCommon. Require Import Crypto.Assembly.HL. Require Import Crypto.Assembly.LL. Require Import Crypto.Assembly.QhasmEvalCommon. Require Import Crypto.Assembly.QhasmCommon. Require Import Crypto.Assembly.Qhasm. Local Arguments LetIn.Let_In _ _ _ _ / . Module CompileHL. Section Compilation. Context {T: Type}. Fixpoint compile {T t} (e:@HL.expr T (@LL.arg T T) t) : @LL.expr T T t := match e with | HL.Const _ n => LL.Return (LL.Const n) | HL.Var _ arg => LL.Return arg | HL.Binop t1 t2 t3 op e1 e2 => LL.under_lets (compile e1) (fun arg1 => LL.under_lets (compile e2) (fun arg2 => LL.LetBinop op arg1 arg2 (fun v => LL.Return v))) | HL.Let _ ex _ eC => LL.under_lets (compile ex) (fun arg => compile (eC arg)) | HL.Pair t1 e1 t2 e2 => LL.under_lets (compile e1) (fun arg1 => LL.under_lets (compile e2) (fun arg2 => LL.Return (LL.Pair arg1 arg2))) | HL.MatchPair _ _ ep _ eC => LL.under_lets (compile ep) (fun arg => let (a1, a2) := LL.match_arg_Prod arg in compile (eC a1 a2)) end. Definition Compile {T t} (e:@HL.Expr T t) : @LL.expr T T t := compile (e (@LL.arg T T)). End Compilation. Section Correctness. Context {T: Type}. Lemma compile_correct {_: Evaluable T} {t} e1 e2 G ( G e1 e2) : List.Forall (fun v => let 'existT _ (x, a) := v in LL.interp_arg a = x) G -> LL.interp (compile e2) = HL.interp e1 :> interp_type t. Proof using Type. induction wf; repeat match goal with | [HIn:In ?x ?l, HForall:Forall _ ?l |- _ ] => (pose proof (proj1 (Forall_forall _ _) HForall _ HIn); clear HIn) | [ H : LL.match_arg_Prod _ = (_, _) |- _ ] => apply LL.match_arg_Prod_correct in H | [ H : LL.Pair _ _ = LL.Pair _ _ |- _ ] => apply LL.Pair_eq in H | [ H : (_, _) = (_, _) |- _ ] => inversion H; clear H | _ => progress intros | _ => progress simpl in * | _ => progress subst | _ => progress specialize_by assumption | _ => progress break_match | _ => rewrite !LL.interp_under_lets | _ => rewrite !LL.interp_arg_uninterp_arg | _ => progress erewrite_hyp !* | _ => apply Forall_cons | _ => solve [intuition (congruence || eauto)] end. Qed. End Correctness. End CompileHL. Module CompileLL. Import LL Qhasm. Import QhasmUtil ListNotations. Section Compile. Context {n: nat} {w: Width n}. Definition WArg t': Type := @LL.arg (word n) (word n) t'. Definition WExpr t': Type := @LL.expr (word n) (word n) t'. Section Mappings. Definition indexize (x: nat) : Index n. intros; destruct (le_dec n 0). - exists 0; abstract intuition auto with zarith. - exists (x mod n)%nat. abstract (pose proof (Nat.mod_bound_pos x n); omega). Defined. Definition getMapping (x: WArg TT) := match x with | Const v => constM n (@constant n w v) | Var v => regM n (@reg n w (wordToNat v)) end. Definition getReg (x: Mapping n): option (Reg n) := match x with | regM r => Some r | _ => None end. Definition getConst (x: Mapping n): option (QhasmCommon.Const n) := match x with | constM c => Some c | _ => None end. Definition makeA (output input: Mapping n): list Assignment := match (output, input) with | (regM r, constM c) => [AConstInt r c] | (regM r0, regM r1) => [ARegReg r0 r1] | _ => [] end. Definition makeOp {t1 t2 t3} (op: binop t1 t2 t3) (tmp out: Reg n) (in1 in2: Mapping n): option (Reg n * list Assignment * Operation) := let mov := if (EvalUtil.mapping_dec (regM _ out) in1) then [] else makeA (regM _ out) in1 in match op with | OPadd => match in2 with | regM r1 => Some (out, mov, IOpReg IAdd out r1) | constM c => Some (out, mov, IOpConst IAdd out c) | _ => None end | OPsub => match in2 with | regM r1 => Some (out, mov, IOpReg ISub out r1) | constM c => Some (out, mov, IOpConst ISub out c) | _ => None end | OPmul => match in2 with | regM r1 => Some (out, mov, DOp Mult out r1 None) | constM c => Some (out, mov ++ (makeA (regM _ tmp) in2), DOp Mult out tmp None) | _ => None end | OPand => match in2 with | regM r1 => Some (out, mov, IOpReg IAnd out r1) | constM c => Some (out, mov, IOpConst IAnd out c) | _ => None end | OPshiftr => match in2 with | constM (constant _ _ w) => Some (out, mov, ROp Shr out (indexize (wordToNat w))) | _ => None end end. End Mappings. Section TypeDec. Fixpoint type_eqb (t0 t1: type): bool := match (t0, t1) with | (TT, TT) => true | (Prod t0a t0b, Prod t1a t1b) => andb (type_eqb t0a t1a) (type_eqb t0b t1b) | _ => false end. Lemma type_eqb_spec: forall t0 t1, type_eqb t0 t1 = true <-> t0 = t1. Proof using Type. intros; split. - revert t1; induction t0 as [|t0a IHt0a t0b IHt0b]. + induction t1; intro H; simpl in H; inversion H; reflexivity. + induction t1; intro H; simpl in H; inversion H. apply andb_true_iff in H; destruct H as [Ha Hb]. apply IHt0a in Ha; apply IHt0b in Hb; subst. reflexivity. - intro H; subst. induction t1; simpl; [reflexivity|]; apply andb_true_iff; intuition. Qed. Definition type_dec (t0 t1: type): {t0 = t1} + {t0 <> t1}. refine (match (type_eqb t0 t1) as b return _ = b -> _ with | true => fun e => left _ | false => fun e => right _ end eq_refl); [ abstract (apply type_eqb_spec in e; assumption) | abstract (intro H; apply type_eqb_spec in H; rewrite e in H; contradict H; intro C; inversion C) ]. Defined. End TypeDec. Fixpoint vars {t} (a: WArg t): list nat := match t as t' return WArg t' -> list nat with | TT => fun a' => match a' with | Var v' => [wordToNat v'] | _ => @nil nat end | Prod t0 t1 => fun a' => match a' with | Pair _ _ a0 a1 => (vars a0) ++ (vars a1) | _ => I (* dummy *) end end a. Definition getOutputSlot (nextReg: nat) (op: binop TT TT TT) (x: WArg TT) (y: WArg TT) : option nat := match (makeOp op (reg w nextReg) (reg w (S nextReg)) (getMapping x) (getMapping y)) with | Some (reg _ _ r, _ , _) => Some r | _ => None end. Section ExprF. Context (Out: Type) (update: Reg n -> WArg TT -> binop TT TT TT -> WArg TT -> WArg TT -> Out -> option Out) (get: forall t', WArg t' -> option Out). Definition opToTT {t1 t2 t3} (op: binop t1 t2 t3): option (binop TT TT TT) := match op with | OPadd => Some OPadd | OPsub => Some OPsub | OPmul => Some OPmul | OPand => Some OPand | OPshiftr => Some OPshiftr end. Definition argToTT {t} (a: WArg t): option (WArg TT) := match t as t' return WArg t' -> _ with | TT => fun a' => Some a' | _ => fun a' => None end a. Fixpoint zeros (t: type): WArg t := match t with | TT => Const (@wzero n) | Prod t0 t1 => Pair (zeros t0) (zeros t1) end. Fixpoint exprF {t} (nextRegName: nat) (p: WExpr t) {struct p}: option Out := match p with | LetBinop t1 t2 t3 op x y t' eC => omap (opToTT op) (fun op' => omap (argToTT x) (fun x' => omap (argToTT y) (fun y' => omap (getOutputSlot nextRegName op' x' y') (fun r => let var := match t3 as t3' return WArg t3' with | TT => Var (natToWord _ r) | _ => zeros _ end in omap (exprF (S (S nextRegName)) (eC var)) (fun out => omap (argToTT var) (fun var' => update (reg w nextRegName) var' op' x' y' out)))))) | Return _ a => get _ a end. End ExprF. Definition getProg := @exprF Program (fun rt var op x y out => omap (getReg (getMapping var)) (fun rv => match (makeOp op rt rv (getMapping x) (getMapping y)) with | Some (reg _ _ r, a, op') => Some ((map QAssign a) ++ ((QOp op') :: out)) | _ => None end)) (fun t' a => Some []). Definition getOuts := @exprF (list nat) (fun rt var op x y out => Some out) (fun t' a => Some (vars a)). Fixpoint fillInputs t inputs (prog: NAry inputs Z (WExpr t)) {struct inputs}: WExpr t := match inputs as inputs' return NAry inputs' Z (WExpr t) -> NAry O Z (WExpr t) with | O => fun p => p | S inputs'' => fun p => @fillInputs _ _ (p (Z.of_nat inputs)) end prog. Global Arguments fillInputs {t inputs} _. Definition compile {t inputs} (p: NAry inputs Z (WExpr t)): option (Program * list nat) := let p' := fillInputs p in omap (getOuts _ (S inputs) p') (fun outs => omap (getProg _ (S inputs) p') (fun prog => Some (prog, outs))). End Compile. End CompileLL.