Require Import Coq.Classes.Morphisms. Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics. Require Import Crypto.Algebra Crypto.Algebra.Group Crypto.Algebra.Monoid. Require Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.PArith.PArith. Section Ring. Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@ring T eq zero one opp add sub mul}. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Local Notation "a <> b" := (not (a = b)) : type_scope. Local Notation "0" := zero. Local Notation "1" := one. Local Infix "+" := add. Local Infix "-" := sub. Local Infix "*" := mul. Lemma mul_0_l : forall x, 0 * x = 0. Proof. intros. assert (0*x = 0*x) as Hx by reflexivity. rewrite <-(right_identity 0), right_distributive in Hx at 1. assert (0*x + 0*x - 0*x = 0*x - 0*x) as Hxx by (rewrite Hx; reflexivity). rewrite !ring_sub_definition, <-associative, right_inverse, right_identity in Hxx; exact Hxx. Qed. Lemma mul_0_r : forall x, x * 0 = 0. Proof. intros. assert (x*0 = x*0) as Hx by reflexivity. rewrite <-(left_identity 0), left_distributive in Hx at 1. assert (opp (x*0) + (x*0 + x*0) = opp (x*0) + x*0) as Hxx by (rewrite Hx; reflexivity). rewrite associative, left_inverse, left_identity in Hxx; exact Hxx. Qed. Lemma sub_0_l x : 0 - x = opp x. Proof. rewrite ring_sub_definition. rewrite left_identity. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mul_opp_r x y : x * opp y = opp (x * y). Proof. assert (Ho:x*(opp y) + x*y = 0) by (rewrite <-left_distributive, left_inverse, mul_0_r; reflexivity). rewrite <-(left_identity (opp (x*y))), <-Ho; clear Ho. rewrite <-!associative, right_inverse, right_identity; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma mul_opp_l x y : opp x * y = opp (x * y). Proof. assert (Ho:opp x*y + x*y = 0) by (rewrite <-right_distributive, left_inverse, mul_0_l; reflexivity). rewrite <-(left_identity (opp (x*y))), <-Ho; clear Ho. rewrite <-!associative, right_inverse, right_identity; reflexivity. Qed. Definition opp_zero_iff : forall x, opp x = 0 <-> x = 0 := Group.inv_id_iff. Global Instance is_left_distributive_sub : is_left_distributive (eq:=eq)(add:=sub)(mul:=mul). Proof. split; intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, left_distributive. eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_r. Qed. Global Instance is_right_distributive_sub : is_right_distributive (eq:=eq)(add:=sub)(mul:=mul). Proof. split; intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, right_distributive. eapply Group.cancel_left, mul_opp_l. Qed. Lemma sub_zero_iff x y : x - y = 0 <-> x = y. Proof. split; intro E. { rewrite <-(right_identity y), <- E, ring_sub_definition. rewrite commutative, <-associative, commutative. rewrite left_inverse, left_identity. reflexivity. } { rewrite E, ring_sub_definition, right_inverse; reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma neq_sub_neq_zero x y (Hxy:x<>y) : x-y <> 0. Proof. intro Hsub. apply Hxy. rewrite <-(left_identity y), <-Hsub, ring_sub_definition. rewrite <-associative, left_inverse, right_identity. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma zero_product_iff_zero_factor {Hzpzf:@is_zero_product_zero_factor T eq zero mul} : forall x y : T, eq (mul x y) zero <-> eq x zero \/ eq y zero. Proof. split; eauto using zero_product_zero_factor; []. intros [Hz|Hz]; rewrite Hz; eauto using mul_0_l, mul_0_r. Qed. Lemma nonzero_product_iff_nonzero_factor {Hzpzf:@is_zero_product_zero_factor T eq zero mul} : forall x y : T, not (eq (mul x y) zero) <-> (not (eq x zero) /\ not (eq y zero)). Proof. intros; rewrite zero_product_iff_zero_factor; tauto. Qed. Lemma nonzero_hypothesis_to_goal {Hzpzf:@is_zero_product_zero_factor T eq zero mul} : forall x y : T, (not (eq x zero) -> eq y zero) <-> (eq (mul x y) zero). Proof. intros; rewrite zero_product_iff_zero_factor; tauto. Qed. Global Instance Ncring_Ring_ops : @Ncring.Ring_ops T zero one add mul sub opp eq. Global Instance Ncring_Ring : @Ncring.Ring T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ncring_Ring_ops. Proof. split; exact _ || cbv; intros; eauto using left_identity, right_identity, commutative, associative, right_inverse, left_distributive, right_distributive, ring_sub_definition with core typeclass_instances. - (* TODO: why does [eauto using @left_identity with typeclass_instances] not work? *) eapply @left_identity; eauto with typeclass_instances. - eapply @right_identity; eauto with typeclass_instances. - eapply associative. - intros; eapply right_distributive. - intros; eapply left_distributive. Qed. End Ring. Section Homomorphism. Context {R EQ ZERO ONE OPP ADD SUB MUL} `{@ring R EQ ZERO ONE OPP ADD SUB MUL}. Context {S eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@ring S eq zero one opp add sub mul}. Context {phi:R->S}. Local Infix "=" := eq. Local Infix "=" := eq : type_scope. Class is_homomorphism := { homomorphism_is_homomorphism : Monoid.is_homomorphism (phi:=phi) (OP:=ADD) (op:=add) (EQ:=EQ) (eq:=eq); homomorphism_mul : forall x y, phi (MUL x y) = mul (phi x) (phi y); homomorphism_one : phi ONE = one }. Global Existing Instance homomorphism_is_homomorphism. Context `{phi_homom:is_homomorphism}. Lemma homomorphism_zero : phi ZERO = zero. Proof. apply Group.homomorphism_id. Qed. Lemma homomorphism_add : forall x y, phi (ADD x y) = add (phi x) (phi y). Proof. apply Monoid.homomorphism. Qed. Definition homomorphism_opp : forall x, phi (OPP x) = opp (phi x) := (Group.homomorphism_inv (INV:=OPP) (inv:=opp)). Lemma homomorphism_sub : forall x y, phi (SUB x y) = sub (phi x) (phi y). Proof. intros. rewrite !ring_sub_definition, Monoid.homomorphism, homomorphism_opp. reflexivity. Qed. Global Instance monoid_homomorphism_mul : Monoid.is_homomorphism (phi:=phi) (OP:=MUL) (op:=mul) (EQ:=EQ) (eq:=eq). Proof. split; destruct phi_homom; assumption || exact _. Qed. End Homomorphism. (* TODO: file a Coq bug for rewrite_strat -- it should accept ltac variables *) Ltac push_homomorphism phi := let H := constr:(_ : @is_homomorphism _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phi) in pose proof (@homomorphism_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _push_homomrphism_0; pose proof (@homomorphism_one _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _push_homomrphism_1; pose proof (@homomorphism_add _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _push_homomrphism_p; pose proof (@homomorphism_opp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _push_homomrphism_o; pose proof (@homomorphism_sub _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _push_homomrphism_s; pose proof (@homomorphism_mul _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _push_homomrphism_m; (rewrite_strat bottomup (terms _push_homomrphism_0 _push_homomrphism_1 _push_homomrphism_p _push_homomrphism_o _push_homomrphism_s _push_homomrphism_m)); clear _push_homomrphism_0 _push_homomrphism_1 _push_homomrphism_p _push_homomrphism_o _push_homomrphism_s _push_homomrphism_m. Ltac pull_homomorphism phi := let H := constr:(_ : @is_homomorphism _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phi) in pose proof (@homomorphism_zero _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _pull_homomrphism_0; pose proof (@homomorphism_one _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _pull_homomrphism_1; pose proof (@homomorphism_add _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _pull_homomrphism_p; pose proof (@homomorphism_opp _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _pull_homomrphism_o; pose proof (@homomorphism_sub _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _pull_homomrphism_s; pose proof (@homomorphism_mul _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H) as _pull_homomrphism_m; symmetry in _pull_homomrphism_0; symmetry in _pull_homomrphism_1; symmetry in _pull_homomrphism_p; symmetry in _pull_homomrphism_o; symmetry in _pull_homomrphism_s; symmetry in _pull_homomrphism_m; (rewrite_strat bottomup (terms _pull_homomrphism_0 _pull_homomrphism_1 _pull_homomrphism_p _pull_homomrphism_o _pull_homomrphism_s _pull_homomrphism_m)); clear _pull_homomrphism_0 _pull_homomrphism_1 _pull_homomrphism_p _pull_homomrphism_o _pull_homomrphism_s _pull_homomrphism_m. Section Isomorphism. Context {F EQ ZERO ONE OPP ADD SUB MUL} {ringF:@ring F EQ ZERO ONE OPP ADD SUB MUL}. Context {H} {eq : H -> H -> Prop} {zero one : H} {opp : H -> H} {add sub mul : H -> H -> H} {inv : H -> H} {div : H -> H -> H}. Context {phi:F->H} {phi':H->F}. Local Infix "=" := EQ. Local Infix "=" := EQ : type_scope. Context (phi'_phi_id : forall A, phi' (phi A) = A) (phi'_eq : forall a b, EQ (phi' a) (phi' b) <-> eq a b) {phi'_zero : phi' zero = ZERO} {phi'_one : phi' one = ONE} {phi'_opp : forall a, phi' (opp a) = OPP (phi' a)} (phi'_add : forall a b, phi' (add a b) = ADD (phi' a) (phi' b)) (phi'_sub : forall a b, phi' (sub a b) = SUB (phi' a) (phi' b)) (phi'_mul : forall a b, phi' (mul a b) = MUL (phi' a) (phi' b)). Lemma ring_by_isomorphism : @ring H eq zero one opp add sub mul /\ @is_homomorphism F EQ ONE ADD MUL H eq one add mul phi /\ @is_homomorphism H eq one add mul F EQ ONE ADD MUL phi'. Proof. repeat match goal with | [ H : field |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : commutative_ring |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : ring |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : abelian_group |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : group |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : monoid |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_commutative |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_left_distributive |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_right_distributive |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_zero_neq_one |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_associative |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_left_identity |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_right_identity |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : Equivalence _ |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_left_inverse |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | [ H : is_right_inverse |- _ ] => destruct H; try clear H | _ => intro | _ => split | [ H : eq _ _ |- _ ] => apply phi'_eq in H | [ |- eq _ _ ] => apply phi'_eq | [ H : (~eq _ _)%type |- _ ] => pose proof (fun pf => H (proj1 (@phi'_eq _ _) pf)); clear H | [ H : EQ _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite H | _ => progress erewrite ?phi'_zero, ?phi'_one, ?phi'_opp, ?phi'_add, ?phi'_sub, ?phi'_mul, ?phi'_phi_id by reflexivity | [ H : _ |- _ ] => progress erewrite ?phi'_zero, ?phi'_one, ?phi'_opp, ?phi'_add, ?phi'_sub, ?phi'_mul, ?phi'_phi_id in H by reflexivity | _ => solve [ eauto ] end. Qed. End Isomorphism. Section TacticSupportCommutative. Context {T eq zero one opp add sub mul} `{@commutative_ring T eq zero one opp add sub mul}. Global Instance Cring_Cring_commutative_ring : @Cring.Cring T zero one add mul sub opp eq Ncring_Ring_ops Ncring_Ring. Proof. unfold Cring.Cring; intros; cbv. eapply commutative. Qed. Lemma ring_theory_for_stdlib_tactic : Ring_theory.ring_theory zero one add mul sub opp eq. Proof. constructor; intros. (* TODO(automation): make [auto] do this? *) - apply left_identity. - apply commutative. - apply associative. - apply left_identity. - apply commutative. - apply associative. - apply right_distributive. - apply ring_sub_definition. - apply right_inverse. Qed. End TacticSupportCommutative. Section Z. Import ZArith. Global Instance ring_Z : @ring Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul. Proof. repeat split; auto using Z.eq_dec with zarith typeclass_instances. Qed. Global Instance commutative_ring_Z : @commutative_ring Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul. Proof. eauto using @commutative_ring, @is_commutative, ring_Z with zarith. Qed. Global Instance integral_domain_Z : @integral_domain Z Logic.eq 0%Z 1%Z Z.opp Z.add Z.sub Z.mul. Proof. split. { apply commutative_ring_Z. } { split. intros. eapply Z.eq_mul_0; assumption. } { split. discriminate. } Qed. End Z. Section of_Z. Import ZArith PArith. Local Open Scope Z_scope. Context {R Req Rzero Rone Ropp Radd Rsub Rmul} {Rring : @ring R Req Rzero Rone Ropp Radd Rsub Rmul}. Local Infix "=" := Req. Local Infix "=" := Req : type_scope. Fixpoint of_nat (n:nat) : R := match n with | O => Rzero | S n' => Radd (of_nat n') Rone end. Definition of_Z (x:Z) : R := match x with | Z0 => Rzero | Zpos p => of_nat (Pos.to_nat p) | Zneg p => Ropp (of_nat (Pos.to_nat p)) end. Lemma of_Z_0 : of_Z 0 = Rzero. Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma of_nat_add x : of_nat (Nat.add x 1) = Radd (of_nat x) Rone. Proof. destruct x; rewrite ?Nat.add_1_r; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma of_nat_sub x (H: (0 < x)%nat): of_nat (Nat.sub x 1) = Rsub (of_nat x) Rone. Proof. induction x; [omega|simpl]. rewrite <-of_nat_add. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r, Nat.add_1_r. simpl of_nat. rewrite ring_sub_definition, <-associative. rewrite right_inverse, right_identity. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma of_Z_add_1_r : forall x, of_Z (Z.add x 1) = Radd (of_Z x) Rone. Proof. destruct x; [reflexivity| | ]; simpl of_Z. { rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_add, of_nat_add. reflexivity. } { rewrite Z.pos_sub_spec; break_match; match goal with | H : _ |- _ => rewrite Pos.compare_eq_iff in H | H : _ |- _ => rewrite Pos.compare_lt_iff in H | H : _ |- _ => rewrite Pos.compare_gt_iff in H; apply Pos.nlt_1_r in H; tauto end; subst; simpl of_Z; simpl of_nat. { rewrite left_identity, left_inverse; reflexivity. } { rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_sub by assumption. rewrite of_nat_sub by apply Pos2Nat.is_pos. rewrite ring_sub_definition, Group.inv_op, Group.inv_inv. rewrite commutative; reflexivity. } } Qed. Lemma of_Z_sub_1_r : forall x, of_Z (Z.sub x 1) = Rsub (of_Z x) Rone. Proof. induction x. { simpl; rewrite ring_sub_definition, !left_identity; reflexivity. } { case_eq (1 ?= p)%positive; intros; match goal with | H : _ |- _ => rewrite Pos.compare_eq_iff in H | H : _ |- _ => rewrite Pos.compare_lt_iff in H | H : _ |- _ => rewrite Pos.compare_gt_iff in H; apply Pos.nlt_1_r in H; tauto end. { subst. simpl; rewrite ring_sub_definition, !left_identity, right_inverse; reflexivity. } { rewrite <-Pos2Z.inj_sub by assumption; simpl of_Z. rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_sub by assumption. rewrite of_nat_sub by apply Pos2Nat.is_pos. reflexivity. } } { simpl. rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_add, of_nat_add. rewrite ring_sub_definition, Group.inv_op, commutative. reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma of_Z_opp : forall a, of_Z (Z.opp a) = Ropp (of_Z a). Proof. destruct a; simpl; rewrite ?Group.inv_id, ?Group.inv_inv; reflexivity. Qed. Lemma of_Z_add : forall a b, of_Z (Z.add a b) = Radd (of_Z a) (of_Z b). Proof. intros. let x := match goal with |- ?x => x end in let f := match (eval pattern b in x) with ?f _ => f end in apply (Z.peano_ind f); intros. { rewrite !right_identity. reflexivity. } { replace (a + Z.succ x) with ((a + x) + 1) by ring. replace (Z.succ x) with (x+1) by ring. rewrite !of_Z_add_1_r, H. rewrite associative; reflexivity. } { replace (a + Z.pred x) with ((a+x)-1) by (rewrite <-Z.sub_1_r; ring). replace (Z.pred x) with (x-1) by apply Z.sub_1_r. rewrite !of_Z_sub_1_r, H. rewrite !ring_sub_definition. rewrite associative; reflexivity. } Qed. Lemma of_Z_mul : forall a b, of_Z (Z.mul a b) = Rmul (of_Z a) (of_Z b). Proof. intros. let x := match goal with |- ?x => x end in let f := match (eval pattern b in x) with ?f _ => f end in apply (Z.peano_ind f); intros until 0; try intro IHb. { rewrite !mul_0_r; reflexivity. } { rewrite Z.mul_succ_r, <-Z.add_1_r. rewrite of_Z_add, of_Z_add_1_r. rewrite IHb. rewrite left_distributive, right_identity. reflexivity. } { rewrite Z.mul_pred_r, <-Z.sub_1_r. rewrite of_Z_sub_1_r. rewrite <-Z.add_opp_r. rewrite of_Z_add, of_Z_opp. rewrite IHb. rewrite ring_sub_definition, left_distributive. rewrite mul_opp_r,right_identity. reflexivity. } Qed. Global Instance homomorphism_of_Z : @is_homomorphism Z Logic.eq Z.add Z.mul R Req Rone Radd Rmul of_Z. Proof. repeat constructor; intros. { apply of_Z_add. } { repeat intro; subst; reflexivity. } { apply of_Z_mul. } { simpl. rewrite left_identity; reflexivity. } Qed. End of_Z. Definition char_ge {R eq zero one opp add} {sub:R->R->R} {mul:R->R->R} C := @Algebra.char_ge R eq zero (fun p => (@of_Z R zero one opp add) (BinInt.Z.pos p)) C. Existing Class char_ge. (*** Tactics for ring equations *) Require Export Coq.setoid_ring.Ring_tac. Ltac ring_simplify_subterms := tac_on_subterms ltac:(fun t => ring_simplify t). Ltac ring_simplify_subterms_in_all := reverse_nondep; ring_simplify_subterms; intros. Create HintDb ring_simplify discriminated. Create HintDb ring_simplify_subterms discriminated. Create HintDb ring_simplify_subterms_in_all discriminated. Hint Extern 1 => progress ring_simplify : ring_simplify. Hint Extern 1 => progress ring_simplify_subterms : ring_simplify_subterms. Hint Extern 1 => progress ring_simplify_subterms_in_all : ring_simplify_subterms_in_all.