This file is to list tractable, can-be-started-now expansions of the library. None of this is necessarily going to happen, but better have it here than in people's heads. **poly1305** spec and simple implementation using existing field-arithmetic synthesis tools and a Gallina-level loop. Possibly model this after the implementation in go.crypto for AMD64. **striping** for poly1305 -- evaluating a polynomial by splitting it into, for example, 4 polynomials such that coefficient i is in polynomial i mod 4 and evaluating the 4 polynomials in parallel, then combining results. Model this after Andy Polyakov's AVX2 code in OpenSSL. **precomputed** tables for ed25519 fixed-basepoint scalar multiplication. Model after the ed25519 paper and the go.crypto implementation. This would include implementing unsigned-to-signed conversion for bignums. **fixed window** variable-basepoint scalar multiplication. Currently we use binary exponentiation (window of 1 bit), but 4 would be much faster. See go.crypto ed25519 for reference, or maybe go.crypto p256. **Weierstrass** or **Montgomery** curves, spec and associativity-commutativity proofs. This will most likely include writing a nsatz tactic wrapper that takes into account nonzero-ness hypotheses (specified in a [Coq Enhancement proposal by Jason and Andres]( and possibly debugging nsatz itself. **homomorphism** from ed25519 to x25519 -- the signing scheme and key agreement system use the same curve but in different coordinates. The ed25519 fixed-basepoint scalar multiplication with precomputed tables is faster than x25519 scalar multiplication which cannot use precomputed tables, so one would want to perform the computation in Edwards coordinates and then convert to Montgomery-X coordinates. Model after blog post on First investigate whether this task actually depends on the next one. **elligator** encoding of ed25519 points, primarily requiring a homomorphism from Edwards coordinates to Weierstrass coordinates. This homomorphism would also validate our transcription of the x25519 spec. Model after the "Elligator 2" in the Elligator paper and a post. **subgroup** membership checks for ed25519 -- the group has order 8*prime, but some algorithms require checking that the inputs are in the prime-order subgroup. Model VRF implementation for an implementation of such checks, hopefully it also contains a reference to a paper that explained why these checks are sufficient. Capitalize on this by implementing VxEdDSA as specified by OpenWhisperSystems. **decaf** cofactor removal for the ed448-goldilocks elliptic curve as explained in the decaf paper. I don't know what a good use case for this would be, though. **ECDSA** signature scheme specification, to complement EdDSA. Synthesize code for some existing curve for to test it; the real target would be p256. **freeze** (field element canonicalization) the way Mike Hamburg does it -- it may or may not be better than our current one, but it very well might be less code+proof. **striping** for poly1305 -- evaluating a polynomial by splitting it into, for example, 4 polynomials such that coefficient i is in polynomial i mod 4 and evaluating the 4 polynomials in parallel, then combining results. **saturated-limb** arithmetic synthesis -- we currently have some support for synthesizing "multi-word" fixed-size integers using saturated techniques, but such code is separate from our main BaseSystem, is not as complete, and has had synthesis performance issues. We should investigate whether the saturated-limb and unsaturated-limb synthesis systems can be unified (e g try to define add-get-carry in terms of integer addition and the NewBaseSystem split operation). If not, improve the multi-word code so that it can synthesize arithmetic modulo p256 and order of curve25519 using existing Montgomery and Barrett reduction formulas respectively. **refined Montgomery multiplication** for p256 and maybe RSA. Model after the work of Shay Gueron and Vlad Krasnov -- the code is in OpenSSL ("rsaz" and "p256z" assembly for AMD64) and there are papers as well. Note that we already have proofs and code generation for some variants of Montgomery multiplication, so the first task would be to figure out how much of them can be reused. **Chinese Remainder Theorem** decomposition and recombination for RSA signing, maybe modeled after Brian Smith's ring library or go.crypto. Note that we would first need to have some story for modular multiplication at RSA sizes. **verified compilation** of PHOAS straight-line code to Jasmine-lang. This would involve register allocation and instruction scheduling. **verified compilation** of PHOAS code to VST C. **loops** for our PHOAS language. Possibly hardcoded to [fold_left] of [seq], or something else that is sufficient to encode C "for" loops. Importantly, we should have a way to reify existing code **modules** for our PHOAS language so we don't have to inline everything. Basically we want to allow one Coq-level object to represent a collection of PHOAS functions that may call one another. It should be possible to optimize one function using a verified PHOAS pass of whatever and maintain the correctness results of the other functions that call it.