(*************************************************************) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the *) (* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *) (*************************************************************) (* Benjamin.Gregoire@inria.fr Laurent.Thery@inria.fr *) (*************************************************************) (********************************************************************** Igroup Build the group of the inversible elements for the operation Definition: ZpGroup **********************************************************************) Require Import ZArith. Require Import Tactic. Require Import Wf_nat. Require Import UList. Require Import ListAux. Require Import FGroup. Open Scope Z_scope. Section IG. Variable A: Set. Variable op: A -> A -> A. Variable support: list A. Variable e: A. Hypothesis A_dec: forall a b: A, {a = b} + {a <> b}. Hypothesis support_ulist: ulist support. Hypothesis e_in_support: In e support. Hypothesis op_internal: forall a b, In a support -> In b support -> In (op a b) support. Hypothesis op_assoc: forall a b c, In a support -> In b support -> In c support -> op a (op b c) = op (op a b) c. Hypothesis e_is_zero_l: forall a, In a support -> op e a = a. Hypothesis e_is_zero_r: forall a, In a support -> op a e = a. (************************************** is_inv_aux tests if there is an inverse of a for op in l **************************************) Fixpoint is_inv_aux (l: list A) (a: A) {struct l}: bool := match l with nil => false | cons b l1 => if (A_dec (op a b) e) then if (A_dec (op b a) e) then true else is_inv_aux l1 a else is_inv_aux l1 a end. Theorem is_inv_aux_false: forall b l, (forall a, (In a l) -> op b a <> e \/ op a b <> e) -> is_inv_aux l b = false. intros b l; elim l; simpl; auto. intros a l1 Rec H; case (A_dec (op a b) e); case (A_dec (op b a) e); auto. intros H1 H2; case (H a); auto; intros H3; case H3; auto. Qed. (************************************** is_inv tests if there is an inverse in support **************************************) Definition is_inv := is_inv_aux support. (************************************** isupport_aux returns the sublist of inversible element of support **************************************) Fixpoint isupport_aux (l: list A) : list A := match l with nil => nil | cons a l1 => if is_inv a then a::isupport_aux l1 else isupport_aux l1 end. (************************************** Some properties of isupport_aux **************************************) Theorem isupport_aux_is_inv_true: forall l a, In a (isupport_aux l) -> is_inv a = true. intros l a; elim l; simpl; auto. intros b l1 H; case_eq (is_inv b); intros H1; simpl; auto. intros [H2 | H2]; subst; auto. Qed. Theorem isupport_aux_is_in: forall l a, is_inv a = true -> In a l -> In a (isupport_aux l). intros l a; elim l; simpl; auto. intros b l1 Rec H [H1 | H1]; subst. rewrite H; auto with datatypes. case (is_inv b); auto with datatypes. Qed. Theorem isupport_aux_not_in: forall b l, (forall a, (In a support) -> op b a <> e \/ op a b <> e) -> ~ In b (isupport_aux l). intros b l; elim l; simpl; simpl; auto. intros a l1 H; case_eq (is_inv a); intros H1; simpl; auto. intros H2 [H3 | H3]; subst. contradict H1. unfold is_inv; rewrite is_inv_aux_false; auto. case H; auto; apply isupport_aux_is_in; auto. Qed. Theorem isupport_aux_incl: forall l, incl (isupport_aux l) l. intros l; elim l; simpl; auto with datatypes. intros a l1 H1; case (is_inv a); auto with datatypes. Qed. Theorem isupport_aux_ulist: forall l, ulist l -> ulist (isupport_aux l). intros l; elim l; simpl; auto with datatypes. intros a l1 H1 H2; case_eq (is_inv a); intros H3; auto with datatypes. apply ulist_cons; auto with datatypes. intros H4; apply (ulist_app_inv _ (a::nil) l1 a); auto with datatypes. apply (isupport_aux_incl l1 a); auto. apply H1; apply ulist_app_inv_r with (a:: nil); auto. apply H1; apply ulist_app_inv_r with (a:: nil); auto. Qed. (************************************** isupport is the sublist of inversible element of support **************************************) Definition isupport := isupport_aux support. (************************************** Some properties of isupport **************************************) Theorem isupport_is_inv_true: forall a, In a isupport -> is_inv a = true. unfold isupport; intros a H; apply isupport_aux_is_inv_true with (1 := H). Qed. Theorem isupport_is_in: forall a, is_inv a = true -> In a support -> In a isupport. intros a H H1; unfold isupport; apply isupport_aux_is_in; auto. Qed. Theorem isupport_incl: incl isupport support. unfold isupport; apply isupport_aux_incl. Qed. Theorem isupport_ulist: ulist isupport. unfold isupport; apply isupport_aux_ulist. apply support_ulist. Qed. Theorem isupport_length: (length isupport <= length support)%nat. apply ulist_incl_length. apply isupport_ulist. apply isupport_incl. Qed. Theorem isupport_length_strict: forall b, (In b support) -> (forall a, (In a support) -> op b a <> e \/ op a b <> e) -> (length isupport < length support)%nat. intros b H H1; apply ulist_incl_length_strict. apply isupport_ulist. apply isupport_incl. intros H2; case (isupport_aux_not_in b support); auto. Qed. Fixpoint inv_aux (l: list A) (a: A) {struct l}: A := match l with nil => e | cons b l1 => if A_dec (op a b) e then if (A_dec (op b a) e) then b else inv_aux l1 a else inv_aux l1 a end. Theorem inv_aux_prop_r: forall l a, is_inv_aux l a = true -> op a (inv_aux l a) = e. intros l a; elim l; simpl. intros; discriminate. intros b l1 H1; case (A_dec (op a b) e); case (A_dec (op b a) e); intros H3 H4; subst; auto. Qed. Theorem inv_aux_prop_l: forall l a, is_inv_aux l a = true -> op (inv_aux l a) a = e. intros l a; elim l; simpl. intros; discriminate. intros b l1 H1; case (A_dec (op a b) e); case (A_dec (op b a) e); intros H3 H4; subst; auto. Qed. Theorem inv_aux_inv: forall l a b, op a b = e -> op b a = e -> (In a l) -> is_inv_aux l b = true. intros l a b; elim l; simpl. intros _ _ H; case H. intros c l1 Rec H H0 H1; case H1; clear H1; intros H1; subst; rewrite H. case (A_dec (op b a) e); case (A_dec e e); auto. intros H1 H2; contradict H2; rewrite H0; auto. case (A_dec (op b c) e); case (A_dec (op c b) e); auto. Qed. Theorem inv_aux_in: forall l a, In (inv_aux l a) l \/ inv_aux l a = e. intros l a; elim l; simpl; auto. intros b l1; case (A_dec (op a b) e); case (A_dec (op b a) e); intros _ _ [H1 | H1]; auto. Qed. (************************************** The inverse function **************************************) Definition inv := inv_aux support. (************************************** Some properties of inv **************************************) Theorem inv_prop_r: forall a, In a isupport -> op a (inv a) = e. intros a H; unfold inv; apply inv_aux_prop_r with (l := support). change (is_inv a = true). apply isupport_is_inv_true; auto. Qed. Theorem inv_prop_l: forall a, In a isupport -> op (inv a) a = e. intros a H; unfold inv; apply inv_aux_prop_l with (l := support). change (is_inv a = true). apply isupport_is_inv_true; auto. Qed. Theorem is_inv_true: forall a b, op b a = e -> op a b = e -> (In a support) -> is_inv b = true. intros a b H H1 H2; unfold is_inv; apply inv_aux_inv with a; auto. Qed. Theorem is_inv_false: forall b, (forall a, (In a support) -> op b a <> e \/ op a b <> e) -> is_inv b = false. intros b H; unfold is_inv; apply is_inv_aux_false; auto. Qed. Theorem inv_internal: forall a, In a isupport -> In (inv a) isupport. intros a H; apply isupport_is_in. apply is_inv_true with a; auto. apply inv_prop_l; auto. apply inv_prop_r; auto. apply (isupport_incl a); auto. case (inv_aux_in support a); unfold inv; auto. intros H1; rewrite H1; apply e_in_support; auto with zarith. Qed. (************************************** We are now ready to build our group **************************************) Definition IGroup : (FGroup op). generalize (fun x=> (isupport_incl x)); intros Hx. apply mkGroup with (s := isupport) (e := e) (i := inv); auto. apply isupport_ulist. intros a b H H1. assert (Haii: In (inv a) isupport); try apply inv_internal; auto. assert (Hbii: In (inv b) isupport); try apply inv_internal; auto. apply isupport_is_in; auto. apply is_inv_true with (op (inv b) (inv a)); auto. rewrite op_assoc; auto. rewrite <- (op_assoc a); auto. rewrite inv_prop_r; auto. rewrite e_is_zero_r; auto. apply inv_prop_r; auto. rewrite <- (op_assoc (inv b)); auto. rewrite (op_assoc (inv a)); auto. rewrite inv_prop_l; auto. rewrite e_is_zero_l; auto. apply inv_prop_l; auto. apply isupport_is_in; auto. apply is_inv_true with e; auto. intros a H; apply inv_internal; auto. intros; apply inv_prop_l; auto. intros; apply inv_prop_r; auto. Defined. End IG.