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diff --git a/src/Arithmetic.v b/src/Arithmetic.v
index 5f4b6de50..1a25532f3 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic.v
@@ -4820,7 +4820,138 @@ Module WordByWordMontgomery.
End modops.
End WordByWordMontgomery.
+Hint Rewrite Z2Nat.inj_succ using omega : push_Zto_nat. (* TODO: put in PullPush *)
+Hint Rewrite Nat.add_1_r : natsimplify. (* TODO : put in a better location *)
Module BarrettReduction.
+ Locate barrett_reduction_small.
+ Check barrett_reduction_small.
+ Locate Associational.
+ Section Generic.
+ Context (k : Z) (k_pos : 0 < k) (b : Z) (b_ok : 2 < b).
+ Local Notation weight := (UniformWeight.uweight b).
+ Local Notation rep := (list Z).
+ Definition eval (x : list Z) := Positional.eval weight (length x) x.
+ Definition valid (x : list Z) :=
+ x = Partition.partition weight (length x) (eval x).
+ (* TODO: make a lemma sort of like this (actually, probably doesn't have to be specialized to uniform weights) to allow splitting [app] in a positional evaluation *)
+ Lemma UniformWeight_eval_app :
+ forall b y n x,
+ length (x ++ y) = n ->
+ Positional.eval (UniformWeight.uweight b) n (x ++ y)
+ = Positional.eval (UniformWeight.uweight b) (length x) x
+ + UniformWeight.uweight b (length x) * Positional.eval (UniformWeight.uweight b) (n - length x) y.
+ Proof.
+ induction y using rev_ind;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress (intros; subst)
+ | _ => progress distr_length; autorewrite with natsimplify in *
+ | |- context [(?a + ?b - ?a)%nat] => replace (a + b - a)%nat with b by lia
+ | _ => progress rewrite ?app_nil_r, ?app_assoc, ?Nat.add_succ_r
+ | _ => erewrite IHy by distr_length
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with natsimplify push_eval zsimplify_fast
+ | _ => reflexivity
+ end.
+ ring_simplify.
+ (* TODO: need to say here that uweight (i + j) = uweight i * uweight j *)
+ Admitted.
+ Definition low : rep -> rep := firstn (Z.to_nat k).
+ Lemma low_correct : forall x, valid x -> eval (low x) = eval x mod b ^ k.
+ Proof.
+ cbv [eval low]; intros.
+ match goal with |- context [firstn ?n ?l] =>
+ rewrite <-(firstn_skipn n l);
+ replace (firstn n (firstn n l ++ skipn n l)) with (firstn n l)
+ by (rewrite firstn_skipn; reflexivity)
+ end.
+ erewrite UniformWeight_eval_app by distr_length.
+ distr_length.
+ apply Nat.min_case_strong; intros.
+ { (* weight k = b ^ k, so second term goes away by mod *)
+ admit. }
+ { autorewrite with push_skipn push_eval zsimplify.
+ SearchAbout Partition.partition.
+ (* annoying, how do I prove valid -> mod_small? *)
+ (* might need to use recursive_paritition? *)
+ (*
+ if length x <= k:
+ skipn k x = []
+ second term goes away by eval_nil
+ *)
+ distr_length.
+ 2:distr_length.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- context [Nat.min ?x (S (length ?p))] =>
+ destruct (lt_dec (length p) x);
+ [ rewrite (Nat.min_r x) by lia | rewrite (Nat.min_l x) by lia ]
+ end.
+ Print UniformWeight.
+ apply natlike_ind with (x:=k); try omega; destruct x using rev_ind.
+ { autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify. reflexivity. }
+ { autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify. reflexivity. }
+ { intros; autorewrite with push_eval zsimplify distr_length push_firstn. reflexivity. }
+ { intros. clear IHx.
+ autorewrite with push_Zto_nat distr_length natsimplify push_firstn in *.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- context [Nat.min ?x (S (length ?p))] =>
+ destruct (lt_dec (length p) x);
+ [ rewrite (Nat.min_r x) by lia | rewrite (Nat.min_l x) by lia ]
+ | |- context [firstn (?a - ?b)%nat [_] ] =>
+ destruct (le_dec a b); [ rewrite (not_le_minus_0 a b) by lia
+ | rewrite (firstn_all2 (n:=(a-b)%nat)) by (distr_length; lia) ];
+ try lia
+ end.
+ { rewrite firstn_all2 by lia.
+ autorewrite with push_eval in *.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small; [ reflexivity | ].
+ (* since length x0 < S x1, it must be that length x0 <= x1 and therefore
+ [weight (length x0) <= b ^x1] *)
+ (* since length x0 < S x1, it must be that length x0 <= x1 and therefore
+ [weight (length x0) <= b ^x1] *)
+ { admit. }
+ { SearchAbout (_ - _ = 0)%nat.
+ SearchAbout (S _ - _)%nat.
+ rewrite not_le_minus_0.
+ 2:lia.
+ match goal with |- context [firstn ?n ?l] =>
+ rewrite <-(firstn_skipn n l);
+ replace (firstn n (firstn n l ++ skipn n l)) with (firstn n l) by (rewrite firstn_skipn; reflexivity)
+ end.
+ distr_length.
+ autorewrite with push_Zto_nat push_firstn push_skipn.
+ Print Rewrite HintDb push_skipn.
+ SearchAbout Nat.min S.
+ repeat apply Nat.min_case_strong; intros; try lia.
+ { SearchAbout Positional.eval app.
+ match goal with
+ | |- context [(?a + (?b - ?a))%nat] => replace (a + (b - a))%nat with b by lia
+ end.
+ {
+ Focus 9.
+ app
+ distr_length.
+ SearchAbout firstn nil.
+ rewrite <-firstn
+ autorewrite with distr_length.
+ SearchAbout Nat.min.
+ apply Nat.min_case_strong; intros.
+ 2:autorewrite with push_firstn.
+ SearchAbout Positional.eval.
+ SearchAbout firstn.
+ Admitted.
+ Print Positional.
(* TODO : generalize to multi-word and operate on (list Z) instead of T; maybe stop taking ops as context variables *)
Section Generic.
Context {T} (rep : T -> Z -> Prop)