path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
-rw-r--r--src/Experiments/SpecEd25519.v (renamed from src/Spec/Ed25519.v)82
6 files changed, 34 insertions, 707 deletions
diff --git a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/DoubleAndAdd.v b/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/DoubleAndAdd.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 50027349d..000000000
--- a/src/CompleteEdwardsCurve/DoubleAndAdd.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Coq.Numbers.BinNums Coq.NArith.NArith Coq.NArith.Nnat Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Section EdwardsDoubleAndAdd.
- Context {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams}.
- Definition doubleAndAdd (bound n : nat) (P : E.point) : E.point :=
- iter_op E.add E.zero N.testbit_nat (N.of_nat n) P bound.
- Lemma scalarMult_double : forall n P, E.mul (n + n) P = E.mul n (P + P)%E.
- Proof.
- intros.
- replace (n + n)%nat with (n * 2)%nat by omega.
- induction n; simpl; auto.
- rewrite E.add_assoc.
- f_equal; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma doubleAndAdd_spec : forall bound n P, N.size_nat (N.of_nat n) <= bound ->
- E.mul n P = doubleAndAdd bound n P.
- Proof.
- induction n; auto; intros; unfold doubleAndAdd;
- rewrite iter_op_spec with (scToN := fun x => x); (
- unfold Morphisms.Proper, Morphisms.respectful, Equivalence.equiv;
- intros; subst; try rewrite Nat2N.id;
- reflexivity || assumption || apply E.add_assoc
- || rewrite E.add_comm; apply E.add_0_r).
- Qed.
-End EdwardsDoubleAndAdd. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/EdDSAProofs.v b/src/EdDSAProofs.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e45bcad5..000000000
--- a/src/EdDSAProofs.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.EdDSA Crypto.Spec.Encoding.
-Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory Coq.ZArith.BinInt Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems Crypto.ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil Crypto.Util.CaseUtil Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Local Open Scope nat_scope.
-Section EdDSAProofs.
- Context {prm:EdDSAParams}.
- Existing Instance E.
- Existing Instance PointEncoding.
- Existing Instance FqEncoding.
- Existing Instance FlEncoding.
- Existing Instance n_le_b.
- Hint Rewrite sign_spec split1_combine split2_combine.
- Hint Rewrite Nat.mod_mod using omega.
- Ltac arith' := intros; autorewrite with core; try (omega || congruence).
- Ltac arith := arith';
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H : _ |- _ ] => rewrite H; arith'
- end.
- (* for signature (R_, S_), R_ = encode_point (r * B) *)
- Lemma decode_sign_split1 : forall A_ sk {n} (M : word n),
- split1 b b (sign A_ sk M) = enc (wordToNat (H (prngKey sk ++ M)) * B)%E.
- Proof.
- unfold sign; arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode_sign_split1.
- (* for signature (R_, S_), S_ = encode_scalar (r + H(R_, A_, M)s) *)
- Lemma decode_sign_split2 : forall sk {n} (M : word n),
- split2 b b (sign (public sk) sk M) =
- let r : nat := H (prngKey sk ++ M) in (* secret nonce *)
- let R : E.point := (r * B)%E in (* commitment to nonce *)
- let s : nat := curveKey sk in (* secret scalar *)
- let S : F (Z.of_nat l) := ZToField (Z.of_nat (r + H (enc R ++ public sk ++ M) * s)) in
- enc S.
- Proof.
- unfold sign; arith.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode_sign_split2.
- Hint Rewrite E.add_0_r E.add_0_l E.add_assoc.
- Hint Rewrite E.mul_assoc E.mul_add_l E.mul_0_l E.mul_zero_r.
- Hint Rewrite plus_O_n plus_Sn_m mult_0_l mult_succ_l.
- Hint Rewrite l_order_B.
- Lemma l_order_B' : forall x, (l * x * B = E.zero)%E.
- Proof.
- intros; rewrite Mult.mult_comm. rewrite <- E.mul_assoc. arith.
- Qed. Hint Rewrite l_order_B'.
- Lemma scalarMult_mod_l : forall n0, (n0 mod l * B = n0 * B)%E.
- Proof.
- intros.
- rewrite (div_mod n0 l) at 2 by (generalize l_odd; omega).
- arith.
- Qed. Hint Rewrite scalarMult_mod_l.
- Hint Rewrite @encoding_valid.
- Hint Rewrite @FieldToZ_ZToField.
- Hint Rewrite <-mod_Zmod.
- Hint Rewrite Nat2Z.id.
- Lemma l_nonzero : l <> O. pose l_odd; omega. Qed.
- Hint Resolve l_nonzero.
- Lemma verify_valid_passes : forall sk {n} (M : word n),
- verify (public sk) M (sign (public sk) sk M) = true.
- Proof.
- unfold verify, sign, public; arith; try break_if; intuition.
- Qed.
- (* This is just an experiment, talk to andreser if you think this is a good idea *)
- Inductive valid {n:nat} : word b -> Word.word n -> word (b+b) -> Prop :=
- Valid : forall (A:E.point) (M:Word.word n) (S:nat) (R:E.point),
- (S * B = R + (H (enc R ++ enc A ++ M)) * A)%E
- -> valid (enc A) M (enc R ++ enc (ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat S))).
- Goal forall A_ {n} (M:Word.word n) sig, verify A_ M sig = true <-> valid A_ M sig.
- split; unfold verify.
- Focus 2. {
- intros.
- inversion H. subst.
- rewrite !Word.split2_combine, !Word.split1_combine, !encoding_valid.
- rewrite FieldToZ_ZToField.
- rewrite <-Zdiv.mod_Zmod by admit.
- rewrite Znat.Nat2Z.id.
- rewrite <-H0.
- assert ((S mod l) * B = S * B)%E as Hl by admit; rewrite Hl.
- destruct (E.point_eq_dec (S * B)%E); congruence.
- } Unfocus. {
- repeat match goal with |- context [match ?x with _ => _ end] => case_eq x; intro end; try congruence.
- intros. clear H.
- repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _ ] => apply encoding_canonical in H end; subst.
- rewrite <-(Word.combine_split b b sig).
- rewrite <-H0 in *; clear H0. rewrite <-H2 in *; clear H2.
- assert (f = (ZToField (BinInt.Z.of_nat (BinInt.Z.to_nat (FieldToZ f))))) as H1. {
- rewrite Znat.Z2Nat.id by admit. rewrite ZToField_FieldToZ; reflexivity. }
- rewrite H1; clear H1.
- econstructor; trivial.
- }
- Qed.
-End EdDSAProofs.
diff --git a/src/Encoding/PointEncodingPre.v b/src/Encoding/PointEncodingPre.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 73ced869b..000000000
--- a/src/Encoding/PointEncodingPre.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
-Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
-Require Import Crypto.Encoding.EncodingTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Crypto.Encoding.ModularWordEncodingTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
-Section PointEncoding.
- Context {prm: TwistedEdwardsParams} {sz : nat} {sz_nonzero : (0 < sz)%nat}
- {bound_check : (Z.to_nat q < 2 ^ sz)%nat} {q_5mod8 : (q mod 8 = 5)%Z}
- {sqrt_minus1_valid : (@ZToField q 2 ^ Z.to_N (q / 4)) ^ 2 = opp 1}
- {FqEncoding : canonical encoding of (F q) as (word sz)}
- {sign_bit : F q -> bool} {sign_bit_zero : sign_bit 0 = false}
- {sign_bit_opp : forall x, x <> 0 -> negb (sign_bit x) = sign_bit (opp x)}.
- Existing Instance prime_q.
- Add Field Ffield : (@Ffield_theory q _)
- (morphism (@Fring_morph q),
- preprocess [Fpreprocess],
- postprocess [Fpostprocess; try exact Fq_1_neq_0; try assumption],
- constants [Fconstant],
- div (@Fmorph_div_theory q),
- power_tac (@Fpower_theory q) [Fexp_tac]).
- Definition sqrt_valid (a : F q) := ((sqrt_mod_q a) ^ 2 = a)%F.
- Lemma solve_sqrt_valid : forall p, E.onCurve p ->
- sqrt_valid (E.solve_for_x2 (snd p)).
- Proof.
- intros ? onCurve_xy.
- destruct p as [x y]; simpl.
- rewrite (E.solve_correct x y) in onCurve_xy.
- rewrite <- onCurve_xy.
- unfold sqrt_valid.
- eapply sqrt_mod_q_valid; eauto.
- unfold isSquare; eauto.
- Grab Existential Variables. eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma solve_onCurve: forall (y : F q), sqrt_valid (E.solve_for_x2 y) ->
- E.onCurve (sqrt_mod_q (E.solve_for_x2 y), y).
- Proof.
- intros.
- unfold sqrt_valid in *.
- apply E.solve_correct; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma solve_opp_onCurve: forall (y : F q), sqrt_valid (E.solve_for_x2 y) ->
- E.onCurve (opp (sqrt_mod_q (E.solve_for_x2 y)), y).
- Proof.
- intros y sqrt_valid_x2.
- unfold sqrt_valid in *.
- apply E.solve_correct.
- rewrite <- sqrt_valid_x2 at 2.
- ring.
- Qed.
- Definition point_enc_coordinates (p : (F q * F q)) : Word.word (S sz) := let '(x,y) := p in
- Word.WS (sign_bit x) (enc y).
- Let point_enc (p : E.point) : Word.word (S sz) := let '(x,y) := proj1_sig p in
- Word.WS (sign_bit x) (enc y).
- Definition point_dec_coordinates (sign_bit : F q -> bool) (w : Word.word (S sz)) : option (F q * F q) :=
- match dec (Word.wtl w) with
- | None => None
- | Some y => let x2 := E.solve_for_x2 y in
- let x := sqrt_mod_q x2 in
- if F_eq_dec (x ^ 2) x2
- then
- let p := (if Bool.eqb (whd w) (sign_bit x) then x else opp x, y) in
- if (andb (F_eqb x 0) (whd w))
- then None (* special case for 0, since its opposite has the same sign; if the sign bit of 0 is 1, produce None.*)
- else Some p
- else None
- end.
- Ltac inversion_Some_eq := match goal with [H: Some ?x = Some ?y |- _] => inversion H; subst end.
- Lemma point_dec_coordinates_onCurve : forall w p, point_dec_coordinates sign_bit w = Some p -> E.onCurve p.
- Proof.
- unfold point_dec_coordinates; intros.
- edestruct dec; [ | congruence].
- break_if; [ | congruence].
- break_if; [ congruence | ].
- break_if; inversion_Some_eq; auto using solve_onCurve, solve_opp_onCurve.
- Qed.
- Lemma prod_eq_dec : forall {A} (A_eq_dec : forall a a' : A, {a = a'} + {a <> a'})
- (x y : (A * A)), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
- Proof.
- decide equality.
- Qed.
- Lemma option_eq_dec : forall {A} (A_eq_dec : forall a a' : A, {a = a'} + {a <> a'})
- (x y : option A), {x = y} + {x <> y}.
- Proof.
- decide equality.
- Qed.
- Definition point_dec' w p : option E.point :=
- match (option_eq_dec (prod_eq_dec F_eq_dec) (point_dec_coordinates sign_bit w) (Some p)) with
- | left EQ => Some (exist _ p (point_dec_coordinates_onCurve w p EQ))
- | right _ => None (* this case is never reached *)
- end.
- Definition point_dec (w : word (S sz)) : option E.point :=
- match (point_dec_coordinates sign_bit w) with
- | Some p => point_dec' w p
- | None => None
- end.
- Lemma point_coordinates_encoding_canonical : forall w p,
- point_dec_coordinates sign_bit w = Some p -> point_enc_coordinates p = w.
- Proof.
- unfold point_dec_coordinates, point_enc_coordinates; intros ? ? coord_dec_Some.
- case_eq (dec (wtl w)); [ intros ? dec_Some | intros dec_None; rewrite dec_None in *; congruence ].
- destruct p.
- rewrite (shatter_word w).
- f_equal; rewrite dec_Some in *;
- do 2 (break_if; try congruence); inversion coord_dec_Some; subst.
- + destruct (F_eq_dec (sqrt_mod_q (E.solve_for_x2 f1)) 0%F) as [sqrt_0 | ?].
- - rewrite sqrt_0 in *.
- apply sqrt_mod_q_root_0 in sqrt_0; try assumption.
- rewrite sqrt_0 in *.
- break_if; [symmetry; auto using Bool.eqb_prop | ].
- rewrite sign_bit_zero in *.
- simpl in Heqb; rewrite Heqb in *.
- discriminate.
- - break_if.
- symmetry; auto using Bool.eqb_prop.
- rewrite <- sign_bit_opp by assumption.
- destruct (whd w); inversion Heqb0; break_if; auto.
- + inversion coord_dec_Some; subst.
- auto using encoding_canonical.
- Lemma point_encoding_canonical : forall w x, point_dec w = Some x -> point_enc x = w.
- Proof.
- (*
- unfold point_enc; intros.
- unfold point_dec in *.
- assert (point_dec_coordinates w = Some (proj1_sig x)). {
- set (y := point_dec_coordinates w) in *.
- revert H.
- dependent destruction y. intros.
- rewrite H0 in H.
- *)
- Admitted.
-Lemma point_dec_coordinates_correct w
- : option_map (@proj1_sig _ _) (point_dec w) = point_dec_coordinates sign_bit w.
- unfold point_dec, option_map.
- do 2 break_match; try congruence; unfold point_dec' in *;
- break_match; try congruence.
- inversion_Some_eq.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma y_decode : forall p, dec (wtl (point_enc_coordinates p)) = Some (snd p).
- intros.
- destruct p as [x y]; simpl.
- exact (encoding_valid y).
-Lemma sign_bit_opp_eq_iff : forall x y, y <> 0 ->
- (sign_bit x <> sign_bit y <-> sign_bit x = sign_bit (opp y)).
- split; intro sign_mismatch; case_eq (sign_bit x); case_eq (sign_bit y);
- try congruence; intros y_sign x_sign; rewrite <- sign_bit_opp in * by auto;
- rewrite y_sign, x_sign in *; reflexivity || discriminate.
-Lemma sign_bit_squares : forall x y, y <> 0 -> x ^ 2 = y ^ 2 ->
- sign_bit x = sign_bit y -> x = y.
- intros ? ? y_nonzero squares_eq sign_match.
- destruct (sqrt_solutions _ _ squares_eq) as [? | eq_opp]; auto.
- assert (sign_bit x = sign_bit (opp y)) as sign_mismatch by (f_equal; auto).
- apply sign_bit_opp_eq_iff in sign_mismatch; auto.
- congruence.
-Lemma sign_bit_match : forall x x' y : F q, E.onCurve (x, y) -> E.onCurve (x', y) ->
- sign_bit x = sign_bit x' -> x = x'.
- intros ? ? ? onCurve_x onCurve_x' sign_match.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_x.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_x'.
- destruct (F_eq_dec x' 0).
- + subst.
- rewrite Fq_pow_zero in onCurve_x' by congruence.
- rewrite <- onCurve_x' in *.
- eapply Fq_root_zero; eauto.
- + apply sign_bit_squares; auto.
- rewrite onCurve_x, onCurve_x'.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma point_encoding_coordinates_valid : forall p, E.onCurve p ->
- point_dec_coordinates sign_bit (point_enc_coordinates p) = Some p.
- intros p onCurve_p.
- unfold point_dec_coordinates.
- rewrite y_decode.
- pose proof (solve_sqrt_valid p onCurve_p) as solve_sqrt_valid_p.
- destruct p as [x y].
- unfold sqrt_valid in *.
- simpl.
- replace (E.solve_for_x2 y) with (x ^ 2 : F q) in * by (apply E.solve_correct; assumption).
- case_eq (F_eqb x 0); intro eqb_x_0.
- + apply F_eqb_eq in eqb_x_0; rewrite eqb_x_0 in *.
- rewrite !Fq_pow_zero, sqrt_mod_q_of_0, Fq_pow_zero by congruence.
- rewrite if_F_eq_dec_if_F_eqb, sign_bit_zero.
- reflexivity.
- + assert (sqrt_mod_q (x ^ 2) <> 0) by (intro false_eq; apply sqrt_mod_q_root_0 in false_eq; try assumption;
- apply Fq_root_zero in false_eq; rewrite false_eq, F_eqb_refl in eqb_x_0; congruence).
- replace (F_eqb (sqrt_mod_q (x ^ 2)) 0) with false by (symmetry;
- apply F_eqb_neq_complete; assumption).
- break_if.
- - simpl.
- f_equal.
- break_if.
- * rewrite Bool.eqb_true_iff in Heqb.
- pose proof (solve_onCurve y solve_sqrt_valid_p).
- f_equal.
- apply (sign_bit_match _ _ y); auto.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_p; rewrite onCurve_p in *.
- assumption.
- * rewrite Bool.eqb_false_iff in Heqb.
- pose proof (solve_opp_onCurve y solve_sqrt_valid_p).
- f_equal.
- apply sign_bit_opp_eq_iff in Heqb; try assumption.
- apply (sign_bit_match _ _ y); auto.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_p.
- rewrite onCurve_p; auto.
- - simpl in solve_sqrt_valid_p.
- replace (E.solve_for_x2 y) with (x ^ 2 : F q) in * by (apply E.solve_correct; assumption).
- congruence.
-Lemma point_dec'_valid : forall p,
- point_dec' (point_enc_coordinates (proj1_sig p)) (proj1_sig p) = Some p.
- unfold point_dec'; intros.
- break_match.
- + f_equal.
- destruct p.
- apply E.point_eq.
- reflexivity.
- + rewrite point_encoding_coordinates_valid in n by apply (proj2_sig p).
- congruence.
-Lemma point_encoding_valid : forall p, point_dec (point_enc p) = Some p.
- intros.
- unfold point_dec.
- replace (point_enc p) with (point_enc_coordinates (proj1_sig p)) by reflexivity.
- break_match; rewrite point_encoding_coordinates_valid in * by apply (proj2_sig p); try congruence.
- inversion_Some_eq.
- eapply point_dec'_valid.
-End PointEncoding.
diff --git a/src/Encoding/PointEncodingTheorems.v b/src/Encoding/PointEncodingTheorems.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ccea1d81b..000000000
--- a/src/Encoding/PointEncodingTheorems.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
-Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
-Require Import Crypto.Encoding.EncodingTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
-Section PointEncoding.
- Context {prm: CompleteEdwardsCurve.TwistedEdwardsParams} {sz : nat}
- {FqEncoding : canonical encoding of ModularArithmetic.F (CompleteEdwardsCurve.q) as Word.word sz}
- {q_5mod8 : (CompleteEdwardsCurve.q mod 8 = 5)%Z}
- {sqrt_minus1_valid : (@ZToField CompleteEdwardsCurve.q 2 ^ BinInt.Z.to_N (CompleteEdwardsCurve.q / 4)) ^ 2 = opp 1}.
- Existing Instance CompleteEdwardsCurve.prime_q.
- Add Field Ffield : (@PrimeFieldTheorems.Ffield_theory CompleteEdwardsCurve.q _)
- (morphism (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fring_morph CompleteEdwardsCurve.q),
- preprocess [ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fpreprocess],
- postprocess [ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fpostprocess; try exact PrimeFieldTheorems.Fq_1_neq_0; try assumption],
- constants [ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fconstant],
- div (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fmorph_div_theory CompleteEdwardsCurve.q),
- power_tac (@ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fpower_theory CompleteEdwardsCurve.q) [ModularArithmeticTheorems.Fexp_tac]).
- Definition sqrt_valid (a : F q) := ((sqrt_mod_q a) ^ 2 = a)%F.
- Lemma solve_sqrt_valid : forall (p : E.point),
- sqrt_valid (E.solve_for_x2 (snd (proj1_sig p))).
- Proof.
- intros.
- destruct p as [[x y] onCurve_xy]; simpl.
- rewrite (E.solve_correct x y) in onCurve_xy.
- rewrite <- onCurve_xy.
- unfold sqrt_valid.
- eapply sqrt_mod_q_valid; eauto.
- unfold isSquare; eauto.
- Grab Existential Variables. eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma solve_onCurve: forall (y : F q), sqrt_valid (E.solve_for_x2 y) ->
- E.onCurve (sqrt_mod_q (E.solve_for_x2 y), y).
- Proof.
- intros.
- unfold sqrt_valid in *.
- apply E.solve_correct; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma solve_opp_onCurve: forall (y : F q), sqrt_valid (E.solve_for_x2 y) ->
- E.onCurve (opp (sqrt_mod_q (E.solve_for_x2 y)), y).
- Proof.
- intros y sqrt_valid_x2.
- unfold sqrt_valid in *.
- apply E.solve_correct.
- rewrite <- sqrt_valid_x2 at 2.
- ring.
- Qed.
-Definition sign_bit (x : F q) := (wordToN (enc (opp x)) <? wordToN (enc x))%N.
-Definition point_enc (p : E.point) : word (S sz) := let '(x,y) := proj1_sig p in
- WS (sign_bit x) (enc y).
-Definition point_dec_coordinates (w : word (S sz)) : option (F q * F q) :=
- match dec (wtl w) with
- | None => None
- | Some y => let x2 := E.solve_for_x2 y in
- let x := sqrt_mod_q x2 in
- if F_eq_dec (x ^ 2) x2
- then
- let p := (if Bool.eqb (whd w) (sign_bit x) then x else opp x, y) in
- Some p
- else None
- end.
-Definition point_dec (w : word (S sz)) : option E.point :=
- match dec (wtl w) with
- | None => None
- | Some y => let x2 := E.solve_for_x2 y in
- let x := sqrt_mod_q x2 in
- match (F_eq_dec (x ^ 2) x2) with
- | right _ => None
- | left EQ => if Bool.eqb (whd w) (sign_bit x)
- then Some (exist _ (x, y) (solve_onCurve y EQ))
- else Some (exist _ (opp x, y) (solve_opp_onCurve y EQ))
- end
- end.
-Lemma point_dec_coordinates_correct w
- : option_map (@proj1_sig _ _) (point_dec w) = point_dec_coordinates w.
- unfold point_dec, point_dec_coordinates.
- edestruct dec; [ | reflexivity ].
- edestruct @F_eq_dec; [ | reflexivity ].
- edestruct @Bool.eqb; reflexivity.
-Lemma y_decode : forall p, dec (wtl (point_enc p)) = Some (snd (proj1_sig p)).
- intros.
- destruct p as [[x y] onCurve_p]; simpl.
- exact (encoding_valid y).
-Lemma wordToN_enc_neq_opp : forall x, x <> 0 -> (wordToN (enc (opp x)) <> wordToN (enc x))%N.
- intros x x_nonzero.
- intro false_eq.
- apply x_nonzero.
- apply F_eq_opp_zero; try apply two_lt_q.
- apply wordToN_inj in false_eq.
- apply encoding_inj in false_eq.
- auto.
-Lemma sign_bit_opp_negb : forall x, x <> 0 -> negb (sign_bit x) = sign_bit (opp x).
- intros x x_nonzero.
- unfold sign_bit.
- rewrite <- N.leb_antisym.
- rewrite N.ltb_compare, N.leb_compare.
- rewrite F_opp_involutive.
- case_eq (wordToN (enc x) ?= wordToN (enc (opp x)))%N; auto.
- intro wordToN_enc_eq.
- pose proof (wordToN_enc_neq_opp x x_nonzero).
- apply N.compare_eq_iff in wordToN_enc_eq.
- congruence.
-Lemma sign_bit_opp : forall x y, y <> 0 ->
- (sign_bit x <> sign_bit y <-> sign_bit x = sign_bit (opp y)).
- split; intro sign_mismatch; case_eq (sign_bit x); case_eq (sign_bit y);
- try congruence; intros y_sign x_sign; rewrite <- sign_bit_opp_negb in * by auto;
- rewrite y_sign, x_sign in *; reflexivity || discriminate.
-Lemma sign_bit_squares : forall x y, y <> 0 -> x ^ 2 = y ^ 2 ->
- sign_bit x = sign_bit y -> x = y.
- intros ? ? y_nonzero squares_eq sign_match.
- destruct (sqrt_solutions _ _ squares_eq) as [? | eq_opp]; auto.
- assert (sign_bit x = sign_bit (opp y)) as sign_mismatch by (f_equal; auto).
- apply sign_bit_opp in sign_mismatch; auto.
- congruence.
-Lemma sign_bit_match : forall x x' y : F q, E.onCurve (x, y) -> E.onCurve (x', y) ->
- sign_bit x = sign_bit x' -> x = x'.
- intros ? ? ? onCurve_x onCurve_x' sign_match.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_x.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_x'.
- destruct (F_eq_dec x' 0).
- + subst.
- rewrite Fq_pow_zero in onCurve_x' by congruence.
- rewrite <- onCurve_x' in *.
- eapply Fq_root_zero; eauto.
- + apply sign_bit_squares; auto.
- rewrite onCurve_x, onCurve_x'.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma point_encoding_valid : forall p, point_dec (point_enc p) = Some p.
- intros.
- unfold point_dec.
- rewrite y_decode.
- pose proof solve_sqrt_valid p as solve_sqrt_valid_p.
- unfold sqrt_valid in *.
- destruct p as [[x y] onCurve_p].
- simpl in *.
- destruct (F_eq_dec ((sqrt_mod_q (E.solve_for_x2 y)) ^ 2) (E.solve_for_x2 y)); intuition.
- break_if; f_equal; apply E.point_eq.
- + rewrite Bool.eqb_true_iff in Heqb.
- pose proof (solve_onCurve y solve_sqrt_valid_p).
- f_equal.
- apply (sign_bit_match _ _ y); auto.
- + rewrite Bool.eqb_false_iff in Heqb.
- pose proof (solve_opp_onCurve y solve_sqrt_valid_p).
- f_equal.
- apply sign_bit_opp in Heqb.
- apply (sign_bit_match _ _ y); auto.
- intro eq_zero.
- apply E.solve_correct in onCurve_p.
- rewrite eq_zero in *.
- rewrite Fq_pow_zero in solve_sqrt_valid_p by congruence.
- rewrite <- solve_sqrt_valid_p in onCurve_p.
- apply Fq_root_zero in onCurve_p.
- rewrite onCurve_p in Heqb; auto.
-(* Waiting on canonicalization *)
-Lemma point_encoding_canonical : forall (x_enc : word (S sz)) (x : E.point),
-point_dec x_enc = Some x -> point_enc x = x_enc.
-Instance point_encoding : canonical encoding of E.point as (word (S sz)) := {
- enc := point_enc;
- dec := point_dec;
- encoding_valid := point_encoding_valid;
- encoding_canonical := point_encoding_canonical
-End PointEncoding.
diff --git a/src/Spec/Ed25519.v b/src/Experiments/SpecEd25519.v
index 4876bb8d1..4e30313d9 100644
--- a/src/Spec/Ed25519.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/SpecEd25519.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
Require Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Coq.NArith.NArith.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.PointEncoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding.
+Require Import Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding.
Require Import Crypto.Encoding.ModularWordEncodingTheorems.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.EdDSA.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Require Import Coq.omega.Omega.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Definition q : Z := (2 ^ 255 - 19)%Z.
-Lemma prime_q : prime q. Admitted.
+Global Instance prime_q : prime q. Admitted.
Lemma two_lt_q : (2 < q)%Z. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition a : F q := opp 1%F.
@@ -65,24 +65,23 @@ Lemma nonsquare_d : forall x, (x^2 <> d)%F.
exact eq_refl.
Qed. (* 10s *)
-Instance curve25519params : TwistedEdwardsParams := {
- q := q;
- prime_q := prime_q;
- two_lt_q := two_lt_q;
- a := a;
- nonzero_a := nonzero_a;
- square_a := square_a;
- d := d;
- nonsquare_d := nonsquare_d
+Instance curve25519params : @E.twisted_edwards_params (F q) eq (ZToField 0) (ZToField 1) add mul a d :=
+ {
+ nonzero_a := nonzero_a
+ (* TODO:port
+ char_gt_2 : ~ Feq (Fadd Fone Fone) Fzero;
+ nonzero_a : ~ Feq a Fzero;
+ nonsquare_d : forall x : F, ~ Feq (Fmul x x) d }
+ *)
+ }.
Lemma two_power_nat_Z2Nat : forall n, Z.to_nat (two_power_nat n) = 2 ^ n.
Definition b := 256.
-Lemma b_valid : (2 ^ (b - 1) > Z.to_nat CompleteEdwardsCurve.q)%nat.
+Lemma b_valid : (2 ^ (b - 1) > Z.to_nat q)%nat.
- replace (CompleteEdwardsCurve.q) with q by reflexivity.
unfold q, gt.
replace (2 ^ (b - 1)) with (Z.to_nat (2 ^ (Z.of_nat (b - 1))))
by (rewrite <- two_power_nat_equiv; apply two_power_nat_Z2Nat).
@@ -143,37 +142,24 @@ Proof.
-Definition PointEncoding : canonical encoding of E.point as (word b) :=
- (@point_encoding curve25519params (b - 1) q_5mod8 sqrt_minus1_valid FqEncoding sign_bit
- (@sign_bit_zero _ prime_q two_lt_q _ b_valid) (@sign_bit_opp _ prime_q two_lt_q _ b_valid)).
-Definition H : forall n : nat, word n -> word (b + b). Admitted.
-Definition B : E.point. Admitted. (* TODO: B = decodePoint (y=4/5, x="positive") *)
-Definition B_nonzero : B <> E.zero. Admitted.
-Definition l_order_B : (l * B)%E = E.zero. Admitted.
-Local Instance ed25519params : EdDSAParams := {
- E := curve25519params;
- b := b;
- H := H;
- c := c;
- n := n;
- B := B;
- l := l;
- FqEncoding := FqEncoding;
- FlEncoding := FlEncoding;
- PointEncoding := PointEncoding;
- b_valid := b_valid;
- c_valid := c_valid;
- n_ge_c := n_ge_c;
- n_le_b := n_le_b;
- B_not_identity := B_nonzero;
- l_prime := prime_l;
- l_odd := l_odd;
- l_order_B := l_order_B
-Definition ed25519_verify
- : forall (pubkey:word b) (len:nat) (msg:word len) (sig:word (b+b)), bool
- := @verify ed25519params. \ No newline at end of file
+Local Notation point := (@E.point (F q) eq (ZToField 1) add mul a d).
+Local Notation zero := (E.zero(H:=field_modulo)).
+Local Notation add := (E.add(H0:=curve25519params)).
+Local Infix "*" := (E.mul(H0:=curve25519params)).
+Axiom H : forall n : nat, word n -> word (b + b).
+Axiom B : point. (* TODO: B = decodePoint (y=4/5, x="positive") *)
+Axiom B_nonzero : B <> zero.
+Axiom l_order_B : l * B = zero.
+Axiom point_encoding : canonical encoding of point as word b.
+Axiom scalar_encoding : canonical encoding of {n : nat | n < l} as word b.
+Global Instance Ed25519 : @EdDSA point E.eq add zero E.opp E.mul b H c n l B point_encoding scalar_encoding :=
+ {
+ EdDSA_c_valid := c_valid;
+ EdDSA_n_ge_c := n_ge_c;
+ EdDSA_n_le_b := n_le_b;
+ EdDSA_B_not_identity := B_nonzero;
+ EdDSA_l_prime := prime_l;
+ EdDSA_l_odd := l_odd;
+ EdDSA_l_order_B := l_order_B
+ }. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v b/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e359baa..000000000
--- a/src/Spec/PointEncoding.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-Require Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Znumtheory.
-Require Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
-Require Crypto.Encoding.EncodingTheorems.
-Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Crypto.ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Bedrock.Word.
-Require Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Crypto.Encoding.PointEncodingPre.
-Obligation Tactic := eauto; exact PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_canonical.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Local Open Scope F_scope.
-Section PointEncoding.
- Context {prm: TwistedEdwardsParams} {sz : nat} {sz_nonzero : (0 < sz)%nat}
- {bound_check : (BinInt.Z.to_nat q < NPeano.Nat.pow 2 sz)%nat} {q_5mod8 : (q mod 8 = 5)%Z}
- {sqrt_minus1_valid : (@ZToField q 2 ^ BinInt.Z.to_N (q / 4)) ^ 2 = opp 1}
- {FqEncoding : canonical encoding of (F q) as (Word.word sz)}
- {sign_bit : F q -> bool} {sign_bit_zero : sign_bit 0 = false}
- {sign_bit_opp : forall x, x <> 0 -> negb (sign_bit x) = sign_bit (opp x)}.
- Definition point_enc (p : E.point) : Word.word (S sz) := let '(x,y) := proj1_sig p in
- Word.WS (sign_bit x) (enc y).
- Program Definition point_dec_with_spec :
- {point_dec : Word.word (S sz) -> option E.point
- | forall w x, point_dec w = Some x -> (point_enc x = w)
- } := @PointEncodingPre.point_dec _ _ _ sign_bit.
- Definition point_dec := Eval hnf in (proj1_sig point_dec_with_spec).
- Global Instance point_encoding : canonical encoding of E.point as (Word.word (S sz)) := {
- enc := point_enc;
- dec := point_dec;
- encoding_valid := @PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_valid _ _ q_5mod8 sqrt_minus1_valid _ _ sign_bit_zero sign_bit_opp;
- encoding_canonical := PointEncodingPre.point_encoding_canonical
- }.
-End PointEncoding. \ No newline at end of file