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diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
index 0475f0451..78342238d 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
@@ -1618,9 +1618,54 @@ Module Fancy.
Context (reg : Type) (error_reg : reg) (reg_eqb : reg -> reg -> bool).
- Lemma allocate_correct cc ctx e reg_list name_to_reg :
- interp reg_eqb wordmax cc_spec (allocate reg name name_eqb error_reg e reg_list name_to_reg) cc ctx = interp name_eqb wordmax cc_spec e cc (fun n : name => ctx (name_to_reg n)).
+ Context (reg_eqb_refl : forall r, reg_eqb r r = true).
+ Lemma interp_ctx_ext e :
+ forall cc ctx ctx',
+ (forall n, ctx n = ctx' n) ->
+ interp name_eqb wordmax cc_spec e cc ctx = interp name_eqb wordmax cc_spec e cc ctx'.
+ Proof.
+ induction e; intros; [ cbn; solve [auto] | ].
+ cbn. erewrite Tuple.map_ext by eassumption.
+ apply IHe; [ ]. intros; break_innermost_match; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Fixpoint reg_depth {t} (e : @expr t) : nat :=
+ match e with
+ | Ret _ => 0
+ | Instr i rd args cont => S (reg_depth cont)
+ end.
+ Check interp.
+ Lemma allocate_correct e :
+ forall cc ctx reg_list name_to_reg,
+ (reg_depth e <= length reg_list)%nat ->
+ interp reg_eqb wordmax cc_spec (allocate reg name name_eqb error_reg e reg_list name_to_reg) cc ctx
+ = interp name_eqb wordmax cc_spec e cc (fun n : name => ctx (name_to_reg n)).
+ Proof.
+ induction e; cbn [allocate]; intros; [ reflexivity | ].
+ destruct reg_list; intros; cbn [reg_depth] in *; distr_length; [ ].
+ cbn. rewrite IHe; try omega.
+ rewrite Tuple.map_map.
+ apply interp_ctx_ext; [ ]. intros.
+ break_innermost_match; try reflexivity.
+ rewrite reg_eqb_refl in *. congruence.
+ (*
+ name_to_reg is more or less the context -- names that have already been assigned to registers
+ rd : name (destination name)
+ n : name (input to ctx)
+ r : reg (register in which rd now goes)
+ if n != rd then name_to_reg n != r?
+ rd has been assigned to the name r.
+ It might be that r has a previous assignment (exists n, name_to_reg n = r and n != rd).
+ However, we can count on that n never being called, if the reg_list is okay.
+ *)
End with_name.
@@ -1801,6 +1846,52 @@ Module Fancy.
[ rewrite H | apply in_app_or in H; destruct H ]
end; eauto. }
+ Section expression_equivalence.
+ Context {name1 name2}
+ (name1_eqb : name1 -> name1 -> bool)
+ (name2_eqb : name2 -> name2 -> bool)
+ (name1_eqb_eq : forall n m, name1_eqb n m = true -> n = m)
+ (name1_eqb_neq : forall n m, name1_eqb n m = false -> n <> m)
+ (name2_eqb_eq : forall n m, name2_eqb n m = true -> n = m)
+ (name2_eqb_neq : forall n m, name2_eqb n m = false -> n <> m).
+ (* name1 should only map to a single name2; several name1s might map to the same name2 *)
+ Inductive in_step : (name1 -> name2) -> expr -> expr -> Prop :=
+ | in_step_ret :
+ forall M n1 n2, M n1 = n2 -> in_step M (Ret n1) (Ret n2)
+ | in_step_instr :
+ forall i M rd1 rd2 args1 args2 e1 e2,
+ in_step M e1 e2 ->
+ Tuple.map M args1 = args2 -> (* args correspond with old assignments *)
+ M rd1 = rd2 -> (* destination register corresponds with new assignment *)
+ in_step M (Instr i rd1 args1 e1) (Instr i rd2 args2 e2)
+ .
+ Lemma interp_eq M e1 e2 (HM : forall n n', M n = M n' -> n = n') :
+ in_step M e1 e2 ->
+ forall cc ctx1 ctx2,
+ (forall n1, ctx1 n1 = ctx2 (M n1)) ->
+ interp name1_eqb wordmax cc_spec e1 cc ctx1 =
+ interp name2_eqb wordmax cc_spec e2 cc ctx2.
+ Proof.
+ induction 1; intros; cbn [interp]; [ congruence | ].
+ replace (Tuple.map ctx1 args1) with (Tuple.map ctx2 args2)
+ by (subst args2; rewrite Tuple.map_map; apply Tuple.map_ext_In; intros;
+ match goal with | H : context [ctx1 _ = ctx2 _] |- _ => rewrite H end;
+ f_equal; eauto using eq_sym).
+ apply IHin_step; intros; eauto.
+ break_innermost_match;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress subst
+ | H : _ = true |- _ => apply name1_eqb_eq in H
+ | H : _ = false |- _ => apply name1_eqb_neq in H
+ | H : _ = true |- _ => apply name2_eqb_eq in H
+ | H : _ = false |- _ => apply name2_eqb_neq in H
+ | H : M _ = M _ |- _ => apply HM in H
+ end; congruence.
+ Qed.
+ End expression_equivalence.
End Proofs.
End Fancy.
@@ -2447,7 +2538,8 @@ Module Barrett256.
Local Opaque PreFancy.interp_cast_mod.
+ *)
Lemma prod_barrett_red256_correct :
forall (cc_start_state : Fancy.CC.state) (* starting carry flags *)
(start_context : register -> Z) (* starting register values *)
@@ -2468,13 +2560,52 @@ Module Barrett256.
replace (2^machine_wordsize) with r in * by reflexivity.
cbv [M muLow] in *.
- rewrite <-barrett_red256_correct_full by auto.
+ erewrite <-barrett_red256_fancy_correct with (error:=100000%positive) by eauto.
rewrite <-barrett_red256_alloc_equivalent with (errorR := RegZero) (errorP := 1%positive) (extra_reg:=extra_reg)
by (auto; cbn; auto with omega).
cbv [ProdEquiv.interp256].
let r := (eval compute in (2 ^ 256)) in
replace (2^256) with r in * by reflexivity.
- cbv [barrett_red256_alloc barrett_red256 expr.Interp].
+ cbn - [Fancy.interp Pos.eqb].
+ cbv [Fancy.make_cc].
+ match goal with |- _ = Fancy.interp _ _ _ _ ?cc _ =>
+ let x := fresh in
+ set cc as x; cbv [Pos.eqb] in x; subst x
+ end.
+ assert (Fancy.CC.cc_m cc_start_state = Fancy.cc_spec Fancy.CC.M (start_context xHigh)) as M_equal.
+ { match goal with H : Fancy.CC.cc_m _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H end.
+ cbv [Fancy.cc_spec]. rewrite Z.cc_m_eq, Z.testbit_eqb by omega.
+ rewrite Z.mod_small by (split; [ solve [Z.zero_bounds] | apply Z.div_lt_upper_bound; cbn; omega ]).
+ reflexivity. }
+ rewrite <-M_equal.
+ (* strategy to fix flags :
+ 1) replace state on both sides with a state reflecting dead flags updated to 0; prove that each side ignores those flags and interps remain equal
+ 2) prove that the M flags are the same and rewrite; now same flags are on both sides
+ *)
+ let dead_flags := constr:([Fancy.CC.C; Fancy.CC.L; Fancy.CC.Z]) in
+ match goal with
+ | H : Fancy.CC.cc_m _ = _
+ |- _ = Fancy.interp _ _ _ _ ?cc _ =>
+ let x := fresh in
+ let Hx := fresh in
+ remember (Fancy.CC.update dead_flags 0 Fancy.cc_spec cc) as x eqn:Hx;
+ cbv [Fancy.CC.update] in Hx; cbn in Hx;
+ match goal with
+ |- ?lhs = ?rhs =>
+ match (eval pattern cc in rhs) with
+ ?f _ => transitivity (f x); subst x
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+ 2 : {
+ (* here's where we need to prove the interps are equal even if I change the dead flags *)
+ cbv [barrett_red256_alloc barrett_red256_fancy].
step start_context.
{ match goal with H : Fancy.CC.cc_m _ = _ |- _ => rewrite H end.