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diff --git a/src/Curves/PointFormats.v b/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
index cd27a2033..49c3b9ba3 100644
--- a/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
+++ b/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
intro; rewrite H2 in H1; intuition.
- Lemma edwardsAddCompletePlusMinus x1 y1 x2 y2 :
+ Lemma edwardsAddCompleteMinus x1 y1 x2 y2 :
onCurve (x1,y1) ->
onCurve (x2, y2) ->
(1 - d*x1*x2*y1*y2) <> 0.
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
- replace (d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2) with ((1-(1-d * x1 * x2 * y1 * y2))) in H1 by field.
intro; rewrite H2 in H1; apply H1; field.
- Hint Resolve edwardsAddCompletePlus edwardsAddCompletePlusMinus.
+ Hint Resolve edwardsAddCompletePlus edwardsAddCompleteMinus.
Definition projX (P:point) := fst (proj1_sig P).
Definition projY (P:point) := snd (proj1_sig P).
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
Definition checkOnCurve (x y: GF) : if Zbool.Zeq_bool (a*x^2 + y^2)%GF (1 + d*x^2*y^2)%GF then point else True.
break_if; trivial. exists (x, y). apply GFdecidable. exact Heqb.
- Hint Unfold onCurve mkPoint.
+ Local Hint Unfold onCurve mkPoint.
Definition zero : point. exists (0, 1).
abstract (unfold onCurve; field).
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
Hint Resolve point_eq.
- Hint Unfold unifiedAdd onCurve.
+ Local Hint Unfold unifiedAdd onCurve mkPoint.
Ltac twisted := autounfold; intros;
repeat (match goal with
| [ x : point |- _ ] => destruct x; unfold onCurve in *
@@ -613,87 +613,72 @@ Module Type Minus1Params (Import M : Modulus) <: TwistedEdwardsParams M.
Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x * x <> d.
End Minus1Params.
-Module Minus1Format (M : Modulus) (Import P : Minus1Params M) <: CompleteTwistedEdwardsPointFormat M P.
+Module ExtendedM1 (M : Modulus) (Import P : Minus1Params M) <: CompleteTwistedEdwardsPointFormat M P.
+ Local Hint Unfold a.
Local Open Scope GF_scope.
Module Import Facts := CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts M P.
Module Import Curve := Facts.Curve.
- (** [projective] represents a point on an elliptic curve using projective
- * Edwards coordinates for twisted edwards curves with a=-1 (see
- * <https://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-edwards-projective.html>
- * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_curve#Projective_homogeneous_coordinates>) *)
- Record projective := mkProjective {projectiveX : GF; projectiveY : GF; projectiveZ : GF}.
- Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ')'" := (mkProjective X Y Z).
- Definition twistedToProjective (P : (GF*GF)) : projective :=
- let '(x, y) := P in (x, y, 1).
- Definition projectiveToTwisted (P : projective) : GF * GF :=
- let 'mkProjective X Y Z := P in
- pair (X/Z) (Y/Z).
- Hint Unfold projectiveToTwisted twistedToProjective.
+ (* TODO: move to wherever GF theorems are *)
Lemma GFdiv_1 : forall x, x/1 = x.
intros; field; auto.
Hint Resolve GFdiv_1.
- Lemma twistedProjectiveInv P : projectiveToTwisted (twistedToProjective P) = P.
- Proof.
- twisted; eauto.
- Qed.
(** [extended] represents a point on an elliptic curve using extended projective
* Edwards coordinates with twist a=-1 (see <https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.pdf>). *)
- Record extended := mkExtended {extendedToProjective : projective; extendedT : GF}.
+ Record extended := mkExtended {extendedX : GF;
+ extendedY : GF;
+ extendedZ : GF;
+ extendedT : GF}.
+ Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ',' T ')'" := (mkExtended X Y Z T).
Definition point := extended.
- Local Notation "'(' X ',' Y ',' Z ',' T ')'" := (mkExtended (X, Y, Z) T).
- Definition extendedValid (P : point) : Prop :=
- let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in T = X*Y/Z.
- Definition twistedToExtended (P : (GF*GF)) : point :=
+ Definition encode (P : (GF*GF)) : point :=
let '(x, y) := P in (x, y, 1, x*y).
- Definition encode P := let '(x, y) := P in twistedToExtended (x, y).
- Definition decode (P : point) :=
- projectiveToTwisted (extendedToProjective P).
- Local Hint Unfold extendedValid twistedToExtended decode projectiveToTwisted Curve.unifiedAdd'.
- Lemma twistedExtendedInv : forall P,
- decode (twistedToExtended P) = P.
- Proof.
- twisted; eapply GFdiv_1.
- Qed.
- Lemma twistedToExtendedValid : forall P, extendedValid (twistedToExtended P).
- Proof.
- autounfold.
- destruct P.
- simpl.
- rewrite GFdiv_1; reflexivity.
- Qed.
+ Definition decode (P : point) : GF * GF :=
+ let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in ((X/Z), (Y/Z)).
Definition rep (P:point) (rP:(GF*GF)) : Prop :=
- decode P = rP /\ extendedValid P.
+ let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in
+ decode P = rP /\
+ Z <> 0 /\
+ T = X*Y/Z.
+ Local Hint Unfold encode decode rep.
Local Notation "P '~=' rP" := (rep P rP) (at level 70).
- Ltac rep := repeat progress (intros; autounfold; subst; auto; match goal with
- | [ x : rep ?a ?b |- _ ] => destruct x
- end).
+ Ltac extended_tac :=
+ repeat progress (autounfold; intros);
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ p : (GF*GF)%type |- _ ] =>
+ let x := fresh "x" in
+ let y := fresh "y" in
+ destruct p as [x y]
+ | [ p : point |- _ ] =>
+ let X := fresh "X" in
+ let Y := fresh "Y" in
+ let Z := fresh "Z" in
+ let T := fresh "T" in
+ destruct p as [X Y Z T]
+ | [ H: _ /\ _ |- _ ] => destruct H
+ | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
+ | [ H: @eq (GF * GF)%type _ _ |- _ ] => invcs H
+ | [ H: @eq GF ?x _ |- _ ] => isVar x; rewrite H; clear H
+ | [ |- @eq (GF * GF)%type _ _] => apply f_equal2
+ | [ |- @eq GF _ _] => field
+ | [ |- _ ] => progress eauto
+ end.
Lemma encode_rep : forall P, encode P ~= P.
- split.
- apply twistedExtendedInv.
- apply twistedToExtendedValid.
+ extended_tac.
Lemma decode_rep : forall P rP, P ~= rP -> decode P = rP.
- rep.
+ extended_tac.
Local Notation "2" := (1+1).
(** Second equation from <http://eprint.iacr.org/2008/522.pdf> section 3.1, also <https://www.hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-twisted-extended-1.html#addition-add-2008-hwcd-3> and <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-josefsson-eddsa-ed25519-03> *)
Definition unifiedAdd (P1 P2 : point) : point :=
@@ -711,52 +696,51 @@ Module Minus1Format (M : Modulus) (Import P : Minus1Params M) <: CompleteTwisted
let Y3 := G*H in
let T3 := E*H in
let Z3 := F*G in
- mkExtended (mkProjective X3 Y3 Z3) T3.
+ (X3, Y3, Z3, T3).
+ Local Hint Unfold unifiedAdd.
Delimit Scope extendedM1_scope with extendedM1.
Infix "+" := unifiedAdd : extendedM1_scope.
- Lemma unifiedAddCon : forall (P1 P2:point)
- (hv1:extendedValid P1) (hv2:extendedValid P2),
- extendedValid (P1 + P2)%extendedM1.
- Proof.
- intros.
- remember ((P1+P2)%extendedM1) as P3.
- destruct P1 as [[X1 Y1 Z1] T1].
- destruct P2 as [[X2 Y2 Z2] T2].
- destruct P3 as [[X3 Y3 Z3] T3].
- invcs HeqP3.
- field.
- (* TODO: prove that denominators are nonzero *)
- Admitted.
- Ltac extended0 := repeat progress (autounfold; simpl); intros;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ x : Curve.point |- _ ] => destruct x
- | [ x : point |- _ ] => destruct x
- | [ x : projective |- _ ] => destruct x
- end; simpl in *; subst.
- Ltac extended := extended0; repeat (ring || f_equal)(*; field*).
- Lemma unifiedAddToTwisted : forall (P1 P2 : point) tP1 tP2
- (P1con : extendedValid P1) (P1on : Curve.onCurve tP1) (P1rep : decode P1 = tP1)
- (P2con : extendedValid P2) (P2on : Curve.onCurve tP2) (P2rep : decode P2 = tP2),
- decode (P1 + P2)%extendedM1 = Curve.unifiedAdd' tP1 tP2.
- Proof.
- extended0.
- apply f_equal2.
- (* case 1 verified by hand: follows from field and completeness of edwards addition *)
+ Lemma char_gt_2 : 2 <> 0.
+ Hint Resolve char_gt_2.
+ Local Hint Unfold unifiedAdd'.
Lemma unifiedAdd_rep: forall P Q rP rQ, Curve.onCurve rP -> Curve.onCurve rQ ->
P ~= rP -> Q ~= rQ -> (unifiedAdd P Q) ~= (Curve.unifiedAdd' rP rQ).
- split; rep.
- apply unifiedAddToTwisted; auto.
- apply unifiedAddCon; auto.
+ extended_tac;
+ pose proof (edwardsAddCompletePlus _ _ _ _ H0 H) as Hp;
+ pose proof (edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ H0 H) as Hm.
+ (* If we we had reasoning modulo associativity and commutativity,
+ * the following tactic would probably solve all 10 goals here:
+ repeat match goal with [H1: @eq GF _ _, H2: @eq GF _ _ |- _ ] =>
+ let H := fresh "H" in (
+ pose proof (edwardsAddCompletePlus _ _ _ _ H1 H2) as H;
+ match type of H with ?xs <> 0 => ac_rewrite (eq_refl xs) end
+ ) || (
+ pose proof (edwardsAddCompleteMinus _ _ _ _ H1 H2) as Hm;
+ match type of H with ?xs <> 0 => ac_rewrite (eq_refl xs) end
+ ); repeat apply mul_nonzero_nonzero; auto 10
+ end.
+ *)
+ - replace (Z0 * Z * Z0 * Z + d * X0 * X * Y0 * Y) with (Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 + d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * inject 2 * Z * (Z0 * Z) + X0 * Y0 * inject 2 * d * (X * Y)) with (2*Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 + d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * inject 2 * Z * (Z0 * Z) - X0 * Y0 * inject 2 * d * (X * Y)) with (2*Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 - d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * Z * Z0 * Z - d * X0 * X * Y0 * Y) with (Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 - d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * inject 2 * Z * (Z0 * Z) + X0 * Y0 * inject 2 * d * (X * Y)) with (2*Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 + d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * inject 2 * Z * (Z0 * Z) - X0 * Y0 * inject 2 * d * (X * Y)) with (2*Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 - d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * Z * Z0 * Z - d * X0 * X * Y0 * Y) with (Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 - d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto).
+ repeat apply mul_nonzero_nonzero.
+ + replace (Z0 * 2 * Z - X0 * Y0 / Z0 * 2 * d * (X * Y / Z)) with (2*Z*Z0* (1 - d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ + replace (Z0 * 2 * Z + X0 * Y0 / Z0 * 2 * d * (X * Y / Z)) with (2*Z*Z0* (1 + d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * inject 2 * Z * (Z0 * Z) + X0 * Y0 * inject 2 * d * (X * Y)) with (2*Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 + d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
+ - replace (Z0 * inject 2 * Z * (Z0 * Z) - X0 * Y0 * inject 2 * d * (X * Y)) with (2*Z*Z*Z0*Z0* (1 - d * (X / Z) * (X0 / Z0) * (Y / Z) * (Y0 / Z0))) by (field; auto); auto 10.
-End Minus1Format.
+End ExtendedM1.