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diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystem.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystem.v
index 5d48c0977..e870e62fb 100644
--- a/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystem.v
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystem.v
@@ -35,178 +35,5 @@ Section BaseSystem.
Definition accumulate p acc := fst p * snd p + acc.
Definition decode' bs u := fold_right accumulate 0 (combine u bs).
Definition decode := decode' base.
- (* i is current index, counts down *)
- Fixpoint encode' z max i : digits :=
- match i with
- | O => nil
- | S i' => let b := nth_default max base in
- encode' z max i' ++ ((z mod (b i)) / (b i')) :: nil
- end.
- (* max must be greater than input; this is used to truncate last digit *)
- Definition encode z max := encode' z max (length base).
- Lemma decode'_truncate : forall bs us, decode' bs us = decode' bs (firstn (length bs) us).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode'; intros; f_equal; apply combine_truncate_l.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint add (us vs:digits) : digits :=
- match us,vs with
- | u::us', v::vs' => u+v :: add us' vs'
- | _, nil => us
- | _, _ => vs
- end.
- Infix ".+" := add.
- Hint Extern 1 (@eq Z _ _) => ring.
Definition mul_each u := map (Z.mul u).
- Fixpoint sub (us vs:digits) : digits :=
- match us,vs with
- | u::us', v::vs' => u-v :: sub us' vs'
- | _, nil => us
- | nil, v::vs' => (0-v)::sub nil vs'
- end.
- Definition crosscoef i j : Z :=
- let b := nth_default 0 base in
- (b(i) * b(j)) / b(i+j)%nat.
- Hint Unfold crosscoef.
- Fixpoint zeros n := match n with O => nil | S n' => 0::zeros n' end.
- (* mul' is multiplication with the SECOND ARGUMENT REVERSED and OUTPUT REVERSED *)
- Fixpoint mul_bi' (i:nat) (vsr:digits) :=
- match vsr with
- | v::vsr' => v * crosscoef i (length vsr') :: mul_bi' i vsr'
- | nil => nil
- end.
- Definition mul_bi (i:nat) (vs:digits) : digits :=
- zeros i ++ rev (mul_bi' i (rev vs)).
- (* mul' is multiplication with the FIRST ARGUMENT REVERSED *)
- Fixpoint mul' (usr vs:digits) : digits :=
- match usr with
- | u::usr' =>
- mul_each u (mul_bi (length usr') vs) .+ mul' usr' vs
- | _ => nil
- end.
- Definition mul us := mul' (rev us).
-End BaseSystem.
-(* Example : polynomial base system *)
-Section PolynomialBaseCoefs.
- Context (b1 : positive) (baseLength : nat) (baseLengthNonzero : ltb 0 baseLength = true).
- (** PolynomialBaseCoefs generates base vectors for [BaseSystem]. *)
- Definition bi i := (Zpos b1)^(Z.of_nat i).
- Definition poly_base := map bi (seq 0 baseLength).
- Lemma poly_b0_1 : forall x, nth_default x poly_base 0 = 1.
- Proof using baseLengthNonzero.
- unfold poly_base, bi, nth_default.
- case_eq baseLength; intros. {
- assert ((0 < baseLength)%nat) by
- (rewrite <-ltb_lt; apply baseLengthNonzero).
- subst; omega.
- }
- auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma poly_base_positive : forall b, In b poly_base -> b > 0.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold poly_base.
- intros until 0; intro H.
- rewrite in_map_iff in *.
- destruct H; destruct H.
- subst.
- apply Z.pos_pow_nat_pos.
- Qed.
- Lemma poly_base_defn : forall i, (i < length poly_base)%nat ->
- nth_default 0 poly_base i = bi i.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold poly_base, nth_default; nth_tac.
- Qed.
- Lemma poly_base_succ :
- forall i, ((S i) < length poly_base)%nat ->
- let b := nth_default 0 poly_base in
- let r := (b (S i) / b i) in
- b (S i) = r * b i.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; subst b; subst r.
- repeat rewrite poly_base_defn in * by omega.
- unfold bi.
- replace (Z.pos b1 ^ Z.of_nat (S i))
- with (Z.pos b1 * (Z.pos b1 ^ Z.of_nat i)) by
- (rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ; rewrite <- Z.pow_succ_r; intuition auto with zarith).
- replace (Z.pos b1 * Z.pos b1 ^ Z.of_nat i / Z.pos b1 ^ Z.of_nat i)
- with (Z.pos b1); auto.
- rewrite Z_div_mult_full; auto.
- apply Z.pow_nonzero; intuition auto with lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma poly_base_good:
- forall i j, (i + j < length poly_base)%nat ->
- let b := nth_default 0 poly_base in
- let r := (b i * b j) / b (i+j)%nat in
- b i * b j = r * b (i+j)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold poly_base, nth_default; nth_tac.
- clear.
- unfold bi.
- rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add, Zpower_exp by
- (replace 0 with (Z.of_nat 0) by auto; rewrite <- Nat2Z.inj_ge; omega).
- rewrite Z_div_same_full; try ring.
- rewrite <- Z.neq_mul_0.
- split; apply Z.pow_nonzero; try apply Zle_0_nat; try solve [intro H; inversion H].
- Qed.
- Instance PolyBaseVector : BaseVector poly_base := {
- base_positive := poly_base_positive;
- b0_1 := poly_b0_1;
- base_good := poly_base_good
- }.
-End PolynomialBaseCoefs.
-Import ListNotations.
-Section BaseSystemExample.
- Definition baseLength := 32%nat.
- Lemma baseLengthNonzero : ltb 0 baseLength = true.
- compute; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Definition base2 := poly_base 2 baseLength.
- Example three_times_two : mul base2 [1;1;0] [0;1;0] = [0;1;1;0;0].
- Proof.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- (* python -c "e = lambda x: '['+''.join(reversed(bin(x)[2:])).replace('1','1;').replace('0','0;')[:-1]+']'; print(e(19259)); print(e(41781))" *)
- Definition a := [1;1;0;1;1;1;0;0;1;1;0;1;0;0;1].
- Definition b := [1;0;1;0;1;1;0;0;1;1;0;0;0;1;0;1].
- Example da : decode base2 a = 19259.
- Proof.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Example db : decode base2 b = 41781.
- Proof.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Example encoded_ab :
- mul base2 a b =[1;1;1;2;2;4;2;2;4;5;3;3;3;6;4;2;5;3;4;3;2;1;2;2;2;0;1;1;0;1].
- Proof.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Example dab : decode base2 (mul base2 a b) = 804660279.
- Proof.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End BaseSystemExample.
+End BaseSystem. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v
index 409d8b7db..9eb694778 100644
--- a/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/BaseSystemProofs.v
@@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ Require Import Coq.Lists.List Coq.micromega.Psatz.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil Crypto.Util.CaseUtil Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.ZArith.Zdiv.
Require Import Coq.omega.Omega Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano Coq.Arith.Arith.
-Require Import Crypto.BaseSystem.
+Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystem.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
Import Morphisms.
Local Open Scope Z.
-Local Infix ".+" := add.
Local Hint Extern 1 (@eq Z _ _) => ring.
Section BaseSystemProofs.
@@ -31,11 +30,6 @@ Section BaseSystemProofs.
apply Z.add_assoc.
- Lemma add_rep : forall bs us vs, decode' bs (add us vs) = decode' bs us + decode' bs vs.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold decode', accumulate; induction bs; destruct us, vs; boring; ring.
- Qed.
Lemma decode_nil : forall bs, decode' bs nil = 0.
Proof using Type.
@@ -48,8 +42,6 @@ Section BaseSystemProofs.
intros; rewrite decode'_truncate; auto.
- Hint Rewrite decode_base_nil.
Lemma mul_each_rep : forall bs u vs,
decode' bs (mul_each u vs) = u * decode' bs vs.
Proof using Type.
@@ -93,31 +85,6 @@ Section BaseSystemProofs.
unfold decode; intros; apply decode'_map_mul.
- Lemma sub_rep : forall bs us vs, decode' bs (sub us vs) = decode' bs us - decode' bs vs.
- Proof using Type.
- induction bs; destruct us; destruct vs; boring; ring.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_default_base_nonzero : forall d, d <> 0 ->
- forall i, nth_default d base i <> 0.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite nth_default_eq.
- destruct (nth_in_or_default i base d).
- + auto using Z.positive_is_nonzero, base_positive.
- + congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_default_base_pos : forall d, 0 < d ->
- forall i, 0 < nth_default d base i.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite nth_default_eq.
- destruct (nth_in_or_default i base d).
- + apply Z.gt_lt; auto using base_positive.
- + congruence.
- Qed.
Lemma mul_each_base : forall us bs c,
decode' bs (mul_each c us) = decode' (mul_each c bs) us.
Proof using Type.
@@ -128,583 +95,39 @@ Section BaseSystemProofs.
Hint Rewrite (@firstn_nil Z).
Hint Rewrite (@skipn_nil Z).
- Lemma base_app : forall us low high,
- decode' (low ++ high) us = decode' low (firstn (length low) us) + decode' high (skipn (length low) us).
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; destruct low; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma base_mul_app : forall low c us,
- decode' (low ++ mul_each c low) us = decode' low (firstn (length low) us) +
- c * decode' low (skipn (length low) us).
- Proof using Type.
- intros.
- rewrite base_app; f_equal.
- rewrite <- mul_each_rep.
- rewrite mul_each_base.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma zeros_rep : forall bs n, decode' bs (zeros n) = 0.
- Proof using Type.
- induction bs; destruct n; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma length_zeros : forall n, length (zeros n) = n.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite length_zeros.
- Lemma app_zeros_zeros : forall n m, zeros n ++ zeros m = zeros (n + m)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite app_zeros_zeros.
- Lemma zeros_app0 : forall m, zeros m ++ 0 :: nil = zeros (S m).
- Proof using Type.
- induction m; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite zeros_app0.
- Lemma nth_default_zeros : forall n i, nth_default 0 (BaseSystem.zeros n) i = 0.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; intros; [ cbv [BaseSystem.zeros]; apply nth_default_nil | ].
- rewrite <-zeros_app0, nth_default_app.
- rewrite length_zeros.
- destruct (lt_dec i n); auto.
- destruct (eq_nat_dec i n); subst.
- + rewrite Nat.sub_diag; apply nth_default_cons.
- + apply nth_default_out_of_bounds.
- cbv [length]; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma rev_zeros : forall n, rev (zeros n) = zeros n.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite rev_zeros.
- Hint Unfold nth_default.
- Lemma decode_single : forall n bs x,
- decode' bs (zeros n ++ x :: nil) = nth_default 0 bs n * x.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; destruct bs; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite decode_single.
Lemma peel_decode : forall xs ys x y, decode' (x::xs) (y::ys) = x*y + decode' xs ys.
Proof using Type.
- Hint Rewrite zeros_rep peel_decode.
- Lemma decode_Proper : Proper (Logic.eq ==> (Forall2 Logic.eq) ==> Logic.eq) decode'.
- Proof using Type.
- repeat intro; subst.
- revert y y0 H0; induction x0; intros.
- + inversion H0. rewrite !decode_nil.
- reflexivity.
- + inversion H0; subst.
- destruct y as [|y0 y]; [rewrite !decode_base_nil; reflexivity | ].
- specialize (IHx0 y _ H4).
- rewrite !peel_decode.
- f_equal; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_highzeros : forall xs bs n, decode' bs (xs ++ zeros n) = decode' bs xs.
- Proof using Type.
- induction xs; destruct bs; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi'_zeros : forall n m, mul_bi' base n (zeros m) = zeros m.
- Proof using Type.
- induction m; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite mul_bi'_zeros.
- Lemma nth_error_base_nonzero : forall n x,
- nth_error base n = Some x -> x <> 0.
- Proof using Type*.
- eauto using (@nth_error_value_In Z), Z.gt0_neq0, base_positive.
- Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite peel_decode.
Hint Rewrite plus_0_r.
- Lemma mul_bi_single : forall m n x,
- (n + m < length base)%nat ->
- decode base (mul_bi base n (zeros m ++ x :: nil)) = nth_default 0 base m * x * nth_default 0 base n.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold mul_bi, decode.
- destruct m; simpl; simpl_list; simpl; intros. {
- pose proof nth_error_base_nonzero as nth_nonzero.
- case_eq base; [intros; boring | intros z l base_eq].
- specialize (b0_1 0); intro b0_1'.
- rewrite base_eq in *.
- rewrite nth_default_cons in b0_1'.
- rewrite b0_1' in *.
- unfold crosscoef.
- autounfold; autorewrite with core.
- unfold nth_default.
- nth_tac.
- rewrite Z.mul_1_r.
- rewrite Z_div_same_full.
- destruct x; ring.
- eapply nth_nonzero; eauto.
- } {
- ssimpl_list.
- autorewrite with core.
- rewrite app_assoc.
- autorewrite with core.
- unfold crosscoef; simpl; ring_simplify.
- rewrite Nat.add_1_r.
- rewrite base_good by auto.
- rewrite Z_div_mult by (apply base_positive; rewrite nth_default_eq; apply nth_In; auto).
- rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
- rewrite <- Z.mul_comm.
- rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
- rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec x 0); subst; try ring.
- rewrite Z.mul_cancel_l by auto.
- rewrite <- base_good by auto.
- ring.
- }
- Qed.
- Lemma set_higher' : forall vs x, vs++x::nil = vs .+ (zeros (length vs) ++ x :: nil).
- Proof using Type.
- induction vs; boring; f_equal; ring.
- Qed.
Lemma set_higher : forall bs vs x,
decode' bs (vs++x::nil) = decode' bs vs + nth_default 0 bs (length vs) * x.
Proof using Type.
- rewrite set_higher'.
- rewrite add_rep.
- f_equal.
- apply decode_single.
- Qed.
- Lemma zeros_plus_zeros : forall n, zeros n = zeros n .+ zeros n.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; auto.
- simpl; f_equal; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi'_n_nil : forall n, mul_bi' base n nil = nil.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold mul_bi; auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite mul_bi'_n_nil.
- Lemma add_nil_l : forall us, nil .+ us = us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite add_nil_l.
- Lemma add_nil_r : forall us, us .+ nil = us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite add_nil_r.
- Lemma add_first_terms : forall us vs a b,
- (a :: us) .+ (b :: vs) = (a + b) :: (us .+ vs).
- Proof using Type.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite add_first_terms.
- Lemma mul_bi'_cons : forall n x us,
- mul_bi' base n (x :: us) = x * crosscoef base n (length us) :: mul_bi' base n us.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold mul_bi'; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_same_length : forall us vs l, (length us = l) -> (length vs = l) ->
- length (us .+ vs) = l.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us, vs; boring.
- erewrite (IHus vs (pred l)); boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite app_nil_l.
- Hint Rewrite app_nil_r.
- Lemma add_snoc_same_length : forall l us vs a b,
- (length us = l) -> (length vs = l) ->
- (us ++ a :: nil) .+ (vs ++ b :: nil) = (us .+ vs) ++ (a + b) :: nil.
- Proof using Type.
- induction l, us, vs; boring; discriminate.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi'_add : forall us n vs l
- (Hlus: length us = l)
- (Hlvs: length vs = l),
- mul_bi' base n (rev (us .+ vs)) =
- mul_bi' base n (rev us) .+ mul_bi' base n (rev vs).
- Proof using Type.
- (* TODO(adamc): please help prettify this *)
- induction us using rev_ind;
- try solve [destruct vs; boring; congruence].
- destruct vs using rev_ind; boring; clear IHvs; simpl_list.
- erewrite (add_snoc_same_length (pred l) us vs _ _); simpl_list.
- repeat rewrite mul_bi'_cons; rewrite add_first_terms; simpl_list.
- rewrite (IHus n vs (pred l)).
- replace (length us) with (pred l).
- replace (length vs) with (pred l).
- rewrite (add_same_length us vs (pred l)).
- f_equal; ring.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- erewrite length_snoc; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma zeros_cons0 : forall n, 0 :: zeros n = zeros (S n).
- Proof using Type.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_leading_zeros : forall n us vs,
- (zeros n ++ us) .+ (zeros n ++ vs) = zeros n ++ (us .+ vs).
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma rev_add_rev : forall us vs l, (length us = l) -> (length vs = l) ->
- (rev us) .+ (rev vs) = rev (us .+ vs).
- Proof using Type.
- induction us, vs; boring; try solve [subst; discriminate].
- rewrite (add_snoc_same_length (pred l) _ _ _ _) by (subst; simpl_list; omega).
- rewrite (IHus vs (pred l)) by omega; auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite rev_add_rev.
- Lemma mul_bi'_length : forall us n, length (mul_bi' base n us) = length us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us, n; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite mul_bi'_length.
- Lemma add_comm : forall us vs, us .+ vs = vs .+ us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us, vs; boring; f_equal; auto.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite rev_length.
- Lemma mul_bi_add_same_length : forall n us vs l,
- (length us = l) -> (length vs = l) ->
- mul_bi base n (us .+ vs) = mul_bi base n us .+ mul_bi base n vs.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold mul_bi; boring.
- rewrite add_leading_zeros.
- erewrite mul_bi'_add; boring.
- erewrite rev_add_rev; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_zeros_same_length : forall us, us .+ (zeros (length us)) = us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; boring; f_equal; omega.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite add_zeros_same_length.
- Hint Rewrite minus_diag.
- Lemma add_trailing_zeros : forall us vs, (length us >= length vs)%nat ->
- us .+ vs = us .+ (vs ++ (zeros (length us - length vs)%nat)).
- Proof using Type.
- induction us, vs; boring; f_equal; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma length_add_ge : forall us vs, (length us >= length vs)%nat ->
- (length (us .+ vs) <= length us)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- intros.
- rewrite add_trailing_zeros by trivial.
- erewrite add_same_length by (pose proof app_length; boring); omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_length_le_max : forall us vs,
- (length (us .+ vs) <= max (length us) (length vs))%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; case_max; (rewrite add_comm; apply length_add_ge; omega) ||
- (apply length_add_ge; omega) .
- Qed.
- Lemma sub_nil_length: forall us : digits, length (sub nil us) = length us.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; boring.
- Qed.
- Lemma sub_length : forall us vs,
- (length (sub us vs) = max (length us) (length vs))%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us, vs; boring.
- rewrite sub_nil_length; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi_length : forall us n, length (mul_bi base n us) = (length us + n)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- pose proof mul_bi'_length; unfold mul_bi.
- destruct us; repeat progress (simpl_list; boring).
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite mul_bi_length.
- Lemma mul_bi_trailing_zeros : forall m n us,
- mul_bi base n us ++ zeros m = mul_bi base n (us ++ zeros m).
- Proof using Type.
- unfold mul_bi.
- induction m; intros; try solve [boring].
- rewrite <- zeros_app0.
- rewrite app_assoc.
- repeat progress (boring; rewrite rev_app_distr).
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi_add_longer : forall n us vs,
- (length us >= length vs)%nat ->
- mul_bi base n (us .+ vs) = mul_bi base n us .+ mul_bi base n vs.
- Proof using Type.
- boring.
- rewrite add_trailing_zeros by auto.
- rewrite (add_trailing_zeros (mul_bi base n us) (mul_bi base n vs))
- by (repeat (rewrite mul_bi_length); omega).
- erewrite mul_bi_add_same_length by
- (eauto; simpl_list; rewrite length_zeros; omega).
- rewrite mul_bi_trailing_zeros.
- repeat (f_equal; boring).
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi_add : forall n us vs,
- mul_bi base n (us .+ vs) = (mul_bi base n us) .+ (mul_bi base n vs).
- Proof using Type.
- intros; pose proof mul_bi_add_longer.
- destruct (le_ge_dec (length us) (length vs)). {
- rewrite add_comm.
- rewrite (add_comm (mul_bi base n us)).
- boring.
- } {
- boring.
- }
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_bi_rep : forall i vs,
- (i + length vs < length base)%nat ->
- decode base (mul_bi base i vs) = decode base vs * nth_default 0 base i.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold decode.
- induction vs using rev_ind; intros; try solve [unfold mul_bi; boring].
- assert (i + length vs < length base)%nat by
- (rewrite app_length in *; boring).
- rewrite set_higher.
- ring_simplify.
- rewrite <- IHvs by auto; clear IHvs.
- rewrite <- mul_bi_single by auto.
- rewrite <- add_rep.
- rewrite <- mul_bi_add.
- rewrite set_higher'.
- auto.
- Qed.
- Local Notation mul' := (mul' base).
- Local Notation mul := (mul base).
- Lemma mul'_rep : forall us vs,
- (length us + length vs <= length base)%nat ->
- decode base (mul' (rev us) vs) = decode base us * decode base vs.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold decode.
- induction us using rev_ind; boring.
- assert (length us + length vs < length base)%nat by
- (rewrite app_length in *; boring).
- ssimpl_list.
- rewrite add_rep.
- boring.
- rewrite set_higher.
- rewrite mul_each_rep.
- rewrite mul_bi_rep by auto.
- unfold decode; ring.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_rep : forall us vs,
- (length us + length vs <= length base)%nat ->
- decode base (mul us vs) = decode base us * decode base vs.
- Proof using Type*.
- exact mul'_rep.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul'_length: forall us vs,
- (length (mul' us vs) <= length us + length vs)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- pose proof add_length_le_max.
- induction us; boring.
- unfold mul_each.
- simpl_list; case_max; boring; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_length: forall us vs,
- (length (mul us vs) <= length us + length vs)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; unfold BaseSystem.mul.
- rewrite mul'_length.
- rewrite rev_length; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_length_exact : forall us vs,
- length (us .+ vs) = max (length us) (length vs).
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; destruct vs; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite add_length_exact : distr_length.
- Lemma mul'_length_exact_full: forall us vs,
- (length (mul' us vs) = match length us with
- | 0 => 0%nat
- | _ => pred (length us + length vs)
- end)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- induction us; intros; try solve [boring].
- unfold BaseSystem.mul'; fold mul'.
- unfold mul_each.
- rewrite add_length_exact, map_length, mul_bi_length, length_cons.
- destruct us.
- + rewrite Max.max_0_r. simpl; omega.
- + rewrite Max.max_l; [ omega | ].
- rewrite IHus by ( congruence || simpl in *; omega).
- simpl; omega.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite mul'_length_exact_full : distr_length.
- (* TODO(@jadephilipoom, from jgross): one of these conditions isn't
- needed. Should it be dropped, or was there a reason to keep it? *)
- Lemma mul'_length_exact: forall us vs,
- (length us <= length vs)%nat -> us <> nil ->
- (length (mul' us vs) = pred (length us + length vs))%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; rewrite mul'_length_exact_full; destruct us; simpl; congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_length_exact_full: forall us vs,
- (length (mul us vs) = match length us with
- | 0 => 0
- | _ => pred (length us + length vs)
- end)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; unfold BaseSystem.mul; autorewrite with distr_length; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite mul_length_exact_full : distr_length.
- (* TODO(@jadephilipoom, from jgross): one of these conditions isn't
- needed. Should it be dropped, or was there a reason to keep it? *)
- Lemma mul_length_exact: forall us vs,
- (length us <= length vs)%nat -> us <> nil ->
- (length (mul us vs) = pred (length us + length vs))%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; unfold BaseSystem.mul.
- rewrite mul'_length_exact; rewrite ?rev_length; try omega.
- intro rev_nil.
- match goal with H : us <> nil |- _ => apply H end.
- apply length0_nil; rewrite <-rev_length, rev_nil.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Definition encode'_zero z max : encode' base z max 0%nat = nil := eq_refl.
- Definition encode'_succ z max i : encode' base z max (S i) =
- encode' base z max i ++ ((z mod (nth_default max base (S i))) / (nth_default max base i)) :: nil := eq_refl.
- Opaque encode'.
- Hint Resolve encode'_zero encode'_succ.
- Lemma encode'_length : forall z max i, length (encode' base z max i) = i.
- Proof using Type.
- induction i; auto.
- rewrite encode'_succ, app_length, IHi.
- cbv [length].
- omega.
- Qed.
- (* States that each element of the base is a positive integer multiple of the previous
- element, and that max is a positive integer multiple of the last element. Ideally this
- would have a better name. *)
- Definition base_max_succ_divide max := forall i, (S i <= length base)%nat ->
- Z.divide (nth_default max base i) (nth_default max base (S i)).
- Lemma encode'_spec : forall z max, 0 < max ->
- base_max_succ_divide max -> forall i, (i <= length base)%nat ->
- decode' base (encode' base z max i) = z mod (nth_default max base i).
- Proof using Type*.
- induction i; intros.
- + rewrite encode'_zero, b0_1, Z.mod_1_r.
- apply decode_nil.
- + rewrite encode'_succ, set_higher.
- rewrite IHi by omega.
- rewrite encode'_length, (Z.add_comm (z mod nth_default max base i)).
- replace (nth_default 0 base i) with (nth_default max base i) by
- (rewrite !nth_default_eq; apply nth_indep; omega).
- match goal with H1 : base_max_succ_divide _, H2 : (S i <= length base)%nat, H3 : 0 < max |- _ =>
- specialize (H1 i H2);
- rewrite (Znumtheory.Zmod_div_mod _ _ _ (nth_default_base_pos _ H _)
- (nth_default_base_pos _ H _) H0) end.
- rewrite <-Z.div_mod by (apply Z.positive_is_nonzero, Z.lt_gt; auto using nth_default_base_pos).
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma encode_rep : forall z max, 0 <= z < max ->
- base_max_succ_divide max -> decode base (encode base z max) = z.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold encode; intros.
- rewrite encode'_spec, nth_default_out_of_bounds by (omega || auto).
- apply Z.mod_small; omega.
- Qed.
-End BaseSystemProofs.
-Hint Rewrite @add_length_exact @mul'_length_exact_full @mul_length_exact_full @encode'_length @sub_length : distr_length.
-Section MultiBaseSystemProofs.
- Context base0 (base_vector0 : @BaseVector base0) base1 (base_vector1 : @BaseVector base1).
- Lemma decode_short_initial : forall (us : digits),
- (firstn (length us) base0 = firstn (length us) base1)
- -> decode base0 us = decode base1 us.
- Proof using Type.
- intros us H.
- unfold decode, decode'.
- rewrite (combine_truncate_r us base0), (combine_truncate_r us base1), H.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma mul_rep_two_base : forall (us vs : digits),
- (length us + length vs <= length base1)%nat
- -> firstn (length us) base0 = firstn (length us) base1
- -> firstn (length vs) base0 = firstn (length vs) base1
- -> (decode base0 us) * (decode base0 vs) = decode base1 (mul base1 us vs).
- Proof using base_vector1.
- intros.
- rewrite mul_rep by trivial.
- apply f_equal2; apply decode_short_initial; assumption.
- Qed.
-End MultiBaseSystemProofs.
+ rewrite !decode'_splice.
+ cbv [decode' nth_default]; break_match; ring_simplify;
+ match goal with
+ | [H:_ |- _] => unique pose proof (nth_error_error_length _ _ _ H)
+ | [H:_ |- _] => unique pose proof (nth_error_value_length _ _ _ _ H)
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => solve [simpl;ring_simplify; trivial]
+ | _ => progress ring_simplify
+ | _ => progress rewrite skipn_all by trivial
+ | _ => progress rewrite combine_nil_r
+ | _ => progress rewrite firstn_all2 by trivial
+ end.
+ rewrite (combine_truncate_r vs bs); apply (f_equal2 Z.add); trivial; [].
+ unfold combine; break_match.
+ { apply (f_equal (@length _)) in Heql; simpl length in Heql; rewrite skipn_length in Heql; omega. }
+ { cbv -[Z.add Z.mul]; ring_simplify; f_equal.
+ assert (HH: nth_error (z0 :: l) 0 = Some z) by
+ (
+ pose proof @nth_error_skipn _ (length vs) bs 0;
+ rewrite plus_0_r in *;
+ congruence); simpl in HH; congruence. }
+ Qed.
+End BaseSystemProofs. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Core.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Core.v
index 6b6726f77..bf4de044d 100644
--- a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Core.v
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Core.v
@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Interface.
Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2Base.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
Import Bug5107WorkAround.
+Require Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystem.
+Require Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2Base.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
@@ -18,7 +20,7 @@ Local Notation eta x := (fst x, snd x).
(** The list is low to high; the tuple is low to high *)
Definition tuple_decoder {n W} {decode : decoder n W} {k : nat} : decoder (k * n) (tuple W k)
- := {| decode w := BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (repeat n k))
+ := {| decode w := BaseSystem.decode (Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths (repeat n k))
(List.map decode (List.rev (Tuple.to_list _ w))) |}.
Global Arguments tuple_decoder : simpl never.
Hint Extern 3 (decoder _ (tuple ?W ?k)) => let kv := (eval simpl in (Z.of_nat k)) in apply (fun n decode => (@tuple_decoder n W decode k : decoder (kv * n) (tuple W k))) : typeclass_instances.
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v
index a84e84acf..04c90e835 100644
--- a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Double/Proofs/Decode.v
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Lists.List Coq.micromega.Psatz.
Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Interface.
Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.InterfaceProofs.
-Require Import Crypto.BaseSystem.
-Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2Base.
-Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2BaseProofs.
Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Double.Core.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Require Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2Base.
+Require Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2BaseProofs.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Local Open Scope type_scope.
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ Section decode.
Local Notation limb_widths := (repeat n k).
Lemma decode_bounded {isdecode : is_decode decode} w
- : 0 <= n -> bounded limb_widths (List.map decode (rev (to_list k w))).
+ : 0 <= n -> Pow2Base.bounded limb_widths (List.map decode (rev (to_list k w))).
Proof using Type.
- eapply bounded_uniform; try solve [ eauto using repeat_spec ].
+ eapply Pow2BaseProofs.bounded_uniform; try solve [ eauto using repeat_spec ].
{ distr_length. }
{ intros z H'.
apply in_map_iff in H'.
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@ Section decode.
unfold tuple_decoder; hnf; simpl.
intro w.
destruct (zerop k); [ subst | ].
- { unfold BaseSystem.decode, BaseSystem.decode'; simpl; omega. }
+ { cbv; intuition congruence. }
assert (0 <= n)
by (destruct k as [ | [|] ]; [ omega | | destruct w ];
eauto using decode_exponent_nonnegative).
- replace (2^(k * n)) with (upper_bound limb_widths)
- by (erewrite upper_bound_uniform by eauto using repeat_spec; distr_length).
- apply decode_upper_bound; auto using decode_bounded.
+ replace (2^(k * n)) with (Pow2Base.upper_bound limb_widths)
+ by (erewrite Pow2BaseProofs.upper_bound_uniform by eauto using repeat_spec; distr_length).
+ apply Pow2BaseProofs.decode_upper_bound; auto using decode_bounded.
{ intros ? H'.
apply repeat_spec in H'; omega. }
{ distr_length. }
End with_k.
- Local Arguments base_from_limb_widths : simpl never.
+ Local Arguments Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths : simpl never.
Local Arguments repeat : simpl never.
Local Arguments Z.mul !_ !_.
Lemma tuple_decoder_S {k} w : 0 <= n -> (tuple_decoder (k := S (S k)) w = tuple_decoder (k := S k) (fst w) + (decode (snd w) << (S k * n)))%Z.
@@ -64,16 +64,15 @@ Section decode.
destruct w as [? w]; simpl.
replace (decode w) with (decode w * 1 + 0)%Z by omega.
rewrite map_app, map_cons, map_nil.
- erewrite decode_shift_uniform_app by (eauto using repeat_spec; distr_length).
+ erewrite Pow2BaseProofs.decode_shift_uniform_app by (eauto using repeat_spec; distr_length).
autorewrite with push_skipn natsimplify push_firstn.
Global Instance tuple_decoder_O w : tuple_decoder (k := 1) w =~> decode w.
Proof using Type.
- unfold tuple_decoder, BaseSystem.decode, BaseSystem.decode', accumulate, base_from_limb_widths, repeat.
- simpl; hnf.
- omega.
+ cbv [tuple_decoder BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystem.decode BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystem.decode' BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystem.accumulate Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths repeat].
+ simpl; hnf; lia.
Global Instance tuple_decoder_m1 w : tuple_decoder (k := 0) w =~> 0.
Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
@@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ Section decode.
: (P _ (tuple_decoder (k := 1)) -> P _ decode)
* (P _ decode -> P _ (tuple_decoder (k := 1))).
Proof using Type.
- unfold tuple_decoder, BaseSystem.decode, BaseSystem.decode', accumulate, base_from_limb_widths, repeat.
+ unfold tuple_decoder, BaseSystem.decode, BaseSystem.decode', BaseSystem.accumulate, Pow2Base.base_from_limb_widths, repeat.
simpl; hnf.
rewrite Z.mul_1_l.
split; apply P_ext; simpl; intro; autorewrite with zsimplify_const; reflexivity.
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2Base.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2Base.v
index 0175018f8..62f1f742d 100644
--- a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2Base.v
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2Base.v
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.Zpower Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.
-Require Crypto.BaseSystem.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
@@ -9,81 +8,12 @@ Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Section Pow2Base.
Context (limb_widths : list Z).
Local Notation "w[ i ]" := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
Fixpoint base_from_limb_widths limb_widths :=
match limb_widths with
| nil => nil
| w :: lw => 1 :: map (Z.mul (two_p w)) (base_from_limb_widths lw)
Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
Definition bounded us := forall i, 0 <= nth_default 0 us i < 2 ^ w[i].
Definition upper_bound := 2 ^ (sum_firstn limb_widths (length limb_widths)).
- Function decode_bitwise' us i acc :=
- match i with
- | O => acc
- | S i' => decode_bitwise' us i' (Z.lor (nth_default 0 us i') (Z.shiftl acc w[i']))
- end.
- Definition decode_bitwise us := decode_bitwise' us (length us) 0.
- (* i is current index, counts down *)
- Fixpoint encode' z i :=
- match i with
- | O => nil
- | S i' => let lw := sum_firstn limb_widths in
- encode' z i' ++ (Z.shiftr (Z.land z (Z.ones (lw i))) (lw i')) :: nil
- end.
- Definition encodeZ x:= encode' x (length limb_widths).
- (** ** Carrying *)
- Section carrying.
- (** Here we implement addition and multiplication with simple
- carrying. *)
- Notation log_cap i := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
- Definition add_to_nth n (x:Z) xs :=
- update_nth n (fun y => x + y) xs.
- Definition carry_single i := fun di =>
- (Z.pow2_mod di (log_cap i),
- Z.shiftr di (log_cap i)).
- (* [fi] is fed [length us] and [S i] and produces the index of
- the digit to which value should be added;
- [fc] modifies the carried value before adding it to that digit *)
- Definition carry_gen fc fi i := fun us =>
- let i := fi i in
- let di := nth_default 0 us i in
- let '(di', ci) := carry_single i di in
- let us' := set_nth i di' us in
- add_to_nth (fi (S i)) (fc ci) us'.
- (* carry_simple does not modify the carried value, and always adds it
- to the digit with index [S i] *)
- Definition carry_simple := carry_gen (fun ci => ci) (fun i => i).
- Definition carry_simple_sequence is us := fold_right carry_simple us is.
- Fixpoint make_chain i :=
- match i with
- | O => nil
- | S i' => i' :: make_chain i'
- end.
- Definition full_carry_chain := make_chain (length limb_widths).
- Definition carry_simple_full := carry_simple_sequence full_carry_chain.
- Definition carry_simple_add us vs := carry_simple_full (BaseSystem.add us vs).
- Definition carry_simple_sub us vs := carry_simple_full (BaseSystem.sub us vs).
- Definition carry_simple_mul out_base us vs := carry_simple_full (BaseSystem.mul out_base us vs).
- End carrying.
End Pow2Base.
diff --git a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v
index fd92db37d..fcb453ea6 100644
--- a/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v
+++ b/src/BoundedArithmetic/Pow2BaseProofs.v
@@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RewriteHyp.
Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.Pow2Base.
-Require Import Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystemProofs.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
Require Export Crypto.Util.Bool.
Require Export Crypto.Util.FixCoqMistakes.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Require Crypto.BoundedArithmetic.BaseSystemProofs.
Create HintDb simpl_add_to_nth discriminated.
Create HintDb push_upper_bound discriminated.
Create HintDb pull_upper_bound discriminated.
@@ -66,12 +67,6 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
eauto using Z.add_nonneg_nonneg, limb_widths_nonneg, In_firstn.
Qed. Hint Resolve sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Lemma two_sum_firstn_limb_widths_pos n : 0 < 2^sum_firstn limb_widths n.
- Proof using Type*. auto with zarith. Qed.
- Lemma two_sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonzero n : 2^sum_firstn limb_widths n <> 0.
- Proof using Type*. pose proof (two_sum_firstn_limb_widths_pos n); omega. Qed.
Lemma base_from_limb_widths_step : forall i b w, (S i < length limb_widths)%nat ->
nth_error base i = Some b ->
nth_error limb_widths i = Some w ->
@@ -133,50 +128,6 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
- Lemma base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- nth_default 0 base (S i) mod nth_default 0 base i = 0.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- repeat rewrite nth_default_base by omega.
- apply Z.mod_same_pow.
- split; [apply sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg | ].
- destruct (NPeano.Nat.eq_dec i 0); subst.
- + case_eq limb_widths; intro; unfold sum_firstn; simpl; try omega; intros l' lw_eq.
- apply Z.add_nonneg_nonneg; try omega.
- apply limb_widths_nonneg.
- rewrite lw_eq.
- apply in_eq.
- + assert (i < length limb_widths)%nat as i_lt_length by omega.
- apply nth_error_length_exists_value in i_lt_length.
- destruct i_lt_length as [x nth_err_x].
- erewrite sum_firstn_succ; eauto.
- apply nth_error_value_In in nth_err_x.
- apply limb_widths_nonneg in nth_err_x.
- omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_error_subst : forall i b, nth_error base i = Some b ->
- b = 2 ^ (sum_firstn limb_widths i).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros i b nth_err_b.
- pose proof (nth_error_value_length _ _ _ _ nth_err_b).
- rewrite base_from_limb_widths_length in *.
- rewrite nth_error_base in nth_err_b by assumption.
- rewrite two_p_correct in nth_err_b.
- congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma base_positive : forall b : Z, In b base -> b > 0.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros b In_b_base.
- apply In_nth_error_value in In_b_base.
- destruct In_b_base as [i nth_err_b].
- apply nth_error_subst in nth_err_b.
- rewrite nth_err_b.
- apply Z.gt_lt_iff.
- apply Z.pow_pos_nonneg; omega || auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Qed.
Lemma b0_1 : forall x : Z, limb_widths <> nil -> nth_default x base 0 = 1.
Proof using Type.
case_eq limb_widths; intros; [congruence | reflexivity].
@@ -229,27 +180,6 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega.
- Lemma pow2_mod_bounded_iff :forall lw us, (forall w, In w lw -> 0 <= w) -> (bounded lw us <->
- (forall i, Z.pow2_mod (nth_default 0 us i) (nth_default 0 lw i) = nth_default 0 us i)).
- Proof using Type.
- clear.
- split; intros; auto using pow2_mod_bounded.
- cbv [bounded]; intros.
- assert (0 <= nth_default 0 lw i) by (apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega).
- split.
- + specialize (H0 i).
- rewrite Z.pow2_mod_spec in H0 by assumption.
- apply Z.mod_small_iff in H0; [ | apply Z.pow_nonzero; (assumption || omega)].
- destruct H0; try omega.
- pose proof (Z.pow_nonneg 2 (nth_default 0 lw i)).
- specialize_by omega; omega.
- + apply Z.testbit_false_bound; auto.
- intros.
- rewrite <-H0.
- rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod by assumption.
- break_if; reflexivity || omega.
- Qed.
Lemma bounded_nil_iff : forall us, bounded nil us <-> (forall u, In u us -> u = 0).
Proof using Type.
@@ -277,7 +207,7 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
nth_default 0 us i = Z.pow2_mod (BaseSystem.decode base us >> sum_firstn limb_widths i) (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
Proof using Type*.
intro; revert limb_widths limb_widths_nonneg; induction us; intros.
- + rewrite nth_default_nil, decode_nil, Z.shiftr_0_l, Z.pow2_mod_spec, Z.mod_0_l by
+ + rewrite nth_default_nil, BaseSystemProofs.decode_nil, Z.shiftr_0_l, Z.pow2_mod_spec, Z.mod_0_l by
(try (apply Z.pow_nonzero; try omega); apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega).
+ destruct i.
@@ -286,11 +216,11 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
* cbv [base_from_limb_widths].
rewrite <-pow2_mod_bounded with (lw := nil); rewrite bounded_nil_iff in *; auto using in_cons;
try solve [intros; exfalso; eauto using in_nil].
- rewrite !nth_default_nil, decode_base_nil; auto.
+ rewrite !nth_default_nil, BaseSystemProofs.decode_base_nil; auto.
cbv. auto using in_eq.
- * rewrite nth_default_cons, base_from_limb_widths_cons, peel_decode.
+ * rewrite nth_default_cons, base_from_limb_widths_cons, BaseSystemProofs.peel_decode.
fold (BaseSystem.mul_each (two_p w)).
- rewrite <-mul_each_base, mul_each_rep.
+ rewrite <-BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_base, BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_rep.
rewrite two_p_correct, (Z.mul_comm (2 ^ w)).
rewrite <-Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by auto using in_eq.
rewrite bounded_iff in *.
@@ -311,12 +241,12 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
destruct limb_widths as [|w lw].
* cbv [base_from_limb_widths].
rewrite <-pow2_mod_bounded with (lw := nil); rewrite bounded_nil_iff in *; auto using in_cons.
- rewrite sum_firstn_nil, !nth_default_nil, decode_base_nil, Z.shiftr_0_r.
+ rewrite sum_firstn_nil, !nth_default_nil, BaseSystemProofs.decode_base_nil, Z.shiftr_0_r.
apply nth_default_preserves_properties; intros; auto using in_cons.
f_equal; auto using in_cons.
- * rewrite sum_firstn_succ_cons, nth_default_cons_S, base_from_limb_widths_cons, peel_decode.
+ * rewrite sum_firstn_succ_cons, nth_default_cons_S, base_from_limb_widths_cons, BaseSystemProofs.peel_decode.
fold (BaseSystem.mul_each (two_p w)).
- rewrite <-mul_each_base, mul_each_rep.
+ rewrite <-BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_base, BaseSystemProofs.mul_each_rep.
rewrite two_p_correct, (Z.mul_comm (2 ^ w)).
rewrite <-Z.shiftl_mul_pow2 by auto using in_eq.
rewrite bounded_iff in *.
@@ -334,22 +264,6 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
intros; apply nth_default_preserves_properties; auto; omega.
Qed. Hint Resolve nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Lemma parity_decode : forall x,
- (0 < nth_default 0 limb_widths 0) ->
- length x = length limb_widths ->
- Z.odd (BaseSystem.decode base x) = Z.odd (nth_default 0 x 0).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- destruct limb_widths, x; simpl in *; try discriminate; try reflexivity.
- rewrite peel_decode, nth_default_cons.
- fold (BaseSystem.mul_each (two_p z)).
- rewrite <-mul_each_base, mul_each_rep.
- rewrite Z.odd_add_mul_even; [ f_equal; ring | ].
- rewrite <-Z.even_spec, two_p_correct.
- apply Z.even_pow.
- rewrite @nth_default_cons in *; auto.
- Qed.
Lemma decode_firstn_pow2_mod : forall us i,
(i <= length us)%nat ->
length us = length limb_widths ->
@@ -358,11 +272,11 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
Proof using Type*.
intros; induction i;
repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_0, decode_nil, Z.pow2_mod_0_r; reflexivity
+ | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_0, BaseSystemProofs.decode_nil, Z.pow2_mod_0_r; reflexivity
| |- _ => progress distr_length
| |- _ => progress autorewrite with simpl_firstn
| |- _ => rewrite firstn_succ with (d := 0)
- | |- _ => rewrite set_higher
+ | |- _ => rewrite BaseSystemProofs.set_higher
| |- _ => rewrite nth_default_base
| |- _ => rewrite IHi
| |- _ => rewrite <-Z.lor_shiftl by (rewrite ?Z.pow2_mod_spec; try apply Z.mod_pos_bound; zero_bounds)
@@ -459,82 +373,15 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
replace (length us) with (length limb_widths); try omega. }
- Lemma decode_firstn_succ : forall us i,
- (S i <= length us)%nat ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (firstn (S i) us) =
- Z.lor (BaseSystem.decode base (firstn i us)) (nth_default 0 us i << sum_firstn limb_widths i).
- Proof using Type*.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit
- | |- _ => progress change BaseSystem.decode with BaseSystem.decode'
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default in *
- | |- _ => apply Z.bits_inj'
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- appcontext [Z.testbit _ (?a - sum_firstn ?l ?i)] =>
- destruct (Z_le_dec (sum_firstn l i) a);
- [ rewrite (testbit_decode_firstn_high _ i a)
- | rewrite (Z.testbit_neg_r _ (a - sum_firstn l i))]
- | |- appcontext [Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode' _ (firstn ?i _)) _] =>
- rewrite (decode_firstn_pow2_mod _ i)
- | |- _ => rewrite digit_select by auto
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod
- | |- _ => assumption
- | |- _ => reflexivity
- | |- _ => omega
- | |- _ => f_equal; ring
- | |- _ => solve [auto]
- | |- _ => solve [zero_bounds]
- | H : appcontext [nth_default 0 limb_widths ?i] |- _ =>
- pose proof (nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg i); omega
- | |- appcontext [nth_default 0 limb_widths ?i] =>
- pose proof (nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg i); omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma testbit_decode_digit_select : forall us n i,
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths i <= n < sum_firstn limb_widths (S i) ->
- Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode base us) n = Z.testbit (nth_default 0 us i) (n - sum_firstn limb_widths i).
- Proof using Type*.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => erewrite digit_select by eauto
- | |- _ => progress rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default in *
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => omega
- | |- _ => solve [f_equal;ring]
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma testbit_bounded_high : forall i n us, bounded limb_widths us ->
- nth_default 0 limb_widths i <= n ->
- Z.testbit (nth_default 0 us i) n = false.
- Proof using Type*.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => omega
- | |- _ => reflexivity
- | |- _ => assumption
- | |- _ => apply nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg; auto
- | H : nth_default 0 limb_widths ?i <= ?n |- 0 <= ?n => etransitivity; [ | eapply H]
- | |- _ => erewrite <-pow2_mod_bounded by eauto; rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod
- end.
- Qed.
Lemma decode_shift_app : forall us0 us1, (length (us0 ++ us1) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
BaseSystem.decode base (us0 ++ us1) = (BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (firstn (length us0) limb_widths)) us0) + ((BaseSystem.decode (base_from_limb_widths (skipn (length us0) limb_widths)) us1) << sum_firstn limb_widths (length us0)).
Proof using Type*.
unfold BaseSystem.decode; intros us0 us1 ?.
assert (0 <= sum_firstn limb_widths (length us0)) by auto using sum_firstn_nonnegative.
- rewrite decode'_splice; autorewrite with push_firstn.
+ rewrite BaseSystemProofs.decode'_splice; autorewrite with push_firstn.
apply Z.add_cancel_l.
autorewrite with pull_base_from_limb_widths Zshift_to_pow zsimplify.
- rewrite decode'_map_mul, two_p_correct; nia.
+ rewrite BaseSystemProofs.decode'_map_mul, two_p_correct; nia.
Lemma decode_shift : forall us u0, (length (u0 :: us) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
@@ -564,72 +411,6 @@ Section Pow2BaseProofs.
- Lemma bounded_nil_r : forall l, (forall x, In x l -> 0 <= x) -> bounded l nil.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [bounded]; intros.
- rewrite nth_default_nil.
- apply nth_default_preserves_properties; intros; split; zero_bounds.
- Qed.
- Section make_base_vector.
- Local Notation k := (sum_firstn limb_widths (length limb_widths)).
- Context (limb_widths_match_modulus : forall i j,
- (i < length base)%nat ->
- (j < length base)%nat ->
- (i + j >= length base)%nat ->
- let w_sum := sum_firstn limb_widths in
- k + w_sum (i + j - length base)%nat <= w_sum i + w_sum j)
- (limb_widths_good : forall i j, (i + j < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths (i + j) <=
- sum_firstn limb_widths i + sum_firstn limb_widths j).
- Lemma base_matches_modulus: forall i j,
- (i < length base)%nat ->
- (j < length base)%nat ->
- (i+j >= length base)%nat->
- let b := nth_default 0 base in
- let r := (b i * b j) / (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat) in
- b i * b j = r * (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat).
- Proof using limb_widths_match_modulus limb_widths_nonneg.
- intros.
- rewrite (Z.mul_comm r).
- subst r.
- rewrite base_from_limb_widths_length in *;
- assert (i + j - length limb_widths < length limb_widths)%nat by omega.
- rewrite Z.mul_div_eq by (apply Z.gt_lt_iff; subst b; rewrite ?nth_default_base; zero_bounds;
- assumption).
- rewrite (Zminus_0_l_reverse (b i * b j)) at 1.
- f_equal.
- subst b.
- repeat rewrite nth_default_base by auto.
- do 2 rewrite <- Z.pow_add_r by auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- symmetry.
- apply Z.mod_same_pow.
- split.
- + apply Z.add_nonneg_nonneg; auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- + auto using limb_widths_match_modulus.
- Qed.
- Lemma base_good : forall i j : nat,
- (i + j < length base)%nat ->
- let b := nth_default 0 base in
- let r := b i * b j / b (i + j)%nat in
- b i * b j = r * b (i + j)%nat.
- Proof using limb_widths_good limb_widths_nonneg.
- intros; subst b r.
- clear limb_widths_match_modulus.
- rewrite base_from_limb_widths_length in *.
- repeat rewrite nth_default_base by omega.
- rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ (2 ^ (sum_firstn limb_widths (i+j)))).
- rewrite Z.mul_div_eq by (apply Z.gt_lt_iff; zero_bounds;
- auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg).
- rewrite <- Z.pow_add_r by auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- rewrite Z.mod_same_pow; try ring.
- split; [ auto using sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg | ].
- apply limb_widths_good.
- assumption.
- Qed.
- End make_base_vector.
End Pow2BaseProofs.
Hint Rewrite base_from_limb_widths_cons base_from_limb_widths_nil : push_base_from_limb_widths.
Hint Rewrite <- base_from_limb_widths_cons : pull_base_from_limb_widths.
@@ -647,184 +428,6 @@ Hint Rewrite @base_from_limb_widths_length : distr_length.
Hint Rewrite @upper_bound_nil @upper_bound_cons @upper_bound_app using solve [ eauto with znonzero ] : push_upper_bound.
Hint Rewrite <- @upper_bound_cons @upper_bound_app using solve [ eauto with znonzero ] : pull_upper_bound.
-Section BitwiseDecodeEncode.
- Context {limb_widths} (limb_widths_nonnil : limb_widths <> nil)
- (limb_widths_nonneg : forall w, In w limb_widths -> 0 <= w)
- (limb_widths_good : forall i j, (i + j < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths (i + j) <=
- sum_firstn limb_widths i + sum_firstn limb_widths j).
- Local Hint Resolve limb_widths_nonneg.
- Local Hint Resolve nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Local Hint Resolve sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Local Notation "w[ i ]" := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Local Notation upper_bound := (upper_bound limb_widths).
- Lemma encode'_spec : forall x i, (i <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- encode' limb_widths x i = BaseSystem.encode' base x upper_bound i.
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- induction i; intros.
- + rewrite encode'_zero. reflexivity.
- + rewrite encode'_succ, <-IHi by omega.
- simpl; do 2 f_equal.
- rewrite Z.land_ones, Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by auto.
- match goal with H : (S _ <= length limb_widths)%nat |- _ =>
- apply le_lt_or_eq in H; destruct H end.
- - repeat f_equal; rewrite nth_default_base by (omega || auto); reflexivity.
- - repeat f_equal; try solve [rewrite nth_default_base by (omega || auto); reflexivity].
- rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by (distr_length; omega).
- unfold Pow2Base.upper_bound.
- congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma length_encode' : forall lw z i, length (encode' lw z i) = i.
- Proof using Type.
- induction i; intros; simpl encode'; distr_length.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite length_encode' : distr_length.
- Lemma bounded_encode' : forall z i, (0 <= z) ->
- bounded (firstn i limb_widths) (encode' limb_widths z i).
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- intros; induction i; simpl encode';
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with push_nth_default in *
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit
- | |- _ => progress rewrite ?firstn_O, ?Nat.sub_diag in *
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod by auto
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.ones_spec by zero_bounds
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default
- | |- _ => rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by distr_length
- | |- _ => break_if; distr_length
- | |- _ => apply bounded_nil_r
- | |- appcontext[nth_default _ (_ :: nil) ?i] => case_eq i; intros; autorewrite with push_nth_default
- | |- Z.pow2_mod (?a >> ?b) _ = (?a >> ?b) => apply Z.bits_inj'
- | IH : forall i, _ = nth_default 0 (encode' _ _ _) i
- |- appcontext[nth_default 0 limb_widths ?i] => specialize (IH i)
- | H : In _ (firstn _ _) |- _ => apply In_firstn in H
- | H1 : ~ (?a < ?b)%nat, H2 : (?a < S ?b)%nat |- _ =>
- progress replace a with b in * by omega
- | H : bounded _ _ |- bounded _ _ =>
- apply pow2_mod_bounded_iff; rewrite pow2_mod_bounded_iff in H
- | |- _ => solve [auto]
- | |- _ => contradiction
- | |- _ => reflexivity
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma bounded_encodeZ : forall z, (0 <= z) ->
- bounded limb_widths (encodeZ limb_widths z).
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- cbv [encodeZ]; intros.
- pose proof (bounded_encode' z (length limb_widths)) as Hencode'.
- rewrite firstn_all in Hencode'; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma base_upper_bound_compatible : @base_max_succ_divide base upper_bound.
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- unfold base_max_succ_divide; intros i lt_Si_length.
- rewrite base_from_limb_widths_length in lt_Si_length.
- rewrite Nat.lt_eq_cases in lt_Si_length; destruct lt_Si_length;
- rewrite !nth_default_base by (omega || auto).
- + erewrite sum_firstn_succ by (eapply nth_error_Some_nth_default with (x := 0); omega).
- rewrite Z.pow_add_r; eauto.
- apply Z.divide_factor_r.
- + rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by (distr_length; omega).
- unfold Pow2Base.upper_bound.
- replace (length limb_widths) with (S (pred (length limb_widths))) by omega.
- replace i with (pred (length limb_widths)) by omega.
- erewrite sum_firstn_succ by (eapply nth_error_Some_nth_default with (x := 0); omega).
- rewrite Z.pow_add_r; eauto.
- apply Z.divide_factor_r.
- Qed.
- Hint Resolve base_upper_bound_compatible.
- Lemma encodeZ_spec : forall x,
- BaseSystem.decode base (encodeZ limb_widths x) = x mod upper_bound.
- Proof.
- intros.
- assert (length base = length limb_widths) by distr_length.
- unfold encodeZ; rewrite encode'_spec by omega.
- erewrite BaseSystemProofs.encode'_spec; unfold Pow2Base.upper_bound;
- zero_bounds; intros; eauto using base_positive, b0_1. {
- rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by omega.
- reflexivity.
- } {
- econstructor; try apply base_good;
- eauto using base_positive, b0_1.
- }
- Qed.
- Lemma encodeZ_length : forall x, length (encodeZ limb_widths x) = length limb_widths.
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- cbv [encodeZ]; intros.
- rewrite encode'_spec by omega.
- apply encode'_length.
- Qed.
- Definition decode_bitwise'_invariant us i acc :=
- forall n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit acc n = Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode base us) (n + sum_firstn limb_widths i).
- Lemma decode_bitwise'_invariant_step : forall us,
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- forall i acc, decode_bitwise'_invariant us (S i) acc ->
- decode_bitwise'_invariant us i (Z.lor (nth_default 0 us i) (acc << nth_default 0 limb_widths i)).
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress cbv [decode_bitwise'_invariant]; intros
- | |- _ => erewrite testbit_bounded_high by (omega || eauto)
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit
- | |- _ => progress rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default
- | |- appcontext[Z.testbit _ ?n] => rewrite (Z.testbit_neg_r _ n) by omega
- | H : forall n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit _ n = _ |- _ => rewrite H by omega
- | |- _ => solve [f_equal; ring]
- | |- appcontext[Z.testbit _ (?x + sum_firstn limb_widths ?i)] =>
- erewrite testbit_decode_digit_select with (i0 := i) by
- (eauto; rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default; omega)
- | |- appcontext[Z.testbit _ (?a - ?b)] => destruct (Z_lt_dec a b)
- | _ => progress break_if
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_bitwise'_invariant_holds : forall i us acc,
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- decode_bitwise'_invariant us i acc ->
- decode_bitwise'_invariant us 0 (decode_bitwise' limb_widths us i acc).
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => solve [auto using decode_bitwise'_invariant_step]
- | |- appcontext[decode_bitwise' ?a ?b ?c ?d] =>
- functional induction (decode_bitwise' a b c d)
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma decode_bitwise_spec : forall us, bounded limb_widths us ->
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- decode_bitwise limb_widths us = BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using limb_widths_nonneg.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress cbv [decode_bitwise decode_bitwise'_invariant] in *
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_0
- | |- _ => erewrite testbit_decode_high by (assumption || omega)
- | H0 : ?P ?x , H1 : ?P ?x -> _ |- _ => specialize (H1 H0)
- | H : _ -> forall n, 0 <= n -> Z.testbit _ n = _ |- _ => rewrite H
- | |- decode_bitwise' ?a ?b ?c ?d = _ =>
- let H := fresh "H" in
- pose proof (decode_bitwise'_invariant_holds c b d) as H;
- apply Z.bits_inj'
- | |- _ => apply Z.testbit_0_l
- | |- _ => assumption
- | |- _ => solve [f_equal; ring]
- end.
- Qed.
-End BitwiseDecodeEncode.
Section UniformBase.
Context {width : Z} (limb_width_nonneg : 0 <= width).
Context (limb_widths : list Z)
@@ -900,11 +503,11 @@ Section UniformBase.
Proof using Type.
induction us; intros.
- + rewrite !decode_nil; reflexivity.
+ + rewrite !BaseSystemProofs.decode_nil; reflexivity.
+ distr_length.
destruct bs.
- - rewrite firstn_nil, !decode_base_nil; reflexivity.
- - rewrite firstn_cons, !peel_decode.
+ - rewrite firstn_nil, !BaseSystemProofs.decode_base_nil; reflexivity.
+ - rewrite firstn_cons, !BaseSystemProofs.peel_decode.
apply IHus.
@@ -949,609 +552,4 @@ Section UniformBase.
rewrite decode_shift_app by auto using uniform_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Lemma decode_shift_uniform : forall us u0, (length (u0 :: us) <= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (u0 :: us) = u0 + ((BaseSystem.decode base us) << width).
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite decode_tl_base with (us := us) by distr_length.
- apply decode_shift_uniform_tl; assumption.
- Qed.
-End UniformBase.
-Hint Rewrite @upper_bound_uniform using solve [ auto with datatypes ] : push_upper_bound.
-Section SplitIndex.
- (* This section defines [split_index], which for a list of bounded digits
- splits a bit index in the decoded value into a digit index and a bit
- index within the digit. Examples:
- limb_widths [4;4] : split_index 6 = (1,2)
- limb_widths [26,25,26] : split_index 30 = (1,4)
- limb_widths [26,25,26] : split_index 51 = (2,0)
- *)
- Local Notation "u # i" := (nth_default 0 u i).
- Function split_index' i index lw :=
- match lw with
- | nil => (index, i)
- | w :: lw' => if Z_lt_dec i w then (index, i)
- else split_index' (i - w) (S index) lw'
- end.
- Lemma split_index'_ge_index : forall i index lw, (index <= fst (split_index' i index lw))%nat.
- Proof.
- intros; functional induction (split_index' i index lw);
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => omega
- | |- _ => progress (simpl fst; simpl snd)
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma split_index'_done_case : forall i index lw, 0 <= i ->
- (forall x, In x lw -> 0 <= x) ->
- if Z_lt_dec i (sum_firstn lw (length lw))
- then (fst (split_index' i index lw) - index < length lw)%nat
- else (fst (split_index' i index lw) - index = length lw)%nat.
- Proof.
- intros; functional induction (split_index' i index lw);
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_nil in *
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_succ_cons in *
- | |- _ => progress distr_length
- | |- _ => progress (simpl fst; simpl snd)
- | H : appcontext [split_index' ?a ?b ?c] |- _ =>
- unique pose proof (split_index'_ge_index a b c)
- | H : appcontext [sum_firstn ?l ?i] |- _ =>
- let H0 := fresh "H" in
- assert (forall x, In x l -> 0 <= x) by auto using in_cons;
- unique pose proof (sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg H0 i)
- | |- _ => progress specialize_by assumption
- | |- _ => progress specialize_by omega
- | |- _ => omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma snd_split_index'_nonneg : forall index lw i, (0 <= i) ->
- (0 <= snd (split_index' i index lw)).
- Proof.
- intros; functional induction (split_index' i index lw);
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => omega
- | H : ?P -> ?G |- ?G => apply H
- | |- _ => progress (simpl fst; simpl snd)
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma snd_split_index'_small : forall i index lw, 0 <= i < sum_firstn lw (length lw) ->
- (snd (split_index' i index lw) < lw # (fst (split_index' i index lw) - index)).
- Proof.
- intros; functional induction (split_index' i index lw);
- try match goal with |- appcontext [split_index' ?a ?b ?c] =>
- pose proof (split_index'_ge_index a b c) end;
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with push_nth_default distr_length in *
- | |- _ => rewrite Nat.sub_diag
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_nil in *
- | |- _ => rewrite sum_firstn_succ_cons in *
- | |- _ => progress (simpl fst; simpl snd)
- | H : _ -> ?x < _ |- ?x < _ => eapply Z.lt_le_trans; [ apply H; omega | ]
- | |- ?xs # (?a - S ?b) <= (_ :: ?xs) # (?a - ?b) =>
- replace (a - b)%nat with (S (a - S b))%nat
- | |- _ => omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma split_index'_correct : forall i index lw,
- sum_firstn lw (fst (split_index' i index lw) - index) + (snd (split_index' i index lw)) = i.
- Proof.
- intros; functional induction (split_index' i index lw);
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => omega
- | |- _ => rewrite Nat.sub_diag
- | |- _ => progress rewrite ?sum_firstn_nil, ?sum_firstn_0, ?sum_firstn_succ_cons
- | |- _ => progress (simpl fst; simpl snd)
- | |- appcontext[(fst (split_index' ?i (S ?idx) ?lw) - ?idx)%nat] =>
- pose proof (split_index'_ge_index i (S idx) lw);
- replace (fst (split_index' i (S idx) lw) - idx)%nat with
- (S (fst (split_index' i (S idx) lw) - S idx))%nat
- end.
- Qed.
- Context limb_widths
- (limb_widths_pos : forall w, In w limb_widths -> 0 <= w).
- Local Hint Resolve limb_widths_pos.
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Local Notation bitsIn lw := (sum_firstn lw (length lw)).
- Definition split_index i := split_index' i 0 limb_widths.
- Definition digit_index i := fst (split_index i).
- Definition bit_index i := snd (split_index i).
- Lemma testbit_decode : forall us n,
- 0 <= n < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode base us) n = Z.testbit (us # digit_index n) (bit_index n).
- Proof using Type*.
- cbv [digit_index bit_index split_index]; intros.
- pose proof (split_index'_correct n 0 limb_widths).
- pose proof (snd_split_index'_nonneg 0 limb_widths n).
- specialize_by assumption.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress autorewrite with Ztestbit natsimplify in *
- | |- _ => erewrite digit_select by eauto
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => rewrite Z.testbit_pow2_mod by auto using nth_default_limb_widths_nonneg
- | |- _ => omega
- | |- _ => f_equal; omega
- end.
- destruct (Z_lt_dec n (bitsIn limb_widths)). {
- pose proof (snd_split_index'_small n 0 limb_widths).
- specialize_by omega.
- rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in *.
- omega.
- } {
- apply testbit_decode_high; auto.
- replace (length us) with (length limb_widths) in *.
- omega.
- }
- Qed.
- Lemma testbit_decode_full : forall us n,
- length us = length limb_widths ->
- bounded limb_widths us ->
- Z.testbit (BaseSystem.decode base us) n =
- if Z_le_dec 0 n
- then (if Z_lt_dec n (bitsIn limb_widths)
- then Z.testbit (us # digit_index n) (bit_index n)
- else false)
- else false.
- Proof using Type*.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- _ => break_if
- | |- _ => apply Z.testbit_neg_r; lia
- | |- _ => apply testbit_decode_high; auto;
- try match goal with H : length _ = length limb_widths |- _ => rewrite H end; lia
- | |- _ => auto using testbit_decode
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma bit_index_nonneg : forall i, 0 <= i -> 0 <= bit_index i.
- Proof using Type.
- apply snd_split_index'_nonneg.
- Qed.
- Lemma digit_index_lt_length : forall i, 0 <= i < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- (digit_index i < length limb_widths)%nat.
- Proof using Type*.
- cbv [bit_index digit_index split_index]; intros.
- pose proof (split_index'_done_case i 0 limb_widths).
- specialize_by lia. specialize_by eauto.
- break_if; lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma bit_index_not_done : forall i, 0 <= i < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- (bit_index i < limb_widths # digit_index i).
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [bit_index digit_index split_index]; intros.
- eapply Z.lt_le_trans; try apply (snd_split_index'_small i 0 limb_widths); try assumption.
- rewrite Nat.sub_0_r; lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma split_index_eqn : forall i, 0 <= i < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- sum_firstn limb_widths (digit_index i) + bit_index i = i.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [bit_index digit_index split_index]; intros.
- etransitivity;[ | apply (split_index'_correct i 0 limb_widths) ].
- repeat f_equal; omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma rem_bits_in_digit_pos : forall i, 0 <= i < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- 0 < (limb_widths # digit_index i) - bit_index i.
- Proof using Type.
- repeat match goal with
- | |- _ => progress intros
- | |- 0 < ?a - ?b => destruct (Z_lt_dec b a); [ lia | exfalso ]
- | H : ~ (bit_index ?i < limb_widths # digit_index ?i) |- _ =>
- pose proof (bit_index_not_done i); specialize_by omega; omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Lemma rem_bits_in_digit_le_rem_bits : forall i, 0 <= i < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- i + ((limb_widths # digit_index i) - bit_index i) <= bitsIn limb_widths.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite <-(split_index_eqn i) at 1 by lia.
- match goal with
- | |- ?a + ?b + (?c - ?b) <= _ => replace (a + b + (c - b)) with (c + a) by ring
- end.
- rewrite <-sum_firstn_succ_default.
- apply sum_firstn_prefix_le; auto.
- pose proof (digit_index_lt_length i H); lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma same_digit : forall i j, 0 <= i <= j ->
- j < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- j < i + ((limb_widths # (digit_index i)) - bit_index i) ->
- (digit_index i = digit_index j)%nat.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- pose proof (split_index_eqn i).
- pose proof (split_index_eqn j).
- specialize_by lia.
- apply le_antisym. {
- eapply sum_firstn_pos_lt_succ; eauto; try (apply digit_index_lt_length; auto; lia).
- rewrite sum_firstn_succ_default.
- eapply Z.le_lt_trans; [ | apply Z.add_lt_mono_r; apply bit_index_not_done; lia ].
- pose proof (bit_index_nonneg i).
- specialize_by lia.
- lia.
- } {
- eapply sum_firstn_pos_lt_succ; eauto; try (apply digit_index_lt_length; auto; lia).
- rewrite <-H2 in H1 at 1.
- match goal with
- | H : _ < ?a + ?b + (?c - ?b) |- _ => replace (a + b + (c - b)) with (c + a) in H by ring;
- rewrite <-sum_firstn_succ_default in H
- end.
- rewrite <-H3 in H1.
- pose proof (bit_index_nonneg j). specialize_by lia.
- lia.
- }
- Qed.
- Lemma same_digit_bit_index_sub : forall i j, 0 <= i <= j -> j < bitsIn limb_widths ->
- digit_index i = digit_index j ->
- bit_index j - bit_index i = j - i.
- Proof using Type.
- intros.
- pose proof (split_index_eqn i).
- pose proof (split_index_eqn j).
- specialize_by lia.
- rewrite H1 in *.
- lia.
- Qed.
-End SplitIndex.
-Section carrying_helper.
- Context {limb_widths} (limb_widths_nonneg : forall w, In w limb_widths -> 0 <= w).
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Local Notation log_cap i := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
- Lemma update_nth_sum : forall n f us, (n < length us \/ n >= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (update_nth n f us) =
- (let v := nth_default 0 us n in f v - v) * nth_default 0 base n + BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using Type.
- intros.
- unfold BaseSystem.decode.
- destruct H as [H|H].
- { nth_inbounds; auto. (* TODO(andreser): nth_inbounds should do this auto*)
- erewrite nth_error_value_eq_nth_default by eassumption.
- unfold splice_nth.
- rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n us) at 3.
- do 2 rewrite decode'_splice.
- remember (length (firstn n us)) as n0.
- ring_simplify.
- remember (BaseSystem.decode' (firstn n0 base) (firstn n us)).
- rewrite (skipn_nth_default n us 0) by omega.
- erewrite (nth_error_value_eq_nth_default _ _ us) by eassumption.
- rewrite firstn_length in Heqn0.
- rewrite Min.min_l in Heqn0 by omega; subst n0.
- destruct (le_lt_dec (length limb_widths) n). {
- rewrite (@nth_default_out_of_bounds _ _ base) by (distr_length; auto).
- rewrite skipn_all by (rewrite base_from_limb_widths_length; omega).
- do 2 rewrite decode_base_nil.
- ring_simplify; auto.
- } {
- rewrite (skipn_nth_default n base 0) by (distr_length; omega).
- do 2 rewrite decode'_cons.
- ring_simplify; ring.
- } }
- { rewrite (nth_default_out_of_bounds _ base) by (distr_length; omega); ring_simplify.
- etransitivity; rewrite BaseSystem.decode'_truncate; [ reflexivity | ].
- apply f_equal.
- autorewrite with push_firstn simpl_update_nth.
- rewrite update_nth_out_of_bounds by (distr_length; omega * ).
- reflexivity. }
- Qed.
- Lemma unfold_add_to_nth n x
- : forall xs,
- add_to_nth n x xs
- = match n with
- | O => match xs with
- | nil => nil
- | x'::xs' => x + x'::xs'
- end
- | S n' => match xs with
- | nil => nil
- | x'::xs' => x'::add_to_nth n' x xs'
- end
- end.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; destruct xs; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma simpl_add_to_nth_0 x
- : forall xs,
- add_to_nth 0 x xs
- = match xs with
- | nil => nil
- | x'::xs' => x + x'::xs'
- end.
- Proof using Type. intro; rewrite unfold_add_to_nth; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma simpl_add_to_nth_S x n
- : forall xs,
- add_to_nth (S n) x xs
- = match xs with
- | nil => nil
- | x'::xs' => x'::add_to_nth n x xs'
- end.
- Proof using Type. intro; rewrite unfold_add_to_nth; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @simpl_set_nth_S @simpl_set_nth_0 : simpl_add_to_nth.
- Lemma add_to_nth_cons : forall x u0 us, add_to_nth 0 x (u0 :: us) = x + u0 :: us.
- Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_cons : simpl_add_to_nth.
- Lemma cons_add_to_nth : forall n f y us,
- y :: add_to_nth n f us = add_to_nth (S n) f (y :: us).
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite <- @cons_add_to_nth : simpl_add_to_nth.
- Lemma add_to_nth_nil : forall n f, add_to_nth n f nil = nil.
- Proof using Type.
- induction n; boring.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_nil : simpl_add_to_nth.
- Lemma add_to_nth_set_nth n x xs
- : add_to_nth n x xs
- = set_nth n (x + nth_default 0 xs n) xs.
- Proof using Type.
- revert xs; induction n; destruct xs;
- autorewrite with simpl_set_nth simpl_add_to_nth;
- try rewrite IHn;
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_to_nth_update_nth n x xs
- : add_to_nth n x xs
- = update_nth n (fun y => x + y) xs.
- Proof using Type.
- revert xs; induction n; destruct xs;
- autorewrite with simpl_update_nth simpl_add_to_nth;
- try rewrite IHn;
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma length_add_to_nth i x xs : length (add_to_nth i x xs) = length xs.
- Proof using Type. unfold add_to_nth; distr_length; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_add_to_nth : distr_length.
- Lemma set_nth_sum : forall n x us, (n < length us \/ n >= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (set_nth n x us) =
- (x - nth_default 0 us n) * nth_default 0 base n + BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using Type. intros; unfold set_nth; rewrite update_nth_sum by assumption; reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma add_to_nth_sum : forall n x us, (n < length us \/ n >= length limb_widths)%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (add_to_nth n x us) =
- x * nth_default 0 base n + BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using Type. intros; rewrite add_to_nth_set_nth, set_nth_sum; try ring_simplify; auto. Qed.
- Lemma add_to_nth_nth_default_full : forall n x l i d,
- nth_default d (add_to_nth n x l) i =
- if lt_dec i (length l) then
- if (eq_nat_dec i n) then x + nth_default d l i
- else nth_default d l i
- else d.
- Proof using Type. intros; rewrite add_to_nth_update_nth; apply update_nth_nth_default_full; assumption. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_nth_default_full : push_nth_default.
- Lemma add_to_nth_nth_default : forall n x l i, (0 <= i < length l)%nat ->
- nth_default 0 (add_to_nth n x l) i =
- if (eq_nat_dec i n) then x + nth_default 0 l i else nth_default 0 l i.
- Proof using Type. intros; rewrite add_to_nth_update_nth; apply update_nth_nth_default; assumption. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_nth_default using omega : push_nth_default.
- Lemma log_cap_nonneg : forall i, 0 <= log_cap i.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold nth_default; intros.
- case_eq (nth_error limb_widths i); intros; try omega.
- apply limb_widths_nonneg.
- eapply nth_error_value_In; eauto.
- Qed. Local Hint Resolve log_cap_nonneg.
-End carrying_helper.
-Hint Rewrite @simpl_set_nth_S @simpl_set_nth_0 : simpl_add_to_nth.
-Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_cons : simpl_add_to_nth.
-Hint Rewrite <- @cons_add_to_nth : simpl_add_to_nth.
-Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_nil : simpl_add_to_nth.
-Hint Rewrite @length_add_to_nth : distr_length.
-Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_nth_default_full : push_nth_default.
-Hint Rewrite @add_to_nth_nth_default using (omega || distr_length; omega) : push_nth_default.
-Section carrying.
- Context {limb_widths} (limb_widths_nonneg : forall w, In w limb_widths -> 0 <= w).
- Local Notation base := (base_from_limb_widths limb_widths).
- Local Notation log_cap i := (nth_default 0 limb_widths i).
- Local Hint Resolve limb_widths_nonneg sum_firstn_limb_widths_nonneg.
- Lemma length_carry_gen : forall fc fi i us, length (carry_gen limb_widths fc fi i us) = length us.
- Proof using Type. intros; unfold carry_gen, carry_single; distr_length; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_carry_gen : distr_length.
- Lemma length_carry_simple : forall i us, length (carry_simple limb_widths i us) = length us.
- Proof using Type. intros; unfold carry_simple; distr_length; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_carry_simple : distr_length.
- Lemma nth_default_base_succ : forall i, (S i < length limb_widths)%nat ->
- nth_default 0 base (S i) = 2 ^ log_cap i * nth_default 0 base i.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros.
- rewrite !nth_default_base, <- Z.pow_add_r by (omega || eauto using log_cap_nonneg).
- autorewrite with simpl_sum_firstn; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma carry_gen_decode_eq : forall fc fi i' us
- (i := fi i')
- (Si := fi (S i)),
- (length us = length limb_widths) ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (carry_gen limb_widths fc fi i' us)
- = (fc (nth_default 0 us i / 2 ^ log_cap i) *
- (if eq_nat_dec Si (S i)
- then if lt_dec (S i) (length limb_widths)
- then 2 ^ log_cap i * nth_default 0 base i
- else 0
- else nth_default 0 base Si)
- - 2 ^ log_cap i * (nth_default 0 us i / 2 ^ log_cap i) * nth_default 0 base i)
- + BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using Type*.
- intros fc fi i' us i Si H; intros.
- destruct (eq_nat_dec 0 (length limb_widths));
- [ destruct limb_widths, us, i; simpl in *; try congruence;
- break_match;
- unfold carry_gen, carry_single, add_to_nth;
- autorewrite with zsimplify simpl_nth_default simpl_set_nth simpl_update_nth distr_length;
- reflexivity
- | ].
- (*assert (0 <= i < length limb_widths)%nat by (subst i; auto with arith).*)
- assert (0 <= log_cap i) by auto using log_cap_nonneg.
- assert (2 ^ log_cap i <> 0) by (apply Z.pow_nonzero; lia).
- unfold carry_gen, carry_single.
- change (i' mod length limb_widths)%nat with i.
- rewrite add_to_nth_sum by (rewrite length_set_nth; omega).
- rewrite set_nth_sum by omega.
- unfold Z.pow2_mod.
- rewrite Z.land_ones by auto using log_cap_nonneg.
- rewrite Z.shiftr_div_pow2 by auto using log_cap_nonneg.
- change (fi i') with i.
- subst Si.
- repeat first [ ring
- | match goal with H : _ = _ |- _ => rewrite !H in * end
- | rewrite nth_default_base_succ by omega
- | rewrite !(nth_default_out_of_bounds _ base) by (distr_length; omega)
- | rewrite !(nth_default_out_of_bounds _ us) by omega
- | rewrite Z.mod_eq by assumption
- | progress distr_length
- | progress autorewrite with natsimplify zsimplify in *
- | progress break_match ].
- Qed.
- Lemma carry_simple_decode_eq : forall i us,
- (length us = length limb_widths) ->
- (i < (pred (length limb_widths)))%nat ->
- BaseSystem.decode base (carry_simple limb_widths i us) = BaseSystem.decode base us.
- Proof using Type*.
- unfold carry_simple; intros; rewrite carry_gen_decode_eq by assumption.
- autorewrite with natsimplify.
- break_match; try lia; autorewrite with zsimplify; lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma length_carry_simple_sequence : forall is us, length (carry_simple_sequence limb_widths is us) = length us.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold carry_simple_sequence.
- induction is; [ reflexivity | simpl; intros ].
- distr_length.
- congruence.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_carry_simple_sequence : distr_length.
- Lemma length_make_chain : forall i, length (make_chain i) = i.
- Proof using Type. induction i; simpl; congruence. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_make_chain : distr_length.
- Lemma length_full_carry_chain : length (full_carry_chain limb_widths) = length limb_widths.
- Proof using Type. unfold full_carry_chain; distr_length; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_full_carry_chain : distr_length.
- Lemma length_carry_simple_full us : length (carry_simple_full limb_widths us) = length us.
- Proof using Type. unfold carry_simple_full; distr_length; reflexivity. Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @length_carry_simple_full : distr_length.
- (* TODO : move? *)
- Lemma make_chain_lt : forall x i : nat, In i (make_chain x) -> (i < x)%nat.
- Proof using Type.
- induction x; simpl; intuition auto with arith lia.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_default_carry_gen_full fc fi d i n us
- : nth_default d (carry_gen limb_widths fc fi i us) n
- = if lt_dec n (length us)
- then (if eq_nat_dec n (fi i)
- then Z.pow2_mod (nth_default 0 us n) (log_cap n)
- else nth_default 0 us n) +
- if eq_nat_dec n (fi (S (fi i)))
- then fc (nth_default 0 us (fi i) >> log_cap (fi i))
- else 0
- else d.
- Proof using Type.
- unfold carry_gen, carry_single.
- intros; autorewrite with push_nth_default natsimplify distr_length.
- edestruct (lt_dec n (length us)) as [H|H]; [ | reflexivity ].
- rewrite !(@nth_default_in_bounds Z 0 d) by assumption.
- repeat break_match; subst; try omega; try rewrite_hyp *; omega.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @nth_default_carry_gen_full : push_nth_default.
- Lemma nth_default_carry_simple_full : forall d i n us,
- nth_default d (carry_simple limb_widths i us) n
- = if lt_dec n (length us)
- then if eq_nat_dec n i
- then Z.pow2_mod (nth_default 0 us n) (log_cap n)
- else nth_default 0 us n +
- if eq_nat_dec n (S i) then nth_default 0 us i >> log_cap i else 0
- else d.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; unfold carry_simple; autorewrite with push_nth_default.
- repeat break_match; try omega; try reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @nth_default_carry_simple_full : push_nth_default.
- Lemma nth_default_carry_gen
- : forall fc fi i us,
- (0 <= i < length us)%nat
- -> nth_default 0 (carry_gen limb_widths fc fi i us) i
- = (if eq_nat_dec i (fi i)
- then Z.pow2_mod (nth_default 0 us i) (log_cap i)
- else nth_default 0 us i) +
- if eq_nat_dec i (fi (S (fi i)))
- then fc (nth_default 0 us (fi i) >> log_cap (fi i))
- else 0.
- Proof using Type.
- intros; autorewrite with push_nth_default natsimplify; break_match; omega.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @nth_default_carry_gen using (omega || distr_length; omega) : push_nth_default.
- Lemma nth_default_carry_simple
- : forall i us,
- (0 <= i < length us)%nat
- -> nth_default 0 (carry_simple limb_widths i us) i
- = Z.pow2_mod (nth_default 0 us i) (log_cap i).
- Proof using Type.
- intros; autorewrite with push_nth_default natsimplify; break_match; omega.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite @nth_default_carry_simple using (omega || distr_length; omega) : push_nth_default.
-End carrying.
-Hint Rewrite @length_carry_gen : distr_length.
-Hint Rewrite @length_carry_simple @length_carry_simple_sequence @length_make_chain @length_full_carry_chain @length_carry_simple_full : distr_length.
-Hint Rewrite @nth_default_carry_simple_full @nth_default_carry_gen_full : push_nth_default.
-Hint Rewrite @nth_default_carry_simple @nth_default_carry_gen using (omega || distr_length; omega) : push_nth_default.
+End UniformBase. \ No newline at end of file