path: root/src/Util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Util')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Util/Arg.v b/src/Util/Arg.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc361a451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Util/Arg.v
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+(** Coq version of OCaml's Arg module *)
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Ascii.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.String.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Equality.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Decimal.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.OctalString.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.HexString.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.BinaryString.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Strings.Show.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ErrorT.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations.
+Local Open Scope string_scope.
+Local Open Scope list_scope.
+(** Adapted from https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Arg.html *)
+Inductive base_system := bin | hex | oct | dec.
+Inductive spec :=
+| Unit
+| Bool
+| String
+| Int (b : list base_system)
+| Nat (b : list base_system)
+| Tuple (ls : list spec)
+| Symbol (syms : list string)
+| Custom (dataT : Type) (parse : string -> option dataT) (expected_descr : string)
+Inductive key := long_key (_ : string) | short_key (_ : string).
+Definition doc := list string.
+Definition usage_msg := list string.
+Local Notation type_of_list l ls := (List.fold_left (fun a b : Type => prod a b) ls l).
+Fixpoint spec_data (s : spec) : Type
+ := match s with
+ | Unit => unit
+ | Bool => bool
+ | String => string
+ | Int b => base_system * Z
+ | Nat b => base_system * nat
+ | Tuple nil => unit
+ | Tuple (l :: ls) => type_of_list (spec_data l) (List.map spec_data ls)
+ | Symbol syms => string
+ | Custom dataT parse err_msg => dataT
+ end.
+Definition spec_data_with_key (s : spec) : Type
+ := list (string * spec_data s).
+Definition opt_spec_data (opt : bool) (s : spec) : Type
+ := if opt then option (spec_data s) else spec_data s.
+Definition keyed_spec_list_data (s : list (list key * spec * doc)) : Type
+ := match s with
+ | nil => unit
+ | (_, s, _) :: ss
+ => type_of_list (spec_data_with_key s) (List.map (fun '(_, s, _) => spec_data_with_key s) ss)
+ end.
+Definition spec_list_data (opt : bool) (s : list (string * spec * doc)) : Type
+ := match s with
+ | nil => unit
+ | (_, s, _) :: ss
+ => type_of_list (opt_spec_data opt s) (List.map (fun '(_, s, _) => opt_spec_data opt s) ss)
+ end.
+Local Definition make_symlist prefix sep suffix l
+ := match l with
+ | nil => "<none>"
+ | h :: t => List.fold_left (fun x y => x ++ sep ++ y) t (prefix ++ h) ++ suffix
+ end%string.
+Local Definition doc_length (d : doc) : nat := List.fold_right Nat.add 0 (List.map String.length d).
+Definition print_key (k : key) : string
+ := match k with
+ | long_key k => "--" ++ k
+ | short_key k => "-" ++ k
+ end.
+Local Definition print_key_list (k : list key) : string
+ := match k with
+ | nil => "<none>"
+ | k => String.concat ", " (List.map print_key k)
+ end.
+Local Definition print_spec : (list key + string) * spec * doc -> list string
+ := fun '(k, s, d)
+ => if Nat.ltb 0 (doc_length d)
+ then ([" "
+ ++ (match k with
+ | inl k => print_key_list k
+ | inr k => k
+ end) ++ " "
+ ++ (match s with
+ | Symbol syms => make_symlist "{" "|" "}" syms
+ | _ => ""
+ end)
+ ++ (hd "" d)
+ ++ (if Nat.eqb (List.length (tl d)) 0 then String.NewLine else "")]%string)
+ ++ tl d ++ (if Nat.eqb (List.length (tl d)) 0 then nil else [String.NewLine])
+ else nil.
+Definition print_spec_short (k : string) (s : spec) : string
+ := match s with
+ | Symbol syms => make_symlist "{" "|" "}" syms
+ | _ => k
+ end.
+Local Definition help_specs : list (list key * spec * doc)
+ := [([short_key "h"; long_key "help"],
+ Unit,
+ [" Display this list of options"])].
+Definition arg_matches_key (arg : string) (k : key) : bool
+ := string_beq arg (print_key k).
+Definition arg_matches_key_list (arg : string) (k : list key) : bool
+ := List.fold_right orb false (List.map (arg_matches_key arg) k).
+Definition parse_bool_opt (s : string) : option bool
+ := if string_beq s "true"
+ then Some true
+ else if string_beq s "false"
+ then Some false
+ else None.
+Definition print_base_system (b : base_system) : string
+ := match b with
+ | bin => "binary"
+ | hex => "hexadecimal"
+ | oct => "octal"
+ | dec => "decimal"
+ end.
+Definition print_base_systems (b : list base_system) : string
+ := match List.rev b with
+ | nil => "<magical>"
+ | b::nil => print_base_system b
+ | b2::b1::nil => print_base_system b1 ++ " or " ++ print_base_system b2
+ | b :: bs => String.concat ", " ((List.map print_base_system (List.rev bs)) ++ ["or " ++ print_base_system b]%string)
+ end.
+Definition parse_int_as_opt (b : base_system) (s : string) : option Z
+ := let '(to_Z, of_Z) := match b with
+ | bin => (BinaryString.to_Z, BinaryString.of_Z)
+ | hex => (HexString.to_Z, HexString.of_Z)
+ | oct => (OctalString.to_Z, OctalString.of_Z)
+ | dec => (Z_of_decimal_string, decimal_string_of_Z)
+ end in
+ let v := to_Z s in
+ let s' := of_Z v in
+ if string_beq s s'
+ then Some v
+ else None.
+Definition parse_int_opt (b : list base_system) (s : string) : option (base_system * Z)
+ := List.fold_right
+ (fun b default => match parse_int_as_opt b s with
+ | Some v => Some (b, v)
+ | None => default
+ end)
+ None
+ b.
+Definition parse_nat_opt (b : list base_system) (s : string) : option (base_system * nat)
+ := option_map (fun '(b, z) => (b, Z.to_nat z)) (parse_int_opt b s).
+Inductive parse_error :=
+| help (prog_name : string)
+| missing (prog_name : string) (opt_name : string)
+| wrong (prog_name : string) (opt_name : string) (got : string) (expected : string)
+| missing_prog_name
+| too_many_args (prog_name : string) (remaining : list string)
+| out_of_fuel (prog_name : string).
+Definition parse_result T := ErrorT parse_error T.
+Fixpoint parse_args_via_spec (s : spec) (argv : list string)
+ (missing : parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ {struct s}
+ : parse_result (spec_data s * list string)
+ := match s, argv return parse_result (spec_data s * list string) with
+ | Unit, argv => Success (tt, argv)
+ | Bool, arg::argv
+ => v <- match parse_bool_opt arg with
+ | Some b => Success b
+ | None => Error (wrong arg "a boolean")
+ end;
+ Success (v, argv)
+ | String, arg::argv => Success (arg, argv)
+ | Int b, arg::argv
+ => v <- match parse_int_opt b arg with
+ | Some v => Success v
+ | None => Error (wrong arg ("a " ++ print_base_systems b ++ " integer")%string)
+ end;
+ Success (v, argv)
+ | Nat b, arg::argv
+ => v <- match parse_nat_opt b arg with
+ | Some v => Success v
+ | None => Error (wrong arg ("a " ++ print_base_systems b ++ " integer")%string)
+ end;
+ Success (v, argv)
+ | Custom dataT parse expected_descr, arg::argv
+ => v <- match parse arg with
+ | Some v => Success v
+ | None => Error (wrong arg expected_descr)
+ end;
+ Success (v, argv)
+ | Tuple nil, argv
+ => Success (tt, argv)
+ | Tuple (l :: ls), argv
+ => lv <- parse_args_via_spec l argv missing wrong;
+ let '(lv, argv) := lv in
+ list_rect
+ (fun ls => forall T : Type,
+ T -> list string -> parse_result (fold_left (fun a b : Type => (a * b)%type) (List.map spec_data ls) T * list string))
+ (fun T lv argv => Success (lv, argv))
+ (fun x xs rec T lv argv
+ => xv <- parse_args_via_spec x argv missing wrong;
+ let '(xv, argv) := xv in
+ rec _ (lv, xv) argv)
+ ls
+ _
+ lv
+ argv
+ | Symbol syms, arg::argv
+ => if List.existsb (string_beq arg) syms
+ then Success (arg, argv)
+ else Error (wrong arg ("one of: " ++ (make_symlist "" " " "" syms))%string)
+ | Bool, nil
+ | String, nil
+ | Int _, nil
+ | Nat _, nil
+ | Symbol _, nil
+ | Custom _ _ _, nil
+ => Error missing
+ end%error.
+Record arg_spec :=
+ { named_args : list (list key * spec * doc);
+ anon_args : list (string * spec * doc);
+ anon_opt_args : list (string * spec * doc);
+ anon_opt_repeated_arg : option (string * spec * doc) }.
+Definition usage_string : arg_spec -> usage_msg -> list string
+ := fun specs err
+ => err
+ ++ [String.NewLine]
+ ++ List.flat_map (fun '(k, s, d) => print_spec (inl k, s, d)) (specs.(named_args) ++ help_specs)
+ ++ List.flat_map (fun '(k, s, d) => print_spec (inr k, s, d)) (specs.(anon_args) ++ specs.(anon_opt_args) ++ match specs.(anon_opt_repeated_arg) with Some v => [v] | None => nil end).
+Definition arg_spec_results (s : arg_spec)
+ := (keyed_spec_list_data s.(named_args) * spec_list_data false s.(anon_args) * spec_list_data true s.(anon_opt_args) * (match s.(anon_opt_repeated_arg) with None => unit | Some (k, s, d) => list (spec_data s) end))%type.
+Definition consume_one_named_arg
+ (arg : string)
+ (argv : list string)
+ (named_arg : list key * spec * doc)
+ (missing : parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ : parse_result (option ((spec_data_with_key (snd (fst named_arg)) -> spec_data_with_key (snd (fst named_arg)))
+ * list string (* remaining *) * list string (* accumulated positional args *)))
+ := (if arg_matches_key_list arg (fst (fst named_arg))
+ then res <- parse_args_via_spec (snd (fst named_arg)) argv missing wrong;
+ Success (Some ((fun data_so_far => data_so_far ++ [(arg, fst res)]), snd res, nil))
+ else Success None)%error.
+Fixpoint update_type_of_list (T1 T2 : Type) Ts (f : T1 -> T2) {struct Ts}
+ : type_of_list T1 Ts -> type_of_list T2 Ts
+ := match Ts return type_of_list T1 Ts -> type_of_list T2 Ts with
+ | nil => f
+ | cons T Ts
+ => @update_type_of_list _ _ Ts (fun '(t1, t) => (f t1, t))
+ end.
+Fixpoint update_type_of_list2 (T1 T2 T : Type) Ts {struct Ts}
+ : (type_of_list T1 Ts -> type_of_list T2 Ts) -> type_of_list (T * T1)%type Ts -> type_of_list (T * T2)%type Ts
+ := match Ts return (type_of_list T1 Ts -> type_of_list T2 Ts) -> type_of_list (T * T1)%type Ts -> type_of_list (T * T2)%type Ts with
+ | nil => fun f '(t, t1) => (t, f t1)
+ | cons T' Ts
+ => fun f v
+ => let v := @update_type_of_list
+ _ _ Ts (fun '(a, b, c) => (a, (b, c)))
+ v in
+ @update_type_of_list
+ _ _ Ts (fun '(a, (b, c)) => (a, b, c))
+ (@update_type_of_list2 _ _ _ Ts f v)
+ end.
+Fixpoint consume_named_arg
+ (arg : string)
+ (argv : list string)
+ (named_args : list (list key * spec * doc))
+ (missing : string (* key *) -> parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* key *) -> string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ {struct named_args}
+ : parse_result ((keyed_spec_list_data named_args -> keyed_spec_list_data named_args) * list string (* remaining *) * list string (* accumulated positional args *))
+ := (match named_args return parse_result ((keyed_spec_list_data named_args -> keyed_spec_list_data named_args) * list string (* remaining *) * list string (* accumulated positional args *))
+ with
+ | nil => Success (fun data_so_far => data_so_far, nil, arg::argv)
+ | (k, s, d) :: named_args
+ => (lv <- consume_one_named_arg arg argv (k, s, d) (missing arg) (wrong arg);
+ match lv with
+ | Some (upd, argv, pos_args)
+ => Success (update_type_of_list _ _ _ upd, argv, pos_args)
+ | None
+ => (rec <- @consume_named_arg arg argv named_args missing wrong;
+ let '(upd, argv, pos_args) := rec in
+ Success (match named_args
+ return (keyed_spec_list_data named_args -> keyed_spec_list_data named_args) ->
+ type_of_list (spec_data_with_key s) (List.map (fun '(_, s0, _) => spec_data_with_key s0) named_args) ->
+ type_of_list (spec_data_with_key s) (List.map (fun '(_, s0, _) => spec_data_with_key s0) named_args)
+ with
+ | nil => fun _ x => x
+ | cons (k', s', d') xs => update_type_of_list2 _ _ _ _
+ end upd,
+ argv,
+ pos_args))
+ end)
+ end%error).
+Definition consume_help_or_named_arg
+ (arg : string)
+ (argv : list string)
+ (named_args : list (list key * spec * doc))
+ (missing : string (* key *) -> parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* key *) -> string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ (help : parse_error)
+ : parse_result ((keyed_spec_list_data named_args -> keyed_spec_list_data named_args) * list string (* remaining *) * list string (* accumulated positional args *))
+ := if arg_matches_key_list arg [short_key "h"; long_key "help"]
+ then Error help
+ else consume_named_arg arg argv named_args missing wrong.
+Fixpoint consume_named_args (fuel : nat)
+ (argv : list string)
+ (named_args : list (list key * spec * doc))
+ (missing : string (* key *) -> parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* key *) -> string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ (help : parse_error)
+ (out_of_fuel : parse_error)
+ {struct fuel}
+ : parse_result ((keyed_spec_list_data named_args -> keyed_spec_list_data named_args) * list string (* remaining *))
+ := match argv, fuel with
+ | nil, _ => Success (id, nil)
+ | cons _ _, O => Error out_of_fuel
+ | cons arg argv, S fuel'
+ => (res <- consume_help_or_named_arg arg argv named_args missing wrong help;
+ let '(upd0, argv, pos_args) := res in
+ res <- @consume_named_args fuel' argv named_args missing wrong help out_of_fuel;
+ let '(upd_rest, argv) := res in
+ Success (fun st => upd_rest (upd0 st), pos_args ++ argv))
+ end%error.
+Definition consume_one_anon_arg (opt : bool) (argv : list string) (s : spec)
+ (missing : parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ : parse_result (opt_spec_data opt s * list string (* remaining *))
+ := match parse_args_via_spec s argv missing wrong with
+ | Success (v, argv)
+ => Success (match opt return opt_spec_data opt s with
+ | true => Some v
+ | false => v
+ end,
+ argv)
+ | Error err
+ => match opt return parse_result (opt_spec_data opt s * list string (* remaining *)) with
+ | true => Success (None, argv)
+ | false => Error err
+ end
+ end.
+Fixpoint consume_repeated_anon_arg (fuel : nat)
+ (argv : list string)
+ (s : spec)
+ (missing : parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ (out_of_fuel : parse_error)
+ {struct fuel}
+ : parse_result (list (spec_data s) * list string (* remaining *))%type
+ := match argv, fuel with
+ | nil, _ => Success (nil, nil)
+ | cons _ _, O => Error out_of_fuel
+ | cons _ _, S fuel'
+ => (res <- consume_one_anon_arg false argv s missing wrong;
+ let '(v, argv) := res in
+ res <- @consume_repeated_anon_arg fuel' argv s missing wrong out_of_fuel;
+ let '(vs, argv) := res in
+ Success (v :: vs, argv))
+ end%error.
+Fixpoint consume_anon_args
+ (opt : bool)
+ (argv : list string)
+ (anon_args : list (string * spec * doc))
+ (missing : string (* key *) -> parse_error)
+ (wrong : string (* key *) -> string (* got *) -> string (* expected *) -> parse_error)
+ {struct anon_args}
+ : parse_result (spec_list_data opt anon_args * list string (* remaining *))%type
+ := match anon_args return parse_result (spec_list_data opt anon_args * list string)%type with
+ | nil => Success (tt, argv)
+ | cons (k, s, d) anon_args
+ => (res <- consume_one_anon_arg opt argv s (missing k) (wrong k);
+ let '(v, argv) := res in
+ rec <- consume_anon_args opt argv anon_args missing wrong;
+ Success (match anon_args return spec_list_data opt anon_args -> type_of_list (opt_spec_data opt s) (List.map (fun '(_, s0, _) => opt_spec_data opt s0) anon_args) with
+ | nil => fun _ => v
+ | cons (k', s', d') anon_args
+ => fun vs
+ => update_type_of_list _ _ _ (fun v' => (v, v')) vs
+ end (fst rec), snd rec))
+ end%error.
+Definition default_named_result {s} : spec_data_with_key s := nil.
+Fixpoint default_named_results' {T : Type} {ss : list (list key * spec * doc)} (t : T) {struct ss}
+ : type_of_list T (List.map (fun '(_, s0, _) => spec_data_with_key s0) ss)
+ := match ss return type_of_list T (List.map (fun '(_, s0, _) => spec_data_with_key s0) ss) with
+ | nil => t
+ | cons (_, s, _) ss => @default_named_results' _ ss (t, default_named_result)
+ end.
+Definition default_named_results {ls}
+ : keyed_spec_list_data ls
+ := match ls with
+ | nil => tt
+ | (_, s, _) :: ss => @default_named_results' _ ss default_named_result
+ end.
+Definition parse_argv (argv : list string) (arg_spec : arg_spec)
+ : parse_result (arg_spec_results arg_spec)
+ := match argv with
+ | nil => Error missing_prog_name
+ | prog_name :: argv
+ => (res <- (consume_named_args (10 + (List.length argv)) argv (arg_spec.(named_args)) (missing prog_name) (wrong prog_name) (help prog_name) (out_of_fuel prog_name));
+ let '(upd, argv) := res in
+ res <- consume_anon_args false argv (arg_spec.(anon_args)) (missing prog_name) (wrong prog_name);
+ let '(anon_data, argv) := res in
+ res <- consume_anon_args true argv (arg_spec.(anon_opt_args)) (missing prog_name) (wrong prog_name);
+ let '(anon_opt_data, argv) := res in
+ res <- match anon_opt_repeated_arg arg_spec as r return
+ parse_result
+ (match r with
+ | None => unit
+ | Some (_, s, _) => list (spec_data s)
+ end
+ * list string)
+ with
+ | None => Success (tt, argv)
+ | Some (k, s, d) => consume_repeated_anon_arg (10 + (List.length argv)) argv s (missing prog_name k) (wrong prog_name k) (out_of_fuel prog_name)
+ end;
+ let '(anon_repeated_opt_data, argv) := res in
+ match argv with
+ | nil => Success (upd default_named_results, anon_data, anon_opt_data, anon_repeated_opt_data)
+ | _ => Error (too_many_args prog_name argv)
+ end)
+ end%error.
+Definition is_real_error (e : parse_error) : bool := match e with help _ => false | _ => true end.
+Definition make_usage (prog_name : string) (spec : arg_spec) : string
+ := "USAGE:"
+ ++ prog_name ++ " [OPTS...] "
+ ++ (String.concat
+ " "
+ ((List.map (fun '(k, s, d) => print_spec_short k s) spec.(anon_args))
+ ++ (List.map (fun '(k, s, d) => "[" ++ print_spec_short k s ++ "]")%string spec.(anon_opt_args))
+ ++ match spec.(anon_opt_repeated_arg) with
+ | Some (k, s, d) => ["[" ++ print_spec_short k s ++ "...]"]%string
+ | None => nil
+ end)).
+Definition show_list_parse_error (spec : arg_spec) (err : parse_error) : list string
+ := let mk_usage prog_name err := (usage_string spec (err ++ [String.NewLine; make_usage prog_name spec]) ++ [String.NewLine])%list in
+ match err with
+ | help prog_name
+ => mk_usage prog_name []
+ | missing prog_name opt_name
+ => mk_usage prog_name [prog_name ++ ": option '" ++ opt_name ++ "' needs an argument."]%string
+ | wrong prog_name opt_name got expected
+ => mk_usage prog_name [prog_name ++ ": wrong argument '" ++ got ++ "'; option '" ++ opt_name ++ "' expects " ++ expected ++ "."]%string
+ | missing_prog_name => ["Empty argv" ++ String.NewLine]%string
+ | too_many_args prog_name remaining
+ => mk_usage prog_name [prog_name ++ ": unrecognized arguments: " ++ String.concat " " remaining]%string
+ | out_of_fuel prog_name
+ => mk_usage prog_name [prog_name ++ ": Internal fatal error while parsing command line arguments: Out of fuel (probably a bugged command line argument specification)"]%string
+ end.