path: root/src/Specific
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3 files changed, 68 insertions, 1110 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/Ed25519.v b/src/Specific/Ed25519.v
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index fbe461a96..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/Ed25519.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1096 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Bedrock.Word.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.EdDSA.
-Require Import Crypto.Tactics.VerdiTactics.
-Require Import BinNat BinInt NArith Crypto.Spec.ModularArithmetic.
-Require Import ModularArithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
-Require Import ModularArithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.CompleteEdwardsCurve.
-Require Import Crypto.Encoding.PointEncodingPre.
-Require Import Crypto.Spec.Encoding Crypto.Spec.ModularWordEncoding Crypto.Spec.PointEncoding.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates.
-Require Import Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp Crypto.Util.WordUtil Crypto.Rep.
-Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
-Require Import Zdiv.
-Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
-Generalizable All Variables.
-(*TODO: move enerything before the section out of this file *)
-Fixpoint tuple' n T : Type :=
- match n with
- | O => T
- | S n' => (tuple' n' T * T)%type
- end.
-Definition tuple n T : Type :=
- match n with
- | O => unit
- | S n' => tuple' n' T
- end.
-Fixpoint fieldwise' {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->Prop) (a:tuple' n A) (b:tuple' n B) {struct n} : Prop.
- destruct n; simpl @tuple' in *.
- { exact (R a b). }
- { exact (R (snd a) (snd b) /\ fieldwise' _ _ n R (fst a) (fst b)). }
-Definition fieldwise {A B} (n:nat) (R:A->B->Prop) (a:tuple n A) (b:tuple n B) : Prop.
- destruct n; simpl @tuple in *.
- { exact True. }
- { exact (fieldwise' _ R a b). }
-Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise' {A} {R:relation A} {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat}:
- Equivalence (fieldwise' n R).
- induction n; [solve [auto]|].
- simpl; constructor; repeat intro; intuition eauto.
-Global Instance Equivalence_fieldwise {A} {R:relation A} {R_equiv:Equivalence R} {n:nat}:
- Equivalence (fieldwise n R).
- destruct n; (repeat constructor || apply Equivalence_fieldwise').
-Arguments fieldwise' {A B n} _ _ _.
-Arguments fieldwise {A B n} _ _ _.
-Local Ltac set_evars :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext[?E] ] => is_evar E; let e := fresh "e" in set (e := E)
- end.
-Local Ltac subst_evars :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ e := ?E |- _ ] => is_evar E; subst e
- end.
-Definition path_sig {A P} {RA:relation A} {Rsig:relation (@sig A P)}
- {HP:Proper (RA==>Basics.impl) P}
- (H:forall (x y:A) (px:P x) (py:P y), RA x y -> Rsig (exist _ x px) (exist _ y py))
- (x : @sig A P) (y0:A) (pf : RA (proj1_sig x) y0)
-: Rsig x (exist _ y0 (HP _ _ pf (proj2_sig x))).
-Proof. destruct x. eapply H. assumption. Defined.
-Definition Let_In {A P} (x : A) (f : forall a : A, P a) : P x := let y := x in f y.
-Global Instance Let_In_Proper_changebody {A P R} {Reflexive_R:@Reflexive P R}
- : Proper (eq ==> pointwise_relation _ R ==> R) (@Let_In A (fun _ => P)).
- lazy; intros; try congruence.
- subst; auto.
-Lemma Let_In_Proper_changevalue {A B} RA {RB} (f:A->B) {Proper_f:Proper (RA==>RB) f}
- : Proper (RA ==> RB) (fun x => Let_In x f).
-Proof. intuition. Qed.
-Ltac fold_identity_lambdas :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [ H: appcontext [fun x => ?f x] |- _ ] => change (fun x => f x) with f in *
- | |- appcontext [fun x => ?f x] => change (fun x => f x) with f in *
- end.
-Local Ltac replace_let_in_with_Let_In :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- context G[let x := ?y in @?z x] ]
- => let G' := context G[Let_In y z] in change G'
- end.
-Local Ltac Let_In_app fn :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext G[Let_In (fn ?x) ?f] ]
- => change (Let_In (fn x) f) with (Let_In x (fun y => f (fn y))); cbv beta
- end.
-Lemma if_map : forall {T U} (f:T->U) (b:bool) (x y:T), (if b then f x else f y) = f (if b then x else y).
- destruct b; trivial.
-Lemma pull_Let_In {B C} (f : B -> C) A (v : A) (b : A -> B)
- : Let_In v (fun v' => f (b v')) = f (Let_In v b).
- reflexivity.
-Lemma Let_app_In {A B T} (g:A->B) (f:B->T) (x:A) :
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g x) f =
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) x (fun p => f (g x)).
-Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
-Lemma Let_app_In' : forall {A B T} {R} {R_equiv:@Equivalence T R}
- (g : A -> B) (f : B -> T) (x : A)
- f' (f'_ok: forall z, f' z === f (g z)),
- Let_In (g x) f === Let_In x f'.
-Proof. intros; cbv [Let_In]; rewrite f'_ok; reflexivity. Qed.
-Definition unfold_Let_In {A B} x (f:A->B) : Let_In x f = let y := x in f y := eq_refl.
-Lemma Let_app2_In {A B C D T} (g1:A->C) (g2:B->D) (f:C*D->T) (x:A) (y:B) :
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (g1 x, g2 y) f =
- @Let_In _ (fun _ => T) (x, y) (fun p => f ((g1 (fst p), g2 (snd p)))).
-Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
-Lemma funexp_proj {T T'} `{@Equivalence T' RT'}
- (proj : T -> T')
- (f : T -> T)
- (f' : T' -> T') {Proper_f':Proper (RT'==>RT') f'}
- (f_proj : forall a, proj (f a) === f' (proj a))
- x n
- : proj (funexp f x n) === funexp f' (proj x) n.
- revert x; induction n as [|n IHn]; simpl; intros.
- - reflexivity.
- - rewrite f_proj. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
-Global Instance pair_Equivalence {A B} `{@Equivalence A RA} `{@Equivalence B RB} : @Equivalence (A*B) (fun x y => fst x = fst y /\ snd x === snd y).
- constructor; repeat intro; intuition; try congruence.
- match goal with [H : _ |- _ ] => solve [rewrite H; auto] end.
-Global Instance Proper_test_and_op {T scalar} `{Requiv:@Equivalence T RT}
- {op:T->T->T} {Proper_op:Proper (RT==>RT==>RT) op}
- {testbit:scalar->nat->bool} {s:scalar} {zero:T} :
- let R := fun x y => fst x = fst y /\ snd x === snd y in
- Proper (R==>R) (test_and_op op testbit s zero).
- unfold test_and_op; simpl; repeat intro; intuition;
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:?; simpl in *; subst; try discriminate; auto
- | [ H: _ |- _ ] => setoid_rewrite H; reflexivity
- end.
-Lemma iter_op_proj {T T' S} `{T'Equiv:@Equivalence T' RT'}
- (proj : T -> T') (op : T -> T -> T) (op' : T' -> T' -> T') {Proper_op':Proper (RT' ==> RT' ==> RT') op'} x y z
- (testbit : S -> nat -> bool) (bound : nat)
- (op_proj : forall a b, proj (op a b) === op' (proj a) (proj b))
- : proj (iter_op op x testbit y z bound) === iter_op op' (proj x) testbit y (proj z) bound.
- unfold iter_op.
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- ?proj (snd (funexp ?f ?x ?n)) === snd (funexp ?f' _ ?n) ]
- => pose proof (fun pf x0 x1 => @funexp_proj _ _ _ _ (fun x => (fst x, proj (snd x))) f f' (Proper_test_and_op (Requiv:=T'Equiv)) pf (x0, x1)) as H';
- lazymatch type of H' with
- | ?H'' -> _ => assert (H'') as pf; [clear H'|edestruct (H' pf); simpl in *; solve [eauto]]
- end
- end.
- intros [??]; simpl.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[match ?n with _ => _ end] ] => destruct n eqn:?
- | _ => progress (unfold equiv; simpl)
- | _ => progress (subst; intuition)
- | _ => reflexivity
- | _ => rewrite op_proj
- end.
-Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd {A T}
- : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> eq ==> eq) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)).
- intros ?? H ??? [|]??; subst; simpl; congruence.
-Global Instance option_rect_Proper_nd' {A T}
- : Proper ((pointwise_relation _ eq) ==> eq ==> forall_relation (fun _ => eq)) (@option_rect A (fun _ => T)).
- intros ?? H ??? [|]; subst; simpl; congruence.
-Hint Extern 1 (Proper _ (@option_rect ?A (fun _ => ?T))) => exact (@option_rect_Proper_nd' A T) : typeclass_instances.
-Lemma option_rect_option_map : forall {A B C} (f:A->B) some none v,
- option_rect (fun _ => C) (fun x => some (f x)) none v = option_rect (fun _ => C) some none (option_map f v).
- destruct v; reflexivity.
-Lemma option_rect_function {A B C S' N' v} f
- : f (option_rect (fun _ : option A => option B) S' N' v)
- = option_rect (fun _ : option A => C) (fun x => f (S' x)) (f N') v.
-Proof. destruct v; reflexivity. Qed.
-Local Ltac commute_option_rect_Let_In := (* pull let binders out side of option_rect pattern matching *)
- idtac;
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Let_In ?x ?f) ]
- => (* we want to just do a [change] here, but unification is stupid, so we have to tell it what to unfold in what order *)
- cut (LHS = Let_In x (fun y => option_rect P S N (f y))); cbv beta;
- [ set_evars;
- let H := fresh in
- intro H;
- rewrite H;
- clear;
- abstract (cbv [Let_In]; reflexivity)
- | ]
- end.
-(** TODO: possibly move me, remove local *)
-Local Ltac replace_option_match_with_option_rect :=
- idtac;
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- _ = ?RHS :> ?T ]
- => lazymatch RHS with
- | match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end
- => replace RHS with (option_rect (fun _ => T) S N a) by (destruct a; reflexivity)
- end
- end.
-Local Ltac simpl_option_rect := (* deal with [option_rect _ _ _ None] and [option_rect _ _ _ (Some _)] *)
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N None] ]
- => change (option_rect P S N None) with N
- | [ |- context[option_rect ?P ?S ?N (Some ?x) ] ]
- => change (option_rect P S N (Some x)) with (S x); cbv beta
- end.
-Definition COMPILETIME {T} (x:T) : T := x.
-Lemma N_to_nat_le_mono : forall a b, (a <= b)%N -> (N.to_nat a <= N.to_nat b)%nat.
- intros.
- pose proof (Nomega.Nlt_out a (N.succ b)).
- rewrite N2Nat.inj_succ, N.lt_succ_r, <-NPeano.Nat.lt_succ_r in *; auto.
-Lemma N_size_nat_le_mono : forall a b, (a <= b)%N -> (N.size_nat a <= N.size_nat b)%nat.
- intros.
- destruct (N.eq_dec a 0), (N.eq_dec b 0); try abstract (subst;rewrite ?N.le_0_r in *;subst;simpl;omega).
- rewrite !Nsize_nat_equiv, !N.size_log2 by assumption.
- edestruct N.succ_le_mono; eauto using N_to_nat_le_mono, N.log2_le_mono.
-Lemma Z_to_N_Z_of_nat : forall n, Z.to_N (Z.of_nat n) = N.of_nat n.
-Proof. induction n; auto. Qed.
-Lemma Z_of_nat_nonzero : forall m, m <> 0 -> (0 < Z.of_nat m)%Z.
-Proof. intros. destruct m; [congruence|reflexivity]. Qed.
-Lemma N_of_nat_modulo : forall n m, m <> 0 -> N.of_nat (n mod m)%nat = (N.of_nat n mod N.of_nat m)%N.
- intros.
- apply Znat.N2Z.inj_iff.
- rewrite !Znat.nat_N_Z.
- rewrite Zdiv.mod_Zmod by auto.
- apply Znat.Z2N.inj_iff.
- { apply Z.mod_pos_bound. apply Z_of_nat_nonzero. assumption. }
- { apply Znat.N2Z.is_nonneg. }
- rewrite Znat.Z2N.inj_mod by (auto using Znat.Nat2Z.is_nonneg, Z_of_nat_nonzero).
- rewrite !Z_to_N_Z_of_nat, !Znat.N2Z.id; reflexivity.
-Lemma encoding_canonical' {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B} :
- forall a b, enc a = enc b -> a = b.
- intros.
- pose proof (f_equal dec H).
- pose proof encoding_valid.
- pose proof encoding_canonical.
- congruence.
-Lemma compare_encodings {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B}
- (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff : forall a b:B, (B_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b)
- : forall a b : T, (a = b) <-> (B_eqb (enc a) (enc b) = true).
- intros.
- split; intro H.
- { rewrite B_eqb_iff; congruence. }
- { apply B_eqb_iff in H; eauto using encoding_canonical'. }
-Lemma eqb_eq_dec' {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) :
- forall a b, if eqb a b then a = b else a <> b.
- intros.
- case_eq (eqb a b); intros.
- { eapply eqb_iff; trivial. }
- { specialize (eqb_iff a b). rewrite H in eqb_iff. intuition. }
-Definition eqb_eq_dec {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) :
- forall a b : T, {a=b}+{a<>b}.
- intros.
- pose proof (eqb_eq_dec' eqb eqb_iff a b).
- destruct (eqb a b); eauto.
-Definition eqb_eq_dec_and_output {T} (eqb:T->T->bool) (eqb_iff:forall a b, eqb a b = true <-> a = b) :
- forall a b : T, {a = b /\ eqb a b = true}+{a<>b /\ eqb a b = false}.
- intros.
- pose proof (eqb_eq_dec' eqb eqb_iff a b).
- destruct (eqb a b); eauto.
-Lemma eqb_compare_encodings {T} {B} {encoding:canonical encoding of T as B}
- (T_eqb:T->T->bool) (T_eqb_iff : forall a b:T, (T_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b)
- (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff : forall a b:B, (B_eqb a b = true) <-> a = b)
- : forall a b : T, T_eqb a b = B_eqb (enc a) (enc b).
- intros;
- destruct (eqb_eq_dec_and_output T_eqb T_eqb_iff a b);
- destruct (eqb_eq_dec_and_output B_eqb B_eqb_iff (enc a) (enc b));
- intuition;
- try find_copy_apply_lem_hyp B_eqb_iff;
- try find_copy_apply_lem_hyp T_eqb_iff;
- try congruence.
- apply (compare_encodings B_eqb B_eqb_iff) in H2; congruence.
-Lemma decode_failed_neq_encoding {T B} (encoding_T_B:canonical encoding of T as B) (X:B)
- (dec_failed:dec X = None) (a:T) : X <> enc a.
-Proof. pose proof encoding_valid. congruence. Qed.
-Lemma compare_without_decoding {T B} (encoding_T_B:canonical encoding of T as B)
- (T_eqb:T->T->bool) (T_eqb_iff:forall a b, T_eqb a b = true <-> a = b)
- (B_eqb:B->B->bool) (B_eqb_iff:forall a b, B_eqb a b = true <-> a = b)
- (P_:B) (Q:T) :
- option_rect (fun _ : option T => bool)
- (fun P : T => T_eqb P Q)
- false
- (dec P_)
- = B_eqb P_ (enc Q).
- destruct (dec P_) eqn:Hdec; simpl option_rect.
- { apply encoding_canonical in Hdec; subst; auto using eqb_compare_encodings. }
- { pose proof encoding_canonical.
- pose proof encoding_valid.
- pose proof eqb_compare_encodings.
- eapply decode_failed_neq_encoding in Hdec.
- destruct (B_eqb P_ (enc Q)) eqn:Heq; [rewrite B_eqb_iff in Heq; eauto | trivial]. }
-Lemma unfoldDiv : forall {m} (x y:F m), (x/y = x * inv y)%F. Proof. unfold div. congruence. Qed.
-Definition FieldToN {m} (x:F m) := Z.to_N (FieldToZ x).
-Lemma FieldToN_correct {m} (x:F m) : FieldToN (m:=m) x = Z.to_N (FieldToZ x). reflexivity. Qed.
-Definition natToField {m} x : F m := ZToField (Z.of_nat x).
-Definition FieldToNat {m} (x:F m) : nat := Z.to_nat (FieldToZ x).
-Lemma FieldToNat_natToField {m} : m <> 0 -> forall x, x mod m = FieldToNat (natToField (m:=Z.of_nat m) x).
- unfold natToField, FieldToNat; intros.
- rewrite (FieldToZ_ZToField), <-mod_Zmod, Nat2Z.id; trivial.
-Lemma F_eqb_iff {q} : forall x y : F q, F_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
- split; eauto using F_eqb_eq, F_eqb_complete.
-Lemma E_eqb_iff : forall {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams} (x y : E.point), E.point_eqb x y = true <-> x = y.
- split; eauto using E.point_eqb_sound, E.point_eqb_complete.
-Lemma unfold_E_sub : forall {prm:TwistedEdwardsParams} a b, (a - b = a + E.opp b)%E. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
-Section FSRepOperations.
- Context {q:Z} {prime_q:Znumtheory.prime q} {two_lt_q:(2 < q)%Z}.
- Context {l:Z} {two_lt_l:(2 < l)%Z}.
- Context `{rcS:RepConversions (F l) SRep} {rcSOK:RepConversionsOK rcS}.
- Context `(rcF:RepConversions (F q) FRep) (rcFOK:RepConversionsOK rcF).
- Context (FRepAdd FRepSub FRepMul:FRep->FRep->FRep) (FRepAdd_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF add FRepMul).
- Context (FRepSub_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF sub FRepSub) (FRepMul_correct:RepBinOpOK rcF mul FRepMul).
- Axiom SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool.
- Axiom SRep_testbit_correct : forall (x0 : SRep) (i : nat), SRep_testbit x0 i = N.testbit_nat (FieldToN (unRep x0)) i.
- Definition FSRepPow width x n := iter_op FRepMul (toRep 1%F) SRep_testbit n x width.
- Lemma FSRepPow_correct : forall width x n, (N.size_nat (FieldToN (unRep n)) <= width)%nat -> (unRep x ^ FieldToN (unRep n))%F = unRep (FSRepPow width x n).
- Proof. (* this proof derives the required formula, which I copy-pasted above to be able to reference it without the length precondition *)
- unfold FSRepPow; intros.
- erewrite <-pow_nat_iter_op_correct by auto.
- erewrite <-(fun x => iter_op_spec (scalar := SRep) mul F_mul_assoc _ F_mul_1_l _ _ SRep_testbit_correct n x width) by auto.
- rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F) at 1.
- erewrite <-iter_op_proj;
- [apply eq_refl
- |eauto with typeclass_instances
- |symmetry; eapply FRepMul_correct].
- Qed.
- Context (q_minus_2_lt_l:(q - 2 < l)%Z).
- Definition FRepInv x : FRep := FSRepPow (COMPILETIME (N.size_nat (Z.to_N (q - 2)))) x (COMPILETIME (toRep (ZToField (q - 2)))).
- Lemma FRepInv_correct : forall x, inv (unRep x)%F = unRep (FRepInv x).
- unfold FRepInv, COMPILETIME; intros.
- rewrite <-FSRepPow_correct; rewrite FieldToN_correct, rcSOK, FieldToZ_ZToField, Zmod_small by omega; trivial.
- pose proof @Fq_inv_fermat_correct as Hf; unfold inv_fermat in Hf; rewrite Hf by
- auto using prime_q, two_lt_q.
- reflexivity.
- Qed.
-End FSRepOperations.
-Section ESRepOperations.
- Context {tep:TwistedEdwardsParams} {a_eq_minus1:a = opp 1}.
- Context {l:Z} {two_lt_l:(2 < l)%Z} `{rep2S : SRep -> F l}.
- Context {SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool}.
- Context {SRep_testbit_correct : forall (x0 : SRep) (i : nat), SRep_testbit x0 i = N.testbit_nat (FieldToN (rep2S x0)) i}.
- Definition scalarMultExtendedSRep (a:SRep) (P:extendedPoint) :=
- iter_op (@unifiedAddM1 _ a_eq_minus1) (mkExtendedPoint E.zero) SRep_testbit a P (COMPILETIME (N.size_nat (Z.to_N (Z.pred l)))).
- Lemma bound_satisfied : forall a, (N.size_nat (FieldToN (rep2S a)) <= N.size_nat (Z.to_N (Z.pred l)))%nat.
- Proof.
- intros.
- apply N_size_nat_le_mono.
- rewrite FieldToN_correct.
- destruct (FieldToZ_range (rep2S a)); [omega|].
- rewrite <-Z2N.inj_le; omega.
- Qed.
- Definition scalarMultExtendedSRep_correct : forall (a:SRep) (P:extendedPoint),
- unExtendedPoint (scalarMultExtendedSRep a P) = (N.to_nat (FieldToN (rep2S a)) * unExtendedPoint P)%E.
- Proof. (* derivation result copy-pasted to above to remove preconditions from it *)
- intros.
- rewrite <-(scalarMultM1_rep a_eq_minus1), <-(@iter_op_spec _ extendedPoint_eq _ _ (@unifiedAddM1 _ a_eq_minus1) _ (@unifiedAddM1_assoc _ a_eq_minus1) _ (@unifiedAddM1_0_l _ a_eq_minus1) _ _ SRep_testbit_correct _ _ _ (bound_satisfied _)).
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
-End ESRepOperations.
-Section EFRepDefn.
- Context {tep:TwistedEdwardsParams} {a_eq_minus1:a = opp 1}.
- Context `{FRepEquiv_ok:Equivalence FRep FRepEquiv} {F2Rep : F q -> FRep} {rep2F:FRep -> F q} {rep2F_proper: Proper (FRepEquiv==>eq) rep2F} {rep2F_F2Rep: forall x, rep2F (F2Rep x) = x}.
- Definition extended2Rep (P:extended) :=
- let 'mkExtended X Y Z T := P in
- (F2Rep X, F2Rep Y, F2Rep Z, F2Rep T).
- Definition extendedRep2Extended P : extended :=
- let '(X, Y, Z, T) := P in
- mkExtended (rep2F X) (rep2F Y) (rep2F Z) (rep2F T).
- Definition extendedPointInvariant P := rep P (extendedToTwisted P) /\ E.onCurve (extendedToTwisted P).
- Definition extendedRepInvariant XYZT := extendedPointInvariant (extendedRep2Extended XYZT).
- Definition extendedRep := { XYZT | extendedRepInvariant XYZT }.
- Lemma extendedRep2Extended_extended2Rep P : extendedRep2Extended (extended2Rep P) = P.
- Proof. destruct P as [? ? ? ?]; simpl; rewrite !rep2F_F2Rep; reflexivity. Qed.
- Definition extendedPoint2ExtendedRep (P:extendedPoint) : extendedRep. exists (extended2Rep (proj1_sig P)).
- Proof. abstract (unfold extendedRepInvariant; rewrite extendedRep2Extended_extended2Rep; destruct P; eauto). Defined.
- Definition extendedRep2ExtendedPoint (P:extendedRep) : extendedPoint. exists (extendedRep2Extended (proj1_sig P)).
- Proof. abstract (destruct P; eauto). Defined.
- Definition point2ExtendedRep (P:E.point) : extendedRep := (extendedPoint2ExtendedRep (mkExtendedPoint P)).
- Definition extendedRep2Point (P:extendedRep) : E.point := unExtendedPoint (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint P).
- Lemma extendedRep2ExtendedPoint_extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_proj1_sig : forall P,
- proj1_sig (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint (extendedPoint2ExtendedRep P)) = proj1_sig P.
- Proof. destruct P; simpl; rewrite extendedRep2Extended_extended2Rep; reflexivity. Qed.
- Definition extendedRepEquiv (P Q:extendedRep) := extendedRep2Point P = extendedRep2Point Q.
- Lemma extendedRepEquiv_iff_extendedPoint P Q : extendedRepEquiv P Q <-> extendedRep2ExtendedPoint P === extendedRep2ExtendedPoint Q.
- Proof. unfold extendedRepEquiv, extendedRep2Point; split; intros; congruence. Qed.
- Global Instance Equivalence_extendedRepEquiv : Equivalence extendedRepEquiv.
- Proof. constructor; intros; congruence. Qed.
- Global Instance Proper_extendedPoint2ExtendedRep : Proper (extendedPoint_eq==>extendedRepEquiv) extendedPoint2ExtendedRep.
- Proof.
- repeat intro. apply E.point_eq.
- rewrite !extendedRep2ExtendedPoint_extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_proj1_sig.
- injection H; trivial.
- Qed.
- Global Instance Proper_extendedRep2Point : Proper (extendedRepEquiv==>eq) extendedRep2Point.
- Proof. repeat intro. congruence. Qed.
- Lemma unExtendedPoint_extendedRep2ExtendedPoint : forall P,
- unExtendedPoint (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint P) = extendedRep2Point P.
- Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
- (* TODO: move *)
- Lemma extendedToTwisted_twistedToExtended : forall P, extendedToTwisted (twistedToExtended P) = P.
- Proof.
- destruct P; unfold extendedToTwisted, twistedToExtended; simpl; rewrite !@F_div_1_r; auto using prime_q.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkExtendedPoint_unExtendedPoint : forall P, mkExtendedPoint (unExtendedPoint P) === P.
- Proof.
- intros. destruct P; cbv [mkExtendedPoint unExtendedPoint proj1_sig extendedPoint_eq equiv].
- apply E.point_eq. rewrite extendedToTwisted_twistedToExtended; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma extendedRep2Point_point2ExtendedRep : forall P,
- extendedRep2Point (point2ExtendedRep P) = P.
- Proof.
- intros.
- unfold extendedRep2Point, point2ExtendedRep.
- destruct P; apply E.point_eq.
- rewrite !extendedRep2ExtendedPoint_extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_proj1_sig.
- apply extendedToTwisted_twistedToExtended.
- Qed.
- Lemma point2ExtendedRep_unExtendedPoint : forall P,
- (point2ExtendedRep (unExtendedPoint P)) === extendedPoint2ExtendedRep P.
- Proof.
- intros. unfold point2ExtendedRep. f_equiv. apply mkExtendedPoint_unExtendedPoint.
- Qed.
- Lemma point2ExtendedRep_extendedRep2Point : forall P, point2ExtendedRep (extendedRep2Point P) === P.
- Proof.
- intros; unfold equiv, extendedRepEquiv; pose proof extendedRep2Point_point2ExtendedRep; congruence.
- Qed.
- Global Instance Proper_extendedRepInvariant : Proper ((fieldwise (n:=4) FRepEquiv) ==> Basics.impl) (extendedRepInvariant).
- Proof.
- repeat intro; cbv [tuple tuple' fieldwise fieldwise' extendedRepInvariant extendedRep2Extended] in *.
- repeat match goal with
- | [x : prod _ _ |- _ ] => destruct x
- end.
- simpl in *; intuition.
- repeat match goal with
- | [H: FRepEquiv _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H; []
- end; trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma extendedRep_proof_equiv: forall x y px py, fieldwise (n:=4) FRepEquiv x y ->
- exist extendedRepInvariant x px === exist extendedRepInvariant y py.
- Proof.
- destruct x as [[[]]]; destruct y as [[[]]]; simpl in *; intuition.
- apply E.point_eq. unfold extendedRep2ExtendedPoint; simpl.
- repeat match goal with
- | [H: FRepEquiv _ _ |- _ ] => rewrite <- H; []
- end; trivial.
- Qed.
- Definition extended2Rep_mkExtended x y z t :
- extended2Rep (mkExtended x y z t) = (F2Rep x, F2Rep y, F2Rep z, F2Rep t) := eq_refl.
- Context `{F2Rep_rep2F: forall x, F2Rep (rep2F x) === x}.
- Existing Instances tep FRepEquiv_ok.
- Context `{FRepAdd_correct:forall a b, F2Rep (add a b) === FRepAdd (F2Rep a) (F2Rep b)} {FRepAdd_proper: Proper (FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv) FRepAdd}.
- Context `{FRepMul_correct:forall a b, F2Rep (mul a b) === FRepMul (F2Rep a) (F2Rep b)} {FRepMul_proper: Proper (FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv) FRepMul}.
- Context `{FRepSub_correct:forall a b, F2Rep (sub a b) === FRepSub (F2Rep a) (F2Rep b)} {FRepSub_proper: Proper (FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv) FRepSub}.
- Context {FRepInv:FRep->FRep} {FRepInv_correct:forall x, F2Rep (inv x) === FRepInv (F2Rep x)} {FRepInv_proper: Proper (FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv) FRepInv}.
- Context {FRepOpp : FRep -> FRep} {FRepOpp_correct : forall x, F2Rep (opp x) = FRepOpp (F2Rep x)} {FRepOpp_proper: Proper (FRepEquiv==>FRepEquiv) FRepOpp}.
- Create HintDb toFRep discriminated.
- Hint Rewrite
- @unfoldDiv
- FRepAdd_correct FRepMul_correct FRepSub_correct FRepInv_correct FRepOpp_correct
- F2Rep_rep2F
- : toFRep.
- Definition extendedRepAdd_sig : forall P Q,
- { x | forall Pref Qref,
- P === point2ExtendedRep Pref
- -> Q === point2ExtendedRep Qref
- -> x === point2ExtendedRep (E.add Pref Qref)}.
- Proof.
- destruct P as [[[[]]] ?]; destruct Q as [[[[]]] ?].
- eexists; intros ? ? HP HQ; fold_identity_lambdas.
- match goal with
- [ Hx : ?x === point2ExtendedRep ?p, Hy : ?y === point2ExtendedRep ?q |- _ ]
- => pose proof unifiedAddM1_rep a_eq_minus1 (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint x) (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint y) as H;
- setoid_rewrite unExtendedPoint_extendedRep2ExtendedPoint in H;
- rewrite HP, HQ, !extendedRep2Point_point2ExtendedRep in H;
- rewrite H; clear H Hx Hy; try clear p q
- end.
- rewrite point2ExtendedRep_unExtendedPoint.
- symmetry;
- eapply (path_sig (RA:=fieldwise (n:=4) FRepEquiv));
- eapply extendedRep_proof_equiv; assumption.
- Grab Existential Variables.
- cbv iota beta delta [proj1_sig extendedRep2Extended extendedRep2ExtendedPoint extendedPoint2ExtendedRep unifiedAddM1 unifiedAddM1'].
- assert (Proper (eq==>fieldwise (n:=4) FRepEquiv) extended2Rep) as HProper by admit.
- etransitivity; [
- eapply HProper;
- repeat (replace_let_in_with_Let_In;
- eapply Let_In_Proper_changebody;
- [reflexivity|
- cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro
- ]);
- reflexivity|].
- Local Opaque Let_In.
- repeat setoid_rewrite <-(pull_Let_In extended2Rep). setoid_rewrite extended2Rep_mkExtended.
- Ltac pattern_reflexivity :=
- intros;
- try reflexivity;
- lazymatch goal with
- |- _ ?LHS (?f ?a) =>
- let t := eval pattern a in LHS in
- lazymatch t with
- ?LHS' ?x => unify LHS' f; reflexivity
- end
- end.
- Ltac descend :=
- idtac; (
- lazymatch goal with
- |- ?R (Let_In ?x ?f) ?RHS =>
- let A := type of x in
- eapply (@Let_In_Proper_changebody A _ R);
- [eauto with typeclass_instances
- |reflexivity
- |cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]
- end || fail "goal must be of the form [LetIn _ _ == _]").
- Ltac inLetInBody' t :=
- etransitivity; [descend; t; pattern_reflexivity|].
- Tactic Notation "inLetInBody" tactic3(t) := inLetInBody' t.
- Ltac inLetInValue' properTac rewriteTac :=
- etransitivity;
- [eapply (Let_In_Proper_changevalue equiv); [properTac|rewriteTac; pattern_reflexivity]|].
- Tactic Notation "inLetInValue" tactic3(rewriteTac) := inLetInValue' idtac rewriteTac.
- Tactic Notation "inLetInValue" tactic3(rewriteTac) "by" tactic3(properTac) := inLetInValue' properTac rewriteTac.
- Ltac prtc := abstract (repeat intro; repeat rewrite unfold_Let_In; simpl; intuition; repeat f_equiv; assumption).
- etransitivity.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- etransitivity.
- descend.
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- erewrite <- Let_app_In' with (g:=F2Rep); [|pattern_reflexivity];
- try (inLetInValue (rewrite_strat topdown hints toFRep) by prtc).
- pattern_reflexivity.
- rewrite_strat bottomup unfold_Let_In.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- Definition extendedRepAdd (P Q:extendedRep) : extendedRep :=
- Eval cbv beta delta [proj1_sig extendedRepAdd_sig] in (proj1_sig (extendedRepAdd_sig P Q)).
- Lemma extendedRepAdd_correct : forall P Q,
- point2ExtendedRep (E.add P Q) === extendedRepAdd (point2ExtendedRep P) (point2ExtendedRep Q).
- Proof.
- intros.
- rewrite (proj2_sig (extendedRepAdd_sig (point2ExtendedRep P) (point2ExtendedRep Q)) P Q); reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma extendedRepAdd_proper : Proper (extendedRepEquiv==>extendedRepEquiv==>extendedRepEquiv) extendedRepAdd.
- Proof.
- repeat intro.
- pose proof (proj2_sig (extendedRepAdd_sig x x0) (extendedRep2Point x) (extendedRep2Point x0)) as H1.
- pose proof (proj2_sig (extendedRepAdd_sig y y0) (extendedRep2Point y) (extendedRep2Point y0)) as H2.
- rewrite !point2ExtendedRep_extendedRep2Point in *.
- setoid_rewrite H1; try setoid_rewrite H2; congruence.
- Qed.
- Context {l:Z} {two_lt_l:(2 < l)%Z} `{S2Rep : F l -> SRep} {rep2S : SRep -> F l}.
- Context`{SRepEquiv_ok:Equivalence SRep SRepEquiv} {rep2S_Proper: Proper (SRepEquiv==>eq) rep2S}.
- Context {rep2S_S2Rep: forall x, rep2S (S2Rep x) = x}.
- Context {SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool}.
- Context {SRep_testbit_correct : forall (x0 : SRep) (i : nat), SRep_testbit x0 i = N.testbit_nat (FieldToN (rep2S x0)) i}.
- Lemma FieldToNat_natToField' {m:Z} (x:nat) : (0<m)%Z -> FieldToNat (@natToField m x) = x mod (Z.to_nat m).
- intros. symmetry.
- pose proof (fun pf => @FieldToNat_natToField (Z.to_nat m) pf x) as Hn.
- rewrite Z2Nat.id in Hn by omega.
- apply Hn; pose (Z2Nat.inj_le m 0); omega.
- Qed.
- Definition N_to_nat_FieldToN {m} (x : F m) : N.to_nat (FieldToN x) = FieldToNat x.
- Proof. intros. apply Z_N_nat. Qed.
- Definition extendedRepMul_sig : forall (n:SRep) (P:extendedRep),
- { x | forall (nref:nat) (Pref:E.point),
- nref = nref mod Z.to_nat l
- -> n === S2Rep (natToField nref)
- -> P === point2ExtendedRep Pref
- -> x === point2ExtendedRep (E.mul nref Pref)}.
- Proof.
- eexists; intros ? ? nred nRep PRep.
- pose proof (@scalarMultExtendedSRep_correct tep a_eq_minus1 l two_lt_l SRep rep2S SRep_testbit SRep_testbit_correct n (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint P)) as H.
- rewrite unExtendedPoint_extendedRep2ExtendedPoint in H.
- rewrite PRep, extendedRep2Point_point2ExtendedRep in H.
- replace (rep2S n) with (@natToField l nref) in H by (rewrite nRep, rep2S_S2Rep; reflexivity).
- replace (N.to_nat (FieldToN (natToField nref))) with nref in H
- by (rewrite N_to_nat_FieldToN, FieldToNat_natToField', <-nred; intuition omega).
- rewrite <-H; clear H nref nred nRep PRep.
- setoid_rewrite point2ExtendedRep_unExtendedPoint.
- setoid_rewrite (iter_op_proj _ _ extendedRepAdd). (* FIXME: Finished transaction in 5. secs (5.169999u,0.s) *)
- Lemma extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_extendedRep2ExtendedPoint :
- forall P, extendedPoint2ExtendedRep (extendedRep2ExtendedPoint P) === P.
- Admitted.
- Lemma Proper_iter_op : forall {T S} {TR:relation T} {SR:relation S} op zero testbit,
- Proper (SR==>TR==>eq==>TR) (@iter_op T S op zero testbit).
- Proof.
- unfold iter_op; intros.
- repeat intro; subst.
- Admitted.
- etransitivity.
- 2:eapply Proper_iter_op.
- 2:apply eq_refl.
- 2:setoid_rewrite extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_extendedRep2ExtendedPoint; reflexivity.
- 2:reflexivity.
- Definition extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_mkExtendedPoint P :
- (extendedPoint2ExtendedRep (mkExtendedPoint P)) = point2ExtendedRep P := eq_refl.
- rewrite extendedPoint2ExtendedRep_mkExtendedPoint.
- match goal with |- context [?f E.zero] => change (f E.zero) with (COMPILETIME (f E.zero)) end.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
-End EFRepDefn.
-Section EdDSADerivation.
- Context `{eddsaprm:EdDSAParams}.
- Context `{ERepEquiv_ok:Equivalence ERep ERepEquiv} {E2Rep : E.point -> ERep}.
- Context `{SRepEquiv_ok:Equivalence SRep SRepEquiv} {S2Rep : F (Z.of_nat l) -> SRep}.
- Context `{ERepEnc_correct : forall (P:E.point), enc P = ERepEnc (E2Rep P)} {ERepEnc_proper:Proper (ERepEquiv==>eq) ERepEnc}.
- Context `{ERepAdd_correct : forall (P Q:E.point), E2Rep (E.add P Q) === ERepAdd (E2Rep P) (E2Rep Q)} {ERepAdd_proper:Proper (ERepEquiv==>ERepEquiv==>ERepEquiv) ERepAdd}.
- Context `{ESRepMul_correct : forall (n:F (Z.of_nat l)) (Q:E.point), E2Rep (E.mul (FieldToNat n) Q) === ESRepMul (S2Rep (ZToField n)) (E2Rep Q)} {ESRepMul_proper : Proper (SRepEquiv==>ERepEquiv==>ERepEquiv) ESRepMul}.
- Context `{ERepOpp_correct : forall P:E.point, E2Rep (E.opp P) === ERepOpp (E2Rep P)} {ERepOpp_proper:Proper (ERepEquiv==>ERepEquiv) ERepOpp}.
- Context `{SRepDec_correct : forall x, option_map (fun x : F (Z.of_nat l) => S2Rep x) (dec x) === SRepDec x}.
- Context `{ERepDec_correct:forall P_, option_map E2Rep (dec P_) === ERepDec P_}.
- Axiom nonequivalent_optimization_Hmodl : forall n (x:word n) A, (wordToNat (H x) * A = (wordToNat (H x) mod l * A))%E.
- Axiom (SRepH:forall {n}, word n -> SRep).
- Axiom SRepH_correct : forall {n} (x:word n), S2Rep (natToField (H x)) === SRepH x.
- (* TODO: move to EdDSAProofs *)
- Lemma two_lt_l : (2 < Z.of_nat l)%Z.
- Proof.
- pose proof l_odd. omega.
- Qed.
- Lemma l_nonzero : l <> 0.
- Proof.
- pose proof l_odd. omega.
- Qed.
- Local Infix "++" := Word.combine.
- Local Infix "==?" := E.point_eqb (at level 70) : E_scope.
- Local Notation " a '[:' i ']' " := (Word.split1 i _ a) (at level 40).
- Local Notation " a '[' i ':]' " := (Word.split2 i _ a) (at level 40).
- Local Arguments H {_ _} _.
- Lemma solve_for_R_eq : forall A B C, (A = B + C <-> B = A - C)%E.
- Proof.
- intros; split; intros; subst; unfold E.sub;
- rewrite <-E.add_assoc, ?E.add_opp_r, ?E.add_opp_l, E.add_0_r; reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma solve_for_R : forall A B C, (A ==? B + C)%E = (B ==? A - C)%E.
- Proof.
- intros;
- rewrite !E.point_eqb_correct;
- repeat match goal with |- context[E.point_eq_dec ?x ?y] => destruct (E.point_eq_dec x y) end;
- rewrite solve_for_R_eq in *;
- congruence.
- Qed.
- Create HintDb toESRep discriminated.
- Hint Rewrite <-E.point_eqb_correct : toESRep.
- Hint Rewrite
- nonequivalent_optimization_Hmodl
- (FieldToNat_natToField l_nonzero)
- (fun n => solve_for_R (n * B)%E)
- (compare_without_decoding PointEncoding _ E_eqb_iff _ (@weqb_true_iff _))
- unfold_E_sub
- E.opp_mul
- ESRepMul_correct
- ERepAdd_correct
- ERepEnc_correct
- ERepOpp_correct
- @ZToField_FieldToZ
- @SRepH_correct : toESRep.
- Ltac recursive_replace_option_match_with_option_rect :=
- etransitivity;
- [|
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- ?x = ?x ] => reflexivity
- | _ => replace_option_match_with_option_rect
- | [ |- _ = option_rect _ _ _ _ ]
- => eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ intro | reflexivity.. ]
- end;
- reflexivity].
- Lemma sharper_verify : forall pk l msg sig, { sherper_verify | sherper_verify = verify (n:=l) pk msg sig}.
- Proof.
- eexists; cbv [EdDSA.verify]; intros.
- recursive_replace_option_match_with_option_rect.
- rewrite_strat topdown hints toESRep.
- setoid_rewrite ESRepMul_correct. (* TODO: change the spec to use FieldToNat instead of (Z.to_nat (ZToField _))*)
- rewrite_strat topdown hints toESRep.
- (* decoding of S : option_rect (F l) -> option_map SRep *)
- (* TODO: we want this section to look more like the following:
- setoid_rewrite (@option_rect_option_map (F (Z.of_nat EdDSA.l)) _ bool toRep). *)
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec =>
- symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map (fun (x:F _) => S2Rep x) _ false dec)]
- end.
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro | reflexivity.. ].
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ]
- => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in
- unify e RHS'
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- rewrite SRepDec_correct.
- (* decoding of A : option_rect E.point -> option_map E2Rep *)
- (* TODO: automate *)
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec =>
- symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map E2Rep _ false dec)]
- end.
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..].
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ]
- => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in
- unify e RHS'
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- rewrite ERepDec_correct.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
- (*
- (** start dropping sigma-types from Extended points **)
- setoid_rewrite point_enc_coordinates_correct.
- cbv beta delta [unExtendedPoint unifiedAddM1 negateExtended scalarMultExtendedSRep E.opp].
- unfold_proj1_sig_exist.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 2 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- repeat match goal with
- | [ |- appcontext[@proj1_sig ?A ?P (@iter_op ?T ?f ?neutral ?T' ?testbit ?exp ?base ?bound)] ]
- => erewrite (@iter_op_proj T _ _ (@proj1_sig _ _)) by reflexivity
- end.
- subst_evars.
- reflexivity. }
- Unfocus.
- cbv [mkExtendedPoint E.zero].
- unfold_proj1_sig_exist.
- rewrite B_proj.
- (* decoding of A : option_rect E.point -> option_map (F q * F q) *)
- (* TODO: change to (FRep * FRep) instead *)
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- lazymatch goal with |- _ = option_rect _ _ ?false ?dec =>
- symmetry; etransitivity; [|eapply (option_rect_option_map (@proj1_sig _ _) _ false dec)]
- end.
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..].
- match goal with
- | [ |- ?RHS = ?e ?v ]
- => let RHS' := (match eval pattern v in RHS with ?RHS' _ => RHS' end) in
- unify e RHS'
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- (* TODO: this is specific to the encoding pattern (but not specific parameters:
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [intro|reflexivity..]).
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { apply f_equal.
- symmetry.
- apply point_dec_coordinates_correct. }
- Unfocus.
- reflexivity. }
- Unfocus.
- cbv iota beta delta [point_dec_coordinates sign_bit dec FqEncoding modular_word_encoding E.solve_for_x2 sqrt_mod_q].
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]). cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2.
- { apply f_equal.
- lazymatch goal with
- | [ |- _ = ?term :> ?T ]
- => lazymatch term with (match ?a with None => ?N | Some x => @?S x end)
- => let term' := constr:((option_rect (fun _ => T) S N) a) in
- replace term with term' by reflexivity
- end
- end.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus. reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]).
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ intro; reflexivity | reflexivity | ]).
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [ cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro | reflexivity.. ].
- replace_let_in_with_Let_In.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]).
- set_evars.
- rewrite option_rect_function. (* turn the two option_rects into one *)
- subst_evars.
- simpl_option_rect.
- do 1 (eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro|reflexivity..]).
- (* push the [option_rect] inside until it hits a [Some] or a [None] *)
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => commute_option_rect_Let_In
- | [ |- _ = Let_In _ _ ]
- => apply Let_In_Proper_nd; [ reflexivity | cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro ]
- | [ |- ?LHS = option_rect ?P ?S ?N (if ?b then ?t else ?f) ]
- => transitivity (if b then option_rect P S N t else option_rect P S N f);
- [
- | destruct b; reflexivity ]
- | [ |- _ = if ?b then ?t else ?f ]
- => apply (f_equal2 (fun x y => if b then x else y))
- | [ |- _ = false ] => reflexivity
- | _ => progress simpl_option_rect
- end.
- reflexivity.
- } Unfocus.
- setoid_rewrite wire2FRep_correct.
- *)
- etransitivity.
- Focus 2. {
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]. cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro.
- rewrite <-!(option_rect_option_map rep2F).
- eapply option_rect_Proper_nd; [|reflexivity..]. cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]. intro.
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- rewrite <-(rcFOK 1%F).
- pattern Ed25519.d at 1. rewrite <-(rcFOK Ed25519.d) at 1.
- pattern Ed25519.a at 1. rewrite <-(rcFOK Ed25519.a) at 1.
- rewrite <- (rcSOK (Z.to_N (Ed25519.q / 8 + 1))).
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- (Let_In_unRep).
- eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro].
- etransitivity. Focus 2. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro;reflexivity]. {
- rewrite FSRepPow_correct by (rewrite rcSOK; cbv; omega).
- (Let_In_unRep).
- etransitivity. Focus 2. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. {
- set_evars.
- rewrite <-(rcFOK sqrt_minus1).
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- subst_evars.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- rewrite pull_Let_In.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- set_evars.
- (Let_In_unRep).
- subst_evars. eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro]. set_evars.
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- subst_evars.
- lazymatch goal with |- _ = if ?b then ?t else ?f => apply (f_equal2 (fun x y => if b then x else y)) end; [|reflexivity].
- eapply Let_In_Proper_nd; [reflexivity|cbv beta delta [pointwise_relation]; intro].
- set_evars.
- unfold twistedToExtended.
- autorewrite with EdDSA_opts.
- progress cbv beta delta [erep2trep].
- subst_evars.
- reflexivity. } Unfocus.
- reflexivity.
- Defined.
-End EdDSADerivation.
-*) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF1305.v b/src/Specific/GF1305.v
index b004a60d1..02ef714d9 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF1305.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF1305.v
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ Local Open Scope Z.
Definition modulus : Z := 2^130 - 5.
Lemma prime_modulus : prime modulus. Admitted.
+Definition int_width := 32%Z.
Instance params1305 : PseudoMersenneBaseParams modulus.
construct_params prime_modulus 5%nat 130.
@@ -26,16 +27,22 @@ Instance subCoeff : SubtractionCoefficient modulus params1305.
apply Build_SubtractionCoefficient with (coeff := mul2modulus); cbv; auto.
+Definition freezePreconditions1305 : freezePreconditions params1305 int_width.
+ constructor; compute_preconditions.
(* END PseudoMersenneBaseParams instance construction. *)
(* Precompute k and c *)
Definition k_ := Eval compute in k.
Definition c_ := Eval compute in c.
+Definition c_subst : c = c_ := eq_refl c_.
(* Makes Qed not take forever *)
Opaque Z.shiftr Pos.iter Z.div2 Pos.div2 Pos.div2_up Pos.succ Z.land
Z.of_N Pos.land N.ldiff Pos.pred_N Pos.pred_double Z.opp Z.mul Pos.mul
- Let_In digits Z.add Pos.add Z.pos_sub.
+ Let_In digits Z.add Pos.add Z.pos_sub andb Z.eqb Z.ltb.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Lemma GF1305Base26_mul_reduce_formula :
@@ -45,8 +52,9 @@ Lemma GF1305Base26_mul_reduce_formula :
-> rep ls (f*g)%F}.
eexists; intros ? ? Hf Hg.
- pose proof (carry_mul_opt_correct k_ c_ (eq_refl k) (eq_refl c_) [0;4;3;2;1;0]_ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ pose proof (carry_mul_opt_rep k_ c_ (eq_refl k) c_subst _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ exact Hfg.
Lemma GF1305Base26_add_formula :
@@ -58,17 +66,30 @@ Proof.
eexists; intros ? ? Hf Hg.
pose proof (add_opt_rep _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ exact Hfg.
-Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_sub_formula :
- forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
- g0 g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9,
- {ls | forall f g, rep [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4;f5;f6;f7;f8;f9] f
- -> rep [g0;g1;g2;g3;g4;g5;g6;g7;g8;g9] g
+Lemma GF1305Base26_sub_formula :
+ forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 g0 g1 g2 g3 g4,
+ {ls | forall f g, rep [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4] f
+ -> rep [g0;g1;g2;g3;g4] g
-> rep ls (f - g)%F}.
intros f g Hf Hg.
pose proof (sub_opt_rep _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
-Defined. \ No newline at end of file
+ exact Hfg.
+Lemma GF1305Base26_freeze_formula :
+ forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4,
+ {ls | forall x, rep [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4] x
+ -> rep ls x}.
+ eexists.
+ intros x Hf.
+ pose proof (freeze_opt_preserves_rep _ c_subst freezePreconditions1305 _ _ Hf) as Hfreeze_rep.
+ compute_formula.
+ exact Hfreeze_rep.
diff --git a/src/Specific/GF25519.v b/src/Specific/GF25519.v
index 044bf074b..7e0e815e5 100644
--- a/src/Specific/GF25519.v
+++ b/src/Specific/GF25519.v
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ Local Open Scope Z.
Definition modulus : Z := 2^255 - 19.
Lemma prime_modulus : prime modulus. Admitted.
+Definition int_width := 32%Z.
Instance params25519 : PseudoMersenneBaseParams modulus.
construct_params prime_modulus 10%nat 255.
@@ -27,16 +28,22 @@ Instance subCoeff : SubtractionCoefficient modulus params25519.
apply Build_SubtractionCoefficient with (coeff := mul2modulus); cbv; auto.
+Definition freezePreconditions25519 : freezePreconditions params25519 int_width.
+ constructor; compute_preconditions.
(* END PseudoMersenneBaseParams instance construction. *)
(* Precompute k and c *)
Definition k_ := Eval compute in k.
Definition c_ := Eval compute in c.
+Definition c_subst : c = c_ := eq_refl c_.
(* Makes Qed not take forever *)
Opaque Z.shiftr Pos.iter Z.div2 Pos.div2 Pos.div2_up Pos.succ Z.land
Z.of_N Pos.land N.ldiff Pos.pred_N Pos.pred_double Z.opp Z.mul Pos.mul
- Let_In digits Z.add Pos.add Z.pos_sub.
+ Let_In digits Z.add Pos.add Z.pos_sub andb Z.eqb Z.ltb.
Local Open Scope nat_scope.
Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula :
@@ -47,8 +54,9 @@ Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula :
-> rep ls (f*g)%F}.
eexists; intros ? ? Hf Hg.
- pose proof (carry_mul_opt_correct k_ c_ (eq_refl k_) (eq_refl c_) [0;9;8;7;6;5;4;3;2;1;0]_ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ pose proof (carry_mul_opt_rep k_ c_ (eq_refl k_) c_subst _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ exact Hfg.
Time Defined.
Local Transparent Let_In.
@@ -80,6 +88,7 @@ Proof.
intros f g Hf Hg.
pose proof (add_opt_rep _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ exact Hfg.
Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_sub_formula :
@@ -93,8 +102,32 @@ Proof.
intros f g Hf Hg.
pose proof (sub_opt_rep _ _ _ _ Hf Hg) as Hfg.
+ exact Hfg.
+Lemma GF25519Base25Point5_freeze_formula :
+ forall f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9,
+ {ls | forall x, rep [f0;f1;f2;f3;f4;f5;f6;f7;f8;f9] x
+ -> rep ls x}.
+ eexists.
+ intros x Hf.
+ pose proof (freeze_opt_preserves_rep _ c_subst freezePreconditions25519 _ _ Hf) as Hfreeze_rep.
+ compute_formula.
+ exact Hfreeze_rep.
+(* Uncomment the below to see pretty-printed freeze function *)
+Set Printing Depth 1000.
+Local Transparent Let_In.
+Infix "<<" := Z.shiftr (at level 50).
+Infix "&" := Z.land (at level 50).
+Eval cbv beta iota delta [proj1_sig GF25519Base25Point5_freeze_formula Let_In] in
+ fun f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 => proj1_sig (
+ GF25519Base25Point5_freeze_formula f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9).
Definition F25519Rep := (Z * Z * Z * Z * Z * Z * Z * Z * Z * Z)%type.
Definition F25519toRep (x:F (2^255 - 19)) : F25519Rep := (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FieldToZ x)%Z.
@@ -143,7 +176,7 @@ Lemma F25519_mul_OK : RepBinOpOK F25519RepConversions ModularArithmetic.mul F255
destruct x as [[[[[[[[[x9 x8] x7] x6] x5] x4] x3] x2] x1] x0].
destruct y as [[[[[[[[[y9 y8] y7] y6] y5] y4] y3] y2] y1] y0].
let E := constr:(GF25519Base25Point5_mul_reduce_formula x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9) in
- transitivity (ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_sig E)); [|solve[simpl;f_equal]];
+ transitivity (ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_sig E)); [|solve[simpl; apply f_equal; reflexivity]];
destruct E as [? r]; cbv [proj1_sig].
cbv [rep ModularBaseSystem.rep PseudoMersenneBase modulus] in r; edestruct r; eauto.
@@ -175,7 +208,7 @@ Lemma F25519_add_OK : RepBinOpOK F25519RepConversions ModularArithmetic.add F255
destruct x as [[[[[[[[[x9 x8] x7] x6] x5] x4] x3] x2] x1] x0].
destruct y as [[[[[[[[[y9 y8] y7] y6] y5] y4] y3] y2] y1] y0].
let E := constr:(GF25519Base25Point5_add_formula x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9) in
- transitivity (ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_sig E)); [|solve[simpl;f_equal]];
+ transitivity (ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_sig E)); [|solve[simpl; apply f_equal; reflexivity]];
destruct E as [? r]; cbv [proj1_sig].
cbv [rep ModularBaseSystem.rep PseudoMersenneBase modulus] in r; edestruct r; eauto.
@@ -185,7 +218,7 @@ Lemma F25519_sub_OK : RepBinOpOK F25519RepConversions ModularArithmetic.sub F255
destruct x as [[[[[[[[[x9 x8] x7] x6] x5] x4] x3] x2] x1] x0].
destruct y as [[[[[[[[[y9 y8] y7] y6] y5] y4] y3] y2] y1] y0].
let E := constr:(GF25519Base25Point5_sub_formula x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9) in
- transitivity (ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_sig E)); [|solve[simpl;f_equal]];
+ transitivity (ModularBaseSystem.decode (proj1_sig E)); [|solve[simpl; apply f_equal; reflexivity]];
destruct E as [? r]; cbv [proj1_sig].
cbv [rep ModularBaseSystem.rep PseudoMersenneBase modulus] in r; edestruct r; eauto.
-Qed. \ No newline at end of file