path: root/src/Specific/Framework/bench/prettyprint.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Specific/Framework/bench/prettyprint.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/Framework/bench/prettyprint.py b/src/Specific/Framework/bench/prettyprint.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f349cee5c..000000000
--- a/src/Specific/Framework/bench/prettyprint.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import re, sys
-def translate_typename(t):
- return {
- 'word8':'uint8_t',
- 'word16':'uint16_t',
- 'word32':'uint32_t',
- 'word64':'uint64_t',
- 'word128':'uint128_t',
- 'word 8':'uint8_t',
- 'word 16':'uint16_t',
- 'word 32':'uint32_t',
- 'word 64':'uint64_t',
- 'word 128':'uint128_t'
- }.get(t,t)
-def cleanup_type(t):
- t = t.strip()
- if t.startswith('ReturnType (') and t.endswith(')'):
- t = t[len('ReturnType ('):-len(')')]
- return t
-def translate_type(t):
- t = cleanup_type(t)
- fieldtypes = [s.strip() for s in t.split('*')]
- assert len(set(fieldtypes)) == 1
- return translate_typename(fieldtypes[0]), len(fieldtypes)
-funcname = sys.argv[1]
-_, _, _, binderline, *bodylines, returnline, _, typeline = sys.stdin.read().strip('\n').split('\n')
-*arguments, (returntype, returnlength) = [translate_type(s) for s in typeline.lstrip(": ").split('→')]
-binders = binderline.replace('λ','').replace('\'', '').replace('(','').replace(')','').replace('%core','').split(',')
-binders = [b.strip() for b in binders if b.strip()]
-returnline = returnline.strip()
-assert returnline.endswith(')') # I don't know why there is an extra paren on that line
-returnline = returnline[:-len(')')].strip()
-if returnline.startswith('return'):
- returnline = returnline[len('return'):].strip()
-if returnline.startswith('(') and returnline.endswith(')'): # but only once... idk why
- returnline = returnline[1:-1].strip()
-returneds = returnline.replace('Return','').split(',')
-returneds = [r.strip() for r in returneds if r.strip()]
-assert (len(binders) == sum(l for (_, l) in arguments))
-indent = ' '
-outparam = [(returntype, "out", returnlength)]
-inparams = [("const "+t, "in%d"%(i+1), l) for (i,(t,l)) in enumerate(arguments)]
-print ("static void "+funcname+"(" + ", ".join("%s %s[%d]"%x for x in (outparam+inparams)) + ") {")
-braces = 0
-for (b, (i, (t, a))) in (list(zip(binders,sum((list(reversed(list(enumerate(l*[(t,n)])))) for (t, n, l) in inparams), [])))):
- print (indent+ "{ %s %s = %s[%d];"%(t, b, a, i))
- braces += 1
-mulx_re = re.compile(r'^([^,]*),(\s*)([^ ]*) ([^ ]*)(.*)(mulx.*)\)([; ]*)$'); mulx_sub = r' \3 \4;\2\1\5_\6, &\4)\7'
-adc_re = re.compile(r'^([^,]*) ([^, ]*)(\s*),(.*)(addcarryx.*)\)([; ]*)$'); adc_sub = r'\1 \2\3;\4_\5, &\2)\6'
-sbb_re = re.compile(r'^([^,]*) ([^, ]*)(\s*),(.*)(subborrow.*)\)([; ]*)$'); sbb_sub = r'\1 \2\3;\4_\5, &\2)\6'
-for s in bodylines:
- s = re.sub(mulx_re, mulx_sub, s)
- s = re.sub(adc_re, adc_sub, s)
- s = re.sub(sbb_re, sbb_sub, s)
- print (indent+ "{"+s)
- braces += 1
-for (i,r) in enumerate(reversed(returneds)):
- print (indent+ "out[%d] = %s;"%(i, r))
-print (indent+'}'*braces)
-print ('}')