path: root/src/Specific/FancyMachine256/Core.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Specific/FancyMachine256/Core.v')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Specific/FancyMachine256/Core.v b/src/Specific/FancyMachine256/Core.v
index eb443a8e3..9dd66e777 100644
--- a/src/Specific/FancyMachine256/Core.v
+++ b/src/Specific/FancyMachine256/Core.v
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Local Notation eta3' x := (fst x, eta (snd x)).
(** ** Reflective Assembly Syntax *)
Section reflection.
- Context (ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)).
+ Context {ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)}.
Local Set Boolean Equality Schemes.
Local Set Decidable Equality Schemes.
Inductive base_type := TZ | Tbool | TW.
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Section reflection.
Local Notation tW := (Tbase TW).
Local Open Scope ctype_scope.
Inductive op : flat_type base_type -> flat_type base_type -> Type :=
+ | OPconst t : interp_base_type t -> op Unit (Tbase t)
| OPldi : op tZ tW
| OPshrd : op (tW * tW * tZ) tW
| OPshl : op (tW * tZ) tW
@@ -59,9 +60,13 @@ Section reflection.
| OPselc : op (tbool * tW * tW) tW
| OPaddm : op (tW * tW * tW) tW.
+ Definition is_const s d (v : op s d) : bool
+ := match v with OPconst _ _ => true | _ => false end.
Definition interp_op src dst (f : op src dst)
: interp_flat_type interp_base_type src -> interp_flat_type interp_base_type dst
:= match f in op s d return interp_flat_type _ s -> interp_flat_type _ d with
+ | OPconst _ v => fun _ => v
| OPldi => ldi
| OPshrd => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in shrd x y z
| OPshl => fun xy => let '(x, y) := eta xy in shl x y
@@ -75,19 +80,16 @@ Section reflection.
| OPaddm => fun xyz => let '(x, y, z) := eta3 xyz in addm x y z
- Inductive SConstT := ZConst (_ : Z) | BoolConst (_ : bool) | INVALID_CONST.
- Inductive op_code : Set :=
+ Inductive op_code : Type :=
+ | SOPconstb (v : bool) | SOPconstZ (v : Z) | SOPconstW
| SOPldi | SOPshrd | SOPshl | SOPshr | SOPadc | SOPsubc
| SOPmulhwll | SOPmulhwhl | SOPmulhwhh | SOPselc | SOPaddm.
- Definition symbolicify_const (t : base_type) : interp_base_type t -> SConstT
- := match t with
- | TZ => fun x => ZConst x
- | Tbool => fun x => BoolConst x
- | TW => fun x => INVALID_CONST
- end.
Definition symbolicify_op s d (v : op s d) : op_code
:= match v with
+ | OPconst TZ v => SOPconstZ v
+ | OPconst Tbool v => SOPconstb v
+ | OPconst TW v => SOPconstW
| OPldi => SOPldi
| OPshrd => SOPshrd
| OPshl => SOPshl
@@ -101,28 +103,29 @@ Section reflection.
| OPaddm => SOPaddm
- Definition CSE {t} e := @CSE base_type SConstT op_code base_type_beq SConstT_beq op_code_beq internal_base_type_dec_bl interp_base_type op symbolicify_const symbolicify_op t e (fun _ => nil).
+ Definition CSE {t} e := @CSE base_type op_code base_type_beq op_code_beq internal_base_type_dec_bl op symbolicify_op t e (fun _ => nil).
Inductive inline_option := opt_inline | opt_default | opt_noinline.
- Definition postprocess var t (e : @exprf base_type interp_base_type op var t)
- : @inline_directive base_type interp_base_type op var t
+ Definition postprocess var t (e : @exprf base_type op var t)
+ : @inline_directive base_type op var t
:= let opt : inline_option
:= match e with
| Op _ _ OPshl _ => opt_inline
| Op _ _ OPshr _ => opt_inline
+ | Op _ _ (OPconst _ _) _ => opt_inline
| _ => opt_default
end in
match opt with
| opt_noinline => no_inline e
| opt_default => default_inline e
- | opt_inline => match t as t' return exprf _ _ _ t' -> inline_directive t' with
+ | opt_inline => match t as t' return exprf _ _ t' -> inline_directive t' with
| Tbase _ => fun e => inline e
| _ => fun e => default_inline e
end e
- Definition Inline {t} e := @InlineConstGen base_type interp_base_type op postprocess t e.
+ Definition Inline {t} e := @InlineConstGen base_type op postprocess t e.
End reflection.
Ltac base_reify_op op op_head expr ::=
@@ -146,10 +149,10 @@ Ltac base_reify_type T ::=
| fancy_machine.W => TW
-Ltac Reify' e := Reify.Reify' base_type (interp_base_type _) op e.
+Ltac Reify' e := Reify.Reify' base_type (@interp_base_type _) (@op _) e.
Ltac Reify e :=
- let v := Reify.Reify base_type (interp_base_type _) op e in
- constr:(Inline _ ((*CSE _*) (InlineConst (Linearize v)))).
+ let v := Reify.Reify base_type (@interp_base_type _) (@op _) (@OPconst _) e in
+ constr:(Inline ((*CSE _*) (InlineConst (@is_const _) (Linearize v)))).
(*Ltac Reify_rhs := Reify.Reify_rhs base_type (interp_base_type _) op (interp_op _).*)
(** ** Raw Syntax Trees *)
@@ -207,10 +210,10 @@ Global Instance RegisterContext {var : base_type -> Type} : Context Register var
:= ContextOn pos_of_Register (RegisterAssign.pos_context var).
Definition syntax {ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)}
- := Named.expr base_type (interp_base_type ops) op Register.
+ := Named.expr base_type op Register.
-Class wf_empty {ops} {var} {t} (e : Named.expr base_type (interp_base_type ops) op Register t)
- := mk_wf_empty : @Named.wf base_type (interp_base_type ops) op Register var _ empty t e.
+Class wf_empty {ops} {var} {t} (e : Named.expr base_type (@op ops) Register t)
+ := mk_wf_empty : @Named.wf base_type op Register var _ empty t e.
Global Hint Extern 0 (wf_empty _) => vm_compute; intros; constructor : typeclass_instances.
(** Assemble a well-typed easily interpretable expression into a
@@ -218,7 +221,7 @@ Global Hint Extern 0 (wf_empty _) => vm_compute; intros; constructor : typeclass
Section assemble.
Context {ops : fancy_machine.instructions (2 * 128)}.
- Definition AssembleSyntax' {t} (e : Expr base_type (interp_base_type _) op t) (ls : list Register)
+ Definition AssembleSyntax' {t} (e : Expr base_type op t) (ls : list Register)
: option (syntax t)
:= CompileAndEliminateDeadCode e ls.
Definition AssembleSyntax {t} e ls (res := @AssembleSyntax' t e ls)
@@ -229,13 +232,13 @@ Section assemble.
Definition dummy_registers (n : nat) : list Register
:= List.map scratchplus (seq 0 n).
- Definition DefaultRegisters {t} (e : Expr base_type (interp_base_type _) op t) : list Register
+ Definition DefaultRegisters {t} (e : Expr base_type op t) : list Register
:= dummy_registers (CountBinders e).
Definition DefaultAssembleSyntax {t} e := @AssembleSyntax t e (DefaultRegisters e).
Definition Interp {t} e {wf : wf_empty e}
- := @Named.interp base_type (interp_base_type _) op Register _ (interp_op _) empty t e wf.
+ := @Named.interp base_type interp_base_type op Register _ interp_op empty t e wf.
End assemble.
Export Reflection.Named.Syntax.
@@ -245,6 +248,7 @@ Open Scope type_scope.
Open Scope core_scope.
Notation Return x := (Var x).
+Notation Const z := (Op (@OPconst _ _ z) TT).
Notation ldi z := (Op OPldi (Const z%Z)).
Notation "'slet' x := A 'in' b" := (LetIn _ x (Op OPldi (Var A%nexpr)) b%nexpr) : nexpr_scope.
Notation "'c.Rshi' ( x , A , B , C ) , b" :=