path: root/src/Galois
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2 files changed, 240 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v b/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v
index f09f87eb6..ead4f9d78 100644
--- a/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v
+++ b/src/Galois/BaseSystem.v
@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@ Module Type BaseCoefs.
Parameter base : list Z.
Axiom base_positive : forall b, In b base -> b > 0. (* nonzero would probably work too... *)
Axiom b0_1 : forall x, nth_default x base 0 = 1.
- Axiom base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length base)%nat ->
- let b := nth_default 0 base in
- let r := (b (S i) / b i) in
- b (S i) = r * b i.
Axiom base_good :
forall i j, (i+j < length base)%nat ->
let b := nth_default 0 base in
diff --git a/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v b/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v
index 48a166540..5a5a35495 100644
--- a/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v
+++ b/src/Galois/ModularBaseSystem.v
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ Module Type PseudoMersenneBaseParams (Import B:BaseCoefs) (Import M:Modulus).
let r := (b i * b j) / (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat) in
b i * b j = r * (2^k * b (i+j-length base)%nat).
+ Axiom base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length base)%nat ->
+ let b := nth_default 0 base in
+ b (S i) mod b i = 0.
+ Axiom base_tail_matches_modulus:
+ 2^k mod nth_default 0 base (pred (length base)) = 0.
(* Probably implied by modulus_pseudomersenne. *)
Axiom k_nonneg : 0 <= k.
@@ -112,17 +119,27 @@ Module GFPseudoMersenneBase (BC:BaseCoefs) (M:Modulus) (P:PseudoMersenneBasePara
Lemma base_succ : forall i, ((S i) < length base)%nat ->
let b := nth_default 0 base in
- let r := (b (S i) / b i) in
- b (S i) = r * b i.
+ b (S i) mod b i = 0.
- intros; subst b; subst r; unfold base.
+ intros; subst b; unfold base.
repeat rewrite nth_default_app.
- do 2 break_if; try apply BC.base_succ; try omega. {
+ do 2 break_if; try apply P.base_succ; try omega. {
destruct (lt_eq_lt_dec (S i) (length BC.base)). {
destruct s; intuition.
- rewrite map_nth_default_base_high.
+ rewrite map_nth_default_base_high by omega.
+ replace i with (pred(length BC.base)) by omega.
+ rewrite <- Zmult_mod_idemp_l.
+ rewrite P.base_tail_matches_modulus; simpl.
+ rewrite Zmod_0_l; auto.
+ } {
+ assert (length BC.base <= i)%nat by (apply lt_n_Sm_le; auto); omega.
- assert (length BC.base <= i)%nat by (apply lt_n_Sm_le; auto); omega.
+ } {
+ unfold base in H; rewrite app_length, map_length in H.
+ repeat rewrite map_nth_default_base_high by omega.
+ rewrite Zmult_mod_distr_l.
+ rewrite <- minus_Sn_m by omega.
+ rewrite P.base_succ by omega; auto.
@@ -410,187 +427,250 @@ Module GFPseudoMersenneBase (BC:BaseCoefs) (M:Modulus) (P:PseudoMersenneBasePara
then add_to_nth 0 (P.c * (di / cap i)) us'
else add_to_nth (S i) ( (di / cap i)) us'.
- Lemma carry_length : forall i us,
- (length us <= length BC.base)%nat ->
- (length (carry i us) <= length BC.base)%nat.
+ Lemma set_nth_nil : forall {T} n (x : T), set_nth n x nil = nil.
- unfold carry, add_to_nth; intros; break_if; subst; repeat (rewrite length_set_nth); auto.
+ induction n; boring.
- Lemma fold_right_accumulate_init : forall v0 xs,
- fold_right B.accumulate v0 xs = v0 + fold_right B.accumulate 0 xs.
+ Lemma nth_default_nil : forall {T} n (d : T), nth_default d nil n = d.
- induction xs; boring.
+ induction n; boring.
- Lemma Zplus_assoc_l : forall n m p, n + m + p = (n + m) + p.
+ Lemma B_decode_cons : forall x us,
+ B.decode (x :: us) = x + B.decode (0 :: us).
- auto.
+ unfold B.decode; intros.
+ rewrite B.base_eq_1cons.
+ do 2 rewrite B.decode'_cons; ring_simplify; auto.
- Lemma In_app_nil : forall {T} l l' (a : T), l = l' ++ a :: nil -> In a l.
+ Lemma cons_set_nth : forall {T} n (x y : T) us,
+ y :: set_nth n x us = set_nth (S n) x (y :: us).
- boring.
+ induction n; boring.
- Lemma div_mul_divide: forall n m, n = (n / m) * m -> (m | n).
+ Lemma decode'_splice : forall xs ys bs,
+ B.decode' bs (xs ++ ys) =
+ B.decode' (firstn (length xs) bs) xs +
+ B.decode' (skipn (length xs) bs) ys.
- intros; apply (Znumtheory.Zdivide_intro m n (n/m)); auto.
+ induction xs; destruct ys, bs; boring.
+ unfold B.decode'.
+ rewrite combine_truncate_r.
+ ring.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma skipn_nth_default : forall {T} n us (d : T), (n < length us)%nat ->
+ skipn n us = nth_default d us n :: skipn (S n) us.
+ Proof.
+ induction n; destruct us; intros; nth_tac.
+ rewrite (IHn us d) at 1 by omega.
+ nth_tac.
- Lemma mul_divide_l : forall m n p, n <> 0 -> ((m * n) | p) -> (m | p).
+ Lemma nth_default_out_of_bounds : forall {T} n us (d : T), (n >= length us)%nat ->
+ nth_default d us n = d.
- intros; apply (Z.mul_divide_cancel_l m p n); auto.
- rewrite Z.mul_comm; apply Z.divide_mul_r; auto.
+ induction n; unfold nth_default; nth_tac; destruct us; nth_tac.
+ assert (n >= length us)%nat by omega.
+ pose proof (nth_error_length_error _ n us H1).
+ rewrite H0 in H2.
+ congruence.
- Lemma base_divide_2k : forall x, In x BC.base -> (x | 2 ^ P.k).
+ Lemma set_nth_sum : forall n x us, (n < length us)%nat ->
+ B.decode (set_nth n x us) =
+ (x - nth_default 0 us n) * nth_default 0 BC.base n + B.decode us.
- destruct (In_nth_error_value BC.base _ H).
- pose proof (nth_error_value_length _ _ BC.base _ H0).
- destruct x0. {
- replace x with (nth_default 0 BC.base 0) by
- (unfold nth_default; replace (nth_error BC.base 0) with (Some x); auto).
- rewrite BC.b0_1.
- apply Z.divide_1_l.
+ unfold B.decode.
+ nth_inbounds; auto. (* TODO(andreser): nth_inbounds should do this auto*)
+ unfold splice_nth.
+ rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n us) at 4.
+ do 2 rewrite decode'_splice.
+ remember (length (firstn n us)) as n0.
+ ring_simplify.
+ remember (B.decode' (firstn n0 BC.base) (firstn n us)).
+ rewrite (skipn_nth_default n us 0) by omega.
+ rewrite firstn_length in Heqn0.
+ rewrite Min.min_l in Heqn0 by omega; subst n0.
+ destruct (le_lt_dec (length BC.base) n). {
+ rewrite nth_default_out_of_bounds by auto.
+ rewrite skipn_all by omega.
+ do 2 rewrite B.decode_base_nil.
+ ring_simplify; auto.
} {
- assert (length (BC.base) - S x0 < length BC.base)%nat as A0 by (apply lt_minus; omega).
- remember (S x0) as y.
- assert (length BC.base - y + y >= length BC.base)%nat as A2 by omega.
- pose proof (P.base_matches_modulus ((length BC.base) - y) y A0 H1 A2) as P0.
- remember (length BC.base) as l.
- replace (l - y + y - l)%nat with 0%nat in P0 by
- (rewrite NPeano.Nat.sub_add; try rewrite minus_diag; auto; apply lt_le_weak; subst;
- eapply nth_error_value_length; eauto).
- simpl in *.
- rewrite BC.b0_1 in P0.
- SearchAbout Z.divide.
- Admitted.
- Lemma base_tail_div_mul_2k : forall l x, BC.base = l ++ x :: nil ->
- 2 ^ P.k = (2 ^ P.k / x) * x.
+ rewrite (skipn_nth_default n BC.base 0) by omega.
+ do 2 rewrite B.decode'_cons.
+ ring_simplify; ring.
+ }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma add_to_nth_sum : forall n x us, (n < length us)%nat ->
+ B.decode (add_to_nth n x us) =
+ x * nth_default 0 BC.base n + B.decode us.
+ Proof.
+ unfold add_to_nth; intros; rewrite set_nth_sum; try ring_simplify; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma nth_default_base_positive : forall i, (i < length BC.base)%nat ->
+ nth_default 0 BC.base i > 0.
- rewrite Z.mul_comm.
- apply Z_div_exact_full_2; apply In_app_nil in H; try (apply BC.base_positive in H; omega).
- rewrite Z.mod_divide by (intro; subst; pose proof (BC.base_positive 0 H); omega).
- apply base_divide_2k; auto.
+ pose proof (nth_error_length_exists_value _ _ H).
+ destruct H0.
+ pose proof (nth_error_value_In _ _ _ H0).
+ pose proof (BC.base_positive _ H1).
+ unfold nth_default.
+ rewrite H0; auto.
- Lemma nth_error_last : forall {T} l (x y : T),
- nth_error (l ++ x :: nil) (length l) = Some y -> y = x.
+ Lemma gt_lt_symmetry: forall n m, n > m <-> m < n.
+ Proof.
+ intros; split; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma base_succ_div_mult : forall i, ((S i) < length BC.base)%nat ->
+ nth_default 0 BC.base (S i) = nth_default 0 BC.base i *
+ (nth_default 0 BC.base (S i) / nth_default 0 BC.base i).
- rewrite nth_error_app in H; break_if; try omega.
- replace (length l - length l)%nat with 0%nat in * by omega; simpl in *.
- unfold value in H; congruence.
- Qed.
- Lemma carry_rep : forall i us x
- (Hi : (i < length BC.base)%nat)
- (Hl : length us = length BC.base),
- us ~= x ->
- carry i us ~= x.
- Proof.
- split; [pose proof carry_length; boring|].
- unfold rep, toGF, B.decode, B.decode', B.accumulate,
- carry, add_to_nth, cap, nth_default in *; intros.
- pose proof (list012 BC.base).
- pose proof (list012 us).
- repeat break_or_hyp;
- break_exists; subst;
- match goal with [H: BC.base =_ |- _] => rewrite H in * end;
- distr_length. {
- intuition; simpl in *.
- destruct i; try omega.
- subst; galois.
- replace x0 with 1 by (pose proof B.base_eq_1cons; congruence).
- rewrite Zdiv_1_r.
- replace ((P.c * (x1 / (2 ^ P.k)) + x1 mod (2 ^ P.k)) * 1 + 0)
- with (x1 mod (2 ^ P.k) + (P.c * (x1 / (2 ^ P.k))))
- by ring.
- rewrite <- pseudomersenne_add; f_equal; ring_simplify.
- rewrite Z.add_comm; symmetry.
- apply Z_div_mod_eq.
- admit.
- } {
- break_if. {
- intuition; subst x.
- repeat (rewrite combine_set_nth).
- nth_inbounds.
- nth_inbounds.
- nth_inbounds.
- nth_inbounds.
- nth_inbounds; [|distr_length; eapply NPeano.Nat.min_case; omega].
- nth_inbounds; [|distr_length; eapply NPeano.Nat.min_case; omega].
- unfold splice_nth.
- rewrite firstn0, app_nil_l.
- rewrite (skipn_all (S i)) by (distr_length; eapply NPeano.Nat.min_case; omega).
- rewrite fold_right_cons.
- replace x0 with 1 by (pose proof B.base_eq_1cons; congruence).
- rewrite firstn_combine.
- rewrite skipn_app_inleft by (distr_length; repeat (eapply NPeano.Nat.min_case); subst; omega).
- rewrite skipn_combine.
- rewrite fold_right_app.
- subst i; rewrite plus_comm; simpl.
- do 2 rewrite firstn_app_sharp by omega.
- rewrite combine_app_samelength by omega.
- rewrite fold_right_app; simpl.
- fold B.accumulate.
- rewrite fold_right_accumulate_init.
- rewrite (fold_right_accumulate_init (x5*x2+0)).
- galois.
- rewrite Zplus_assoc.
- rewrite Zplus_assoc.
- rewrite Zplus_mod.
- rewrite Zplus_assoc.
- rewrite Zplus_assoc.
- rewrite (Zplus_mod (x3 * 1 + x5 * x2 + 0)).
- f_equal.
- rewrite Z.add_cancel_r.
- assert (x = x0) as A0 by admit.
- assert (x = 1). {
- replace x with (nth_default 0 BC.base 0); try apply BC.b0_1.
- rewrite H0, A0; auto.
- }
- assert (x6 = x5). {
- apply (nth_error_last (x3 :: x4)); auto.
- replace (length (x3 :: x4)) with (length x1 + 1)%nat; auto.
- replace (length (x3 :: x4)) with (length x4 + 1)%nat by distr_length.
- omega.
- }
- assert (x7 = x2). {
- apply (nth_error_last (x0 :: x1)); auto.
- replace (length (x0 :: x1)) with (length x1 + 1)%nat by distr_length; auto.
- }
- assert (x8 = x3). {
- replace (length x1 + 1)%nat with (S (length x1))%nat in H4 by omega.
- simpl in H4; unfold value in *; congruence.
- }
- assert ((x3 * 1 + x5 * x2 + 0) =
- x3 + (x5 mod (2 ^ P.k / x2))* x2 + (x5 / (2 ^ P.k / x2) * (2 ^ P.k))) as A1. {
- ring_simplify.
- rewrite Zplus_assoc_reverse.
- rewrite (Z.add_cancel_l _ _ x3).
- rewrite (base_tail_div_mul_2k (x0 :: x1) x2) at 3; auto.
- rewrite Z.mul_assoc.
- do 2 rewrite <- (Z.mul_comm x2).
- rewrite <- (Zmult_plus_distr_r).
- f_equal.
- rewrite Zplus_comm.
- rewrite Z.mul_comm.
- rewrite <- Z.div_mod; auto.
- assert (2 ^ P.k / x2 <> 0) by admit; auto.
- }
- rewrite A1; subst.
- rewrite (Z.mul_comm _ (2 ^ P.k)).
- rewrite pseudomersenne_add; subst.
- apply Zmod_eq; ring_simplify; auto.
+ apply Z_div_exact_2; try (apply nth_default_base_positive; omega).
+ apply P.base_succ; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma positive_is_nonzero : forall x, x > 0 -> x <> 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve positive_is_nonzero.
+ Lemma div_positive_gt_0 : forall a b, a > 0 -> b > 0 -> a mod b = 0 ->
+ a / b > 0.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite gt_lt_symmetry.
+ apply Z.div_str_pos.
+ split; intuition.
+ apply Z.divide_pos_le; try (apply Znumtheory.Zmod_divide); omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma base_length_lt_pred : (pred (length BC.base) < length BC.base)%nat.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof EC.base_length_nonzero; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Resolve base_length_lt_pred.
+ Lemma cap_positive: forall i, (i < length BC.base)%nat -> cap i > 0.
+ Proof.
+ unfold cap; intros; break_if. {
+ apply div_positive_gt_0; try (subst; apply P.base_tail_matches_modulus). {
+ rewrite <- two_p_equiv.
+ apply two_p_gt_ZERO.
+ apply P.k_nonneg.
+ } {
+ apply nth_default_base_positive; subst; auto.
- Abort.
+ } {
+ apply div_positive_gt_0; try (apply P.base_succ; omega);
+ try (apply nth_default_base_positive; omega).
+ }
+ Qed.
+ Lemma cap_div_mod : forall us i, (i < (pred (length BC.base)))%nat ->
+ let di := nth_default 0 us i in
+ (di - (di mod cap i)) * nth_default 0 BC.base i =
+ (di / cap i) * nth_default 0 BC.base (S i).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq di (cap i)) at 1 by (apply cap_positive; omega);
+ ring_simplify.
+ unfold cap; break_if; intuition.
+ rewrite base_succ_div_mult at 4 by omega; ring.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma carry_decode_eq : forall i us,
+ (length us = length BC.base) ->
+ (i < (pred (length BC.base)))%nat ->
+ B.decode (carry i us) = B.decode us.
+ Proof.
+ unfold carry; intros; break_if; intuition.
+ rewrite add_to_nth_sum by (rewrite length_set_nth; omega).
+ rewrite set_nth_sum by omega.
+ rewrite <- cap_div_mod by auto; ring_simplify; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma two_k_div_mul_last :
+ 2 ^ P.k = nth_default 0 BC.base (pred (length BC.base)) *
+ (2 ^ P.k / nth_default 0 BC.base (pred (length BC.base))).
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ pose proof P.base_tail_matches_modulus.
+ rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq (2 ^ P.k) (nth_default 0 BC.base (pred (length BC.base)))) at 1 by
+ (apply nth_default_base_positive; auto); omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma cap_div_mod_reduce : forall us,
+ let i := pred (length BC.base) in
+ let di := nth_default 0 us i in
+ (di - (di mod cap i)) * nth_default 0 BC.base i =
+ (di / cap i) * 2 ^ P.k.
+ Proof.
+ intros.
+ rewrite (Z_div_mod_eq di (cap i)) at 1 by
+ (apply cap_positive; auto); ring_simplify.
+ unfold cap; break_if; intuition.
+ rewrite Z.mul_comm, Z.mul_assoc.
+ subst i; rewrite <- two_k_div_mul_last; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma elim_mod : forall a b, a = b -> a mod modulus = b mod modulus.
+ Proof.
+ intros; subst; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma carry_decode_eq_reduce : forall us,
+ (length us = length BC.base) ->
+ B.decode (carry (pred (length BC.base)) us) mod modulus
+ = B.decode us mod modulus.
+ Proof.
+ unfold carry; intros; break_if; intuition.
+ pose proof EC.base_length_nonzero.
+ rewrite add_to_nth_sum by (rewrite length_set_nth; omega).
+ rewrite set_nth_sum by omega.
+ rewrite Zplus_comm; rewrite <- Z.mul_assoc.
+ rewrite <- pseudomersenne_add.
+ rewrite BC.b0_1.
+ rewrite (Z.mul_comm (2 ^ P.k)).
+ rewrite <- Zred_factor0.
+ rewrite <- cap_div_mod_reduce by auto.
+ apply elim_mod; ring_simplify; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma carry_length : forall i us,
+ (length us <= length BC.base)%nat ->
+ (length (carry i us) <= length BC.base)%nat.
+ Proof.
+ unfold carry, add_to_nth; intros; break_if; subst; repeat (rewrite length_set_nth); auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma carry_rep : forall i us x,
+ (length us = length BC.base) ->
+ (i < length BC.base)%nat ->
+ us ~= x -> carry i us ~= x.
+ Proof.
+ unfold rep, toGF; intros.
+ destruct H1.
+ split; try apply carry_length; auto.
+ rewrite <- H2.
+ galois.
+ destruct (eq_nat_dec i (pred (length BC.base))). {
+ subst i; apply carry_decode_eq_reduce; auto.
+ } {
+ rewrite carry_decode_eq by omega; auto.
+ }
+ Qed.
End GFPseudoMersenneBase.