path: root/src/Curves
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1 files changed, 190 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/src/Curves/PointFormats.v b/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
index 95beb973e..2f5683c2e 100644
--- a/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
+++ b/src/Curves/PointFormats.v
@@ -17,6 +17,113 @@ Module Type TwistedEdwardsParams (M : Modulus).
Axiom d_nonsquare : forall x, x * x <> d.
End TwistedEdwardsParams.
+Class OpWithZero (A : Type) := {
+ op : A -> A -> A;
+ zero : A;
+ zero_id : forall x : A, op x zero = x
+Definition testbit_rev p i := Pos.testbit_nat p (Pos.size_nat p - i).
+(* TODO: decide if this should go here or somewhere else (util?) *)
+(* implements Pos.iter_op only using testbit, not destructing the positive *)
+Definition iter_op {A} (OpWZ : OpWithZero A) :=
+ fix iter (p : positive) (i : nat) (a : A) : A :=
+ match i with
+ | O => zero
+ | S i' => if testbit_rev p i
+ then op a (iter p i' (op a a))
+ else iter p i' (op a a)
+ end.
+Lemma testbit_rev_xI : forall p i,
+ (i <= Pos.size_nat p) ->
+ testbit_rev p~1 i = testbit_rev p i.
+ unfold testbit_rev; intros.
+ replace (Pos.size_nat p~1) with (S (Pos.size_nat p)) by auto.
+ rewrite NPeano.Nat.sub_succ_l by omega.
+ auto.
+Lemma testbit_rev_xO : forall p i,
+ (i <= Pos.size_nat p) ->
+ testbit_rev p~0 i = testbit_rev p i.
+ unfold testbit_rev; intros.
+ replace (Pos.size_nat p~0) with (S (Pos.size_nat p)) by auto.
+ rewrite NPeano.Nat.sub_succ_l by omega.
+ auto.
+Lemma iter_op_xI : forall {A} p i OpWZ (a : A),
+ (i <= Pos.size_nat p) -> (0 < i) ->
+ iter_op OpWZ p~1 i a = iter_op OpWZ p i a.
+ induction i; intros; [pose proof (Gt.gt_irrefl 0); intuition|].
+ unfold iter_op.
+ fold (iter_op OpWZ p~1 i (op a a) ).
+ fold (iter_op OpWZ p i (op a a) ).
+ rewrite testbit_rev_xI by omega; simpl.
+ case_eq i; intros; auto.
+ replace (S n) with i by auto.
+ assert (i <= Pos.size_nat p) as hi_bound by omega.
+ assert (0 < i) as lo_bound by (pose proof Gt.gt_Sn_O; omega).
+ rewrite (IHi _ _ hi_bound lo_bound).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma iter_op_xO : forall {A} p i OpWZ (a : A),
+ (i <= Pos.size_nat p) -> (0 < i) ->
+ iter_op OpWZ p~0 i a = iter_op OpWZ p i a.
+ induction i; intros; [pose proof (Gt.gt_irrefl 0); intuition|].
+ unfold iter_op.
+ fold (iter_op OpWZ p~0 i (op a a) ).
+ fold (iter_op OpWZ p i (op a a) ).
+ rewrite testbit_rev_xO by omega; simpl.
+ case_eq i; intros; auto.
+ replace (S n) with i by auto.
+ assert (i <= Pos.size_nat p) as hi_bound by omega.
+ assert (0 < i) as lo_bound by (pose proof Gt.gt_Sn_O; omega).
+ rewrite (IHi _ _ hi_bound lo_bound).
+ reflexivity.
+Lemma pos_size_gt0 : forall p, 0 < Pos.size_nat p.
+Hint Resolve pos_size_gt0.
+Lemma test_low_bit_xI : forall p, testbit_rev p~1 (Pos.size_nat p~1) = true.
+Hint Resolve test_low_bit_xI.
+Lemma test_low_bit_xO : forall p, testbit_rev p~0 (Pos.size_nat p~0) = false.
+Hint Resolve test_low_bit_xO.
+Ltac low_bit := match goal with
+| H : testbit_rev ?p~1 (S (Pos.size_nat ?p)) = false |- _ =>
+ pose proof (test_low_bit_xI p); simpl in *; congruence
+| H : testbit_rev ?p~0 (S (Pos.size_nat ?p)) = true |- _ =>
+ pose proof (test_low_bit_xO p); simpl in *; congruence
+| _ => idtac
+Lemma iter_op_spec : forall p {A} OpWZ (a : A),
+ iter_op OpWZ p (Pos.size_nat p) a = Pos.iter_op op p a.
+ induction p; intros; simpl; try apply zero_id. {
+ break_if; low_bit.
+ rewrite iter_op_xI by (try apply pos_size_gt0; auto).
+ rewrite IHp; reflexivity.
+ } {
+ break_if; low_bit.
+ rewrite iter_op_xO by (try apply pos_size_gt0; auto).
+ rewrite IHp; reflexivity.
+ }
Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParams M).
(** Twisted Ewdwards curves with complete addition laws. References:
* <https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/013.pdf>
@@ -54,24 +161,23 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
Local Infix "+" := unifiedAdd.
+ Lemma zeroIsIdentity : forall P, P + zero = P.
+ Admitted.
+ Definition unifiedAddWZ : OpWithZero point :=
+ Build_OpWithZero point unifiedAdd zero zeroIsIdentity.
Fixpoint scalarMult (n:nat) (P : point) : point :=
- match n with
+ match n with
| O => zero
| S n' => P + scalarMult n' P
- Fixpoint doubleAndAdd' (p : positive) (P : point) : point :=
- match p with
- | 1%positive => P
- | xO q => doubleAndAdd' q (P + P)
- | xI q => P + doubleAndAdd' q (P + P)
- end.
Definition doubleAndAdd (n : nat) (P : point) : point :=
match N.of_nat n with
- | N0 => zero
- | Npos p => doubleAndAdd' p P
+ | 0%N => zero
+ | N.pos p => iter_op unifiedAddWZ p (Pos.size_nat p) P
End CompleteTwistedEdwardsCurve.
@@ -144,36 +250,93 @@ Module CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts (M : Modulus) (Import P : TwistedEdwardsParam
Hint Resolve zeroIsIdentity.
- Lemma scalarMult_double : forall n P, scalarMult (n * 2) P = scalarMult n (P + P).
+ Lemma scalarMult_double : forall n P, scalarMult (n + n) P = scalarMult n (P + P).
- induction n; intros; simpl; auto.
+ intros.
+ replace (n + n)%nat with (n * 2)%nat by omega.
+ induction n; simpl; auto.
rewrite twistedAddAssoc.
f_equal; auto.
- Lemma doubleAndAdd'_spec :
- forall p P, scalarMult (Pos.to_nat p) P = doubleAndAdd' p P.
+ Lemma iter_op_double : forall p P,
+ Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd (p + p) P = Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd p (P + P).
+ Proof.
+ (* TODO: use scalarMult_assoc instead of induction. *)
+ intros.
+ rewrite Pos.add_diag.
+ unfold Pos.iter_op; simpl.
+ auto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma append1_gt1 : forall p, (1 <> p~1)%positive.
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma xI_is_succ : forall n p
+ (H : Pos.of_succ_nat n = p~1%positive),
+ (Pos.to_nat p * 2)%nat = n.
- induction p; intros; simpl; auto. {
- f_equal.
- rewrite Pnat.Pmult_nat_mult.
- rewrite scalarMult_double.
- apply IHp.
+ induction n; intros; simpl in *; auto. {
+ pose proof (append1_gt1 p); intuition.
} {
- rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_xO.
- rewrite Mult.mult_comm.
- rewrite scalarMult_double.
- apply IHp.
+ SearchAbout Pos.succ.
+ rewrite Pos.xI_succ_xO in H.
+ pose proof (Pos.succ_inj _ _ H); clear H.
+ rewrite Pos.of_nat_succ in H0.
+ rewrite <- Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_iff in H0.
+ rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_xO in H0.
+ rewrite Pnat.Nat2Pos.id in H0 by apply NPeano.Nat.neq_succ_0.
+ rewrite H0.
+ apply NPeano.Nat.mul_comm.
+ Lemma doubleAndAdd_iterop : forall p P,
+ Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd p P = doubleAndAdd (Pos.to_nat p) P.
+ Proof.
+ unfold doubleAndAdd; intros; simpl.
+ Admitted.
Lemma doubleAndAdd_spec :
forall n P, scalarMult n P = doubleAndAdd n P.
- destruct n; auto; intros.
- unfold doubleAndAdd; simpl.
- rewrite <- doubleAndAdd'_spec.
- rewrite Pnat.SuccNat2Pos.id_succ; auto.
+ induction n; auto; intros.
+ unfold doubleAndAdd.
+ simpl; rewrite iter_op_spec.
+ unfold Pos.iter_op; simpl.
+ case_eq (Pos.of_succ_nat n); intros. {
+ simpl. f_equal.
+ fold (Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd p (P + P)).
+ assert (N.of_nat n = N.pos (2 * p)).
+ pose proof (xI_is_succ n p H).
+ admit. (* TODO *)
+ rewrite IHn.
+ unfold doubleAndAdd.
+ rewrite H0; simpl.
+ rewrite test_low_bit_xO by auto.
+ rewrite iter_op_xO by auto.
+ rewrite iter_op_spec.
+ reflexivity.
+ } {
+ fold (Pos.iter_op unifiedAdd p (P + P)).
+ assert (N.of_nat n = (N.pos (Pos.pred (2 * p)))).
+ admit. (* TODO *)
+ rewrite IHn.
+ unfold doubleAndAdd.
+ rewrite H0; simpl.
+ rewrite iter_op_spec.
+ rewrite <- (Pos.iter_op_succ _ _ twistedAddAssoc _ _).
+ rewrite Pos.succ_pred_double.
+ rewrite <- Pos.add_diag.
+ apply iter_op_double.
+ } {
+ rewrite <- Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_iff in H.
+ rewrite Pnat.SuccNat2Pos.id_succ in H.
+ rewrite Pnat.Pos2Nat.inj_1 in H.
+ assert (n = 0)%nat by omega; subst.
+ auto.
+ }
End CompleteTwistedEdwardsFacts.