path: root/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas
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diff --git a/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/IsBoundedBy.v b/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/IsBoundedBy.v
index 415c65406..c74c319d5 100644
--- a/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/IsBoundedBy.v
+++ b/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/IsBoundedBy.v
@@ -35,6 +35,65 @@ Proof.
| word_arith_t ].
+Lemma is_bounded_by_compose T1 T2 f_v bs v f_bs fv
+ (H : Bounds.is_bounded_by (T:=Tbase T1) bs v)
+ (Hf : forall bs v, Bounds.is_bounded_by (T:=Tbase T1) bs v -> Bounds.is_bounded_by (T:=Tbase T2) (f_bs bs) (f_v v))
+ (Hfv : f_v v = fv)
+ : Bounds.is_bounded_by (T:=Tbase T2) (f_bs bs) fv.
+ subst; eauto.
+Lemma monotone_two_corners_genb
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by' in *; split; trivial.
+ destruct x_bs as [lx ux]; simpl in *.
+ destruct Hboundedx as [Hboundedx _].
+ destruct_head'_ex.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) f |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
+ /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
+ by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ end.
+ destruct_head' and.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
+ end.
+ destruct_head bool; split_min_max; omega.
+Lemma monotone_two_corners_gen
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) f \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ eapply monotone_two_corners_genb; auto.
+ destruct Hmonotone; [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption.
+Lemma monotone_two_corners
+ (b : bool)
+ (f : Z -> Z)
+ (R := if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (R ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs x
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.two_corners f x_bs) (f x).
+ apply monotone_two_corners_genb; auto; subst R;
+ exists b.
+ intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto.
Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb
(f : Z -> Z -> Z)
(R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
@@ -45,11 +104,19 @@ Lemma monotone_four_corners_genb
(Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
: ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.four_corners f x_bs y_bs) (f x y).
- unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by' in *; split; trivial.
- destruct x_bs as [lx ux], y_bs as [ly uy]; simpl in *.
- destruct Hboundedx as [Hboundedx _], Hboundedy as [Hboundedy _].
- pose proof (Hmonotone1 lx); pose proof (Hmonotone1 x); pose proof (Hmonotone1 ux).
- pose proof (Hmonotone2 ly); pose proof (Hmonotone2 y); pose proof (Hmonotone2 uy).
+ destruct x_bs as [lx ux], y_bs as [ly uy].
+ unfold Bounds.four_corners.
+ pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb (f lx) (Hmonotone1 _) _ _ Hboundedy) as Hmono_fl.
+ pose proof (monotone_two_corners_genb (f ux) (Hmonotone1 _) _ _ Hboundedy) as Hmono_fu.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[Bounds.two_corners ?x ?y] ]
+ => let l := fresh "lf" in
+ let u := fresh "uf" in
+ generalize dependent (Bounds.two_corners x y); intros [l u]; intros
+ end.
+ unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by' in *; simpl in *; split; trivial.
+ destruct_head'_and; destruct_head' True.
+ pose proof (Hmonotone2 y).
repeat match goal with
| [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (f _) |- _ ]
@@ -65,7 +132,7 @@ Proof.
repeat match goal with
| [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
=> unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
- end.
+ end; cbv beta in *.
destruct_head bool; split_min_max; omega.
@@ -98,6 +165,88 @@ Proof.
| intros ???; apply Hmonotone; auto; destruct b2; reflexivity ].
+Lemma monotone_eight_corners_genb
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (R := fun b : bool => if b then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (f x y))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall x z, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z))
+ (Hmonotone3 : forall y z, exists b, Proper (R b ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z))
+ x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ destruct x_bs as [lx ux], y_bs as [ly uy], z_bs as [lz uz].
+ unfold Bounds.eight_corners.
+ pose proof (monotone_four_corners_genb (f lx) (Hmonotone1 _) (Hmonotone2 _) _ _ _ _ Hboundedy Hboundedz) as Hmono_fl.
+ pose proof (monotone_four_corners_genb (f ux) (Hmonotone1 _) (Hmonotone2 _) _ _ _ _ Hboundedy Hboundedz) as Hmono_fu.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[Bounds.four_corners ?x ?y ?z] ]
+ => let l := fresh "lf" in
+ let u := fresh "uf" in
+ generalize dependent (Bounds.four_corners x y z); intros [l u]; intros
+ end.
+ unfold ZRange.is_bounded_by' in *; simpl in *; split; trivial.
+ destruct_head'_and; destruct_head' True.
+ pose proof (Hmonotone3 y z).
+ destruct_head'_ex.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (f _ _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then lz else z) (if b then z else lz)
+ /\ R b (if b then z else uz) (if b then uz else z))
+ by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun y' => f _ y' _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then ly else y) (if b then y else ly)
+ /\ R b (if b then y else uy) (if b then uy else y))
+ by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) (fun x' => f x' _ _) |- _ ]
+ => unique assert (R b (if b then lx else x) (if b then x else lx)
+ /\ R b (if b then x else ux) (if b then ux else x))
+ by (unfold R, Basics.flip; destruct b; omega)
+ end.
+ destruct_head' and.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H : Proper (R ?b ==> Z.le) _, H' : R ?b _ _ |- _ ]
+ => unique pose proof (H _ _ H')
+ end.
+ destruct_head bool; split_min_max; omega.
+Lemma monotone_eight_corners_gen
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (Hmonotone1 : forall x y, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x y) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (f x y))
+ (Hmonotone2 : forall x z, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun y => f x y z))
+ (Hmonotone3 : forall y z, Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z) \/ Proper (Basics.flip Z.le ==> Z.le) (fun x => f x y z))
+ x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ eapply monotone_eight_corners_genb; auto.
+ { intros x' y'; destruct (Hmonotone1 x' y'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+ { intros x' y'; destruct (Hmonotone2 x' y'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+ { intros x' y'; destruct (Hmonotone3 x' y'); [ exists true | exists false ]; assumption. }
+Lemma monotone_eight_corners
+ (b1 b2 b3 : bool)
+ (f : Z -> Z -> Z -> Z)
+ (R1 := if b1 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (R2 := if b2 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (R3 := if b3 then Z.le else Basics.flip Z.le)
+ (Hmonotone : Proper (R1 ==> R2 ==> R3 ==> Z.le) f)
+ x_bs y_bs z_bs x y z
+ (Hboundedx : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None x_bs x)
+ (Hboundedy : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None y_bs y)
+ (Hboundedz : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None z_bs z)
+ : ZRange.is_bounded_by' None (Bounds.eight_corners f x_bs y_bs z_bs) (f x y z).
+ apply monotone_eight_corners_genb; auto; intro x'; subst R1 R2 R3;
+ [ exists b3 | exists b2 | exists b1 ];
+ intros ???; apply Hmonotone; break_innermost_match; try reflexivity; trivial.
Lemma monotonify2 (f : Z -> Z -> Z) (upper : Z -> Z -> Z)
(Hbounded : forall a b, Z.abs (f a b) <= upper (Z.abs a) (Z.abs b))
(Hupper_monotone : Proper (Z.le ==> Z.le ==> Z.le) upper)
@@ -173,7 +322,7 @@ Qed.
Local Arguments N.ldiff : simpl never.
Local Arguments Z.pow : simpl never.
Local Arguments Z.add !_ !_.
-Local Existing Instances Z.add_le_Proper Z.sub_le_flip_le_Proper Z.log2_up_le_Proper Z.pow_Zpos_le_Proper Z.sub_le_eq_Proper.
+Local Existing Instances Z.add_le_Proper Z.sub_le_flip_le_Proper Z.log2_up_le_Proper Z.pow_Zpos_le_Proper Z.sub_le_eq_Proper Z.add_with_carry_le_Proper.
Local Hint Extern 1 => progress cbv beta iota : typeclass_instances.
Lemma is_bounded_by_interp_op t tR (opc : op t tR)
(bs : interp_flat_type Bounds.interp_base_type _)
@@ -181,7 +330,14 @@ Lemma is_bounded_by_interp_op t tR (opc : op t tR)
(H : Bounds.is_bounded_by bs v)
: Bounds.is_bounded_by (Bounds.interp_op opc bs) (Syntax.interp_op _ _ opc v).
- destruct opc; apply is_bounded_by_truncation_bounds;
+ destruct opc;
+ [ apply is_bounded_by_truncation_bounds..
+ | split;
+ cbv [Bounds.interp_op Zinterp_op Z.add_with_get_carry SmartFlatTypeMapUnInterp Bounds.add_with_get_carry Z.get_carry cast_const]; cbn [fst snd];
+ [ eapply is_bounded_by_compose with (T1:=TZ) (f_v := fun v => ZToInterp (v mod _)) (v:=ZToInterp _);
+ [ | intros; apply is_bounded_by_truncation_bounds | simpl; reflexivity ]
+ | eapply is_bounded_by_compose with (T1:=TZ) (f_v := fun v => ZToInterp (v / _)) (v:=ZToInterp _);
+ [ | intros; apply is_bounded_by_truncation_bounds | simpl; reflexivity ] ] ];
repeat first [ progress simpl in *
| progress cbv [interp_op lift_op cast_const Bounds.interp_base_type Bounds.is_bounded_by' ZRange.is_bounded_by'] in *
| progress destruct_head'_prod
@@ -225,4 +381,11 @@ Proof.
| progress simpl in *
| progress split_min_max
| omega ]. }
+ { destruct_head Bounds.t; cbv [Bounds.zselect' Z.zselect].
+ break_innermost_match; split_min_max; omega. }
+ { apply (@monotone_eight_corners true true true _ _ _); split; auto. }
+ { apply (@monotone_eight_corners true true true _ _ _); split; auto. }
+ { apply Z.mod_bound_min_max; auto. }
+ { apply (@monotone_eight_corners true true true _ _ _); split; auto. }
+ { auto with zarith. }
diff --git a/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/PullCast.v b/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/PullCast.v
index 3e38eabdf..38ed60038 100644
--- a/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/PullCast.v
+++ b/src/Compilers/Z/Bounds/InterpretationLemmas/PullCast.v
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Section with_round_up.
| progress destruct_head'_and ];
| rewrite cast_const_idempotent_small by t_small; reflexivity
- | ];
+ | .. ];
repeat match goal with
| _ => progress change (@cast_const TZ) with @ZToInterp in *
| [ |- context[@cast_const ?x TZ] ]