path: root/src/Assembly/Vectorize.v
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diff --git a/src/Assembly/Vectorize.v b/src/Assembly/Vectorize.v
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8139bf92
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+++ b/src/Assembly/Vectorize.v
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+Require Export Bedrock.Word Bedrock.Nomega.
+Require Import NPeano NArith PArith Ndigits Compare_dec Arith.
+Require Import ProofIrrelevance Ring List.
+Require Import MultiBoundedWord.
+Section Vector.
+ Import ListNotations.
+ Definition vec T n := {x: list T | length x = n}.
+ Definition vget {n T} (x: vec T n) (i: {v: nat | (v < n)%nat}): T.
+ refine (
+ match (proj1_sig x) as x' return (proj1_sig x) = x' -> _ with
+ | [] => fun _ => _
+ | x0 :: xs => fun _ => nth (proj1_sig i) (proj1_sig x) x0
+ end eq_refl); abstract (
+ destruct x as [x xp], i as [i ip]; destruct x as [|x0 xs];
+ simpl in xp; subst; inversion _H; clear _H; omega).
+ Defined.
+ Lemma vget_spec: forall {T n} (x: vec T n) (i: {v: nat | (v < n)%nat}) (d: T),
+ vget x i = nth (proj1_sig i) (proj1_sig x) d.
+ Proof.
+ intros; destruct x as [x xp], i as [i ip];
+ destruct x as [|x0 xs]; induction i; unfold vget; simpl;
+ intuition; try (simpl in xp; subst; omega);
+ induction n; simpl in xp; try omega; clear IHi IHn.
+ apply nth_indep.
+ assert (length xs = n) by omega; subst.
+ omega.
+ Qed.
+ Definition vec0 {T} : vec T 0.
+ refine (exist _ [] _); abstract intuition.
+ Defined.
+ Lemma lift0: forall {T n} (x: T), vec (word n) 0 -> T.
+ intros; refine x.
+ Defined.
+ Lemma liftS: forall {T n m} (f: vec (word n) m -> word n -> T),
+ (vec (word n) (S m) -> T).
+ Proof.
+ intros T n m f v; destruct v as [v p]; induction m, v;
+ try (abstract (inversion p)).
+ - refine (f (exist _ [] _) w); abstract intuition.
+ - refine (f (exist _ v _) w); abstract intuition.
+ Defined.
+ Lemma vecToList: forall T n m (f: vec (word n) m -> T),
+ (list (word n) -> option T).
+ Proof.
+ intros T n m f x; destruct (Nat.eq_dec (length x) m).
+ - refine (Some (f (exist _ x _))); abstract intuition.
+ - refine None.
+ Defined.
+End Vector.
+Ltac vectorize :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- context[?a - 1] ] =>
+ let c := eval simpl in (a - 1) in
+ replace (a - 1) with c by omega
+ | [ |- vec (word ?n) O -> ?T] => apply (@lift0 T n)
+ | [ |- vec (word ?n) ?m -> ?T] => apply (@liftS T n (m - 1))
+ end.
+Section Examples.
+ Lemma vectorize_example: (vec (word 32) 2 -> word 32).
+ vectorize; refine (@wplus 32).
+ Qed.
+End Examples.