path: root/src/Arithmetic
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diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/BarrettReduction/RidiculousFish.v b/src/Arithmetic/BarrettReduction/RidiculousFish.v
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index 000000000..314b0aae0
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+++ b/src/Arithmetic/BarrettReduction/RidiculousFish.v
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+Require Import Coq.NArith.BinNat.
+Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Open Scope N_scope.
+(* This file proves an implementation of the variant of Barrett
+ reduction described in
+ http://www.ridiculousfish.com/blog/posts/labor-of-division-episode-i.html *)
+(* To simulate C behavior with fixed-width words, we introduce a word
+ data type and associated operations that automatically take
+ modulus. We'll then prove the moduli are all no-ops (save one which
+ is a subtraction).
+ TODO(davidben): This does not perfectly match C's behavior. In C,
+ operations on types smaller than [int], notably [uint16_t], promote
+ both types to [int] first. Assuming a standard 32-bit [int],
+ multiplying two [uint32_t]s is always defined, but multiplying two
+ [uint16_t]s may not be! However, we never multiply [uint16_t]s, and
+ we would otherwise need an unreasonable large expression to
+ overflow [int] by way of promoted [uint16_t] additions. *)
+(* First, the C data types will ultimately compile down to a bunch of
+ extra modulus operations, which we must remove. Define three
+ primitive wrapping operations which we'll instruct [cbn] to leave
+ alone and match on in the proof script.
+ [wrap] is used when we expect [val] to already be reduced. [wrap']
+ is when we expect one subtraction by [2^bits]. [sub_wrapped] can be
+ implemented in terms of [wrap'], but we make it a primitive so the
+ proof script can treat it more efficiently. *)
+Definition wrap (bits val : N) : N := val mod 2^bits.
+Definition wrap' := wrap.
+Definition sub_wrapped (bits a b : N) : N := wrap' bits (a + 2^bits - b).
+(* A [word] is a C data type with a specified bit size. *)
+Inductive word (bits : N) :=
+| Word : N -> word bits.
+Definition to_N {bits : N} (a : word bits) : N :=
+ match a with Word _ v => v end.
+Definition to_word {bits : N} (val : N) :=
+ Word bits (wrap bits val).
+Definition word_binop
+ (aw bw : N)
+ (op : N -> N -> N)
+ (a : word aw) (b : word bw) : word (N.max aw bw) :=
+ to_word (op (to_N a) (to_N b)).
+Definition word_add {aw bw : N} := word_binop aw bw N.add.
+Definition word_sub {aw bw : N} := word_binop aw bw (sub_wrapped (N.max aw bw)).
+Definition word_mul {aw bw : N} := word_binop aw bw N.mul.
+Definition word_div {aw bw : N} := word_binop aw bw N.div.
+Definition word_shiftl {aw bw : N} := word_binop aw bw N.shiftl.
+Definition word_shiftr {aw bw : N} := word_binop aw bw N.shiftr.
+Definition word_cast (from to : N) (a : word from) : word to :=
+ to_word (to_N a).
+Definition u16 := word 16.
+Definition u32 := word 32.
+Definition u64 := word 64.
+Definition to_u16 {bits : N} := word_cast bits 16.
+Definition to_u32 {bits : N} := word_cast bits 32.
+Definition to_u64 {bits : N} := word_cast bits 64.
+(* [to_u32'] is identical to [to_u32], but it is expected to be a
+ subtraction of 2^32, rather than a no-op. *)
+Definition to_u32' {bits : N} (a : word bits) : u32 :=
+ Word 32 (wrap' 32 (to_N a)).
+Definition N_to_u16 := @to_word 16.
+Definition N_to_u32 := @to_word 32.
+Definition N_to_u64 := @to_word 64.
+Delimit Scope word_scope with word.
+Bind Scope word_scope with word.
+Infix "+" := word_add : word_scope.
+Infix "-" := word_sub : word_scope.
+Infix "*" := word_mul : word_scope.
+Infix "/" := word_div : word_scope.
+Infix "<<" := word_shiftl (at level 30, no associativity) : word_scope.
+Infix ">>" := word_shiftr (at level 30, no associativity) : word_scope.
+Notation "1" := (N_to_u32 1) : word_scope.
+Notation "32" := (N_to_u32 32) : word_scope.
+Definition BN_num_bits_word (a : u32) : u32 :=
+ N_to_u32 (N.size (to_N a)).
+(* See [mod_u16] in https://boringssl-review.googlesource.com/#/c/boringssl/+/25887. *)
+Definition mod_u16 (n : u32) (d : u16) : u16 :=
+ let p := to_u32 (BN_num_bits_word (to_u32 (d - 1))) in
+ let m := to_u32' ((((to_u64 1) << (32 + p)) + d - 1) / d) in
+ let q := to_u32 (((to_u64 m) * n) >> 32) in
+ let t := to_u32 (((n - q) >> 1) + q) in
+ let t := to_u32 (t >> (p - 1)) in
+ let n := to_u32 (n - d * t) in
+ to_u16 n.
+(* Proofs *)
+Lemma wrap_bound (a b : N) :
+ wrap a b < 2^a.
+ unfold wrap.
+ apply N.mod_upper_bound.
+ apply N.pow_nonzero.
+ lia.
+Lemma remove_outer_wrap (a a' b : N) (H : a' <= a) :
+ wrap a (wrap a' b) = wrap a' b.
+ unfold wrap.
+ apply N.mod_small.
+ assert (b mod 2^a' < 2^a') by (apply N.mod_upper_bound; apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ assert (2^a' <= 2^a) by (apply N.pow_le_mono_r; lia).
+ lia.
+Lemma remove_inner_wrap (a a' b : N) (H : a' >= a) :
+ wrap a (wrap a' b) = wrap a b.
+ unfold wrap.
+ rewrite <- (N.sub_add a a') by lia.
+ rewrite N.pow_add_r.
+ rewrite N.mul_comm.
+ rewrite N.mod_mul_r by (apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ rewrite N.mul_comm.
+ rewrite N.mod_add by (apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ apply N.mod_mod.
+ apply N.pow_nonzero.
+ lia.
+Lemma double_wrap (a a' b : N) :
+ wrap a (wrap a' b) = wrap (N.min a a') b.
+ destruct (a <? a') eqn:H.
+ { apply N.ltb_lt in H.
+ rewrite N.min_l by lia.
+ apply remove_inner_wrap.
+ lia. }
+ { apply N.ltb_ge in H.
+ rewrite N.min_r by lia.
+ apply remove_outer_wrap.
+ lia. }
+(* [lia] and [nia] need some help with exponents, and [cbn] alone
+ often unfolds too much. *)
+Ltac unfold_exponents :=
+ cbn [N.pow BinPos.Pos.pow BinPos.Pos.iter BinPos.Pos.mul] in *.
+Lemma sub_wrapped_noop (bits a b : N) (H : b <= a < 2^bits) :
+ sub_wrapped bits a b = a - b.
+ unfold sub_wrapped, wrap', wrap.
+ rewrite N.add_comm.
+ rewrite <- N.add_sub_assoc by lia.
+ rewrite N.add_mod by lia.
+ rewrite N.mod_same by lia.
+ cbn.
+ rewrite N.mod_mod by lia.
+ apply N.mod_small.
+ lia.
+Lemma a_minus_b_div_2_plus_b (a b : N) (H : a >= b) :
+ (a - b) / 2 + b = (a + b) / 2.
+ rewrite <- N.div_add by lia.
+ f_equal.
+ lia.
+Lemma p_bound (d bits : N) (H : 1 < d < 2^bits) :
+ 1 <= N.size (d - 1) <= bits.
+ rewrite N.size_log2 by lia.
+ assert (N.log2 (d - 1) < bits) by (apply N.log2_lt_pow2; lia).
+ lia.
+Lemma ceil_log2_lt (d : N) (H : 1 < d) :
+ 2^(N.size (d - 1)) < d + d.
+ pose proof (N.size_le (d - 1)).
+ rewrite N.succ_double_spec in *.
+ lia.
+Lemma ceil_log2_ge (d : N) (H : 1 < d) :
+ 2^(N.size (d - 1)) >= d.
+ pose proof (N.size_gt (d - 1)).
+ lia.
+Lemma m_bound (d bits : N) (H : 1 < d < 2^bits) :
+ 2^bits <= (2^(bits + N.size (d - 1)) + d - 1) / d < 2 * 2^bits.
+ rewrite !N.pow_add_r.
+ split.
+ { (* 2^e <= m *)
+ apply N.div_le_lower_bound; try lia.
+ assert (2^(N.size (d - 1)) >= d).
+ { apply ceil_log2_ge; lia. }
+ nia. }
+ { (* m < 2 * 2^e *)
+ apply N.div_lt_upper_bound; try lia.
+ assert (2^(N.size (d - 1)) < d + d).
+ { apply ceil_log2_lt; lia. }
+ (* Subtraction is saturating, so nia needs a bit of help to group
+ [d - 1] together. *)
+ rewrite <- N.add_sub_assoc by lia.
+ nia. }
+Lemma mod_sub_once (a b : N) (H : b <= a < 2*b) :
+ a mod b = a - b.
+ assert (1 = a / b).
+ { apply (N.div_unique a b 1 (a - b)); lia. }
+ rewrite N.mod_eq; nia.
+Lemma division_shrinks (a b c : N) (Hnz : b <> 0) (H : a < c) :
+ a / b < c.
+ apply N.div_lt_upper_bound; try lia.
+ nia.
+Lemma mul_div_ceil_ge (a b : N) (H : b <> 0) :
+ a <= b * ((a + b - 1) / b).
+ rewrite (N.div_mod a b) by lia.
+ set (q := a / b).
+ set (r := a mod b).
+ assert (r < b) by (apply N.mod_upper_bound; lia).
+ destruct (r =? 0) eqn:Hr.
+ { (* r = 0 *)
+ apply N.eqb_eq in Hr.
+ replace r with 0.
+ rewrite !N.add_0_r.
+ replace ((b * q + b - 1) / b) with q by
+ (rewrite <- N.add_sub_assoc by lia;
+ apply (N.div_unique _ b q (b - 1));
+ lia).
+ lia. }
+ { (* r != 0 *)
+ apply N.eqb_neq in Hr.
+ replace ((b * q + r + b - 1) / b) with (q + 1) by
+ (replace (b * q + r + b - 1) with (b * (q + 1) + (r - 1)) by lia;
+ apply (N.div_unique _ b (q + 1) (r - 1));
+ lia).
+ lia. }
+(* This is the main theorem this algorithm relies on. *)
+Lemma division_algorithm (bits n d k : N)
+ (Hn : n < 2^bits)
+ (Hd : 1 < d)
+ (Hk : bits + N.size (d - 1) <= k) :
+ n * ((2^k + d - 1) / d) / 2^k = n / d.
+ assert (n/d <= n * ((2^k + d - 1) / d) / 2^k).
+ { (* This direction is true independent of [Hk]. *)
+ apply N.div_le_lower_bound; try apply N.pow_nonzero; try lia.
+ rewrite N.div_mul_le by lia.
+ apply N.div_le_upper_bound; try apply N.pow_nonzero; try lia.
+ rewrite (N.mul_comm n _).
+ rewrite N.mul_assoc.
+ assert (2^k <= d * ((2 ^ k + d - 1) / d)) by (apply mul_div_ceil_ge; lia).
+ nia. }
+ assert (n * ((2^k + d - 1) / d) / 2^k <= n / d).
+ { assert (div_mul_le_inner : n * ((2 ^ k + d - 1) / d) / 2^k <=
+ (n * (2 ^ k + d - 1) / d) / 2 ^ k).
+ { apply N.div_le_mono; try (apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ apply N.div_mul_le.
+ lia. }
+ rewrite div_mul_le_inner.
+ replace (n * (2^k + d - 1)) with (n * 2^k + n * (d - 1)) by nia.
+ (* Swap [d] and [2^k] in the denominator. *)
+ rewrite N.div_div by (try apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ rewrite (N.mul_comm d (2^k)).
+ rewrite <- N.div_div by (try apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ (* We now can extract the [n * 2^k] term from the inner division. *)
+ rewrite N.div_add_l by (try apply N.pow_nonzero; lia).
+ (* We show the error term is zero, which allows the inequality to hold. *)
+ assert (zero_error : n * (d - 1) / 2 ^ k = 0).
+ { apply N.div_small.
+ assert (2^bits * 2^(N.size (d - 1)) <= 2^k) by
+ (rewrite <- N.pow_add_r; apply N.pow_le_mono_r; lia).
+ assert (d <= 2^(N.size (d - 1))) by (apply N.ge_le; apply ceil_log2_ge; lia).
+ nia. }
+ rewrite zero_error.
+ rewrite N.add_0_r.
+ lia. }
+ lia.
+(* Peel off one innermost [wrap], and replace it with the expected
+ bounds. Before doing so, introduce a lemma into the context that
+ the value is bounded. This is allows later goals to make use of
+ earlier bounds. *)
+Ltac replace_innermost_to_word expr :=
+ match expr with
+ | context[wrap ?x ?y] =>
+ first [ replace_innermost_to_word y |
+ assert ((wrap x y) < 2^x) by (apply wrap_bound);
+ replace (wrap x y) with y in * ]
+ | context[wrap' ?x ?y] =>
+ first [ replace_innermost_to_word y |
+ assert ((wrap' x y) < 2^x) by (unfold wrap'; apply wrap_bound);
+ replace (wrap' x y) with (y - 2^x) in * ]
+ | context[sub_wrapped ?x ?y ?z] =>
+ first [ replace_innermost_to_word y |
+ replace_innermost_to_word z |
+ assert ((sub_wrapped x y z) < 2^x) by (unfold sub_wrapped, wrap';
+ apply wrap_bound);
+ replace (sub_wrapped x y z) with (y - z) in * ]
+ end.
+Theorem mod_u16_spec (n d : N) (Hn : n < 2^32) (Hd : 1 < d < 2^16) :
+ to_N (mod_u16 (N_to_u32 n) (N_to_u16 d)) = n mod d.
+ unfold mod_u16.
+ (* Evaluate away everything except for exponentations, which are
+ still useful, and our [wrap], etc., metadata. *)
+ cbn -[N.pow wrap wrap' sub_wrapped].
+ (* The solver needs some help getting these in the context. *)
+ assert (1 <= N.size (d - 1) <= 16) by (apply p_bound; lia).
+ assert (2^(N.size (d - 1)) < d + d) by (apply ceil_log2_lt; lia).
+ assert (2^(N.size (d - 1)) < 2 ^ 17) by (unfold_exponents; lia).
+ assert (2^32 <= (2^(32 + N.size (d - 1)) + d - 1) / d < 2 * 2^32) by
+ (apply m_bound; unfold_exponents; lia).
+ (* Convert shifts to multiplication and divison. *)
+ rewrite !N.shiftl_mul_pow2.
+ rewrite !N.shiftr_div_pow2.
+ rewrite !N.mul_1_l.
+ rewrite !N.pow_1_r.
+ (* Replace all the [to_word] calls with their expected bounds. *)
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x = n mod d ] =>
+ match goal with
+ (* Evaluate away the [N.min]s. *)
+ | _ => progress cbn -[N.pow N.add N.mul wrap wrap']
+ (* Remove obviously pointless casts, before the solver expands too
+ much. *)
+ | [ |- context[wrap ?x (wrap' ?x ?y)] ] =>
+ replace (wrap x (wrap' x y)) with (wrap' x y) by
+ (unfold wrap'; symmetry; apply remove_outer_wrap; lia)
+ | [ |- context[wrap ?x (sub_wrapped ?x ?y ?z)] ] =>
+ replace (wrap x (sub_wrapped x y z)) with (sub_wrapped x y z) by
+ (unfold sub_wrapped, wrap';
+ symmetry;
+ apply remove_outer_wrap;
+ lia)
+ | [ |- context[wrap ?x (wrap ?x' ?y)] ] =>
+ replace (wrap x (wrap x' y)) with (wrap (N.min x x') y) by
+ (symmetry; apply double_wrap; lia)
+ (* Perform [a_minus_b_div_2_plus_b] earlier, so the
+ generated hypotheses match too. *)
+ | _ => rewrite a_minus_b_div_2_plus_b
+ | _ => replace_innermost_to_word x
+ end
+ | _ => rewrite sub_wrapped_noop
+ end;
+ repeat unfold sub_wrapped, wrap', wrap in *;
+ repeat match goal with
+ (* Normalize a few things. *)
+ | _ => apply N.le_ge
+ | _ => apply N.lt_gt
+ | [ |- _ = _ mod _ ] => symmetry
+ (* Apply these transforms everywhere. *)
+ | _ => apply N.mod_small
+ | _ => split
+ (* Don't touch the goals that involve the final division
+ expression. We'll dispatch them separately. *)
+ | [ |- context[d * (_ / 2^_)] ] => fail 1
+ (* The solver needs some help for this one. *)
+ | [ _ : ?x < ?y |- ?x / _ < ?y ] => apply division_shrinks
+ (* Smash the bounds subgoals away. *)
+ | _ => apply mod_sub_once
+ | _ => rewrite N.pow_add_r in *
+ | _ => apply N.div_le_upper_bound
+ | _ => apply N.div_lt_upper_bound
+ | _ => apply N.pow_nonzero
+ | _ => apply N.mul_le_mono_r
+ | _ => progress unfold_exponents
+ (* Erase irrelevant hypotheses before we start running the
+ slow solvers. *)
+ | [ H : context[n] |- _ ] => match goal with
+ | [ |- context[n] ] => fail 1
+ | _ => clear H
+ end
+ | [ H : context[d] |- _ ] => match goal with
+ | [ |- context[d] ] => fail 1
+ | _ => clear H
+ end
+ (* [nia] is rather slow, and only one case needs it. *)
+ | [ _ : ?x < _, _ : ?y < _ |- ?x * ?y < ?z ] => nia
+ | _ => lia
+ end;
+ (* Invert the various transforms to get to the main theorem. *)
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- _ <= N.size _ ] => rewrite N.size_log2; lia
+ | [ |- context[?x * ?y + ?z * ?x]] => rewrite (N.mul_comm z x)
+ | [ |- context[?x + ?y - ?x]] => rewrite (N.add_comm x y)
+ | _ => rewrite N.div_div
+ | _ => apply N.pow_nonzero
+ | _ => rewrite <- N.pow_succ_r'
+ | _ => rewrite <- N.add_1_r
+ | _ => rewrite <- N.pow_add_r
+ | _ => rewrite <- N.mul_add_distr_l
+ | _ => rewrite N.sub_add
+ | _ => rewrite N.add_sub
+ | _ => rewrite N.add_sub_assoc
+ | _ => rewrite <- N.div_add_l
+ | _ => lia
+ end;
+ (* And finish with the main theorem. *)
+ rewrite (division_algorithm 32) by lia;
+ try rewrite <- N.mod_eq;
+ try apply N.mul_div_le;
+ (* [lia] needs some help on these two. *)
+ try match goal with
+ | [ |- ?x mod ?y < 2^_ ] =>
+ assert (x mod y < y) by (apply N.mod_upper_bound; lia)
+ | [ |- ?x * (?y / ?x) < 2^_ ] =>
+ assert (x * (y / x) <= y) by (apply N.mul_div_le; lia)
+ end;
+ lia.