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1 files changed, 141 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
index 9f55c1219..0033e3360 100644
--- a/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
+++ b/src/Reflection/Z/Interpretations.v
@@ -36,27 +36,44 @@ Module Word64.
Create HintDb push_word64ToZ discriminated.
Hint Extern 1 => progress autorewrite with push_word64ToZ in * : push_word64ToZ.
- Definition w64plus : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wplus _.
- Definition w64minus : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wminus _.
- Definition w64mul : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wmult _.
- Definition w64shl : word64 -> word64 -> word64
+ Lemma word64ToZ_bound w : (0 <= word64ToZ w < 2^Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (wordToNat_bound w) as H.
+ apply Nat2Z.inj_lt in H.
+ rewrite Zpow_pow2, Z2Nat.id in H by (apply Z.pow_nonneg; omega).
+ unfold word64ToZ.
+ rewrite wordToN_nat, nat_N_Z; omega.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_log_bound w : (0 <= word64ToZ w /\ Z.log2 (word64ToZ w) < Z.of_nat bit_width)%Z.
+ Proof.
+ pose proof (word64ToZ_bound w) as H.
+ destruct (Z_zerop (word64ToZ w)) as [H'|H'].
+ { rewrite H'; simpl; omega. }
+ { split; [ | apply Z.log2_lt_pow2 ]; try omega. }
+ Qed.
+ Definition add : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wplus _.
+ Definition sub : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wminus _.
+ Definition mul : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wmult _.
+ Definition shl : word64 -> word64 -> word64
:= fun x y => NToWord _ (Z.to_N (Z.shiftl (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN x)))).
- Definition w64shr : word64 -> word64 -> word64
+ Definition shr : word64 -> word64 -> word64
:= fun x y => NToWord _ (Z.to_N (Z.shiftr (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN x)))).
- Definition w64land : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wand _.
- Definition w64lor : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wor _.
- Definition w64neg : word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
+ Definition land : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wand _.
+ Definition lor : word64 -> word64 -> word64 := @wor _.
+ Definition neg : word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
:= fun x y => NToWord _ (Z.to_N (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.neg (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN x)))).
- Definition w64cmovne : word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
+ Definition cmovne : word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
:= fun x y z w => NToWord _ (Z.to_N (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovne (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN z)) (Z.of_N (wordToN w)))).
- Definition w64cmovle : word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
+ Definition cmovle : word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 -> word64 (* TODO: FIXME? *)
:= fun x y z w => NToWord _ (Z.to_N (ModularBaseSystemListZOperations.cmovl (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN x)) (Z.of_N (wordToN z)) (Z.of_N (wordToN w)))).
- Infix "+" := w64plus : word64_scope.
- Infix "-" := w64minus : word64_scope.
- Infix "*" := w64mul : word64_scope.
- Infix "<<" := w64shl : word64_scope.
- Infix ">>" := w64shr : word64_scope.
- Infix "&'" := w64land : word64_scope.
+ Infix "+" := add : word64_scope.
+ Infix "-" := sub : word64_scope.
+ Infix "*" := mul : word64_scope.
+ Infix "<<" := shl : word64_scope.
+ Infix ">>" := shr : word64_scope.
+ Infix "&'" := land : word64_scope.
Local Ltac w64ToZ_t :=
@@ -72,16 +89,16 @@ Module Word64.
-> Z.log2 (Zop (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y)) < Z.of_nat bit_width
-> word64ToZ (wop x y) = (Zop (word64ToZ x) (word64ToZ y)))%Z).
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64plus : bounds_2statement w64plus Z.add. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64minus : bounds_2statement w64minus Z.sub. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64mul : bounds_2statement w64mul Z.mul. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64shl : bounds_2statement w64shl Z.shiftl.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_add : bounds_2statement add Z.add. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_sub : bounds_2statement sub Z.sub. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_mul : bounds_2statement mul Z.mul. Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_shl : bounds_2statement shl Z.shiftl.
Proof. w64ToZ_t. admit. Admitted.
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64shr : bounds_2statement w64shr Z.shiftr.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_shr : bounds_2statement shr Z.shiftr.
Proof. admit. Admitted.
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64land : bounds_2statement w64land Z.land.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_land : bounds_2statement land Z.land.
Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
- Lemma word64ToZ_w64lor : bounds_2statement w64lor Z.lor.
+ Lemma word64ToZ_lor : bounds_2statement lor Z.lor.
Proof. w64ToZ_t. Qed.
Definition interp_base_type (t : base_type) : Type
@@ -95,11 +112,11 @@ Module Word64.
| Mul => fun xy => fst xy * snd xy
| Shl => fun xy => fst xy << snd xy
| Shr => fun xy => fst xy >> snd xy
- | Land => fun xy => w64land (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Lor => fun xy => w64lor (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Neg => fun xy => w64neg (fst xy) (snd xy)
- | Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in w64cmovne x y z w
- | Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in w64cmovle x y z w
+ | Land => fun xy => land (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Lor => fun xy => lor (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Neg => fun xy => neg (fst xy) (snd xy)
+ | Cmovne => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovne x y z w
+ | Cmovle => fun xyzw => let '(x, y, z, w) := eta4 xyzw in cmovle x y z w
Definition of_Z ty : Z.interp_base_type ty -> interp_base_type ty
@@ -114,20 +131,20 @@ Module Word64.
Module Export Rewrites.
Ltac word64_util_arith := omega.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64plus using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64plus using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64minus using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64minus using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64mul using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64mul using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64shl using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64shl using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64shr using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64shr using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64land using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64land using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_w64lor using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
- Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_w64lor using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_add using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_add using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_sub using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_sub using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_mul using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_mul using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_shl using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_shl using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_shr using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_shr using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_land using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_land using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite word64ToZ_lor using word64_util_arith : push_word64ToZ.
+ Hint Rewrite <- word64ToZ_lor using word64_util_arith : pull_word64ToZ.
End Rewrites.
End Word64.
@@ -262,15 +279,15 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
| TZ => t
+About Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool.
Definition word64ToBoundedWord (x : Word64.word64) : t.
refine (let v := Word64.word64ToZ x in
- (if (0 <=? v)%Z as Hl return (0 <=? v)%Z = Hl -> t
- then (if (Z.log2 v <? Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z as Hu return (Z.log2 v <? Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z = Hu -> _ -> t
- then fun Hu Hl => Some {| lower := Word64.word64ToZ x ; value := x ; upper := Word64.word64ToZ x |}
- else fun _ _ => None) eq_refl
- else fun _ => None) eq_refl).
+ match Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (0 <=? v)%Z, Sumbool.sumbool_of_bool (Z.log2 v <? Z.of_nat Word64.bit_width)%Z with
+ | left Hl, left Hu
+ => Some {| lower := Word64.word64ToZ x ; value := x ; upper := Word64.word64ToZ x |}
+ | _, _ => None
+ end).
subst v.
abstract (Z.ltb_to_lt; repeat split; (assumption || reflexivity)).
@@ -346,64 +363,72 @@ Module BoundedWord64.
Definition add : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64plus ZBounds.add; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.add ZBounds.add; t_start;
Definition sub : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64minus ZBounds.sub; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.sub ZBounds.sub; t_start;
Definition mul : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64mul ZBounds.mul; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.mul ZBounds.mul; t_start;
Definition shl : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64shl ZBounds.shl; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.shl ZBounds.shl; t_start;
Definition shr : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64shr ZBounds.shr; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.shr ZBounds.shr; t_start;
Definition land : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64land ZBounds.land; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.land ZBounds.land; t_start;
Definition lor : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64lor ZBounds.lor; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.lor ZBounds.lor; t_start;
Definition neg : t -> t -> t.
- build_binop Word64.w64neg ZBounds.neg; t_start;
+ build_binop Word64.neg ZBounds.neg; t_start;
Definition cmovne : t -> t -> t -> t -> t.
- build_4op Word64.w64cmovne ZBounds.cmovne; t_start;
+ build_4op Word64.cmovne ZBounds.cmovne; t_start;
Definition cmovle : t -> t -> t -> t -> t.
- build_4op Word64.w64cmovle ZBounds.cmovle; t_start;
+ build_4op Word64.cmovle ZBounds.cmovle; t_start;
+ Local Notation value_binop_correct op opW :=
+ (forall x y v, op (Some x) (Some y) = Some v -> value v = opW (value x) (value y))
+ (only parsing).
+ Definition value_add : value_binop_correct add Word64.add.
+ Proof.
+ Admitted.
Module Export Notations.
Delimit Scope bounded_word_scope with bounded_word.
Notation "b[ l ~> u ]" := {| lower := l ; upper := u |} : bounded_word_scope.
@@ -461,4 +486,62 @@ Module Relations.
Definition related_boundsi t : BoundedWord64.interp_base_type t -> ZBounds.interp_base_type t -> Prop
:= match t with TZ => related_bounds end.
+ Local Notation related_op R interp_op1 interp_op2
+ := (forall (src dst : flat_type base_type) (op : op src dst)
+ (sv1 : interp_flat_type _ src) (sv2 : interp_flat_type _ src),
+ interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 R sv1 sv2 ->
+ interp_flat_type_rel_pointwise2 R (interp_op1 _ _ op sv1) (interp_op2 _ _ op sv2))
+ (only parsing).
+ Local Notation related_const R interp f g
+ := (forall (t : base_type) (v : interp t), R t (f t v) (g t v))
+ (only parsing).
+ Local Ltac related_const_t :=
+ let v := fresh in
+ let t := fresh in
+ intros t v; destruct t; intros; simpl in *; hnf; simpl;
+ cbv [BoundedWord64.word64ToBoundedWord related'_Z related'_word64] in *;
+ break_innermost_match; simpl;
+ first [ tauto
+ | Z.ltb_to_lt;
+ pose proof (Word64.word64ToZ_log_bound v);
+ try omega ].
+ Lemma related_Z_const : related_const related_Zi Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 Word64.to_Z.
+ Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
+ Lemma related_bounds_const : related_const related_boundsi Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 ZBounds.of_word64.
+ Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
+ Lemma related_word64_const : related_const related_word64i Word64.interp_base_type BoundedWord64.of_word64 (fun _ x => x).
+ Proof. related_const_t. Qed.
+ Lemma related_Z_op : related_op related_Zi (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Z.interp_op).
+ Proof.
+ let op := fresh in intros ?? op; destruct op; simpl.
+ repeat first [ progress cbv [related_Z lift_relation related'_Z BoundedWord64.value]
+ | progress intros
+ | progress destruct_head' prod
+ | progress destruct_head' and
+ | progress specialize_by ltac:(exact I)
+ | progress subst
+ | progress break_match
+ | progress break_match_hyps
+ | progress simpl @fst in *
+ | progress simpl @snd in *
+ | destruct_head' BoundedWord64.BoundedWord ].
+ { cbv [related_Z lift_relation related'_Z].
+ intros; break_match.
+ unfold related_Z, BoundedWord64.t, lift_relation, related'_Z, BoundedWord64.value.
+ match goal with
+ | [ H : _ = Some _ |- _ ] => apply BoundedWord64.value_add in H; simpl in H
+ end.
+ subst.
+ apply Word64.word64ToZ_add; auto;
+ admit. }
+ Admitted.
+ Lemma related_bounds_op : related_op related_boundsi (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@ZBounds.interp_op).
+ Proof. admit. Admitted.
+ Lemma related_word64_op : related_op related_word64i (@BoundedWord64.interp_op) (@Word64.interp_op).
+ Proof. admit. Admitted.
End Relations.