diff options
2 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Rewriter.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Rewriter.v
index a055c4735..aecf401d8 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Rewriter.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Rewriter.v
@@ -1418,6 +1418,8 @@ In the RHS, the follow notation applies:
; make_rewrite_step (* _step, so that if one of the arguments is concrete, we automatically get the rewrite rule for [Z_cast] applying to it *)
(#pident.Z_cast2 @ (??{ℤ}, ??{ℤ})) (fun r x y => (#(ident.Z_cast (fst r)) @ $x, #(ident.Z_cast (snd r)) @ $y))
+ ; make_rewrite (-??{ℤ}) (fun e => ret (UnderLets.UnderLet e (fun v => UnderLets.Base (-$v))) when negb (SubstVarLike.is_var_fst_snd_pair_opp e)) (* inline negation when the rewriter wouldn't already inline it *)
Definition dtree'
diff --git a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
index 4cba170bd..34a758d87 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/NewPipeline/Toplevel2.v
@@ -239,6 +239,47 @@ void fesub(uint64_t[5] x1, uint64_t[5] x2, uint64_t[5] x3) {
End X25519_64.
+Module P224_64.
+ Definition s := 2^224.
+ Definition c := [(2^96, 1); (1,-1)].
+ Definition machine_wordsize := 128.
+ Derive mulmod
+ SuchThat (SaturatedSolinas.rmulmod_correctT s c machine_wordsize mulmod)
+ As mulmod_correct.
+ Proof. Time solve_rmulmod machine_wordsize. Time Qed.
+ Import PrintingNotations.
+ Open Scope expr_scope.
+ Set Printing Width 100000.
+ Set Printing Depth 100000.
+ Local Notation "'mul128' '(' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint128, _)%core) @ (#(Z_mul_split_concrete 340282366920938463463374607431768211456) @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'add128' '(' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint128, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_add_get_carry_concrete 340282366920938463463374607431768211456) @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'adc128' '(' c ',' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint128, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_add_with_get_carry_concrete 340282366920938463463374607431768211456) @ c @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'sub128' '(' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint128, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow_concrete 340282366920938463463374607431768211456) @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'sbb128' '(' c ',' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint128, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow_concrete 340282366920938463463374607431768211456) @ c @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'mul64' '(' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint64, _)%core) @ (#(Z_mul_split_concrete 18446744073709551616) @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'add64' '(' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint64, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_add_get_carry_concrete 18446744073709551616) @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'adc64' '(' c ',' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint64, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_add_with_get_carry_concrete 18446744073709551616) @ c @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'adx64' '(' c ',' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast bool) @ (#Z_add_with_carry @ c @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'sub64' '(' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint64, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_sub_get_borrow_concrete 18446744073709551616) @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Local Notation "'sbb64' '(' c ',' x ',' y ')'" :=
+ (#(Z_cast2 (uint64, bool)%core) @ (#(Z_sub_with_get_borrow_concrete 18446744073709551616) @ c @ x @ y))%expr (at level 50) : expr_scope.
+ Set Printing Width 1000000.
+ Print mulmod.
+End P224_64.
Module P192_64.
Definition s := 2^192.
Definition c := [(2^64, 1); (1,1)].