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diff --git a/src/Galois/EdDSA.v b/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
index 57b070148..eed428c9c 100644
--- a/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
+++ b/src/Galois/EdDSA.v
@@ -12,11 +12,6 @@ Definition wfirstn {m} {n} (w : word m) (H : (n <= m)%nat) : word n.
exact (split1 n (m - n) w).
-Lemma wtl_WS : forall b {n} (w : word n), wtl (WS b w) = w.
- auto.
Class Encoding (T B:Type) := {
enc : T -> B ;
dec : B -> option T ;
@@ -24,7 +19,6 @@ Class Encoding (T B:Type) := {
Notation "'encoding' 'of' T 'as' B" := (Encoding T B) (at level 50).
(* Spec from <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf> *)
Module Type EdDSAParams.
Open Scope Z_scope.
@@ -48,8 +42,6 @@ Module Type EdDSAParams.
Notation publickey := (word b) (only parsing).
Notation signature := (word (b + b)) (only parsing).
- Parameter GFEncoding : encoding of GF as word (b-1).
Parameter H : forall {n}, word n -> word (b + b).
(* A cryptographic hash function. Conservative hash functions are recommended
* and do not have much impact on the total cost of EdDSA. *)
@@ -122,41 +114,20 @@ Module Type EdDSAParams.
Parameter H'_out_len : nat -> nat.
Parameter H' : forall {n}, word n -> word (H'_out_len n).
-End EdDSAParams.
-Module EdDSADefs (Import P : EdDSAParams).
+ Parameter GFEncoding : encoding of GF as word (b-1).
+ Parameter ScEncoding : encoding of {s:Z | s = s mod l} as word (b-1).
+ Parameter PointEncoding : encoding of point as word b.
+End EdDSAParams.
+Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
Infix "++" := combine.
Infix "*" := scalarMult.
Infix "+" := unifiedAdd.
Infix "mod" := modulo.
- (* From <https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/677.pdf>: x is negative if the
- * (b − 1)-bit encoding of x is lexicographically larger than the
- * (b − 1)-bit encoding of −x *)
- Definition is_negative x : word 1 :=
- if wlt_dec (enc (0 - x)) (enc x) then wone 1 else wzero 1.
- Lemma b_gt_0 : b > 0.
- Proof.
- pose proof b_valid.
- pose proof q_odd.
- destruct b; boring.
- Qed.
- Definition encode_point_ref (P:point) : word b.
- replace b with (b - 1 + 1)%nat by abstract (pose proof b_gt_0; omega).
- exact (combine (enc (projY P)) (is_negative (projX P))).
- Defined.
Definition curveKey sk := (let N := wordToNat (wfirstn sk n_le_b) in N - (N mod 2^c))%nat.
Definition randKey (sk:secretkey) := split2 b b (H sk).
-End EdDSADefs.
-Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
- Module Import Spec := EdDSADefs P.
- Parameter PointEncoding : encoding of point as word b.
- Axiom encode_point_spec : forall P, enc P = encode_point_ref P.
Parameter public : secretkey -> publickey.
Axiom public_spec : forall sk, public sk = enc ((curveKey sk) * B).
@@ -180,7 +151,6 @@ Module Type EdDSA (Import P : EdDSAParams).
End EdDSA.
Module EdDSAFacts (Import P : EdDSAParams) (Import Impl : EdDSA P).
- Import Impl.Spec.
(* for signature (R_, S_), R_ = encode_point (r * B) *)
Lemma decode_sign_split1 : forall A_ sk {n} (M : word n),
split1 b b (sign A_ sk M) = enc ((wordToNat (H (randKey sk ++ M))) * B).