// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library // for linear algebra. // // Copyright (C) 2015 Tal Hadad // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #ifndef EIGEN_EULERSYSTEM_H #define EIGEN_EULERSYSTEM_H namespace Eigen { // Forward declerations template class EulerAngles; namespace internal { // TODO: Add this trait to the Eigen internal API? template 0)> struct Abs { enum { value = Num }; }; template struct Abs { enum { value = -Num }; }; template struct IsValidAxis { enum { value = Axis != 0 && Abs::value <= 3 }; }; template struct eulerangles_assign_impl; } #define EIGEN_EULER_ANGLES_CLASS_STATIC_ASSERT(COND,MSG) typedef char static_assertion_##MSG[(COND)?1:-1] /** \brief Representation of a fixed signed rotation axis for EulerSystem. * * \ingroup EulerAngles_Module * * Values here represent: * - The axis of the rotation: X, Y or Z. * - The sign (i.e. direction of the rotation along the axis): positive(+) or negative(-) * * Therefore, this could express all the axes {+X,+Y,+Z,-X,-Y,-Z} * * For positive axis, use +EULER_{axis}, and for negative axis use -EULER_{axis}. */ enum EulerAxis { EULER_X = 1, /*!< the X axis */ EULER_Y = 2, /*!< the Y axis */ EULER_Z = 3 /*!< the Z axis */ }; /** \class EulerSystem * * \ingroup EulerAngles_Module * * \brief Represents a fixed Euler rotation system. * * This meta-class goal is to represent the Euler system in compilation time, for EulerAngles. * * You can use this class to get two things: * - Build an Euler system, and then pass it as a template parameter to EulerAngles. * - Query some compile time data about an Euler system. (e.g. Whether it's Tait-Bryan) * * Euler rotation is a set of three rotation on fixed axes. (see \ref EulerAngles) * This meta-class store constantly those signed axes. (see \ref EulerAxis) * * ### Types of Euler systems ### * * All and only valid 3 dimension Euler rotation over standard * signed axes{+X,+Y,+Z,-X,-Y,-Z} are supported: * - all axes X, Y, Z in each valid order (see below what order is valid) * - rotation over the axis is supported both over the positive and negative directions. * - both Tait-Bryan and proper/classic Euler angles (i.e. the opposite). * * Since EulerSystem support both positive and negative directions, * you may call this rotation distinction in other names: * - _right handed_ or _left handed_ * - _counterclockwise_ or _clockwise_ * * Notice all axed combination are valid, and would trigger a static assertion. * Same unsigned axes can't be neighbors, e.g. {X,X,Y} is invalid. * This yield two and only two classes: * - _Tait-Bryan_ - all unsigned axes are distinct, e.g. {X,Y,Z} * - _proper/classic Euler angles_ - The first and the third unsigned axes is equal, * and the second is different, e.g. {X,Y,X} * * ### Intrinsic vs extrinsic Euler systems ### * * Only intrinsic Euler systems are supported for simplicity. * If you want to use extrinsic Euler systems, * just use the equal intrinsic opposite order for axes and angles. * I.e axes (A,B,C) becomes (C,B,A), and angles (a,b,c) becomes (c,b,a). * * ### Convenient user typedefs ### * * Convenient typedefs for EulerSystem exist (only for positive axes Euler systems), * in a form of EulerSystem{A}{B}{C}, e.g. \ref EulerSystemXYZ. * * ### Additional reading ### * * More information about Euler angles: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles * * \tparam _AlphaAxis the first fixed EulerAxis * * \tparam _BetaAxis the second fixed EulerAxis * * \tparam _GammaAxis the third fixed EulerAxis */ template class EulerSystem { public: // It's defined this way and not as enum, because I think // that enum is not guerantee to support negative numbers /** The first rotation axis */ static const int AlphaAxis = _AlphaAxis; /** The second rotation axis */ static const int BetaAxis = _BetaAxis; /** The third rotation axis */ static const int GammaAxis = _GammaAxis; enum { AlphaAxisAbs = internal::Abs::value, /*!< the first rotation axis unsigned */ BetaAxisAbs = internal::Abs::value, /*!< the second rotation axis unsigned */ GammaAxisAbs = internal::Abs::value, /*!< the third rotation axis unsigned */ IsAlphaOpposite = (AlphaAxis < 0) ? 1 : 0, /*!< whether alpha axis is negative */ IsBetaOpposite = (BetaAxis < 0) ? 1 : 0, /*!< whether beta axis is negative */ IsGammaOpposite = (GammaAxis < 0) ? 1 : 0, /*!< whether gamma axis is negative */ // Parity is even if alpha axis X is followed by beta axis Y, or Y is followed // by Z, or Z is followed by X; otherwise it is odd. IsOdd = ((AlphaAxisAbs)%3 == (BetaAxisAbs - 1)%3) ? 0 : 1, /*!< whether the Euler system is odd */ IsEven = IsOdd ? 0 : 1, /*!< whether the Euler system is even */ IsTaitBryan = ((unsigned)AlphaAxisAbs != (unsigned)GammaAxisAbs) ? 1 : 0 /*!< whether the Euler system is Tait-Bryan */ }; private: EIGEN_EULER_ANGLES_CLASS_STATIC_ASSERT(internal::IsValidAxis::value, ALPHA_AXIS_IS_INVALID); EIGEN_EULER_ANGLES_CLASS_STATIC_ASSERT(internal::IsValidAxis::value, BETA_AXIS_IS_INVALID); EIGEN_EULER_ANGLES_CLASS_STATIC_ASSERT(internal::IsValidAxis::value, GAMMA_AXIS_IS_INVALID); EIGEN_EULER_ANGLES_CLASS_STATIC_ASSERT((unsigned)AlphaAxisAbs != (unsigned)BetaAxisAbs, ALPHA_AXIS_CANT_BE_EQUAL_TO_BETA_AXIS); EIGEN_EULER_ANGLES_CLASS_STATIC_ASSERT((unsigned)BetaAxisAbs != (unsigned)GammaAxisAbs, BETA_AXIS_CANT_BE_EQUAL_TO_GAMMA_AXIS); enum { // I, J, K are the pivot indexes permutation for the rotation matrix, that match this Euler system. // They are used in this class converters. // They are always different from each other, and their possible values are: 0, 1, or 2. I = AlphaAxisAbs - 1, J = (AlphaAxisAbs - 1 + 1 + IsOdd)%3, K = (AlphaAxisAbs - 1 + 2 - IsOdd)%3 }; // TODO: Get @mat parameter in form that avoids double evaluation. template static void CalcEulerAngles_imp(Matrix::Scalar, 3, 1>& res, const MatrixBase& mat, internal::true_type /*isTaitBryan*/) { using std::atan2; using std::sqrt; typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar; const Scalar plusMinus = IsEven? 1 : -1; const Scalar minusPlus = IsOdd? 1 : -1; const Scalar Rsum = sqrt((mat(I,I) * mat(I,I) + mat(I,J) * mat(I,J) + mat(J,K) * mat(J,K) + mat(K,K) * mat(K,K))/2); res[1] = atan2(plusMinus * mat(I,K), Rsum); // There is a singularity when cos(beta) == 0 if(Rsum > 4 * NumTraits::epsilon()) {// cos(beta) != 0 res[0] = atan2(minusPlus * mat(J, K), mat(K, K)); res[2] = atan2(minusPlus * mat(I, J), mat(I, I)); } else if(plusMinus * mat(I, K) > 0) {// cos(beta) == 0 and sin(beta) == 1 Scalar spos = mat(J, I) + plusMinus * mat(K, J); // 2*sin(alpha + plusMinus * gamma Scalar cpos = mat(J, J) + minusPlus * mat(K, I); // 2*cos(alpha + plusMinus * gamma) Scalar alphaPlusMinusGamma = atan2(spos, cpos); res[0] = alphaPlusMinusGamma; res[2] = 0; } else {// cos(beta) == 0 and sin(beta) == -1 Scalar sneg = plusMinus * (mat(K, J) + minusPlus * mat(J, I)); // 2*sin(alpha + minusPlus*gamma) Scalar cneg = mat(J, J) + plusMinus * mat(K, I); // 2*cos(alpha + minusPlus*gamma) Scalar alphaMinusPlusBeta = atan2(sneg, cneg); res[0] = alphaMinusPlusBeta; res[2] = 0; } } template static void CalcEulerAngles_imp(Matrix::Scalar,3,1>& res, const MatrixBase& mat, internal::false_type /*isTaitBryan*/) { using std::atan2; using std::sqrt; typedef typename Derived::Scalar Scalar; const Scalar plusMinus = IsEven? 1 : -1; const Scalar minusPlus = IsOdd? 1 : -1; const Scalar Rsum = sqrt((mat(I, J) * mat(I, J) + mat(I, K) * mat(I, K) + mat(J, I) * mat(J, I) + mat(K, I) * mat(K, I)) / 2); res[1] = atan2(Rsum, mat(I, I)); // There is a singularity when sin(beta) == 0 if(Rsum > 4 * NumTraits::epsilon()) {// sin(beta) != 0 res[0] = atan2(mat(J, I), minusPlus * mat(K, I)); res[2] = atan2(mat(I, J), plusMinus * mat(I, K)); } else if(mat(I, I) > 0) {// sin(beta) == 0 and cos(beta) == 1 Scalar spos = plusMinus * mat(K, J) + minusPlus * mat(J, K); // 2*sin(alpha + gamma) Scalar cpos = mat(J, J) + mat(K, K); // 2*cos(alpha + gamma) res[0] = atan2(spos, cpos); res[2] = 0; } else {// sin(beta) == 0 and cos(beta) == -1 Scalar sneg = plusMinus * mat(K, J) + plusMinus * mat(J, K); // 2*sin(alpha - gamma) Scalar cneg = mat(J, J) - mat(K, K); // 2*cos(alpha - gamma) res[0] = atan2(sneg, cneg); res[2] = 0; } } template static void CalcEulerAngles( EulerAngles& res, const typename EulerAngles::Matrix3& mat) { CalcEulerAngles_imp( res.angles(), mat, typename internal::conditional::type()); if (IsAlphaOpposite) res.alpha() = -res.alpha(); if (IsBetaOpposite) res.beta() = -res.beta(); if (IsGammaOpposite) res.gamma() = -res.gamma(); } template friend class Eigen::EulerAngles; template friend struct internal::eulerangles_assign_impl; }; #define EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(A, B, C) \ /** \ingroup EulerAngles_Module */ \ typedef EulerSystem EulerSystem##A##B##C; EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(X,Y,Z) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(X,Y,X) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(X,Z,Y) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(X,Z,X) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Y,Z,X) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Y,Z,Y) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Y,X,Z) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Y,X,Y) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Z,X,Y) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Z,X,Z) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Z,Y,X) EIGEN_EULER_SYSTEM_TYPEDEF(Z,Y,Z) } #endif // EIGEN_EULERSYSTEM_H