// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library // for linear algebra. // // Copyright (C) 2018 Rasmus Munk Larsen // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. // Barrier is an object that allows one or more threads to wait until // Notify has been called a specified number of times. #ifndef EIGEN_CXX11_THREADPOOL_BARRIER_H #define EIGEN_CXX11_THREADPOOL_BARRIER_H namespace Eigen { class Barrier { public: Barrier(unsigned int count) : state_(count << 1), notified_(false) { eigen_plain_assert(((count << 1) >> 1) == count); } ~Barrier() { eigen_plain_assert((state_ >> 1) == 0); } void Notify() { unsigned int v = state_.fetch_sub(2, std::memory_order_acq_rel) - 2; if (v != 1) { // Clear the lowest bit (waiter flag) and check that the original state // value was not zero. If it was zero, it means that notify was called // more times than the original count. eigen_plain_assert(((v + 2) & ~1) != 0); return; // either count has not dropped to 0, or waiter is not waiting } std::unique_lock l(mu_); eigen_plain_assert(!notified_); notified_ = true; cv_.notify_all(); } void Wait() { unsigned int v = state_.fetch_or(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel); if ((v >> 1) == 0) return; std::unique_lock l(mu_); while (!notified_) { cv_.wait(l); } } private: std::mutex mu_; std::condition_variable cv_; std::atomic state_; // low bit is waiter flag bool notified_; }; // Notification is an object that allows a user to to wait for another // thread to signal a notification that an event has occurred. // // Multiple threads can wait on the same Notification object, // but only one caller must call Notify() on the object. struct Notification : Barrier { Notification() : Barrier(1){}; }; } // namespace Eigen #endif // EIGEN_CXX11_THREADPOOL_BARRIER_H