#!/bin/bash # This is a script example to automatically update and upload performance unit tests. # The following five variables must be adjusted to match your settings. USER='ggael' UPLOAD_DIR=perf_monitoring/ggaelmacbook26 EIGEN_SOURCE_PATH=$HOME/Eigen/eigen export PREFIX="haswell-fma" export CXX_FLAGS="-mfma -w" #### BENCH_PATH=$EIGEN_SOURCE_PATH/bench/perf_monitoring/$PREFIX PREVPATH=`pwd` cd $EIGEN_SOURCE_PATH/bench/perf_monitoring && ./runall.sh "Haswell 2.6GHz, FMA, Apple's clang" $* cd $PREVPATH ALLFILES="$BENCH_PATH/*.png $BENCH_PATH/*.html $BENCH_PATH/index.html $BENCH_PATH/s1.js $BENCH_PATH/s2.js" # (the '/' at the end of path is very important, see rsync documentation) rsync -az --no-p --delete $ALLFILES $USER@ssh.tuxfamily.org:eigen/eigen.tuxfamily.org-web/htdocs/$UPLOAD_DIR/ || { echo "upload failed"; exit 1; } # fix the perm ssh $USER@ssh.tuxfamily.org "chmod -R g+w /home/eigen/eigen.tuxfamily.org-web/htdocs/perf_monitoring" || { echo "perm failed"; exit 1; }