typedef Matrix Matrix5x3; typedef Matrix Matrix5x5; Matrix5x3 m = Matrix5x3::Random(); cout << "Here is the matrix m:" << endl << m << endl; Eigen::LU lu(m); cout << "Here is, up to permutations, its LU decomposition matrix:" << endl << lu.matrixLU() << endl; cout << "Here is the actual L matrix in this decomposition:" << endl; Matrix5x5 l = Matrix5x5::Identity(); l.block<5,3>(0,0).part() = lu.matrixLU(); cout << l << endl; cout << "Let us now reconstruct the original matrix m:" << endl; Matrix5x3 x = l * lu.matrixU(); Matrix5x3 y; for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) y(i, lu.permutationQ()[j]) = x(lu.permutationP()[i], j); cout << y << endl; assert(y.isApprox(m));