#.rst: # FindComputeCpp #--------------- # # Copyright 2016-2018 Codeplay Software Ltd. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ######################### # FindComputeCpp.cmake ######################### # # Tools for finding and building with ComputeCpp. # # User must define ComputeCpp_DIR pointing to the ComputeCpp # installation. # # Latest version of this file can be found at: # https://github.com/codeplaysoftware/computecpp-sdk cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.3) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) set(COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS "" CACHE STRING "User flags for compute++") separate_arguments(COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS) mark_as_advanced(COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS) set(COMPUTECPP_BITCODE "spir64" CACHE STRING "Bitcode type to use as SYCL target in compute++") mark_as_advanced(COMPUTECPP_BITCODE) find_package(OpenCL REQUIRED) # Find ComputeCpp package if(DEFINED ComputeCpp_DIR) set(computecpp_find_hint ${ComputeCpp_DIR}) elseif(DEFINED ENV{COMPUTECPP_DIR}) set(computecpp_find_hint $ENV{COMPUTECPP_DIR}) endif() # Used for running executables on the host set(computecpp_host_find_hint ${computecpp_find_hint}) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) # ComputeCpp_HOST_DIR is used to find executables that are run on the host if(DEFINED ComputeCpp_HOST_DIR) set(computecpp_host_find_hint ${ComputeCpp_HOST_DIR}) elseif(DEFINED ENV{COMPUTECPP_HOST_DIR}) set(computecpp_host_find_hint $ENV{COMPUTECPP_HOST_DIR}) endif() endif() find_program(ComputeCpp_DEVICE_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE compute++ HINTS ${computecpp_host_find_hint} PATH_SUFFIXES bin) find_program(ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE computecpp_info HINTS ${computecpp_host_find_hint} PATH_SUFFIXES bin) find_library(COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY NAMES ComputeCpp ComputeCpp_vs2015 HINTS ${computecpp_find_hint} PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "ComputeCpp Runtime Library") find_library(COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ComputeCpp ComputeCpp_vs2015_d HINTS ${computecpp_find_hint} PATH_SUFFIXES lib DOC "ComputeCpp Debug Runtime Library") find_path(ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS NAMES "CL/sycl.hpp" HINTS ${computecpp_find_hint}/include DOC "The ComputeCpp include directory") get_filename_component(ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(computecpp_canonical_root_dir "${ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS}/.." ABSOLUTE) set(ComputeCpp_ROOT_DIR "${computecpp_canonical_root_dir}" CACHE PATH "The root of the ComputeCpp install") if(NOT ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE) message(WARNING "Can't find computecpp_info - check ComputeCpp_DIR") else() execute_process(COMMAND ${ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE} "--dump-version" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ComputeCpp_VERSION RESULT_VARIABLE ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE_RESULT EQUAL "0") message(WARNING "Package version - Error obtaining version!") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE} "--dump-is-supported" OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMPUTECPP_PLATFORM_IS_SUPPORTED RESULT_VARIABLE ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE_RESULT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(NOT ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE_RESULT EQUAL "0") message(WARNING "platform - Error checking platform support!") else() mark_as_advanced(COMPUTECPP_PLATFORM_IS_SUPPORTED) if (COMPUTECPP_PLATFORM_IS_SUPPORTED) message(STATUS "platform - your system can support ComputeCpp") else() message(WARNING "platform - your system CANNOT support ComputeCpp") endif() endif() endif() find_package_handle_standard_args(ComputeCpp REQUIRED_VARS ComputeCpp_ROOT_DIR ComputeCpp_DEVICE_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DEBUG ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS VERSION_VAR ComputeCpp_VERSION) mark_as_advanced(ComputeCpp_ROOT_DIR ComputeCpp_DEVICE_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE ComputeCpp_INFO_EXECUTABLE COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DEBUG ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS ComputeCpp_VERSION) if(NOT ComputeCpp_FOUND) return() endif() list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS -O2 -mllvm -inline-threshold=1000 -intelspirmetadata) mark_as_advanced(COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS) if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) if(NOT COMPUTECPP_DONT_USE_TOOLCHAIN) list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS --gcc-toolchain=${COMPUTECPP_TOOLCHAIN_DIR}) endif() list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS --sysroot=${COMPUTECPP_SYSROOT_DIR}) list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS -target ${COMPUTECPP_TARGET_TRIPLE}) endif() list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS -sycl-target ${COMPUTECPP_BITCODE}) message(STATUS "compute++ flags - ${COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS}") if(NOT TARGET OpenCL::OpenCL) add_library(OpenCL::OpenCL UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(OpenCL::OpenCL PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${OpenCL_LIBRARIES}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${OpenCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}" ) endif() if(NOT TARGET ComputeCpp::ComputeCpp) add_library(ComputeCpp::ComputeCpp UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(ComputeCpp::ComputeCpp PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DEBUG}" IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELWITHDEBINFO "${COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY_DEBUG}" IMPORTED_LOCATION "${COMPUTECPP_RUNTIME_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${ComputeCpp_INCLUDE_DIRS}" INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "OpenCL::OpenCL" ) endif() # This property allows targets to specify that their sources should be # compiled with the integration header included after the user's # sources, not before (e.g. when an enum is used in a kernel name, this # is not technically valid SYCL code but can work with ComputeCpp) define_property( TARGET PROPERTY COMPUTECPP_INCLUDE_AFTER BRIEF_DOCS "Include integration header after user source" FULL_DOCS "Changes compiler arguments such that the source file is actually the integration header, and the .cpp file is included on the command line so that it is seen by the compiler first. Enables non-standards-conformant SYCL code to compile with ComputeCpp." ) define_property( TARGET PROPERTY INTERFACE_COMPUTECPP_FLAGS BRIEF_DOCS "Interface compile flags to provide compute++" FULL_DOCS "Set additional compile flags to pass to compute++ when compiling any target which links to this one." ) define_property( SOURCE PROPERTY COMPUTECPP_SOURCE_FLAGS BRIEF_DOCS "Source file compile flags for compute++" FULL_DOCS "Set additional compile flags for compiling the SYCL integration header for the given source file." ) #################### # __build_ir #################### # # Adds a custom target for running compute++ and adding a dependency for the # resulting integration header. # # TARGET : Name of the target. # SOURCE : Source file to be compiled. # COUNTER : Counter included in name of custom target. Different counter # values prevent duplicated names of custom target when source files with # the same name, but located in different directories, are used for the # same target. # function(__build_ir) set(options) set(one_value_args TARGET SOURCE COUNTER ) set(multi_value_args) cmake_parse_arguments(SDK_BUILD_IR "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN} ) get_filename_component(sourceFileName ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} NAME) # Set the path to the integration header. # The .sycl filename must depend on the target so that different targets # using the same source file will be generated with a different rule. set(baseSyclName ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET}_${sourceFileName}) set(outputSyclFile ${baseSyclName}.sycl) set(depFileName ${baseSyclName}.sycl.d) set(include_directories "$") set(compile_definitions "$") set(generated_include_directories $<$:-I\"$\">) set(generated_compile_definitions $<$:-D$>) # Obtain language standard of the file set(device_compiler_cxx_standard) get_target_property(targetCxxStandard ${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET} CXX_STANDARD) if (targetCxxStandard MATCHES 17) set(device_compiler_cxx_standard "-std=c++1z") elseif (targetCxxStandard MATCHES 14) set(device_compiler_cxx_standard "-std=c++14") elseif (targetCxxStandard MATCHES 11) set(device_compiler_cxx_standard "-std=c++11") elseif (targetCxxStandard MATCHES 98) message(FATAL_ERROR "SYCL applications cannot be compiled using C++98") else () set(device_compiler_cxx_standard "") endif() get_property(source_compile_flags SOURCE ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} PROPERTY COMPUTECPP_SOURCE_FLAGS ) separate_arguments(source_compile_flags) if(source_compile_flags) list(APPEND computecpp_source_flags ${source_compile_flags}) endif() list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS ${device_compiler_cxx_standard} ${COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS} ${computecpp_source_flags} ) set(ir_dependencies ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE}) get_target_property(target_libraries ${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET} LINK_LIBRARIES) if(target_libraries) foreach(library ${target_libraries}) list(APPEND ir_dependencies ${library}) endforeach() endif() # Depfile support was only added in CMake 3.7 # CMake throws an error if it is unsupported by the generator (i. e. not ninja) if((NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.7.0) AND CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "Ninja") file(RELATIVE_PATH relOutputFile ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ${outputSyclFile}) set(generate_depfile -MMD -MF ${depFileName} -MT ${relOutputFile}) set(enable_depfile DEPFILE ${depFileName}) endif() # Add custom command for running compute++ add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${outputSyclFile} COMMAND ${ComputeCpp_DEVICE_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE} ${COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS} ${generated_include_directories} ${generated_compile_definitions} -o ${outputSyclFile} -c ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} ${generate_depfile} DEPENDS ${ir_dependencies} IMPLICIT_DEPENDS CXX ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} ${enable_depfile} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} COMMENT "Building ComputeCpp integration header file ${outputSyclFile}") # Name: (user-defined name)_(source file)_(counter)_ih set(headerTargetName ${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET}_${sourceFileName}_${SDK_BUILD_IR_COUNTER}_ih) if(NOT MSVC) # Add a custom target for the generated integration header add_custom_target(${headerTargetName} DEPENDS ${outputSyclFile}) add_dependencies(${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET} ${headerTargetName}) endif() # This property can be set on a per-target basis to indicate that the # integration header should appear after the main source listing get_target_property(includeAfter ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} COMPUTECPP_INCLUDE_AFTER) if(includeAfter) # Change the source file to the integration header - e.g. # g++ -c source_file_name.cpp.sycl get_target_property(current_sources ${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET} SOURCES) # Remove absolute path to source file list(REMOVE_ITEM current_sources ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE}) # Remove relative path to source file string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/" "" rel_source_file ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} ) list(REMOVE_ITEM current_sources ${rel_source_file}) # Add SYCL header to source list list(APPEND current_sources ${outputSyclFile}) set_property(TARGET ${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET} PROPERTY SOURCES ${current_sources}) # CMake/gcc don't know what language a .sycl file is, so tell them set_property(SOURCE ${outputSyclFile} PROPERTY LANGUAGE CXX) set(includedFile ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE}) set(cppFile ${outputSyclFile}) else() set_property(SOURCE ${outputSyclFile} PROPERTY HEADER_FILE_ONLY ON) set(includedFile ${outputSyclFile}) set(cppFile ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE}) endif() # Force inclusion of the integration header for the host compiler if(MSVC) # Group SYCL files inside Visual Studio source_group("SYCL" FILES ${outputSyclFile}) if(includeAfter) # Allow the source file to be edited using Visual Studio. # It will be added as a header file so it won't be compiled. set_property(SOURCE ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} PROPERTY HEADER_FILE_ONLY true) endif() # Add both source and the sycl files to the VS solution. target_sources(${SDK_BUILD_IR_TARGET} PUBLIC ${SDK_BUILD_IR_SOURCE} ${outputSyclFile}) set(forceIncludeFlags "/FI${includedFile} /TP") else() set(forceIncludeFlags "-include ${includedFile} -x c++") endif() set_property( SOURCE ${cppFile} APPEND_STRING PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS "${forceIncludeFlags}" ) endfunction(__build_ir) ####################### # add_sycl_to_target ####################### # # Adds a SYCL compilation custom command associated with an existing # target and sets a dependancy on that new command. # # TARGET : Name of the target to add SYCL to. # SOURCES : Source files to be compiled for SYCL. # function(add_sycl_to_target) set(options) set(one_value_args TARGET ) set(multi_value_args SOURCES ) cmake_parse_arguments(SDK_ADD_SYCL "${options}" "${one_value_args}" "${multi_value_args}" ${ARGN} ) # If the CXX compiler is set to compute++ enable the driver. get_filename_component(cmakeCxxCompilerFileName "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER}" NAME) if("${cmakeCxxCompilerFileName}" STREQUAL "compute++") if(MSVC) message(FATAL_ERROR "The compiler driver is not supported by this system, revert the CXX compiler to your default host compiler.") endif() get_target_property(includeAfter ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} COMPUTECPP_INCLUDE_AFTER) if(includeAfter) list(APPEND COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS -fsycl-ih-last) endif() list(INSERT COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS 0 -sycl-driver) # Prepend COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS and append COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS foreach(prop COMPILE_OPTIONS INTERFACE_COMPILE_OPTIONS) get_target_property(target_compile_options ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} ${prop}) if(NOT target_compile_options) set(target_compile_options "") endif() set_property( TARGET ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} PROPERTY ${prop} ${COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS} ${target_compile_options} ${COMPUTECPP_USER_FLAGS} ) endforeach() else() set(fileCounter 0) list(INSERT COMPUTECPP_DEVICE_COMPILER_FLAGS 0 -sycl) # Add custom target to run compute++ and generate the integration header foreach(sourceFile ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_SOURCES}) if(NOT IS_ABSOLUTE ${sourceFile}) set(sourceFile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${sourceFile}") endif() __build_ir( TARGET ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} SOURCE ${sourceFile} COUNTER ${fileCounter} ) MATH(EXPR fileCounter "${fileCounter} + 1") endforeach() endif() set_property(TARGET ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY LINK_LIBRARIES ComputeCpp::ComputeCpp) set_property(TARGET ${SDK_ADD_SYCL_TARGET} APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES ComputeCpp::ComputeCpp) endfunction(add_sycl_to_target)