// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library // for linear algebra. // // Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Benoit Jacob // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed // with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #ifndef EIGEN_SWAP_H #define EIGEN_SWAP_H namespace Eigen { // #ifndef EIGEN_TEST_EVALUATORS /** \class SwapWrapper * \ingroup Core_Module * * \internal * * \brief Internal helper class for swapping two expressions */ namespace internal { template struct traits > : traits {}; } template class SwapWrapper : public internal::dense_xpr_base >::type { public: typedef typename internal::dense_xpr_base::type Base; EIGEN_DENSE_PUBLIC_INTERFACE(SwapWrapper) typedef typename internal::packet_traits::type Packet; EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline SwapWrapper(ExpressionType& xpr) : m_expression(xpr) {} EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index rows() const { return m_expression.rows(); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index cols() const { return m_expression.cols(); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index outerStride() const { return m_expression.outerStride(); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Index innerStride() const { return m_expression.innerStride(); } typedef typename internal::conditional< internal::is_lvalue::value, Scalar, const Scalar >::type ScalarWithConstIfNotLvalue; EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline ScalarWithConstIfNotLvalue* data() { return m_expression.data(); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline const Scalar* data() const { return m_expression.data(); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index rowId, Index colId) { return m_expression.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(rowId, colId); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index index) { return m_expression.const_cast_derived().coeffRef(index); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index rowId, Index colId) const { return m_expression.coeffRef(rowId, colId); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC inline Scalar& coeffRef(Index index) const { return m_expression.coeffRef(index); } template EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void copyCoeff(Index rowId, Index colId, const DenseBase& other) { OtherDerived& _other = other.const_cast_derived(); eigen_internal_assert(rowId >= 0 && rowId < rows() && colId >= 0 && colId < cols()); Scalar tmp = m_expression.coeff(rowId, colId); m_expression.coeffRef(rowId, colId) = _other.coeff(rowId, colId); _other.coeffRef(rowId, colId) = tmp; } template EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC void copyCoeff(Index index, const DenseBase& other) { OtherDerived& _other = other.const_cast_derived(); eigen_internal_assert(index >= 0 && index < m_expression.size()); Scalar tmp = m_expression.coeff(index); m_expression.coeffRef(index) = _other.coeff(index); _other.coeffRef(index) = tmp; } template void copyPacket(Index rowId, Index colId, const DenseBase& other) { OtherDerived& _other = other.const_cast_derived(); eigen_internal_assert(rowId >= 0 && rowId < rows() && colId >= 0 && colId < cols()); Packet tmp = m_expression.template packet(rowId, colId); m_expression.template writePacket(rowId, colId, _other.template packet(rowId, colId) ); _other.template writePacket(rowId, colId, tmp); } template void copyPacket(Index index, const DenseBase& other) { OtherDerived& _other = other.const_cast_derived(); eigen_internal_assert(index >= 0 && index < m_expression.size()); Packet tmp = m_expression.template packet(index); m_expression.template writePacket(index, _other.template packet(index) ); _other.template writePacket(index, tmp); } EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC ExpressionType& expression() const { return m_expression; } protected: ExpressionType& m_expression; }; // #endif #ifdef EIGEN_ENABLE_EVALUATORS namespace internal { // Overload default assignPacket behavior for swapping them template class generic_dense_assignment_kernel, Specialized> : public generic_dense_assignment_kernel, BuiltIn> { protected: typedef generic_dense_assignment_kernel, BuiltIn> Base; typedef typename DstEvaluatorTypeT::PacketScalar PacketScalar; using Base::m_dst; using Base::m_src; using Base::m_functor; public: typedef typename Base::Scalar Scalar; typedef typename Base::Index Index; typedef typename Base::DstXprType DstXprType; typedef swap_assign_op Functor; generic_dense_assignment_kernel(DstEvaluatorTypeT &dst, const SrcEvaluatorTypeT &src, const Functor &func, DstXprType& dstExpr) : Base(dst, src, func, dstExpr) {} template void assignPacket(Index row, Index col) { m_functor.template swapPacket(&m_dst.coeffRef(row,col), &const_cast(m_src).coeffRef(row,col)); } template void assignPacket(Index index) { m_functor.template swapPacket(&m_dst.coeffRef(index), &const_cast(m_src).coeffRef(index)); } // TODO find a simple way not to have to copy/paste this function from generic_dense_assignment_kernel, by simple I mean no CRTP (Gael) template void assignPacketByOuterInner(Index outer, Index inner) { Index row = Base::rowIndexByOuterInner(outer, inner); Index col = Base::colIndexByOuterInner(outer, inner); assignPacket(row, col); } }; } // namespace internal #endif } // end namespace Eigen #endif // EIGEN_SWAP_H