path: root/test/solverbase.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Use internal::ref_selector to avoid holding a reference to a RHS expression.Gravatar Rasmus Munk Larsen2021-06-22
* PR 567: makes all dense solvers inherit SoverBase (LU,Cholesky,QR,SVD).Gravatar Patrick Peltzer2019-01-17
This changeset also includes: * add HouseholderSequence::conjugateIf * define int as the StorageIndex type for all dense solvers * dedicated unit tests, including assertion checking * _check_solve_assertion(): this method can be implemented in derived solver classes to implement custom checks * CompleteOrthogonalDecompositions: add applyZOnTheLeftInPlace, fix scalar type in applyZAdjointOnTheLeftInPlace(), add missing assertions * Cholesky: add missing assertions * FullPivHouseholderQR: Corrected Scalar type in _solve_impl() * BDCSVD: Unambiguous return type for ternary operator * SVDBase: Corrected Scalar type in _solve_impl()