path: root/doc/UnalignedArrayAssert.dox
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-namespace Eigen {
-/** \page UnalignedArrayAssert Explanation of the assertion on unaligned arrays
-Hello! You are seeing this webpage because your program terminated on an assertion failure like this one:
-my_program: path/to/eigen2/Eigen/src/Core/MatrixStorage.h:44:
-Eigen::ei_matrix_array<T, Size, MatrixOptions, Align>::ei_matrix_array()
-[with T = double, int Size = 2, int MatrixOptions = 2, bool Align = true]:
-Assertion `(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(array) & 0xf) == 0 && "this assertion
-is explained here: http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/dox/UnalignedArrayAssert.html
-**** READ THIS WEB PAGE !!! ****"' failed.
-There are 3 known causes for this issue. Please read on to understand them and learn how to fix them.
-\b Table \b of \b contents
- - \ref c1
- - \ref c2
- - \ref c3
- - \ref explanation
-\section c1 Cause 1: Structures having Eigen objects as members
-If you have code like this,
-class Foo
- //...
- Eigen::Vector2d v;
- //...
-Foo *foo = new Foo;
-then you need to read this separate page: \ref StructHavingEigenMembers "Structures Having Eigen Members".
-Note that here, Eigen::Vector2d is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types".
-\section c2 Cause 2: STL Containers
-If you use STL Containers such as std::vector, std::map, ..., with Eigen objects, like this,
-std::vector<Eigen::Matrix2f> my_vector;
-std::map<int, Eigen::Matrix2f> my_map;
-then you need to read this separate page: \ref StlContainers "Using STL Containers with Eigen".
-Note that here, Eigen::Matrix2f is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types".
-\section c3 Cause 3: Passing Eigen objects by value
-If some function in your code is getting an Eigen object passed by value, like this,
-void func(Eigen::Vector4d v);
-then you need to read this separate page: \ref PassingByValue "Passing Eigen objects by value to functions".
-Note that here, Eigen::Vector4d is only used as an example, more generally the issue arises for all \ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen types".
-\section explanation General explanation of this assertion
-\ref FixedSizeVectorizable "fixed-size vectorizable Eigen objects" must absolutely be created at 16-byte-aligned locations, otherwise SIMD instructions adressing them will crash.
-Eigen normally takes care of these alignment issues for you, by setting an alignment attribute on them and by overloading their "operator new".
-However there are a few corner cases where these alignment settings get overridden: they are the possible causes for this assertion.