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diff --git a/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularSolverMatrix.h b/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularSolverMatrix.h
index 798cd6c09..eeb445f0b 100644
--- a/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularSolverMatrix.h
+++ b/Eigen/src/Core/products/TriangularSolverMatrix.h
@@ -81,10 +81,8 @@ struct ei_triangular_solve_matrix//<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,RhsStorageOrder>
const Scalar* _lhs, int lhsStride,
Scalar* _rhs, int rhsStride)
- Map<Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,LhsStorageOrder> > lhs(_lhs, size, size);
- Map<Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic,RhsStorageOrder> > rhs(_rhs, size, cols);
- //ei_const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar, LhsStorageOrder> lhs(_lhs,lhsStride);
- //ei_const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar, RhsStorageOrder> rhs(_rhs,rhsStride);
+ ei_const_blas_data_mapper<Scalar, LhsStorageOrder> lhs(_lhs,lhsStride);
+ ei_blas_data_mapper <Scalar, RhsStorageOrder> rhs(_rhs,rhsStride);
typedef ei_product_blocking_traits<Scalar> Blocking;
enum {
@@ -93,17 +91,19 @@ struct ei_triangular_solve_matrix//<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,RhsStorageOrder>
int kc = std::min<int>(Blocking::Max_kc/4,size); // cache block size along the K direction
- int mc = std::min<int>(Blocking::Max_mc,size); // cache block size along the M direction
+ int mc = std::min<int>(Blocking::Max_mc,size); // cache block size along the M direction
Scalar* blockA = ei_aligned_stack_new(Scalar, kc*mc);
-// Scalar* blockB = new Scalar[10*kc*cols*Blocking::PacketSize];
Scalar* blockB = ei_aligned_stack_new(Scalar, kc*cols*Blocking::PacketSize);
ei_gebp_kernel<Scalar, Blocking::mr, Blocking::nr, ei_conj_helper<false,false> > gebp_kernel;
+ ei_gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder> pack_lhs;
- for(int k2=0; k2<size; k2+=kc)
+ for(int k2=IsLowerTriangular ? 0 : size;
+ IsLowerTriangular ? k2<size : k2>0;
+ IsLowerTriangular ? k2+=kc : k2-=kc)
- const int actual_kc = std::min(k2+kc,size)-k2;
+ const int actual_kc = std::min(IsLowerTriangular ? size-k2 : k2, kc);
// We have selected and packed a big horizontal panel R1 of rhs. Let B be the packed copy of this panel,
// and R2 the remaining part of rhs. The corresponding vertical panel of lhs is split into
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ struct ei_triangular_solve_matrix//<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,RhsStorageOrder>
// - update B from the new R1 => actually this has to be performed continuously during the above step
// - R2 = L2 * B => GEPP
- // The tricky part: R1 = L1^-1 B while updating B from R1
+ // The tricky part: compute R1 = L1^-1 B while updating B from R1
// The idea is to split L1 into multiple small vertical panels.
// Each panel can be split into a small triangular part A1 which is processed without optimization,
// and the remaining small part A2 which is processed using gebp with appropriate block strides
@@ -122,76 +122,80 @@ struct ei_triangular_solve_matrix//<Scalar,LhsStorageOrder,RhsStorageOrder>
// for each small vertical panels of lhs
for (int k1=0; k1<actual_kc; k1+=SmallPanelWidth)
- int actualPanelWidth = std::min<int>(SmallPanelWidth,actual_kc-k1);
+ int actualPanelWidth = std::min<int>(actual_kc-k1, SmallPanelWidth);
// tr solve
for (int k=0; k<actualPanelWidth; ++k)
- int i = k2+k1+k;
+ // TODO write a small kernel handling this (can be shared with trsv)
+ int i = IsLowerTriangular ? k2+k1+k : k2-k1-k-1;
+ int s = IsLowerTriangular ? k2+k1 : i+1;
int rs = actualPanelWidth - k - 1; // remaining size
Scalar a = (Mode & UnitDiagBit) ? Scalar(1) : Scalar(1)/lhs(i,i);
for (int j=0; j<cols; ++j)
if (LhsStorageOrder==RowMajor)
Scalar b = 0;
- Scalar* r = &rhs.coeffRef(k2+k1,j);
- const Scalar* l = &lhs.coeff(i,k2+k1);
+ const Scalar* l = &lhs(i,s);
+ Scalar* r = &rhs(s,j);
for (int i3=0; i3<k; ++i3)
b += l[i3] * r[i3];
- rhs.coeffRef(i,j) = (rhs.coeffRef(i,j) - b)*a;
+ rhs(i,j) = (rhs(i,j) - b)*a;
- Scalar b = (rhs.coeffRef(i,j) *= a);
- Scalar* r = &rhs.coeffRef(i+1,j);
- const Scalar* l = &lhs.coeff(i+1,i);
+ int s = IsLowerTriangular ? i+1 : i-rs;
+ Scalar b = (rhs(i,j) *= a);
+ Scalar* r = &rhs(s,j);
+ const Scalar* l = &lhs(s,i);
for (int i3=0;i3<rs;++i3)
r[i3] -= b * l[i3];
-// for (int j=0; j<cols; ++j)
-// lhs.block(k2+k1,k2+k1,actualPanelWidth,actualPanelWidth).template triangularView<LowerTriangular>()
-// .solveInPlace(rhs.col(j).segment(k2+k1,actualPanelWidth));
-// lhs.block(k2+k1,k2+k1,actualPanelWidth,actualPanelWidth).template triangularView<LowerTriangular>()
-// .solveInPlace(rhs.block(k2+k1,0,actualPanelWidth,cols));
+ int lengthTarget = actual_kc-k1-actualPanelWidth;
+ int startBlock = IsLowerTriangular ? k2+k1 : k2-k1-actualPanelWidth;
+ int blockBOffset = IsLowerTriangular ? k1 : lengthTarget;
// update the respective rows of B from rhs
ei_gemm_pack_rhs_panel<Scalar, Blocking::nr>()
- (blockB, _rhs+k2+k1, rhsStride, -1, actualPanelWidth, cols, actual_kc, k1);
+ (blockB, _rhs+startBlock, rhsStride, -1, actualPanelWidth, cols, actual_kc, blockBOffset);
- int i = k1+actualPanelWidth;
- int rs = actual_kc-i;
- if (rs>0)
+ if (lengthTarget>0)
- ei_gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder>()
- (blockA, &lhs(k2+i, k2+k1), lhsStride, actualPanelWidth, rs);
+ int startTarget = IsLowerTriangular ? k2+k1+actualPanelWidth : k2-actual_kc;
- gebp_kernel(_rhs+i+k2, rhsStride,
- blockA, blockB, rs, actualPanelWidth, cols, actualPanelWidth, actual_kc, 0, k1*Blocking::PacketSize);
+ pack_lhs(blockA, &lhs(startTarget,startBlock), lhsStride, actualPanelWidth, lengthTarget);
+ gebp_kernel(_rhs+startTarget, rhsStride, blockA, blockB, lengthTarget, actualPanelWidth, cols,
+ actualPanelWidth, actual_kc, 0, blockBOffset*Blocking::PacketSize);
- // - R2 = A2 * B => GEPP
- for(int i2=k2+kc; i2<size; i2+=mc)
+ // R2 = A2 * B => GEPP
- const int actual_mc = std::min(i2+mc,size)-i2;
- ei_gemm_pack_lhs<Scalar,Blocking::mr,LhsStorageOrder>()
- (blockA, &lhs(i2, k2), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
- gebp_kernel(_rhs+i2, rhsStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols);
+ int start = IsLowerTriangular ? k2+kc : 0;
+ int end = IsLowerTriangular ? size : k2-kc;
+ for(int i2=start; i2<end; i2+=mc)
+ {
+ const int actual_mc = std::min(mc,end-i2);
+ if (actual_mc>0)
+ {
+ pack_lhs(blockA, &lhs(i2, IsLowerTriangular ? k2 : k2-kc), lhsStride, actual_kc, actual_mc);
+ gebp_kernel(_rhs+i2, rhsStride, blockA, blockB, actual_mc, actual_kc, cols);
+ }
+ }
ei_aligned_stack_delete(Scalar, blockA, kc*mc);
ei_aligned_stack_delete(Scalar, blockB, kc*cols*Blocking::PacketSize);
-// delete[] blockB;